General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Leaky President...

Message started by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 08:19:55

Title: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 08:19:55

Trump don't need a private server that just might allow classified intel to be hacked... he just leaks face to face with the enemy... :-?
The man is truly unfit... and dangerous.
Donald Trump's leaking of classified intelligence to Russians 'far worse than reported'

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/16/17 at 08:34:46

Was this an open meeting with reporters present?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 08:40:27


Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/17 at 08:56:52

Before you let your petticoats spontaneously combust from the friction between your wadded up panties and your ignorant ass, ask yourself what you actually Know.
Hillary had mountains of evidence tied to her. All blind.
Trump is being screwed over by ALLEGATIONS, everything ABOUT HIM, not policies, Him, the lefties have been Wrong, but continue the sniping.
There's a lot of good reason for talking to Russia.
I guess it's time to remind

All you lefties.
Trump would have us in a WAR WITH RUSSIA, remember?
Let's see now, it was after
He's not Serious,
He's gonna drop out, but
Was it Before he can't win?
Hell, IDK, you people have been wrong so much I can't keep up.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 09:00:18

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
Before you let your petticoats spontaneously combust from the friction between your wadded up panties and your ignorant ass, ask yourself what you actually Know.
Hillary had mountains of evidence tied to her. All blind.
Trump is being screwed over by ALLEGATIONS, everything ABOUT HIM, not policies, Him, the lefties have been Wrong, but continue the sniping.
There's a lot of good reason for talking to Russia.
I guess it's time to remind

All you lefties.
Trump would have us in a WAR WITH RUSSIA, remember?
Let's see now, it was after
He's not Serious,
He's gonna drop out, but
Was it Before he can't win?
Hell, IDK, you people have been wrong so much I can't keep up.

Wait - you forgot some things....







LOL - you're funny!

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/16/17 at 09:13:45

5543544951444952260 wrote:

So, it was a closed meeting with no reporters... how they get their info?
Isn't that a security breech?
Didn't daily mail say trump went off script?  
How'd they know what the script was?
Don't we already know about the laptop bombs from the 7 countries?
And the airlines are already talking about expanding to everywhere?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 09:42:20

Whenever Trumpy gets in trouble,.. it's the leak that's the problem...
Distraction the gross incompetence...

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by oldNslow on 05/16/17 at 09:50:56

Whenever Trumpy gets in trouble,.. it's the leak that's the problem...

I don't think "Trumpy" is in trouble. Whoever talked to the guy from the Post might be though. Or at least very shortly unemployed ;D.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 10:09:56

A denial a day, keeps impeachment away... ;D

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 11:12:50

Everyone on this thread - do yourselves a favor and watch McMaster's press conference.

If you watch nothing else - watch from 17:00 to the end.

No one is going to tell me that our president is competent to lead this country.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 13:16:47

   President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

   The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

"According to one U.S. official, the information shared was highly sensitive and difficult to acquire and was considered extraordinarily valuable."

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 13:29:13

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
   President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

   The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

"According to one U.S. official, the information shared was highly sensitive and difficult to acquire and was considered extraordinarily valuable."

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/16/17 at 13:30:33

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
   President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

   The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

"According to one U.S. official, the information shared was highly sensitive and difficult to acquire and was considered extraordinarily valuable."

You forgot for add the last part that stated the president has the authority to declassify information and what he did wasn't illegal. So if you are going to post something post it all since since something said out of context is useless and helps spread ignorance.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by oldNslow on 05/16/17 at 13:35:18

 according to current and former U.S. officials,

 officials said.

"According to one U.S. official,

There's some hard hitting investigative journalism for ya.

If your sources can't or won't go on record and own what they say, how do you prove you're not just makin'; sh*t up. ? I guess I just don't understand how the media works  ;)

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 13:40:11

6E5A4B5959574F04053C0 wrote:
[quote author=4A5C4B564E5B564D390 link=1494947995/0#10 date=1494965807]    President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

   The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

"According to one U.S. official, the information shared was highly sensitive and difficult to acquire and was considered extraordinarily valuable."

You forgot for add the last part that stated the president has the authority to declassify information and what he did wasn't illegal. So if you are going to post something post it all since since something said out of context is useless and helps spread ignorance.[/quote]

You are semantically correct.  But also, please consider that (as it was stated on the end of McMaster's press conference) our president didn't consult - and therefore didn't KNOW what was or wasn't classified when he spoke to the russians. I think that should also be understood

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/16/17 at 13:48:57

You are semantically correct.  But also, please consider that (as it was stated on the end of McMaster's press conference) our president didn't consult - and therefore didn't KNOW what was or wasn't classified when he spoke to the russians. I think that should also be understood

Look IF he did those things I don't fully agree with it but I also don't know the context of the conversation or why it was brought up. All I was pointing out is that serowbot copied and pasted the Washington journals post except for the last part stating it wasn't illegal, it seems to be a liberal trend post everything, except the parts they don't agree with. So why go through the trouble of copy and pasting that whole post but leave out the last few sentences. I'll tell you why to be deliberately misleading and I just wanted to point that out.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/16/17 at 13:58:38

All the crat's know is broacast our every move and mistep to the world.

Look world, we just assassinated OBL.  We got all his correspondence and computers... we are coming for you. (hide if you can)

Look world, trump just declassified some secret info from a secret source, ha ha never work with us again.


Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/16/17 at 14:02:00

How can you be in possession of data if your were not consulted on it?
Lots of weird supposition, and if it's about laptops and flying I think I read stories about this last week.....????

