General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The breaking point.......

Message started by raydawg on 05/12/17 at 15:56:19

Title: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/12/17 at 15:56:19

I really don't see how this Trump story can go on much longer....
Bot, who normally only spends a minute or two here, has camped out, that can't be good.
I predict by this time next week either Trump is gone, or packing, or the media will be reduced to tabloid heresay, zip credibility, except for die hard zealots of ISIS like mentality, others discarding them to their own exile of no consequence.

Me, I have no idea at this point....
I fancy the idea of this clown being gone, but I can't help but wonder if this accusations are true, without embellishments, how could so many folks be complicit....

I will just have to wait to see, but I don't think this stuff can continue  :o

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by oldNslow on 05/12/17 at 19:06:25

I predict by this time next week either Trump is gone, or packing, or the media will be reduced to tabloid heresay, zip credibility...

Relax, Trump's not going anywhere. You're right about the media though. For example. The great ice cream scandal:

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/12/17 at 20:26:48

1E20212D3F23224C0 wrote:

I predict by this time next week either Trump is gone, or packing, or the media will be reduced to tabloid heresay, zip credibility...

Relax, Trump's not going anywhere. You're right about the media though. For example. The great ice cream scandal:

That is a spoof, yes?

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/17 at 21:40:38

It's just more evidence of what a horrible person trump is..

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by thumperclone on 05/13/17 at 01:18:46

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
It's just more evidence of what a horrible person trump is..

junk e mail...delete/block

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/17 at 05:08:50

To the average Joe on the street, absolutely nothing has changed since January, except several hundred thousands have jobs that wouldn't otherwise have.

The elite media, Hollywood, Hilary losers and stupid college kids have their panties in a bunch? Sorry, but who gives a f about any those categories?

And you have delusional people talking about impeachment?.....This is like a scene out of Body Snatchers or something? Have people fallen asleep and been replace by a duplicate grown in a pod?

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/17 at 05:13:26

Just read this and it's perfect: Trump is doing for The New York Times, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and Colbert what Obama did for the sale of guns and ammo.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by oldNslow on 05/13/17 at 05:26:33

That is a spoof, yes?

Sadly, it's not. The Time story about the interview is legit. The "journalist" from Time thought the ice cream stuff was important enough to include in a story about an interview with the POTUS. CNN latched onto that tiny part of the story and ran with it.

The MSMs irrational hatred of Trump has destroyed their integ... judgement.
I almost typed integrity, but they tossed that in the crapper a while ago.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/17 at 06:42:41

Yeah, my point exactly.
So Frikken desperate to smear the guy.. It's getting funny.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by Serowbot on 05/13/17 at 08:46:32

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
So Frikken desperate to smear the guy.. It's getting funny.

Yeah,.. hilarious...

What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I'm sure  you'd have fine with it...
Nixon was impeached for it...
It's getting really funny....
It'll be funnier when Trump is out on his arse... ;D

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/13/17 at 09:22:29

5D4B5C41594C415A2E0 wrote:
[quote author=3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 link=1494629779/0#8 date=1494682961]
So Frikken desperate to smear the guy.. It's getting funny.

Yeah,.. hilarious...

What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I'm sure  you'd have fine with it...
Nixon was impeached for it...
It's getting really funny....
It'll be funnier when Trump is out on his arse... ;D[/quote]

Bot, please, for the sake of clarity and addressing these charges, against Trump, and even using yours, and TT's scoldings, to others, when they drag in Hillary, Obama, past activities, etc,  in trying to exonerate Trump, as an excuse.....
Lets stay in the presence and on the person, or persons, to who we are discussing.
If it can't be done accordingly, on its own merit, then maybe there isn't enough fact to substantiate the charge.

