General Category >> The Cafe >> I declare...

Message started by raydawg on 04/09/17 at 08:34:13

Title: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/09/17 at 08:34:13

Been 34 years today my wife made the biggest mistake of her life  ;D
But in doing so, she provided me an opportunity to be a husband, father, and in all honesty, showed me what it is to be a man.

Not to default to weakness, excuse, and blame, no, but to acknowledge my shortcomings and then tackle them.
It is not in proving, but in overcoming.

The BIGGEST thing she taught me is streadfast commitment to a pledge.
It's easy to exhibit joy and happiness when all is right in my eyes, it's another thing all together to hold fast in a storm and stay to course instead of seeking temporary shelter that will forever alter the promise you made to all who entrusted you to the destination.....

I share this guys, for if I can, you can, if you are willing to toss some of our chauvinistic ideas overboard  ;D

We don't have to pretend to be strong, will only need to be real.

PS: and yes, my lil' dinghy can occasionally still find the port o' call  ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Papa Bear on 04/09/17 at 09:02:06

Congrats, Ray !!

My Mama Bear & I started dating in '62 and going strong today.
I attribute it to 3 things:
1) Neither of us walked away.
2) I attended my first AA meeting in '89
3) I attended my latest one this morning  ;)

Yes, 2 ships still continue to "collide in the night" ;)

Heading out on The Fox (my fox orange S40) for a nice cruise after lunch.
It's going to about 70F here in the Great Lakes region today.  8-)

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Ruttly on 04/09/17 at 09:15:41

Your brainwashed trapped in 34 + year science experiment to break a mans will , reduce him into a blubbering idiot , seen this before I know all about ! Next your going to tell me , but the food is so good ! It's in the food. I'm not sure if I can help , you may be too far gone ! My advice is refuse to take out the garbage and start pissing on all the toilet seats in the house , remember it's in the food !!!

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Ruttly on 04/09/17 at 09:30:08

And stop using those virtual reality goggles she bought for you they are racked with subliminal messages. Try walking around in your underwear and scratch them nuts too , you may start to remember your former life !

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/09/17 at 10:37:03

363738393A3B3C3D3E0F0 wrote:
Congrats, Ray !!

My Mama Bear & I started dating in '62 and going strong today.
I attribute it to 3 things:
1) Neither of us walked away.
2) I attended my first AA meeting in '89
3) I attended my latest one this morning  ;)

Yes, 2 ships still continue to "collide in the night" ;)

Heading out on The Fox (my fox orange S40) for a nice cruise after lunch.
It's going to about 70F here in the Great Lakes region today.  8-)

You blow dude, 70 here means 70 percent chance of rain  >:(
However, today is 50 sumtin, and I am weeding and planting under dry but nippy conditions.
Oh the toil will be rewarded in a few short weeks when all the beauty bounds out under sunny skies.....
As I tool about on my savage with a basket of fresh cut flowers hanging where my headlight goes, and the wind rips through my fishnet speedos as I sit in her saddle  :-*

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/09/17 at 10:39:23

002726263E2B520 wrote:
And stop using those virtual reality goggles she bought for you they are racked with subliminal messages. Try walking around in your underwear and scratch them nuts too , you may start to remember your former life !

Preaching to the choir boy....
I tell you fact, I am a journeyman nutsack and have my knuckle dragging down to a fine science  :D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Ruttly on 04/09/17 at 12:27:51

Just messin with ya , have much respect for you , Happy Anniversary! ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by springman on 04/09/17 at 13:09:55

Happy Anniversary Raydawg. Congrats, it really does take a lot to be married that long. I know, I to am hitting 34 in December.

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by LANCER on 04/09/17 at 16:12:45

I made 36 years on my first marriage before she passed away and 5 years with my second wife.
Yes, it takes a commitment to your marriage, to your wife.
Divorce is NOT an option.

Happy Anniversary Dawg !

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by thumperclone on 04/09/17 at 16:39:50

34 years next month for me and my BEST friend
we have never tried to mold or change one another but have always supported and encouraged each other

I am so great full to have gone through a short (2 year) bad marriage
B4 meeting the love of my life otherwise I would not appreciate what I now have

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Ruttly on 04/09/17 at 17:51:04

Ok it's been 18 years of marriage and we have been together for 25 years total. My life would have been nothing but a train wreck without her and the food is SO GOOD !  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/09/17 at 18:14:24

Wow, nice to know I hang with a bunch of other losers....
Not sure why Dave hasn't chimed in, maybe he got behind in his ironing  ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Kris01 on 04/09/17 at 20:06:12

All these crashing ships!