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 14:10:21

US intelligence agents reportedly warned Israeli officials against giving classified information to Donald Trump's administration because it could be leaked to Russia.

Intelligence concerns, discussed in private meetings, were based on suspected ties between the President's close associates and the Kremlin, a report in January said.---The article, by Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot,

The point is,.. our allies can't trust us... specifically Trump and his administration.
That endangers our troops.  If you care about troops,.. this should matter to you.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/16/17 at 14:18:58

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:

US intelligence agents reportedly warned Israeli officials against giving classified information to Donald Trump's administration because it could be leaked to Russia.

Intelligence concerns, discussed in private meetings, were based on suspected ties between the President's close associates and the Kremlin, a report in January said.---The article, by Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot,

The point is,.. our allies can't trust us... specifically Trump and his administration.
That endangers our troops.  If you care about troops,.. this should matter to you.

How do you know what was said endangers troops? How do you know what was said behind closed doors? What agents exactly told isreal to not share information with the US President? Name one source the exact person who said these things not an "agency" not a "person close to the administration" name one specific source. Don't worry I'll wait.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 14:25:37

We don't know what was said...  What we know is,.. the information was given to us in confidence and wasn't to be shared.
Now, we have broken that trust.  It is the broken trust that is dangerous.  
Will this source be so willing to share intel in the future?...
Doubtful...  that is the danger.
Will that affect other countries willingness to share intel?...
Very possible... that is the danger.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 14:31:31

445740415E5355575C03320 wrote:
All the crat's know is broacast our every move and mistep to the world.

Look world, we just assassinated OBL.  We got all his correspondence and computers... we are coming for you. (hide if you can)

Look world, trump just declassified some secret info from a secret source, ha ha never work with us again.


LOL - I think you're labeling the wrong people idiots.  Anyone who thinks that anything this president does is OK is pretty much an idiot.

But yeah, I'm sure the right would have been just fine with Obama having a closed door meeting with russians and having several of his cabinet members under investigation for working with the same... yeah...

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 14:33:42

7A69716C697F6F080 wrote:
How can you be in possession of data if your were not consulted on it?
Lots of weird supposition, and if it's about laptops and flying I think I read stories about this last week.....????

Again - just watch the McMaster press conference at 17 min in.  The media isn't reporting this... McMaster is!!  He said our president DIDN'T KNOW what was classified and what wasn't!!

So yeah... nothing to see here...... move along.....

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 14:53:20

Erick Erickson: Trump's Russia Leak Is 'Far Worse' Than Reported
"The President does not seem to realize or appreciate that his bragging can undermine relationships with our allies and with human intelligence sources.- Erick Erickson "

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/16/17 at 15:23:44

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
We don't know what was said...  What we know is,.. the information was given to us in confidence and wasn't to be shared.
Now, we have broken that trust.  It is the broken trust that is dangerous.  
Will this source be so willing to share intel in the future?...
Doubtful...  that is the danger.
Will that affect other countries willingness to share intel?...
Very possible... that is the danger.

So you just admitted you don't know what was said so then how do you come to the conclusion that what was shared to us was discussed. So if you don't know that then how do you again come to the conclusion that we've broken the trust. Again WHAT source? So far all this is, is just pure speculation. Countries share Intel to help them selves as well so I'm not worried about countries stopping the flow of intel.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Serowbot on 05/16/17 at 16:01:34


Defending Trump's actions day after day, must be tough.
His own staff can't keep up.
Looks like Spicer's on the outs... :-/

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Trippah on 05/16/17 at 16:08:40

Hay, he had a hot date with a pretty Ruskie, of course he just had to show off.  No big deal, she wasn't wearing a purple address or offered oral pleasuring that warranted how many impeachment motions????? ;D

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/16/17 at 16:23:37

Its coming fast, all the stories, would love to see someone step up and give facts, not rumors, he said, she said, etc.....

I want context, exactly what it is that was said, by whom, and how we came to find this out.

Why all the shadow dancing and deceit...... can't we handle the truth?

Let the swap draining beginning....
Who it sucks down the drain, oh well.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/17 at 16:39:32

3523342931242932460 wrote:
We don't know what was said...  What we know is,.. the information was given to us in confidence and wasn't to be shared.
Now, we have broken that trust.  It is the broken trust that is dangerous.  
Will this source be so willing to share intel in the future?...
Doubtful...  that is the danger.
Will that affect other countries willingness to share intel?...
Very possible... that is the danger.

No, you don't know that. All you know is a newspaper which has been one sided and frankly more wrong than right on Trump, reported that souces leaked something was said about intel during the meeting.

The pressure to be the one who breaks the story that fells Trump has got to be tremendous for those liberal reporters. Like many "scandals" before, as more time passes, it becomes clear un-named sources didn't get he story right. Let's just wait a bit and see how this one plays out.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/17 at 16:43:00


Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/17 at 17:07:30

Hey, as long as he DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS DIVULGING SECRET information, then it's okay, Remember?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/16/17 at 17:17:11

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:


Web, how long do you think this battle will rage?
At work, union, Pacific Northwest, read: greater Seattle, I would say a pretty healthy majority still break with Trump, and just appear to shrug it off.
I am not sensing the same momentum, you see of folks like Bot and TT, thinking this is a big deal.
I believe most of it is associated with folks just getting tired of it....
After the election run up, results, etc, they just want some time away from all the political crap and spin.
I guess it's just a form of entertainment for others  ;D

How is the beltway seeing this?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/16/17 at 17:25:07

3325322F37222F34400 wrote:

Defending Trump's actions day after day, must be tough.
His own staff can't keep up.
Looks like Spicer's on the outs... :-/

