General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How Repulicans fix things.

Message started by Serowbot on 05/04/17 at 08:20:57

Title: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/04/17 at 08:20:57

The Obamacare repeal has 17% public approval.  At least 14 million people will lose their insurance.  Rates will go up for everyone except the very rich, especially the elderly, and people with pre-existing conditions. It will cost more.
AARP, doctors, hospitals, and patient advocates are all against it.
.. and this is how Republicans "fix" a problem...

In what way is this working for the people?...

It's like repairing potholes with dynamite... :-?

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by MnSpring on 05/04/17 at 08:29:12

And where is that from?

I would like to read that POV.

Because, My, Premiums, have gone up, 40-60% each year,
since, the, 'Wanna Be KING', made,  Bahama care, Mandatory!

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/04/17 at 08:54:47

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
The Obamacare repeal has 17% public approval.  At least 14 million people will lose their insurance.  Rates will go up for everyone except the very rich, especially the elderly, and people with pre-existing conditions. It will cost more.
AARP, doctors, hospitals, and patient advocates are all against it.
.. and this is how Republicans "fix" a problem...

In what way is this working for the people?...

It's like repairing potholes with dynamite... :-?

Fortunately, it doesn't look like it'll get past the Senate.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by verslagen1 on 05/04/17 at 12:49:23

depends who you talk to...

The poll, released Thursday, finds 57 percent of voters favor doing away with all (23 percent) or parts of Obamacare (34 percent).  On the other hand, 41 percent would expand it (28 percent) or leave the law as is (13 percent).

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by verslagen1 on 05/04/17 at 12:53:19

Affordable Care Act Gains Majority Approval for First Time
55% approve, up from 42% right after 2016 election
40% want to keep law but make significant changes
30% want to repeal; 26% want to keep law as it is

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by WebsterMark on 05/04/17 at 18:38:33

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
The Obamacare repeal has 17% public approval.  At least 14 million people will lose their insurance.  Rates will go up for everyone except the very rich, especially the elderly, and people with pre-existing conditions. It will cost more.
AARP, doctors, hospitals, and patient advocates are all against it.
.. and this is how Republicans "fix" a problem...

In what way is this working for the people?...

It's like repairing potholes with dynamite... :-?

Assuming those figures are true (doubtful 14 million will lose insurance and doubtful appeal has 17% approval. Trump got 62 million votes remember) , what you didn't say is what the alternative is.  Rates have gone up already and they will only go up further next year when another large insurance company pulls out. Millions have lost coverage.   It's been a disaster, it's not a success. If Obamacare was working, yea, it would be silly to 'fix' it, but it's not.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/04/17 at 18:51:12

Let's pass it to see.......


Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Trippah on 05/04/17 at 19:58:48

The insurance companies are fleeing Obamacare because they don't like the pre-existing conditions rules....and they think (correctly) that the republicans will do away with them.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/04/17 at 21:33:50

1F39223B3B2A234B0 wrote:
The insurance companies are fleeing Obamacare because they don't like the pre-existing conditions rules....and they think (correctly) that the republicans will do away with them.

I think the genie is out of the bottle and not going back in....
Pre-exsisting condition is still a medical condition, and isn't that the crux of medicine...... ;D
I think some sort of healthcare will result from Obamacare, a good thing.
I like personal responsibility tax, live fat and lazy, smoke, etc, you pay more.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by WebsterMark on 05/05/17 at 04:50:36

44627960607178100 wrote:
The insurance companies are fleeing Obamacare because they don't like the pre-existing conditions rules....and they think (correctly) that the republicans will do away with them.

"They don't like the pre-exsisting conditions rule"
What you mean to say is they cannot charge a high enough premium to pay for something which, under Obamacare's rules, is not insurance.

I tell you what; why don't you go start an insurance company selling homeowners insurance. I'll be driving home one day, see my house on fire, call you, buy "fire insurance" and then immediately file a claim for $300k when my house is gone. Oh, after you pay me off, I'll cancel my policy and do without until I need one again.

That's why 30 % of counties in the US have only one option in the Obamacare exchanges. There's no competition to drive prices down, there's no real insurance markets. It's a fund some people contribute premiums to that anyone can withdraw from.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/17 at 07:02:25

On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predicts America will have single-payer health care within 7 years

Imagine the PR coup if Republicans stole the glory now... :-/

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/17 at 07:30:02

Undo the BS and allow the market to work.
Go back to Pre HMO,
What we are gonna get when They fix our health care system is screwed.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/17 at 07:59:00

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
Undo the BS and allow the market to work.
Go back to Pre HMO,
What we are gonna get when They fix our health care system is screwed.

Jog,.. pre HMO you had Blue Cross Blue Shield,... which was then government subsidized...

