General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways

Message started by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 11:36:26

Title: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 11:36:26

Think what you will about Keith, but he's got a good point.  Pay attention to the last part - about 4:50 in...


Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/31/17 at 12:24:49

I thought he wouldn't be nominated
He was gonna drop out
She was stomp him
And it goes on and on

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 13:35:39

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:
I thought he wouldn't be nominated
He was gonna drop out
She was stomp him
And it goes on and on

I've been saying from the start "he'll never last", etc., etc.
I'm sorry I was wrong.
I hope I'm wrong again about treason... but it doesn't look good for tweety...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 03/31/17 at 13:59:00

Trump was not a real candidate, and he's not a real President.
He's just the embodiment of the frustration of the Right.

That's why he can get away with anything... things no real politician ever could.
His supporters de-legitimatise him by ignoring all this childish behaviour.  
If you aren't holding him to the standards of the Presidency, you aren't really considering him legitimate.
He's just a man-child tantrum...
..but he's your man-child... and you are letting him run amok in the doctors waiting room, annoying everyone.
Bad parenting...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 03/31/17 at 14:03:46

TT, I told you I'd make a bet with you but you backed out so you don't really believe what you're saying, you're just talking smack.

Like Jog said: you, Sew, the media, have been wrong about EVERYTHING so far. What makes you think you know anything about what you're talking about!

Now you're "talking treason" and it's "not looking good" when as more and more time goes by, it looks as if Trump is more right than wrong about the actions of Obama's administration.

So come on big boy, $100 bucks, Trump is gone before his first year is out. We'll send money to a third party to hold. Sew says atheist are morally upstanding and decent people so let's ask him to hold it for us.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 14:11:30

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
TT, I told you I'd make a bet with you but you backed out so you don't really believe what you're saying, you're just talking smack.

Like Jog said: you, Sew, the media, have been wrong about EVERYTHING so far. What makes you think you know anything about what you're talking about!

Now you're "talking treason" and it's "not looking good" when as more and more time goes by, it looks as if Trump is more right than wrong about the actions of Obama's administration.

So come on big boy, $100 bucks, Trump is gone before his first year is out. We'll send money to a third party to hold. Sew says atheist are morally upstanding and decent people so let's ask him to hold it for us.

LOL - yeah, that's why michael steele has said publically that tweety won't finish his term, so the bubs better get chummy with pence...

But yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about.... right?

Hey - there's this thing called the internet - go look up what steele said on your own.  Maybe you remember that guy... he was the head of the rnc... but he probably doesn't know anything either, right?

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 14:13:40

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
Trump was not a real candidate, and he's not a real President.
He's just the embodiment of the frustration of the Right.

That's why he can get away with anything... things no real politician ever could.
His supporters de-legitimatise him by ignoring all this childish behaviour.  
If you aren't holding him to the standards of the Presidency, you aren't really considering him legitimate.
He's just a man-child tantrum...
..but he's your man-child... and you are letting him run amok in the doctors waiting room, annoying everyone.
Bad parenting...

There's an apt phrase I saw posted somewhere - "If you elect a clown, you get the whole circus".

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 03/31/17 at 14:42:19

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

You do realize everyone knows why you won't put ypur money where your mouth is right? ....  

I'll let you off the hook.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 14:58:37

073532232435221D31223B500 wrote:
SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

You do realize everyone knows why you won't put ypur money where your mouth is right? ....  

I'll let you off the hook.

FYI - I don't bet on the fate of our country... I love my Country and it's saddens me to seeing going to pot thanks to tweety.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by pg on 03/31/17 at 15:15:03

4B555A5B564B504D3F0 wrote:
So come on big boy, $100 bucks

But yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about.... right?

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

I don't think you have the sand T&T.  How about the loser donates $100 to the site?   ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 15:21:35

6770767A7565170 wrote:
[quote author=4B555A5B564B504D3F0 link=1490985386/0#5 date=1490994690]
So come on big boy, $100 bucks

But yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about.... right?

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

I don't think you have the sand T&T.  How about the loser donates $100 to the site?   ;)

Best regards,[/quote]

See my reply above.  No thanks.

Let's hope I'm truly wrong.
(but it's not looking too good)

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by verslagen1 on 03/31/17 at 15:23:29

i.e., he believes he wrong again, but he'll troll you until something better comes along.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/17 at 15:40:55

7B687F7E616C6A68633C0D0 wrote:
i.e., he believes he wrong again, but he'll troll you until something better comes along.

Feel free to address me directly... don't be a wuss...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 03/31/17 at 16:50:40

736D62636E736875070 wrote:
[quote author=6770767A7565170 link=1490985386/0#9 date=1490998503][quote author=4B555A5B564B504D3F0 link=1490985386/0#5 date=1490994690]
So come on big boy, $100 bucks

But yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about.... right?

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

I don't think you have the sand T&T.  How about the loser donates $100 to the site?   ;)

Best regards,[/quote]

See my reply above.  No thanks.

Let's hope I'm truly wrong.
(but it's not looking too good)[/quote]

Oh my, if this was an avocado, I'd have to toss it out from being over RIPE  

What a fraud, dance around the fact....either you spew without conviction, a fraud, or Bo's enconomy left you without two spare nickels to rub together.....
No shame in that, 100 smacks is out of somes league, just admit it at face value, as such.

I still can't bring myself to watch Trump, geez, how did we ever get here, oh yeah, bunch of stooges reading fake news and then believing it, even if they had to add fake polls, etc, to keep the charade viable.
Fruck reality, eh  :-*

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/17 at 18:27:39

2B353A3B362B302D5F0 wrote:
 FYI - I don't bet on the fate of our country... I love my Country and it's saddens me to seeing going to pot thanks to tweety.