Title: Re: I declare...
Post by MMRanch on 04/09/17 at 20:48:45

Congratulations to both of ya raydawg  !


Sometimes ya just get LUCKY  !     :)

What ever ya doing --- just keep repeating it ...  ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/17 at 22:20:34

5A6378622120110 wrote:
All these crashing ships!



I'm gonna hafta admit, I'm getting a little see sick.. and if I see one more time about ships crashing in the night I do believe I'll be sikk..

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Dave on 04/10/17 at 03:25:21

687B637E7B6D7D1A0 wrote:
Not sure why Dave hasn't chimed in, maybe he got behind in his ironing  ;D

Here I am!!!!  No ironing.....just a lot of yardwork this weekend!

It has been 23 years of marriage for me.  I didn't get married until I was 38 - before that I was pretty much married to my work and not yet ready to settle down.

And the food.....I am married to a vegetarian.  So it isn't the food that keeps me in the relationship.  (She is a good cook - even if there isn't any bacon in the salad).

I used to be a 'dreamboat".....but my cargo shifted! :(

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by LANCER on 04/10/17 at 06:13:41

13282532232F343229212C33400 wrote:
[quote author=687B637E7B6D7D1A0 link=1491752053/0#11 date=1491786864]Not sure why Dave hasn't chimed in, maybe he got behind in his ironing  ;D

Here I am!!!!  No ironing.....just a lot of yardwork this weekend!

It has been 23 years of marriage for me.  I didn't get married until I was 38 - before that I was pretty much married to my work and not yet ready to settle down.

And the food.....I am married to a vegetarian.  So it isn't the food that keeps me in the relationship.  (She is a good cook - even if there isn't any bacon in the salad).

I used to be a 'dreamboat".....but my cargo shifted! :([/quote]


Title: Re: I declare...
Post by springman on 04/10/17 at 08:16:26

I'm staying out of this one! ;D

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by MShipley on 04/10/17 at 13:23:24

Kinda like Lancer, I was married for 37 years, 40 if you count the years living together. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and died 19 days later. However about three years ago I was in Nicaragua on a Mission trip and met a wonderful Lady from the church I did not know (I attend a rather large church). We have been married for two years and its great. Like Dave said, if you want to make marriage work then divorce is not an option......congratulations to you.

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by MShipley on 04/10/17 at 13:25:25

PS, PapaBear, I got sober in 1984 myself, God bless is good.

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/10/17 at 17:32:25

Man, you guys are funny  ;D

You guys have strung some real impressive sobriety together, awesome!
Gee at only what, 15 years for me.....
You can prolly still smell it on my breath  :P

Anybody, ANYBODY, who might be wondering if they can go without it, just ask these guys, all the fret and worry about never drinking again, if it, drinking, presents a problem to you, that it decides your life for you, etc, it's all a crock, you don't miss it at all  ;)

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by raydawg on 04/10/17 at 17:33:43

3D303F3234236366510 wrote:
[quote author=13282532232F343229212C33400 link=1491752053/15#15 date=1491819921][quote author=687B637E7B6D7D1A0 link=1491752053/0#11 date=1491786864]Not sure why Dave hasn't chimed in, maybe he got behind in his ironing  ;D

Here I am!!!!  No ironing.....just a lot of yardwork this weekend!

It has been 23 years of marriage for me.  I didn't get married until I was 38 - before that I was pretty much married to my work and not yet ready to settle down.

And the food.....I am married to a vegetarian.  So it isn't the food that keeps me in the relationship.  (She is a good cook - even if there isn't any bacon in the salad).

I used to be a 'dreamboat".....but my cargo shifted! :([/quote]

WHERE ? ![/quote]

The poopdeck  :o

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by Dave on 04/11/17 at 03:58:40

My Cargo shift?

I used to have bulging I have bulging abs.

My 6 pack has become a 1/4 barrel!

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by MShipley on 04/11/17 at 06:14:45

Congratulations to you raydawg.......its funny, I can still feel the burn down my throat if I think about it.

Title: Re: I declare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/17 at 15:22:00

Cargo shift? Looks like I was boarded by pirates and vandals.. stole the good stuff and made a mess of what was left. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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