"Prior to 1986, organizations administering BCBS were tax exempt under 501(c)(4) as social welfare plans. However, the Tax Reform Act of 1986 revoked the exemption, because the plans sold commercial-type insurance. They became 501(m) organizations, subject to federal taxation, but entitled to "special tax benefits""-wiki

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/05/17 at 08:19:01

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predicts America will have single-payer health care within 7 years

Imagine the PR coup if Republicans stole the glory now... :-/

As much as I dislike charles, I hope he's right.  I just hope it happens sooner than that.

The original ACA should have had a single payer option - but the dems, being the wussies that they are, left it out.

I guess we'll see after this joke of a bill from tweety.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/17 at 08:58:02

So, I'm "Subsidized " by criminals when they Don't break in and Steal what's mine?

If you're convinced that because BCBS was , uhh, subsidized, and that made it worse than wholly controlled by the goobs health care, please explain.

Once a Fkking gin, the HMO scheme limited access AND created a Whole New career field of Medical Coders. A College degree required to sit and enter numbers next to diagnoses, and they are well paid. A completely parasitic burden on the system.
The Unintended Consequences, not unforeseeable consequences, were a Real increase in costs of care.
Do we remember the social engineers mantra?

Problem, Reaction, Solution.
The Crisis was Created in order to get people to Want the government, (Yes , Martha, the same people who caused the problem.  ) to Fix it. And, like the education system they announced was broken and then went to work on, they are gonna FIX the health care system to death.
If they say it's good for us, but not for them, and you're goofy enough to support it, then good for you.
America swims in debt as they spend more. But somehow, the goobs who LITERALLY can't account for Billions of dollars, that's who you people want running things.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/17 at 09:08:30

Donald Trump admits universal healthcare is better
"Right now Obamacare is failing. We have a failing — I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia, because you have better healthcare than we do…” he said."

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/17 at 09:13:57

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
So, I'm "Subsidized " by criminals when they Don't break in and Steal what's mine?

If you're convinced that because BCBS was , uhh, subsidized, and that made it worse than wholly controlled by the goobs health care, please explain.

What I'm saying is, you keep pining for the pre HMO days when there was  a "free" market...
... but the care you loved was government subsidized...
You should be pining for an National Health...
A government subsidized healthcare for all...
Medicare for all...

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/17 at 09:33:41

Even IF I agreed that Not Taxing equals Subsidy, I wouldn't agree that what you want isn't a disaster. I'm tired of explaining the GAME. You're being sold more lies.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/05/17 at 11:07:44

A simple question:
Should a persons cost to having healthcare be based on personal lifestyle habits that cause poorer health?

Please do not try and extend the argument to life choices like riding a motorcycle, etc....

Let's keep it simple. A person who smokes creates greater health cost issues. If I don't smoke, shouldn't my cost be lower as a result?

I get this benefit now, why not if we go to some universal mandated HC?

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/17 at 11:17:05

Introducing that thinking opens the door to Total Nanny State control/taxation/penalty for Everything that is a Risk Chosen .
If you eat ice cream now you could become diabetic, so, tax ice cream makers and penalize the people who eat it.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/05/17 at 11:17:08

2E3D25383D2B3B5C0 wrote:
A simple question:
Should a persons cost to having healthcare be based on personal lifestyle habits that cause poorer health?

No.  If you do, then the hippocratic oath is null and void.

Please do not try and extend the argument to life choices like riding a motorcycle, etc....

Let's keep it simple. A person who smokes creates greater health cost issues. If I don't smoke, shouldn't my cost be lower as a result?

That's not always the case. There are always exceptions.

I get this benefit now, why not if we go to some universal mandated HC?

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Trippah on 05/05/17 at 12:05:38

The cost of freedom is always high; sometimes it is lives, always it is taxes.  If you want to be free to choose your poisons and lifestyles then you must accept that others should have the same choices.  So in a health care system, how do you balance it out?  Some say smoking is evil, lay on a surcharge.  Others say fried everything, lay on a surcharge.
Some even say motorcycling, lay on a surcharge.
You can do this draw the line thing but it really is impossible, not everyone who smokes has catastrophic (financially) results. Not every motorcyclist  either (thankfully).  So the only real choice, I think, is to accept the bad with the good (the freedom of choice) and let everyone suck up the sustenance they need from the common pool (and Heaven knows there are some things I find awful). :) :) :)

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/05/17 at 12:05:49

I don't get the oath angle, but both the arguments seem to feed the problem that we can somehow extend this safety net to to accommodate to the point of enabling all behavior as Ok and not argue about cost, etc...
I guess my perception is just too deep into believing I must hold myself accountable to my own self worth.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/05/17 at 12:45:30

485B435E5B4D5D3A0 wrote:
I don't get the oath angle, but both the arguments seem to feed the problem that we can somehow extend this safety net to to accommodate to the point of enabling all behavior as Ok and not argue about cost, etc...