I don't honestly know, I am like a leaf blowing in the wind, and I really wish all the blowhards would just stop and suck themselves into oblivion....
However, I get how titillation sells, and creates ratings, which equal revenue, sadly.  
I hope other forms of communication can remain free from its clutches, and honest exchange prevails.
As I said, I hope, and that is all I can do.  :-[  

Those who find fulfillment and justification at the cost of others, will never be happy in a sustainable way....
That is so sad, but too, a sign of our times.
It has become an addiction, a temporary high, a moment to feel good, provides the avenue to fooling oneself with falsehoods, that they know all to well, they can't, when they look soberly at themselves...
Its like trying to bail the water out of a sinking boat, with a bucket that has decayed and rusted out the bottom of it.....
But they are so busy bailing, they don't take time to understand why the boat keeps filling  :-[

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/17 at 19:07:47

at would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

Make that stick.. I'll listen.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/17 at 06:24:54

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
[quote author=3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 link=1494629779/0#8 date=1494682961]
So Frikken desperate to smear the guy.. It's getting funny.

Yeah,.. hilarious...

What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I'm sure  you'd have fine with it...
Nixon was impeached for it...
It's getting really funny....
It'll be funnier when Trump is out on his arse... ;D[/quote]

Nixon was not impeached.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/17 at 06:26:12

I'm still waityfor someone to define the High crimes Trump is accused of.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/17 at 06:29:36

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
[quote author=3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 link=1494629779/0#8 date=1494682961]
So Frikken desperate to smear the guy.. It's getting funny.

Yeah,.. hilarious...

What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I'm sure  you'd have fine with it...
Nixon was impeached for it...
It's getting really funny....
It'll be funnier when Trump is out on his arse... ;D[/quote]

Was Comey scheduled to testify May 10th?

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/17 at 06:33:50

What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I would have been furious about it but only because Obama's black.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/14/17 at 06:59:12

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
What would you have said if Obama had fired Comey the day before he was supposed to testify in Hillary's e-mail investigation?...

I would have been furious about it but only because Obama's black.


Got quite around here......
Is that because the glee is fading with hope and change?

On a more positive note, I have seen some democrats, like Jerry Brown, calling to reign in this spectacle of accusations and titillation....
I understand Chris Matthew types around here will have to provide their own tingle down their leg, however  ;D

Lets investigate without all of the hubris, seems to me all the other stuff is just trying to steer and influence, and that won't help at all.  

I would love to see Trumps tweets go unanswered......

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by T And T Garage on 05/15/17 at 18:59:38

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
I'm still waityfor someone to define the High crimes Trump is accused of.

Here you go (although he has yet to be accused - but just wait):


Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by MnSpring on 05/16/17 at 17:40:27


The  NYT’s  Said,  ……
 The Washington Post said,  ……
   Yahoo,   “(news)”,  Said, ……..
    G.Q. and the clown  Kieth Olbernam said,  …….
     Young Turks said, ….
     etc, etc, etc.

ALL,  Total   Spin, of the writers,  ‘PERSONAL’  Opinion,
and,  ‘INTERRUPTING”, for  YOU  !!!!!!!!!

Just like, Chicken Noodle News,  (CNN)  was  Before  1991.
             (And  NOW, they are doing it, Better)

S.N.L.  Used to be funny,
‘Bass-O-Matic”  “Wild and Crazy Guys”
Now, it is just a,  make up artist, who is very skillful,
making up a  ’no talent’, “(actor)”,
so he/she, can give a, ‘personal’, opinion.

Post on several,  forums, and,
Stand in the street and, CRY !

And,  ‘Observed Reality’, is  NOT,  really, ‘REAL’.
IS, The,  NEW,  Marxist, slogan.

(Ya know, I think Bot, bought all those  Ocean front  properties in AZ.
But do have a  Line on some more, in  NM)

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/17 at 18:55:12

i'm not devoting 1 second of time to that lunatic oberman, how about someone spell it out in their own words.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by MnSpring on 05/16/17 at 19:10:24

Well  the, ‘…lunatic overman…”
Is  JUST  That.

  However, he has the likes of  the  buyers of, OCEAN  Front  Property,
           in Landlocked states.
As his   Paying  Customers !!!!!!!

So Give him a break.
If  HE, was selling  Ocean Front Property, in NM,
Several people would  flock to,  BUY IT !