So you have no decent response but instead of saying ok you got me I don't know, you just hit me with a whatever and a cop out about defending Trump. Come on man I even said if he did do what they said I didn't agree with it and I would agree it was wrong. I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong when I am. The cop outs and childish responses when proven wrong are why liberals aren't taken serious.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/17 at 17:28:05

When Saint Hillary , Noble Liar of Washington D.C. was accused her defenders here pointed out that unless it could be proven that she willfully chose to break the law, it was not a crime.
Trump wasn't briefed, so he COULDN'T have known.
Gee, no paragraphs marked with a C when you are just talking..
The level of hypocrisy you people can be comfortable in is amazing..
Really, people? Don't remember the crap you called reasonable just months ago?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by MnSpring on 05/16/17 at 17:58:05

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
When Saint Hillary , Noble Liar of Washington D.C. was accused her defenders here pointed out that unless it could be proven that she willfully chose to break the law, it was not a crime.   Trump wasn't briefed, so he COULDN'T have known. Gee, no paragraphs marked with a C when you are just talking.. The level of hypocrisy you people can be comfortable in is amazing.. Really, people? Don't remember the crap you called reasonable just months ago?

Really, people? Don’t remember the crap you called reasonable just months ago?

That is  the  ABSOLUTELY, ASTOUNDING  PART !!!!!!!!!!  

2007,  I said a candidate was  NOT   Fitted for the Job.
No, discussion, Just;
 “YOU ARE Raciest”  
    “YOU are,  Predigest”

       etc, etc, etc.

In 2011, I said the same thing, but added, ’See what he has done”
     No Discussion, just;
  “YOU ARE Raciest”  
 “YOU are,  Predigest”

       etc, etc, etc.

Ya know what?
  Didn’t,  Stand in the Street and  CRY.
     (Nor did anybody I know of)

Today, is  different,  Why ?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/17 at 18:41:13

I couldn't understand how someone could cheat to Win a game, then run off, kicking the heels and cheering, celebrating as If they had won.
Now, I watch adults behave with just as little honor.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/17 at 19:40:12

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:


Apples and oranges.  tweety was completely on his own and had no idea what was classified and what wasn't (you know, he hates his briefings).  Obama was briefed and knew exactly what intel could or should be shared.

HUGE different.

Nice try though....

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/17 at 20:15:37

Yea, it's  always apples and oranges....

Dawg, I don't think the average Trump voter cares because for one thing, they don't trust what's reported and why would they. Liberal reporters can only cry wolf for so long before they are ignored.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/17 at 20:26:09

They are as relevant as Sarah Palin.
Destroyed their own credibility.
Impossible to take people seriously who have no willingness to see when They are Wrong.
It's FUNNY, and you're the jokes. I've been playing along, waiting for you to completely ensnare yourselves, and Now it's apples and oranges..

Spell that out.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by thumperclone on 05/17/17 at 00:52:40

i think its spelled
i d i o t

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 05:38:05

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
They are as relevant as Sarah Palin.
Destroyed their own credibility.
Impossible to take people seriously who have no willingness to see when They are Wrong.
It's FUNNY, and you're the jokes. I've been playing along, waiting for you to completely ensnare yourselves, and Now it's apples and oranges..

Spell that out.

Well let's see....

One president was briefed, well informed and in touch with intelligence sources before he did anything.  He was also divulging US intelligence.

The other president ignored briefings (he said it himself), was not aware of what was classified and what wasn't and he was sharing intelligence from Israel - and they asked us NOT to share it.

Apples and oranges.  If you can't see the difference - LMAO - what am I saying?!?  Of course you can't!!

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/17 at 05:48:44

I've WATCHED while corruption dripping off your democrats was invisible to you.
I'm sick of you people pretending Trump is so awful. He's no JFK, but he's sure not Hillary.
Until the left learn to see the corruption of their own, im not going to be very critical of Trump. I'm tired of dealing with the cheapness. You people are really something.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 06:23:39

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
I've WATCHED while corruption dripping off your democrats was invisible to you.
I'm sick of you people pretending Trump is so awful. He's no JFK, but he's sure not Hillary.
Until the left learn to see the corruption of their own, im not going to be very critical of Trump. I'm tired of dealing with the cheapness. You people are really something.

Jog, love your using if the word cheapness......
Yes, as seen with the last SC judge confirmed, we witnessed a tactic the left deployed to get their results, yet foul when its turned back on them.
They talk about tolerance, yet don't exhibit it themselves.
The list is long, and their blindness selective.
However, I believe Trump has cheapened himself.
He has shown a extreme lack of verbal discipline.
He has effectively cheapened dialogue.
He has caused his own grief.
His demeanor is very suspect, aside from all the charges.
If you can't see that, then you are as blind as those on the left, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/17 at 06:30:45

I see Trump. I'm not impressed. I also know what games are played. I've been here for years. I've criticized left and right. I need no one to point out the inconsistencies and lies of either side.
Watching the one eyed critics see only the evils of the Other Side has gotten tiresome.
So much so that I'm just gonna harp on the Harpie, the Bipedal Pustule, and the stench that accompanies her. Until these lefties will admit that their candidate has warts, I'm done typing what I see that I don't like about Trump.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 07:22:59

Turn a blind eye to to tweety, and he'll poke them both out.

All you "conservatives" go right on ahead hating on hillary, true democrats feel the same way - but you should get the point - she's done.  Her career is over and the democratic establishment is on it's death bed.

Bernie sanders remains to be the most popular (in a positive sense) politician in the country.  He's polling higher than anyone.  That's no mistake.