The oath my have been out of left field, but my point was everyone deserves equal treatment.  Now, since you brought it up - wouldn't motorcycle riding be considered a lifestyle choice?  Just because you say "don't bring it up" doesn't negate the fact that it is indeed more dangerous than driving a car.... so...?

I guess my perception is just too deep into believing I must hold myself accountable to my own self worth.

I'm glad you do that - more of us should, but we don't live in the ayn rand utopia.  This is the real world.  The fact is, just because you have a particular hobby/habit, should not exclude you from the same benefits as everyone else.  Should you pay more... I dunno, good question.

- smokers already pay a more for life insurance as do motorcyclists, so there's that...

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Dagillespi on 05/05/17 at 14:42:20

All I know is my coverage has gotten a lot worse since Obama Care. I mean horribly worse.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/05/17 at 14:56:41

7257515F5A5A5345465F360 wrote:
All I know is my coverage has gotten a lot worse since Obama Care. I mean horribly worse.

I'm curious - how so?  Is it costing more out of pocket?  Did your prior coverage have the same levels of coverage?

Mine hasn't changed a bit.  It costs a little more, by my coverage levels have stayed the same.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/05/17 at 16:01:45

392728292439223F4D0 wrote:
[quote author=485B435E5B4D5D3A0 link=1493911257/15#22 date=1494011149]I don't get the oath angle, but both the arguments seem to feed the problem that we can somehow extend this safety net to to accommodate to the point of enabling all behavior as Ok and not argue about cost, etc...

The oath my have been out of left field, but my point was everyone deserves equal treatment.  Now, since you brought it up - wouldn't motorcycle riding be considered a lifestyle choice?  Just because you say "don't bring it up" doesn't negate the fact that it is indeed more dangerous than driving a car.... so...?

I guess my perception is just too deep into believing I must hold myself accountable to my own self worth.

I'm glad you do that - more of us should, but we don't live in the ayn rand utopia.  This is the real world.  The fact is, just because you have a particular hobby/habit, should not exclude you from the same benefits as everyone else.  Should you pay more... I dunno, good question.

- smokers already pay a more for life insurance as do motorcyclists, so there's that...


Pay more in a private system, not public, that is the crux of a society who caved into thinking the possibility of a level playing field exsist, it doesn't, the NBA being a perfect example, shouldn't everyone be afforded the same opportunity?
It's not their fault they were born short or lacking in skills.

Anyway, I left out life risk, because none expect to have an accident, but like being a cop, you assume a higher occupational risk, like I ride to reduce my footprint and time management, were it allows me to be more productive.....
Smoking, alcohol, drugs, poor diet, lack of exercise, has no upside and adds to the cost of society.
At some point we will have to say no, we won't subsidize bad behavior and choices because you want it....

It's coming, the current thinking is not sustainable AND removes from the truely in need resources they should get, and not lumped together with suspicion and stigma oft associated to "welfare"

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/17 at 15:50:35

“ … It’s like repairing potholes with dynamite… …”

How interesting.
Having, Repaired , ‘potholes’.  !!!!
‘ dynamite’,  (Although a very a ‘extreme’, method).
Is, on it’s face, a  VERY  VALID, way !!!!!
Normally, one,  ‘digs’ them out.
But hey, got a, ‘big’ pothole?

If you just fill it, (or even dig it out, then fill),
And fill it in with  ’Soft’ things, it WILL NOT  LAST !
It soon will be a, pothole again.

If you fill it, (or dig it out),
then fill it in, with Just  Hard things,
It will last  MUCH  Longer,
BUT, it will Still, become a pothole.

Pothole, you dig it out,  to, ‘hard’ ground,
Then fill it with  ‘Hard’, things,
Then put a layer, (dome it), with, ’Soft’ things,  over it.
It will Last as long as the road is maintained.

What part of,  ‘FREE”, do NOT, the, ’Snowflakes’, understand ?

Buy a New, S&W  gun. Your, ‘Warranty’, is, FREE !
Some little thing is wrong,
instead of you going to a gunsmith, and paying them 100.00 to fix it.
Call, S&W, (if you are the original owner),
they will Send out a,  ‘“Free””, 2 day  Fed-X  label,
and Send it back to you via 2 day Fed-X,  “”FREE’”

Which cost’s them 100.00 each way,
PLUS, the 100.00 repair.
But hey, it’s,  ‘“””” FREE “””” !
Because EVERYBODY, that buys a  S&W  gun,
  (95% of the, rest, of the people)

PAY, for,  YOUR,  ‘’’FREE’”” .......

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/17 at 18:01:02

Well he didn’t say:  
“You have to Pass it, to see what’s in it”.

 (Wonder why not?  Could it be, it is, ’Transparent’, not  “Hidden”  ?????)