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 16:17:20

I got two more days to go...... I think I might have called this one right  ;D

I am not sure the extent of Trumps charges against him.....
But he really has no one to blame, but what I think is his ego.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by oldNslow on 05/17/17 at 17:51:34

I got two more days to go...... I think I might have called this one right

I predict by this time next week either Trump is gone, or packing, or the media will be reduced to tabloid heresay, zip credibility, except for die hard zealots of ISIS like mentality, others discarding them to their own exile of no consequence.

Called which ? or both ?

Anyway, right or not, you ain't gonna like the prize.

Best of luck.

I'll check back around this time Friday

The incessant ideological partisan bickering that this country is aflame with brings to mind a bunch of folks lost deep in the woods, arguing endlessly about the merits of individual trees while failing to even notice that he whole forest is on fire.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 17:59:04

Read this before you go:

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by MnSpring on 05/17/17 at 18:21:21

427C7D71637F7E100 wrote:
Called which ? or both ? Anyway, right or not, you ain't gonna like the prize. Best of luck. I'll check back around this time Friday. The incessant ideological partisan bickering that this country is aflame with brings to mind a bunch of folks lost deep in the woods, arguing endlessly about the merits of individual trees while failing to even notice that he whole forest is on fire.

"...brings to mind a bunch of folks lost deep in the woods..."

Just saw that post, it brings to mind.
     Survival !
A group of people are lost in the woods.
A, “Leader” is selected.
The Leader, selects other people who know,
Fire making,  Dry wood gathering, Hunting, Fishing, Shelter making, etc.
     (What ever the situation calls for)

The Leader, helps, but mostly makes sure all the things, needed for survival, are done,  and if a person ’says’, they know how to build a fire, and they,  Can Not,  they are replaced.

That is, Survival  101    !!!!!!!!!!!

Most all cities have a, ‘Beltway’, which goes around the most densely populates areas.
It is Often said,  Take 1,000 people, at total Random, from inside the beltway,  and a 1,000 from out side.
Give them the Exact same things.  Deposit them the North Woods.
900 of ‘Outside’ the belt way, will walk out.
100 of, ‘Inside’ the belt way, will walk out.

Their are 20 ways, to start a fire.
Which one works, is the BEST, way to, Accomplish’.
Their are 20 ways to identify, ‘dry’ wood,
Which one works, is the BEST, way to, Accomplish’.
Their are 20 ways gather food,
Which one works, is the BEST, way to, Accomplish’.

     On and On and On.

Point is, it is NOT,  ’This way or That way’,
It is, the one that works !

So we have seen a,  ‘Leader’, lead, and  FAIL.
Now their is a New Leader, (See where it goes)

And history has shown, in Numerous   Cases,
(to paraphrase), the ones that stand in the Forrest and CRY,
Are simply left behind.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by MShipley on 05/17/17 at 18:29:28

MnSpring, they cry collusion, collusion of what they can not tell you. This is about one thing, the media and the Democrats lost power and will destroy anyone or anything to get it back, including this country. They are a walking conviction waiting for just a shred of evidence in which there is absolutely none......RayDawg don't let these people get you down, despite what they say you actually have to have committed a crime to be impeached and that crime has to be backed by evedince. The demo rats have done NOTHING since the election except to try and destroy the President. IT IS SHAMEFUL.

The sad thing is it will never stop, it is all they have to hang on to.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/17/17 at 19:34:01

071922233A262F334A0 wrote:
MnSpring, they cry collusion, collusion of what they can not tell you. This is about one thing, the media and the Democrats lost power and will destroy anyone or anything to get it back, including this country. They are a walking conviction waiting for just a shred of evidence in which there is absolutely none......RayDawg don't let these people get you down, despite what they say you actually have to have committed a crime to be impeached and that crime has to be backed by evedince. The demo rats have done NOTHING since the election except to try and destroy the President. IT IS SHAMEFUL.

The sad thing is it will never stop, it is all they have to hang on to.