But yeah, you go ahead and push that hillary narrative and see how far that gets you.  All it does is distract from the flaming pile of poo we have in the White House today.  You want him to stay? Then keep bringing up how terrible hillary is.  Ignore what's going on in the here and now and keep paying attention to a candidate that lost.  Keep thinking that we would have been worse off with her instead of seeing what tweety is really doing and why, and for who?

Let us all know how that works out for ya...

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 07:29:52

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
I see Trump. I'm not impressed. I also know what games are played. I've been here for years. I've criticized left and right. I need no one to point out the inconsistencies and lies of either side.
Watching the one eyed critics see only the evils of the Other Side has gotten tiresome.
So much so that I'm just gonna harp on the Harpie, the Bipedal Pustule, and the stench that accompanies her. Until these lefties will admit that their candidate has warts, I'm done typing what I see that I don't like about Trump.

Oh I believe you and see your consistency in posting.
The left is a waste of your time, here on this board.
It's on you thinking your sharing is going to be honestly considered.
My point was Trump brought this on himself, IF....
You look at his behavior.
You will always get attention from opposition while in the office, he has showed no ability to diplomacy, which I believe is critical to the position.....
He seems to still think it's a TV show, and he has absolutel power.
That is his fault, is all I am trying to say.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/17 at 07:48:18

And, remember JFK. How much CAN Trump make Me happy and survive?
Not much, it seems. Obama told us what he would do. He said he would destroy the coal industry and he did a lot. He said he would Fix health care, and woo hoo, looka That!
He also said he would not engage in further military adventures for reasons other than dealing with a real threat.
We keep our doctors.
Over and over. Whose agenda is moved?
Who wins?
You? Me? America?
Why is it so hard for people to see it's a Globalist agenda that is being forwarded?
Both sides are tools, and unless the Dumbmasses wake up, the destination of All our futures is just a spot on the graph, easily located by looking at the economy, opportunity, morality of yesterday and today. It's been downhill since the late sixties,,

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 08:02:47

2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 wrote:
And, remember JFK. How much CAN Trump make Me happy and survive?
Not much, it seems. Obama told us what he would do. He said he would destroy the coal industry and he did a lot. He said he would Fix health care, and woo hoo, looka That!
He also said he would not engage in further military adventures for reasons other than dealing with a real threat.
We keep our doctors.
Over and over. Whose agenda is moved?
Who wins?
You? Me? America?
Why is it so hard for people to see it's a Globalist agenda that is being forwarded?
Both sides are tools, and unless the Dumbmasses wake up, the destination of All our futures is just a spot on the graph, easily located by looking at the economy, opportunity, morality of yesterday and today. It's been downhill since the late sixties,,

OK then - since you seem to KNOW what the problem is - then what would YOU recommend be done?

You seem more fatalist than anything.

Don't tell me the sky is falling and then just watch it fall.  

What's YOUR plan?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 08:06:07

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
And, remember JFK. How much CAN Trump make Me happy and survive?
Not much, it seems. Obama told us what he would do. He said he would destroy the coal industry and he did a lot. He said he would Fix health care, and woo hoo, looka That!
He also said he would not engage in further military adventures for reasons other than dealing with a real threat.
We keep our doctors.
Over and over. Whose agenda is moved?
Who wins?
You? Me? America?
Why is it so hard for people to see it's a Globalist agenda that is being forwarded?
Both sides are tools, and unless the Dumbmasses wake up, the destination of All our futures is just a spot on the graph, easily located by looking at the economy, opportunity, morality of yesterday and today. It's been downhill since the late sixties,,

Well my bible fortells the global ending.
Even if I had no faith prophetically, one can just see how globalization is unfolding under the democracy label.
How arrogant are we to believe others would benefit by our system of governance?
Sure, we all claim to know the wisdom associated with power and money equals absolute corruption.....
But are willing to look aside if it appears our guys are in control.....

I would be scared sheetless right now, if I didn't have the assurance of my faith.
This won't end well for many, sadly, however, it can't be stopped.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/17 at 08:11:05

Unite the masses through education.
We have all been lied to and propagandized.
Unless people are ready to admit that they are uninformed and misinformed and they look for information that would help them see how things work,  we can't defeat the creeps who are running things.
They actually did sabotage the education system.
Listen to Charlotte Iserbyt.
Understand what Cloward and Piven said.
Why DO what they say is certain destruction?
Why is it noble to commit suicide by flooding your own home with needy people?

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 08:17:30

5B48504D485E4E290 wrote:
Well my bible fortells the global ending.
Even if I had no faith prophetically, one can just see how globalization is unfolding under the democracy label.
How arrogant are we to believe others would benefit by our system of governance?
Sure, we all claim to know the wisdom associated with power and money equals absolute corruption.....
But are willing to look aside if it appears our guys are in control.....

I would be scared sheetless right now, if I didn't have the assurance of my faith.
This won't end well for many, sadly, however, it can't be stopped.

Sorry, but you can't pray this away.  If you hang your hat on faith alone - you will lose.... we will lose.

Your religion is not the only one.  Your beliefs are not the only one.  Your perspective is only yours.

Civilization has changed and this Planet is on the verge of of a new epoch.  Where it leads is anyone's guess, but as a society, people need to evolve beyond selfishness and xenophobia.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/17/17 at 08:19:41

7F616E6F627F64790B0 wrote:
Turn a blind eye to to tweety, and he'll poke them both out.

All you "conservatives" go right on ahead hating on hillary, true democrats feel the same way - but you should get the point - she's done.  Her career is over and the democratic establishment is on it's death bed.