“ … I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted. …”

 (Said: Kurt Eichenwald, a senior writer for Newsweek)[/color]

A-Yep, a   LOT, of   Tolerance their !

Never mind, digging OUT  the  Pothole, filling it with hard big rocks,
then putting a layer of, soft, little rock domed over it, to Fix, the Pothole.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/08/17 at 12:34:10

36253D20253323440 wrote:
Pay more in a private system, not public, that is the crux of a society who caved into thinking the possibility of a level playing field exsist, it doesn't, the NBA being a perfect example, shouldn't everyone be afforded the same opportunity?
It's not their fault they were born short or lacking in skills.

Anyway, I left out life risk, because none expect to have an accident, but like being a cop, you assume a higher occupational risk, like I ride to reduce my footprint and time management, were it allows me to be more productive.....
Smoking, alcohol, drugs, poor diet, lack of exercise, has no upside and adds to the cost of society.

You CHOOSE to ride a motorcycle.  You CHOOSE to put yourself at risk.  You can't deny that.  In your own system, you'd pay more.  Sorry.

I personally think that it's not fair that you should pay more - or that others should pay less.

At some point we will have to say no, we won't subsidize bad behavior and choices because you want it....

Why... why do we have to say no?  Who's going to be the judge of what's "good" or "bad" behaviour?  What if it's someone who smokes or drinks or rides a motorcycle?... what then?

It's simply not a black and white issue

It's coming, the current thinking is not sustainable AND removes from the truely in need resources they should get, and not lumped together with suspicion and stigma oft associated to "welfare"

Welfare stigma is what you make of it.  If you only believe the press and ronnie's tale of a welfare queen - that's on you.  I know plenty that have gotten "welfare" and have gone on to better things because of it.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by raydawg on 05/08/17 at 12:48:28

Folk choose to be fat, lazy, smoke.....
Choice is a two way street.
Did you even read what I posted?

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/08/17 at 12:53:58

31223A27223424430 wrote:
Folk choose to be fat, lazy, smoke.....
Choice is a two way street.
Did you even read what I posted?

Yes, I read it - so the fat and lazy CHOOSE to be so, right?

You CHOOSE to heighten your risk.  Regardless of why - you chose to.

I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy.

And again, what if the "person making the rules" was a smoker, or a drinker, or fat, or a motorcycle rider?

The point I make is that it's not black and white.  Should some pay more?  Maybe... but don't seclude yourself just because you see your actions and risks as noble.  It may not be the same as a smoker's but it's still an added risk.

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by MnSpring on 05/08/17 at 18:50:31

Well I do  NOT,  ‘Choose’  to drive with out insurance.

Yet, when I   PAY, for insurance  I have to  PAY, for the people, that  LIE, Steal, Cheat.
  ( It’s called, ‘uninsured Motorist’)

So, the person, who called a car ins co, and get insurance for a year, yet on, WEEKLY  payment installments.
   (Yes it CAN  be done)
Then with their insurance card, goes to the MV station, and gets a,  YEARS,  License Tab.
Then does NOT  Pay any more Insurance premiums.
So they get to drive of 11 MONTHS and 3 WEEKS, for  FREE !

  (Because  YOU and I, pay for, THEIR,  Insurance)

And that person, goes to the, ‘Emergency’ ward, for a  Aspirin, because they have a headache.
I, (and we), are suppose to be, ‘real happy’, that,  I & we,  get to PAY for it ?

THAT, is what other, ‘civilized Nations’, do.
Who get, ‘Protected’, by, THIS, Nation.

OK, get out your check book.
Because to do both, you will pay 40-50%  TAXES.
For the, ‘Free’, HC.
And giving Billions to EVERY, banana republic, with it’s hand out.
And the, ‘Protector’, of the world.

AND, all the,   LAIRS, Stealers, Cheaters. who get everything for, ‘FREE’.
Because the, LAIRS, Stealers, Cheaters know,  YOU, will PAY !.

That is called,  ’Socialism’.

NOW, what ya gonna do,
when you run, OUT OF,  

Oh, I know, just follow,  Greece, Argentina, Brazil, etc !

Title: Re: How Repulicans fix things.
Post by Serowbot on 05/09/17 at 08:49:15

For 30 years, I only ate egg whites, drank skim milk, and used margarine instead of butter...

Turns out I was killing myself... ;D

No one really knows what is dangerous behaviour...
We all have our theories...
Motorcycling calms the mind, reduces stress, and the concentration helps keep neurons firing in the brain...
Maybe that outweighs the physical dangers?...
Who knows???..
Helmets protect yer' brain, but can break yer' neck..
Air bags can explode...
Bicycling is good exercise... until a car runs you down...
Ladder tying your shoe laces once saved a man from a fall... it could also get caught in a conveyor belt and drag you to your death...

Life's a gamble... we can't choose not to play... :-? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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