Yeah, like I reported earlier, around here no one is even talking about this stuff.....
Not at the grocery stores, work, etc....
I read the news, message boards, and its fever pitch.
I guess I really don't favor Trump, as a person, but the leftist liberals have no scruples whatsoever.....
So I am conflicted in the matter, I wouldn't mind seeing Trump go, but not because of hypocrisy exhibited by the media and liberals, its just not PC to hate, is it  ;D

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by MShipley on 05/18/17 at 09:06:04


I remember telling my Son: If Trump gets elected it will be the worst nightmare this country has ever seen. NOT because of Trump, but because the entrenched parties, activist, lobbyist, unions are NOT going to allow an outsider to come in and do anything. WE THE PEOPLE, died a long time ago.

Politics has become a sporting event and the fans cheer for their side to win at any cost, morals and ethics no longer have value.

The media, the left and the quiet right, probably will win, they will bring this man down and they will punish him severely. NOT because he has done anything wrong but because he dared to try, he dared to believe in freedom and America, and that is NOT allowed. I just hope the man can get out with his life.

Personally I think it is SHAMEFUL that anyone can look at what is going on right now and find some kind of sick joy in it. We are watching Western civilization melt away and that is nothing to be PROUD of.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by oldNslow on 05/18/17 at 09:35:36

455B606178646D71080 wrote:

I remember telling my Son: If Trump gets elected it will be the worst nightmare this country has ever seen. NOT because of Trump, but because the entrenched parties, activist, lobbyist, unions are NOT going to allow an outsider to come in and do anything. WE THE PEOPLE, died a long time ago.

Politics has become a sporting event and the fans cheer for their side to win at any cost, morals and ethics no longer have value.

The media, the left and the quiet right, probably will win, they will bring this man down and they will punish him severely. NOT because he has done anything wrong but because he dared to try, he dared to believe in freedom and America, and that is NOT allowed. I just hope the man can get out with his life.

Personally I think it is SHAMEFUL that anyone can look at what is going on right now and find some kind of sick joy in it. We are watching Western civilization melt away and that is nothing to be PROUD of.

Brilliantly expressed. Kudos from OldNslow.

I'll dredge up another old cliche. (I'm full of them) to go along with my reference to the forest and the trees a little while ago.

We are arguing about where to put the deck chairs while the ship is sinking.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/18/17 at 09:53:19

Good posts.

Watching the children squabble over silly things while the core of the republic is being rendered into the ooze that bug guts become after the spider injects the venom has taken its toll. Arrogant and ignorant, beating their chests, proclaiming that They have the moral high ground... not seeing you society is diminished every time they Win,,,  
The inmates have taken the asylum.
The Deep State has existed for decades, it's so obvious that anyone can see..
And yet, the blind exist.
Whoever has ears to hear and eyes to see.
Without DISCERNMENT understanding is impossible.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/19/17 at 12:48:49

I get to midnight  ;D

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by oldNslow on 05/19/17 at 17:38:04

2F3C24393C2A3A5D0 wrote:
I get to midnight  ;D

He outsmarted you. Got outta Dodge this afternoon and won't be back till pretty close to the end of the month.

And the lamestream media douchebags are going to have to talk about the trip even though they don't give a crap about it. Otherwise how can they maintain the pretense that they are in the business of reporting the "news."

Impeachment, resignation,early retirement, bombshells!!,The End of The World as we Know it, is just gonna have to wait.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by raydawg on 05/19/17 at 19:00:57

5866676B7965640A0 wrote:
[quote author=2F3C24393C2A3A5D0 link=1494629779/30#30 date=1495223329]I get to midnight  ;D

He outsmarted you. Got outta Dodge this afternoon and won't be back till pretty close to the end of the month.

And the lamestream media douchebags are going to have to talk about the trip even though they don't give a crap about it. Otherwise how can they maintain the pretense that they are in the business of reporting the "news."

Impeachment, resignation,early retirement, bombshells!!,The End of The World as we Know it, is just gonna have to wait.[/quote]

I can't help but think of soaps......

Tune in tomorrow for the continuing saga of "The End of the World (as we know it)   ;D

You are right oldman, the world will go on period, with, or without us, makes no diff.

Title: Re: The breaking point.......
Post by Serowbot on 05/19/17 at 22:30:00

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