General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/15/17 at 04:25:56

Title: Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/15/17 at 04:25:56

Yeah, I'm gonna Drayne th Swamp

Title: Re: Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,
Post by MnSpring on 04/15/17 at 05:05:31


    Yes, the airport bombing, was getting rid of old bombs.
(dropping them, cheaper than taking them apart)
And the million each?  It was already spent.
What, you actually believe they will last forever ?????
And yes, it didn’t do any, ‘real’ hurt.

However, it sent a  message. And that was the point.

It has  NOTHING to do with,  ‘draining’, and you know that.

Title: Re: Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/15/17 at 06:04:15

I Hear Raytheon says they have a thirty year shelf.
What message did it send and to whom?

Title: Re: Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,
Post by MnSpring on 04/16/17 at 11:59:01

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
I Hear Raytheon says they have a thirty year shelf. What message did it send and to whom?

Raytheon says they have a thirty year shelf

So the company that makes them, says they are good for 30 years.
yet one made 30 years ago, it is the same one, as made yesterday?

Electronics have changed since those were, ’state of the art’.
You using the same  computer, software, cell phone, etc,
you bought NEW, 30 , 20, 10, even 5 , Years ago  ?????
   (Then their is the little thing called,  "Rotating Stock")

That’s just, troll, logic.
(And JOG, you are NOT, a  troll)

What message did it send

Let’s see, last 8 + years, it’s been:

Don’t do that now.  I’m telling you don’t do that, or we may do something.
     (’They’, do ‘Something’)
All right now, stop that, we told you to stop that. Don’t do that again, or we will cut off you supply of peanuts.
     (’They’, do ‘Something’, again)
All right,   NO   More  PEANUTS  for you !!!!!!!    We mean it, see, wee showed you !!!!
     (’They’, do ‘Something’, again)
That’s it, we have told you time and time again.  so here is BILLIONS  of  dollars,   don’t do that again !

Today:   That was just a,  Tiny,  Little,  taste.
Next time, you won’t be able to build bunkers deep enough !

Just like a  Spoiled Child, with  ’Snowflake’ parents.
     (Who  TEACH their kids)
Tantrums = give in,  throwing a  ’tantrum’, they get what they want.
     (Kinna  Like standing in the street and, Crying)
Discipline - grounding,  first time a week.   Next time 2, next time, 3.
ALL  with keeping,  ’their’ computer, and cell phone.
And the child may even bring,  ‘charges’, of, ’social’, abuse,
so a  Fairy Dust Sprinkler, in some ‘welfare’ dept.
Punishes the  Parents !

As opposed to, parents, guardian, etc.
TEACHING, that, Temper Tantrums, etc, will NOT  be  tolerated.
And grounding WILL be enforced.

Yea, just guessing none of the, ‘right’  people here, were  ‘perfect’ growing up.
Yet they, LEARNED, They, and THEY  alone, were responsible for their actions.

Title: Re: Swamp Drainer in action, step Back,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/17 at 18:22:36

Some didn't blow up.

I don't explain EVERY STINKING potential.
I EXPECT rotation of stocks, FFS.
Nothing could have Possibly been nearly thirty.
An Appreciable percentage FAILED.
And they cost How Much?

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