Bernie sanders remains to be the most popular (in a positive sense) politician in the country.  He's polling higher than anyone.  That's no mistake.

But yeah, you go ahead and push that hillary narrative and see how far that gets you.  All it does is distract from the flaming pile of poo we have in the White House today.  You want him to stay? Then keep bringing up how terrible hillary is.  Ignore what's going on in the here and now and keep paying attention to a candidate that lost.  Keep thinking that we would have been worse off with her instead of seeing what tweety is really doing and why, and for who?

Let us all know how that works out for ya...

Ok again HOW do you KNOW that what was told to us by isreal was shared when there is no transcript of what was said? Please give me a credible named source saying this and not some news agency, a person. I agree Hillary is done so I don't bring it up or care about it. Let me get this straight, you want a president (Bernie Sanders) who doesn't think we need a military, who thinks all money should be spread out equally, and who is by all definitions of the word a socialist. Give me a break, guys on oil rigs doing hard work shouldn't get the same pay as a guy bagging your food at McDonald's. CEO's who have built their own company through hard work and dedication shouldn't be a financial equal with a lazy system playing freeloader. We will never know if we would have been worse off with Hillary what's done is done. If the democrats would stop stonewalling every single move by Trump just for the sake of doing it just cause it's Trump, we might actually see some improvement. Now I'm not saying let Trump do what he wants but let the Democratic system work fairly not be abused by butthurt whiners throwing a temper tantrum.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/17 at 08:25:01

So, how many people will you be adopting?
Or do you just demand that we All adopt the people in need?
And how will we care for them? What Standard of living will we hand them?
How about we have the VA administer their needs. Look at how many of OUR VETS are in extreme need.
Your house is on fire and you're trying to rescue the neighbors.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 08:28:32

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
Unite the masses through education.
We have all been lied to and propagandized.
Unless people are ready to admit that they are uninformed and misinformed and they look for information that would help them see how things work,  we can't defeat the creeps who are running things.
They actually did sabotage the education system.
Listen to Charlotte Iserbyt.
Understand what Cloward and Piven said.

What makes THEM right and others wrong?  Are they oracles?
You yourself said that we are being lied to - why trust them?
See my point?

Personally, I think Charlotte is paranoid in her views on "marxist" schools.  I've put all my kids through the system (after having gone through it myself) and don't see any connection - ideologically or otherwise.

C&P's radical idea is just that.  Our welfare rolls have fluctuated for decades.  It's the bought-and-paid-for politicians that have endangered our social security.  

Why DO what they say is certain destruction?
Why is it noble to commit suicide by flooding your own home with needy people?

I would flood my home with needy people based on human kindness - and faith in them.  If we lose that - we're done for.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 08:48:34

7A4E5F4D4D435B1011280 wrote:
Ok again HOW do you KNOW that what was told to us by isreal was shared when there is no transcript of what was said? Please give me a credible named source saying this and not some news agency, a person. I agree Hillary is done so I don't bring it up or care about it. Let me get this straight, you want a president (Bernie Sanders) who doesn't think we need a military, who thinks all money should be spread out equally, and who is by all definitions of the word a socialist.

You really have the wrong idea about Sanders.  Nowhere on his platform did he say we don't need a military.  That's a lie someone told you that you believe.

He also does not think that "money should be spread out equally" - but if you didn't know, corporations in this country are now paying less taxes than ever before.  Further, the nominal tax rate in the 50's was well over 70%.

Bernie is a democratic socialist.  Sorry to break it to you, but that's the country we've lived in since pretty much always.  Public education, interstate highways, public utilities, police, firemen, medicare, medicaid, etc.  All socialistic in nature.

Give me a break, guys on oil rigs doing hard work shouldn't get the same pay as a guy bagging your food at McDonald's.

I personally don't agree with a $15/hour minimum wage.  But it should still be equal to the pay we got back in high school - about $10/hr in today's money.  

Funny you should bring up the pay of guys on oil rigs.  The oil companies make billions in profit every quarter.  Why are their worker's wages so low?  Who's fault is that?

CEO's who have built their own company through hard work and dedication shouldn't be a financial equal with a lazy system playing freeloader.

No one is saying they should.  But they shouldn't pay less than you or I either.  If we pay 30% in taxes, so should they, right?  The income inequality of ceo's and their employees is at an all time high.  Again - why do you think that is?

We will never know if we would have been worse off with Hillary what's done is done. If the democrats would stop stonewalling every single move by Trump just for the sake of doing it just cause it's Trump, we might actually see some improvement.

Did you know that the republicans, during Obama's term, set a record for filibusters?  Did you know Obama was the only president in history to not be given a hearing for a supreme court justice appointment?  Did you know that Obama was the only president in history to be denied a hearing on a budget?  Senator mitch (turtle) mcconnel said, straight faced to the cameras, "my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president."

Now I'm not saying let Trump do what he wants but let the Democratic system work fairly not be abused by butthurt whiners throwing a temper tantrum.

I'm not endorsing the childish behavior of EITHER side, but to think it's only been on one side is just wrong.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by Jarhead-CO on 05/17/17 at 09:35:13

786669686578637E0C0 wrote:
[quote author=7A4E5F4D4D435B1011280 link=1494947995/45#51 date=1495034381]

Ok again HOW do you KNOW that what was told to us by isreal was shared when there is no transcript of what was said? Please give me a credible named source saying this and not some news agency, a person. I agree Hillary is done so I don't bring it up or care about it. Let me get this straight, you want a president (Bernie Sanders) who doesn't think we need a military, who thinks all money should be spread out equally, and who is by all definitions of the word a socialist.

