General Category >> The Cafe >> Help! Locked out! Need computer guru

Message started by Kris01 on 04/26/17 at 04:46:16

Title: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 04/26/17 at 04:46:16

I'm on an IPad right now but at home I can't get on to the forum. I can access the rest of the site but not the forum. It gives me some sort of "Forbidden" error. I've emailed John with no response.

I don't think any of my settings have changed but, even they did, what would lock me out of the forum? I'm using Windows10 if that matters.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Oldfeller on 04/26/17 at 05:08:01

MS has handed you a nightly update change to your security settings.  

Likely MS is now looking for "MS registrations and approvals" that Jon doesn't use as this site runs on YaBB freeware.   Therefore this site's forum is now "forbidden" to you as a loyal MS user, for your own good of course.    ::)    

It may be that a virus or other illness was attached to a picture or in something else referred to by another forum member that has caused the forum portion to be "forbidden" to you by MS as the bad thing was found there.

You need to write down the information that flashes up on the forbidden screen and then do some web searches on it -- nothing happens just to you, it happens to LOTS of people and the "how to fix it"  becomes quickly known.

Step 1 is to turn your machine completely off, count to 10 and turn it back on again.  Forcing a cold boot reload of Windows fixes many small problems and is always worth doing as a first step.


I downloaded and ran ClamAV on my Linux box, not because I need it but because Windows people need for us Linux people to not be transmitting viruses to you (we can't get them, but you can).  

Scan came up clean, I am not a "virus pusher".       :)

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 04/26/17 at 13:34:08

Thanks Oldfeller. I'll give it a shot when I get home tonight. I can't go much longer without this forum. I need my fix!   ;D

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by engineer on 04/26/17 at 18:20:55

It could be your browser or your anti virus software.  I use windows, 7 and 10, and don't have any troubles with the log in but my browser, Fire Fox, gives me a warning when I log onto this site because it feels that the site is not as secure as it should be.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 04/27/17 at 04:42:36

If it helps any, I tried using my IPad at home and it gave me the same error. So I can't get on the forum at all when I"m home. This tells me it's probably not the computer or the IPad. Would something with the Wifi setup do this?

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 04/27/17 at 04:45:59

The same error as this thread.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 04/28/17 at 04:51:18

So, doing a cold restart didn't help at all. Same problem. I even left it off a few minutes while I made a sandwich.  ;D  Hey, a guy's gotta have priorities! What do I need to check that would prevent this forum from opening? I even cleared all the temporary files, cookies, etc. Still got nothing.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kenny G on 04/28/17 at 11:37:57


Try a different browser.

I usually use Google Chrome to log on to this forum.

Kenny G :-X

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Ruttly on 04/28/17 at 12:06:22

You need a BFH

And a new confuser

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by verslagen1 on 04/28/17 at 12:22:36

1A2338226160510 wrote:
If it helps any, I tried using my IPad at home and it gave me the same error. So I can't get on the forum at all when I"m home. This tells me it's probably not the computer or the IPad. Would something with the Wifi setup do this?

If you can log in at work but not at home with the same device, then it's the router/wifi.  And as was stated before, Yabb doesn't have the right security certs.  Log in to your router and see it's locked you out.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 05/02/17 at 04:38:07

I figured out how to login to my router and the wifi and there was nothing I could check to see if this site was being blocked. It has to be the router though. I'm at work now and can get on with no problems so it's the equipment at home causing all the trouble. I'm still at a loss trying to figure out how to change anything with the settings to allow access to this site.   :'(

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by engineer on 05/02/17 at 08:44:46

You might start by writing down the make and model number of the router.  Also, is this router one that you purchased or does it belong to the cable company.  Once you have more information you could post it on a forum where they discuss such issues.  You might find those forums by posting your question in different ways on Google and see where it leads you.  If the modem is owned by your cable operator they may have remotely updated the router software and caused the problem.

My cable company is a local company and it is easy to talk to a tech and they can usually solve any problem even when it is with my own equipment.  But I have heard that it is nearly impossible to get such assistance from the large companies.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by engineer on 05/02/17 at 17:13:44

I asked an IT/network engineer about this situation and here is what they said.  1) This is not an https site, it does not use SSL (secure socket layer) and so nothing transmitted between your computer and the server this forum is hosted on is encrypted.  2) There is probably nothing wrong with your router or computer.  3) The server this forum is hosted on may have been compromised by a malicious attacker, or may have gotten on a (black)list of compromised servers (whether or not it has actually been compromised).  4) Your browser, or firewall in your router/modem is actually doing its job based on the contents of the blacklist, or on what the information coming from the server looks like.

Firewalls act like a bouncer at a night club.  The bouncer will let in the pretty girls with low-cut tops, and keep out the dirty hobos.  Sometimes the bouncer mistakenly doesn't let a pretty girl in because they're not wearing low-cut tops.  What I mean by this is that sometimes some information looks malicious even when it really isn't, so the firewall blocks it.

The take-away is that the fault is more than likely with the server/forum than with your computers/routers.

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by twhitus on 05/02/17 at 21:30:59

its also possible that your ip address has been put on a blacklist for ddos attacks and other stuff by the server host. this does not mean you have done anything, you could have a infected computer/device thats pinged the server to many times and been blocked as a result or someone using your current ip address has done so and been blacklisted.
unless you have a static ip address assigned it "usually costs extra and you would have to request it" you can unplug your modem from the power and unplug either the cable/telephone cable from the modem and leave it overnight "do this before midnight"
in the morning plug it back in and you should get a new ip address as most isp's use dynamic ranges.

ip address is a number that basically identifies you on the internet.
is this the only site you have issues with?

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Kris01 on 05/09/17 at 10:00:08

Yes, this is the only site I'm having trouble with. I somehow found a list of blocked sites from my router and it was blank. I guess the router isn't being told to block this site. I'll keep digging in to this problem. Thanks for the help!

Title: Re: Help! Locked out! Need computer guru
Post by Tocsik on 05/09/17 at 10:38:36

I just had this same problem and the same error message as the one you linked from the other thread.  Could get to the forum but when I clicked a link to a thread I got the error message.  Happened on my PC and my Android phone.  But everything worked OK at work.  So last night, I turned off WiFi on my phone and used data to access the site and it worked.  This told me it was my router or modem (I have separate devices).  I was first thinking I needed to a new IP lease from my ISP but when I logged into my router I noticed there was a firmware update.  I went ahead and updated the firmware which required a reboot of the router.  After that, everything was good.  Not sure if it was the firmware update or just restarting the router, but I'm back in business at home.

Mine seemed to start when I tried to insert a pic from Flickr to a post.  I've used Photobucket in the past but that site has turned into junk and I tried something new.  I got the error message at work right after trying to post the pic from Flickr so thought that was the problem.  Maybe not.  But access to the site cleared up at work; maybe we get new IP's frequently here with our DHCP settings compared to home and my ISP.  At home, I was locked out for a couple days until I did the above.

Maybe try rebooting your modem/router.  Didn't read every word in the thread; maybe you already did this.  If that doesn't do it, maybe roll back the firmware and then renew it to the most recent version. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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