General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Re: God........

Message started by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 09:54:32

Title: Re: God........
Post by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 09:54:32

I lack the ability to explain God, to those who do not know him.
It is like trying to prove a negative.
How can I provide an answer to what you are not willing to try to understand?
You come at me with the intent to prove me wrong, not to hear witness...
That is totally on you, and not on me, as you are bent on promoting your OWN beliefs, pretending to dialogue, but in all truth, you are being disingenuous, and intellectually dishonest.
You think this dishonesty is what causes you turmoil, and conflict, in your own life, as you can never lie to yourself, only mask it, and it eats at you like a cancer?
You can blame me, politicians, guns, fossil fuel, bigotry, etc, and yet, never see its you who choose their own poison, and wonder why others don't die from it.....

Sorry, I can't help you.
The gate to heaven in small, and I can't even help a loved one through it.....
For in doing so would necessitate me turning my back on God, to help others through, and that would put me in a position of power that I could never, ever, prove worthy of, for I too am nothing but a sinner and would use that to promote myself.
I can witness by loving, and all its associated dictates, but as flesh, I know I will fall way short of that goal....

If not for the Cross, I would be doomed  :-[

This man, in this video, explains a very interesting point to/of God.
I recently asked where all the matter comes from.....remember?
See, as a believer I too can't grasp much of what I base my faith on.
My earthly mind can not wrap an understanding around it, to ambiguous, obscure, complex.....

It comes down to a simple fact of faith....
What is faith defined?

Definition of faith
plural faithsplay \[ch712]f[ch257]ths, sometimes [ch712]f[ch257]thz\
a :  allegiance to duty or a person :  loyalty lost faith in the company's president
b (1) :  fidelity to one's promises (2) :  sincerity of intentions acted in good faith
a (1) :  belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) :  belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b (1) :  firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return (2) :  complete trust
:  something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially :  a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith
on faith
:  without question took everything he said on faith

Not a one of us lack faith.
We use it daily to navigate through life.
Its like saying their are no absolutes, and therefor all things are subjective.

That is folly.
Yes, you can make such a statement, but you can never live according to its understanding, because it does not exist.

Fight it, fight against what you don't understand, is like riding your bike with your eyes closed....
Yes, you absolutely can.
The question remains, what will the outcome be?

Anyway, I am long winded this morning, sorry.....

Watch this short video, I find it remarkable.

Title: Re: God........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/17 at 10:28:12

Knowing enough to understand when you are trying to accomplish the impossible is part of the wisdom gained over time.

No explanation is sufficient for those who don't know. They are just part of creation..

Title: Re: God........
Post by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 10:42:56

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Knowing enough to understand when you are trying to accomplish the impossible is part of the wisdom gained over time.

No explanation is sufficient for those who don't know. They are just part of creation..

Wisdom, yes, indeed......

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.


Title: Re: God........
Post by Serowbot on 05/21/17 at 10:48:49

Pope Francis News: Pontiff Slams Hypocritical Catholics, Suggests Atheism Is Better Than Living Immoral Christian Life

Why People Believe In God And How Atheists Lost Their Religion

Why Do More Intelligent People Tend To Be Atheist?

The world is changing... Evolving... :-?

Title: Re: God........
Post by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 13:07:09

That is ripe, I will blame you for all things of harm that those who call themselves liberals do to others  ;D

The diff between you, me, ISIS, is I don't need herd mentality to feel good.
You keep fighting it, and like so called believers who want to, uninvited, call out the sins of others, and place restrictions upon them for their beliefs, educated, stupid, or anything between....
Go for it, and I suggest you let others go for theirs.

Hey TT..... is Bot jacking this thread  ;D

Title: Re: God........
Post by Serowbot on 05/21/17 at 14:42:51

687B637E7B6D7D1A0 wrote:
That is ripe, I will blame you for all things of harm that those who call themselves liberals do to others  ;D

Can I blame you for all the things God does?...  :-/

Title: Re: God........
Post by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 14:46:17

6573647961747962160 wrote:
[quote author=687B637E7B6D7D1A0 link=1495385672/0#4 date=1495397229]That is ripe, I will blame you for all things of harm that those who call themselves liberals do to others  ;D

Can I blame you for all the things God does?...  :-/[/quote]

You already have......
Do you read what you write?

Title: Re: God........
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/17 at 14:59:10

To each their own.

I love that in this country you can practice any religion you want.

What's sad is that so many people who believe in God, condemn those who don't.  I don't know why that is.  What do atheists actually do to believers?  It's like someone being homophobic.  A gay man doesn't want to "convert" a straight one - they just want the same rights.

I'm agnostic - I think it's arrogant of men to think they can begin to know what God is. But I would not tell someone they're wrong for worshiping.

I would point out hypocrisy when I see it though.

Title: Re: God........
Post by raydawg on 05/21/17 at 16:38:07

5D434C4D405D465B290 wrote:
To each their own.

I love that in this country you can practice any religion you want.

What's sad is that so many people who believe in God, condemn those who don't.  I don't know why that is.  What do atheists actually do to believers?  It's like someone being homophobic.  A gay man doesn't want to "convert" a straight one - they just want the same rights.

I'm agnostic - I think it's arrogant of men to think they can begin to know what God is. But I would not tell someone they're wrong for worshiping.

I would point out hypocrisy when I see it though.

I agree with you to each his own, but understand your claim of pointing out another's faults.....
You don't see the conflict with such a claim?

Christianity is being encroached upon, that is fact, it is by and far the most persecuted in history.....
With that said, here in America it is minimal.
I would even venture to say the push back is from those folks who want to extend its boundaries past separation.
I have stated many times I don't even want a God referencing on our currency, allegiance, etc....
We can never survive with freedom, if the government pushes religion....

When any chosen lifestyle or belief forces folks against their will, conflict is a certainty.

Title: Re: God........
Post by MnSpring on 05/23/17 at 11:48:20

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
  Can I blame you for all the things God does?...  :-/

I believe,  God,  Watches,  Observes.
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