You really have the wrong idea about Sanders.  Nowhere on his platform did he say we don't need a military.  That's a lie someone told you that you believe.

He also does not think that "money should be spread out equally" - but if you didn't know, corporations in this country are now paying less taxes than ever before.  Further, the nominal tax rate in the 50's was well over 70%.

Bernie is a democratic socialist.  Sorry to break it to you, but that's the country we've lived in since pretty much always.  Public education, interstate highways, public utilities, police, firemen, medicare, medicaid, etc.  All socialistic in nature.

Give me a break, guys on oil rigs doing hard work shouldn't get the same pay as a guy bagging your food at McDonald's.

I personally don't agree with a $15/hour minimum wage.  But it should still be equal to the pay we got back in high school - about $10/hr in today's money.  

Funny you should bring up the pay of guys on oil rigs.  The oil companies make billions in profit every quarter.  Why are their worker's wages so low?  Who's fault is that?

CEO's who have built their own company through hard work and dedication shouldn't be a financial equal with a lazy system playing freeloader.

No one is saying they should.  But they shouldn't pay less than you or I either.  If we pay 30% in taxes, so should they, right?  The income inequality of ceo's and their employees is at an all time high.  Again - why do you think that is?

We will never know if we would have been worse off with Hillary what's done is done. If the democrats would stop stonewalling every single move by Trump just for the sake of doing it just cause it's Trump, we might actually see some improvement.

Did you know that the republicans, during Obama's term, set a record for filibusters?  Did you know Obama was the only president in history to not be given a hearing for a supreme court justice appointment?  Did you know that Obama was the only president in history to be denied a hearing on a budget?  Senator mitch (turtle) mcconnel said, straight faced to the cameras, "my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president."

Now I'm not saying let Trump do what he wants but let the Democratic system work fairly not be abused by butthurt whiners throwing a temper tantrum.

I'm not endorsing the childish behavior of EITHER side, but to think it's only been on one side is just wrong.
I didn't want to quote this while thing but I'm tired and need to read back over it. I know I'm being selfish :) . Ok I should have stated the military thing better.
He wants to significantly reduce the military to pre WW1 numbers and make massive cuts to spending. In turn the gear would be cheap and run down. Training would be severely diminished and the overall effectiveness would be cut down drastically.

On wealth distribution, yes corporate taxes were cut but if Trump is able to push his tax act through you and I will be paying 5 maybe 10 percent which he'll yeah I'll take a 20% raise.

Bernie Sanders is a socialist and yes I know the country is technically a democratic socialist state. People always bring up o Denmark has free education and healthcare for everyone, gov't run municipalities, police, fire etc.... Yeah they also pay a 60% income tax, I think I'll pass.

Again I agree with your views on minimum wage, only I will add that I believe it should also be based on cost of living per area. A person making 10 an hour in middle of nowhere Kansas can do somewhat okay. Living in New York city making 10 an hour is not possible.

The average pay of oil deck hands is around 100k a year I wouldn't call that low.

Trump is on track to be filibustered more than Obama. No president in history has had the any party left or right flat out just stop showing up to cabinet member appointing hearings, Trump STILL doesn't have his full team. Obama just didn't have the opportunity for a SCJ hearing, and don't give me that crap about Scalia no president has ever appointed a SCJ in the last year of thier term and the last time it happened to come up the democrats were the ones raising hell about it not being allowed.
The budget meeting fiasco I agree was uncalled for I have no excuse nor would I make one for that.
Democrats and liberals have been screaming Impeachment before he was sworn in so don't give me that o but Mich said he was trying to make Obama a one term president There is way more pushback on trump then there ever was on obama.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by MShipley on 05/17/17 at 09:52:01

I think impeachment is on the table, after all there is just as much evidence that he colluded with the Unicorns as the Russians and we know the Unicorns are out to get us.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 10:12:15

7F616E6F627F64790B0 wrote:
[quote author=5B48504D485E4E290 link=1494947995/45#48 date=1495033567]

Well my bible fortells the global ending.
Even if I had no faith prophetically, one can just see how globalization is unfolding under the democracy label.
How arrogant are we to believe others would benefit by our system of governance?
Sure, we all claim to know the wisdom associated with power and money equals absolute corruption.....
But are willing to look aside if it appears our guys are in control.....

I would be scared sheetless right now, if I didn't have the assurance of my faith.
This won't end well for many, sadly, however, it can't be stopped.

Sorry, but you can't pray this away.  If you hang your hat on faith alone - you will lose.... we will lose.

Your religion is not the only one.  Your beliefs are not the only one.  Your perspective is only yours.

Civilization has changed and this Planet is on the verge of of a new epoch.  Where it leads is anyone's guess, but as a society, people need to evolve beyond selfishness and xenophobia.[/quote]

Pray away......huh?
Where did I say that?
Yes, the world, therefor lives, are changing.
You can find any rationale you need to justify your beliefs, everyone can, and that's the rub....
Who's belief then wins out when it conflicts with others?
Yes, the one with the most power, not truth.

Also, indeed the world is on a threshold of new technology.
Who decides who gets cloned, or who can live forever?
Certainly not everyone, the planet won't take such pollution, so the foot print of man will need to be lessened.
Who decides that?
Yes, he with the most power.

You think your belief of inclusion ( in your mind ) is a winner....
Yet a day will come when thinning of the herd will need to be enforced, as other consideration to those holding the power will need to effect.
It's human nature, survival....
It's as old as mankind and the deepest emotion, and instinct, that will prove his own demise.
You can argue otherwise, but this reasoning explains every war and confrontation, etc, since man was hatched.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by oldNslow on 05/17/17 at 10:18:08

No president in history has had the any party left or right flat out just stop showing up to cabinet member appointing hearings,

There is no difference that matters between the democrats and the republicans in congress or in the bureaucracy that really runs things.and they are all out to f*ck Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do. His biggest accomplishment may consist of making that fact apparent to any one paying attention. That's the only thing that might start this country on the road to positive change.

Trump himself may or may not go down in flames. Unless he takes the washington weasels down, with or without him, nothing changes, and the USA will just continue circling the drain.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 11:19:25

42766775757B632829100 wrote:
I didn't want to quote this while thing but I'm tired and need to read back over it. I know I'm being selfish :) . Ok I should have stated the military thing better.

Keyword on that article - MIGHT.  Bernie's first call to action is a republican's wet dream - cut waste.

He wants to significantly reduce the military to pre WW1 numbers and make massive cuts to spending. In turn the gear would be cheap and run down. Training would be severely diminished and the overall effectiveness would be cut down drastically.

Actually, the work of many of the bloated government contractors would be the first to go.  I'm not sure how you figure gear would suddenly get run down - but you've served.  I think that Bernie would want what's best for the service personnel.  After all, look at his policies on vets and the VA.

On wealth distribution, yes corporate taxes were cut but if Trump is able to push his tax act through you and I will be paying 5 maybe 10 percent which he'll yeah I'll take a 20% raise.

So would I!  But... how would we pay for it?  The latest budget from this president would increase the deficit to 2008 levels...

Bernie Sanders is a socialist and yes I know the country is technically a democratic socialist state. People always bring up o Denmark has free education and healthcare for everyone, gov't run municipalities, police, fire etc.... Yeah they also pay a 60% income tax, I think I'll pass.

Again, not the policy of Bernie.  A simple base increase on taxable income would do wonders.  Unless you make more than $ 1 million a year, there would be zero effect on you.  

Again I agree with your views on minimum wage, only I will add that I believe it should also be based on cost of living per area. A person making 10 an hour in middle of nowhere Kansas can do somewhat okay. Living in New York city making 10 an hour is not possible.

Well, when I was in high school, I was making $4.25/hr.  I lived in bumble f nowhere.  I had maybe 50 kids in my class.  That same money would be about $10 in today's cash.

The average pay of oil deck hands is around 100k a year I wouldn't call that low.

You're the one that brought that up - I was building on your metaphor.  I personally think they deserve more than $100k

Trump is on track to be filibustered more than Obama. No president in history has had the any party left or right flat out just stop showing up to cabinet member appointing hearings, Trump STILL doesn't have his full team. Obama just didn't have the opportunity for a SCJ hearing, and don't give me that crap about Scalia no president has ever appointed a SCJ in the last year of thier term and the last time it happened to come up the democrats were the ones raising hell about it not being allowed.

When did Scalia die?  Obama had his pick.  There was absolutely no reason to deny a vote.  (it's easy to find guys like mitch the turtle basically saying "no" for no reason).  I afraid you are wrong there sir.

The budget meeting fiasco I agree was uncalled for I have no excuse nor would I make one for that.

Not for you to defend - you're a rational person.

Democrats and liberals have been screaming Impeachment before he was sworn in so don't give me that o but Mich said he was trying to make Obama a one term president There is way more pushback on trump then there ever was on obama.

With good reason - just look at what's going on with comey and russia!!  Not to mention maralago, loyalty pledges, open threats on twitter, no blind trusts, etc....

Seriously??  Don't make me take back the statement above.... Do you honestly think if Obama had been caught on tape talking about a girl thingy, that he would have ever survived?

Did you forget about the whole birth certificate?  Did you know that a majority of tweety supporters still think that Obama is a Muslim?  


Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 11:32:45

30233B26233525420 wrote:
Pray away......huh?
Where did I say that?

"I would be scared sheetless right now, if I didn't have the assurance of my faith."

Yes, the world, therefor lives, are changing.
You can find any rationale you need to justify your beliefs, everyone can, and that's the rub....
Who's belief then wins out when it conflicts with others?
Yes, the one with the most power, not truth.

Also, indeed the world is on a threshold of new technology.

No - a new epoch.
If you look at history, faith-based ideologies have brought us this far.  But as our race evolves, we need to make the next step into another age that will allow us to grow as a species.  That growth got from flying to the moon in less than 70 years.

Who decides who gets cloned, or who can live forever?
Certainly not everyone, the planet won't take such pollution, so the foot print of man will need to be lessened.
Who decides that?
Yes, he with the most power.

I don't buy into dystopian ideals.  That's what holds us back - politics.

You think your belief of inclusion ( in your mind ) is a winner....
Yet a day will come when thinning of the herd will need to be enforced, as other consideration to those holding the power will need to effect.

Why?  Why will there be a "thinning of the herd"?  Again - that's dystopian.

It's human nature, survival....
It's as old as mankind and the deepest emotion, and instinct, that will prove his own demise.

That actually makes no sense.  In fact, man's inherent drive to survive is one of the reasons we're still here surviving... more than that - owning.

You can argue otherwise, but this reasoning explains every war and confrontation, etc, since man was hatched.

The main reasons behind wars are political and religious.  It's sad, but wars have spurred creativity and technology.

I hope that a shared ideology will prevail in that we're in this together - as a species.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 12:27:03

You don't appear to subscribe to your last hope/statement......

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/17 at 13:22:26

3A29312C293F2F480 wrote:
You don't appear to subscribe to your last hope/statement......

Shared is the keyword.

I've said before that an all democratic or all conservative mindset is sure to fail.  Just as an all capitalist or all liberal society will fail.

Shared ideology means a sum of us all.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 15:13:14

584649484558435E2C0 wrote:
[quote author=3A29312C293F2F480 link=1494947995/60#61 date=1495049223]You don't appear to subscribe to your last hope/statement......

Shared is the keyword.

I've said before that an all democratic or all conservative mindset is sure to fail.  Just as an all capitalist or all liberal society will fail.

Shared ideology means a sum of us all.[/quote]
What you say, you do not exhibit.
You told me I am not a democrat because apparently you have your own agenda that I must heed to belong.....
The same deplorable voted Obama in, and now they voted change, again...
Your party idea has lost seats and power.
You talk a game, period.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/18/17 at 10:06:30

44574F52574151360 wrote:
[quote author=584649484558435E2C0 link=1494947995/60#62 date=1495052546][quote author=3A29312C293F2F480 link=1494947995/60#61 date=1495049223]You don't appear to subscribe to your last hope/statement......

Shared is the keyword.

I've said before that an all democratic or all conservative mindset is sure to fail.  Just as an all capitalist or all liberal society will fail.

Shared ideology means a sum of us all.[/quote]
What you say, you do not exhibit.
You told me I am not a democrat because apparently you have your own agenda that I must heed to belong.....
The same deplorable voted Obama in, and now they voted change, again...
Your party idea has lost seats and power.
You talk a game, period.

That's your opinion.  I have mine.

If we all agreed, this would be a boring place.

I laughed at you when you said you were a democrat.  I've seen your posts and if anything, you're a libertarian.  Your posts are what led me to that conclusion.

And again - you equate me with the current democratic party - how many times have I posted that I am against the establishment democrats?  What will it take for you to see that?

"Your party idea has lost seats and power." Not sure what party you're talking about, but it ain't mine.

There's a huge difference between progressives and establishment democrats.

Like jog, maybe you should find out what that difference is.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by raydawg on 05/18/17 at 10:31:23

You are really stuck.....
You pronounce yourself as above of any fray, yet, I bet none here would say your are non-partisan.
But since you claim such, it absolves you of being labeled.
I will ask the question tomembers here, do you see TT as he sees himself?
You pigeon hole everyone, by your bias and perception, and again as example, you say I am not a registered democrat because democrats believe only one doctrine.....
Tell me, how is that tolerant, inviting, and excepting of others?

Too me you stand as if nekked, revealing the truth by your inconsistencies and hypocrisies.....
And I must say, your are nothing more than your desires, very weak and underdeveloped......
And I won't even point out where your nekkedness also reveals underdevelopement upon you  ;D

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/18/17 at 10:58:38

Progressives won't explain what they demand I Progress TOWARD.

Title: Re: Leaky President...
Post by T And T Garage on 05/18/17 at 11:51:34

34273F22273121460 wrote:
You are really stuck.....
You pronounce yourself as abi e any fray, yet, I bet none here would say your are non-partisan.

I never said I was.  I'm against the hard-core (so called) conservatives and the establishment democrats.

But since you claim such, it absolves you of being labeled.
I will ask the question tomembers here, do you see TT as he sees himself?
You pigeon hole everyone, by your bias and perception, and again as example, you say I am not a registered democrat because democrats believe only one doctrine.....
Tell me, how is that tolerant, inviting, and excepting of others?

Well, look at it this way - the 4 or so people on here that constantly bash liberals for nothing more than being liberals don't really evoke a welcoming atmosphere.  i think that's what sets off the pretense in most of my posts.

You yourself ask why I'm not tolerant, yet lump me in with all democrats - while at the same time calling yourself a democrat - how does that look for tolerance???

I like sound, reasonable conversation - but so far, none of the (so-called) conservatives on here can cut muster.

Look at every single post - yes, EVERY SINGLE POST on TT.

Not one stays on topic or sees a conversation through to a logical conclusion.  Name calling persists and then I'm saying someone's wrong and they say I'm a liberal, blah, blah, blah, blah......

Too me you stand as if nekked, revealing the truth by your inconsistencies and hypocrisies.....
And I must say, your are nothing more than your desires, very weak and underdeveloped......
And I won't even point out where your nekkedness also reveals underdevelopement upon you  ;D

Sad day for you - your opinion of me doesn't matter - I truly don't care.

Look at this thread a s perfect example of what I explained above. This is about a story on the president and his leaky administration.

By the third post, jog is ranting on hillary....

Hey, here's an idea - use a forum as... a.... FORUM.

If you're at issue on whether or not our president has leaks in his cabinet - then debate that.  Not hillary's emails of what she may or may not have done if she were president...

Bot posts a report from Yahoo on our president.  Debate yahoo's sources - ask where the info came from.  Tell bot not to believe everything he/she reads, etc.

Don't bring up someone who's not involved in the story directly... what doe sthat prove?

If we talked about tweety's vacations, then yes - bring up Obama as a comparison, or dubya, or willie... But (to stay with my rationale) don't tell me that liberals' vacations are somehow not as "good"as conservative ones.

Stay with the story.

Before you start writing the reply of "pot calling the kettle black!" - stop.  I take full responsibility in what I've posted here - and YES, I'm just as guilty as anyone.

But you asked for some sort of justification as to my "lack" of tolerance - well, there you have it.

I'm very capable of having a rational, reasonable debate.

I have yet to see one on here.  So, when in Rome...... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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