Interesting,  You have never answered any of the numerous questions asked of you, by  Numinous  people here.
You post clips, of,  'gq',  (worse than CNN), and imply it is,  'sacrosanct'.
You do, one liners, and  trash TRUMP,  Every chance you get.
  (Yet   IGNORE,  H.R.C.'s , and  Bam a's ,  Crimes)

I do not think anyone here is   ALL,   Trump.

But Now, he is  what we have.
  AND,  it takes  MORE  than  3  months, to UN  DO   8  YEARS  !!!!!!!

You say: "...I love my Country...".
Yet  you   Constantly,   'Stand in the Street, and   CRY"

Many years ago, took a  Dog to a  Vet.
  (We had a good  relationship)
I told the Vet, what I thought the problem was,   She said:
"If it  Quacks like a  Duck,   If it walks like a Duck, if it looks like a  Duck,  it is most  probably, a   Duck".

I say that about you, as  a  
Internet, Forum, TROLL.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/17 at 05:57:59

FYI - I don't bet on the fate of our country... I love my Country and it's saddens me to seeing going to pot thanks to tweety.

Everyone bets on the  fate of the country every day, every time you spend money, everytime you pay a bill, every time you plan for tomorrow, etc...  Everyone knows why you won't bet so don't compound your embarrassment by typing nonsense.

Liberals don't love their country, they stain it. Liberals are skidmarks on the underwear of life: ruins a perfectly good pair.   But then liberals are emasculated so they got more room down there. So, maybe liberals are panty liners on a pair of pink panties; dropping their skirt in either bathroom because  as far as I can tell from this morning's paper, allowing men to pee next to little girls in North Carolina is really important to them.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 04/01/17 at 07:12:03

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
Liberals don't love their country, they stain it. Liberals are skidmarks on the underwear of life: ruins a perfectly good pair.   But then liberals are emasculated so they got more room down there. So, maybe liberals are panty liners on a pair of pink panties; dropping their skirt in either bathroom because  as far as I can tell from this morning's paper, allowing men to pee next to little girls in North Carolina is really important to them.

I think you might be spending a little too much time pondering this...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 04/01/17 at 08:06:20

2234233E26333E25510 wrote:
[quote author=370502131405122D01120B600 link=1490985386/15#15 date=1491051479]

Liberals don't love their country, they stain it. Liberals are skidmarks on the underwear of life: ruins a perfectly good pair.   But then liberals are emasculated so they got more room down there. So, maybe liberals are panty liners on a pair of pink panties; dropping their skirt in either bathroom because  as far as I can tell from this morning's paper, allowing men to pee next to little girls in North Carolina is really important to them.

I think you might be spending a little too much time pondering this...

Another over ripe avacado......

If memory serves me right, you are the one who is smitten with the trivial reports of Trump's hands....
I guess size to you matters, eh.
How that equates to anything other than revealing sumtin about those who report it, and those who suck it up, I don't know.

Sorry Web, I hope I did steal your retort, for you should do not need my help in minimizing these disingenuous misfits.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/17 at 08:20:18

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
FYI - I don't bet on the fate of our country... I love my Country and it's saddens me to seeing going to pot thanks to tweety.

Everyone bets on the  fate of the country every day, every time you spend money, everytime you pay a bill, every time you plan for tomorrow, etc...  Everyone knows why you won't bet so don't compound your embarrassment by typing nonsense.

Liberals don't love their country, they stain it. Liberals are skidmarks on the underwear of life: ruins a perfectly good pair.   But then liberals are emasculated so they got more room down there. So, maybe liberals are panty liners on a pair of pink panties; dropping their skirt in either bathroom because  as far as I can tell from this morning's paper, allowing men to pee next to little girls in North Carolina is really important to them.

LOL - So let me guess.... you hate liberals?

How very tolerant of you...  It's people like you that are hurting the country.  Hard line partisans that have no clue.  Keep up that hate - I'm sure it's gonna serve you very well.

Oh, and while you're at it - make sure and give up all those terrible liberal programs like medicare and medicaid.  If you or a family member loses a job, make sure you don't accept unemployment.  Please don't succumb to the liberal ways of giving, charity and tolerance - we all know Jesus was a hard-line conservative...


Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 04/01/17 at 08:22:11

It's not about the size of Trump's hands...
It's about Trump's decade long obsession with the size of his hands...

He just set his lawyers on to a 17 year old girls website, in which Trump is attacked by kitten paws...
Her site has been taken down...

...and they call Liberals butterflies...
Trump is the king of the butterflies...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/17 at 08:31:12

697A627F7A6C7C1B0 wrote:
[quote author=736D62636E736875070 link=1490985386/0#10 date=1490998895][quote author=6770767A7565170 link=1490985386/0#9 date=1490998503][quote author=4B555A5B564B504D3F0 link=1490985386/0#5 date=1490994690]
So come on big boy, $100 bucks

But yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about.... right?

SMH - utter ignorance... I don't take money from fools....

I don't think you have the sand T&T.  How about the loser donates $100 to the site?   ;)

Best regards,[/quote]

See my reply above.  No thanks.

Let's hope I'm truly wrong.
(but it's not looking too good)[/quote]

Oh my, if this was an avocado, I'd have to toss it out from being over RIPE  

What a fraud, dance around the fact....either you spew without conviction, a fraud, or Bo's enconomy left you without two spare nickels to rub together.....
No shame in that, 100 smacks is out of somes league, just admit it at face value, as such.

I still can't bring myself to watch Trump, geez, how did we ever get here, oh yeah, bunch of stooges reading fake news and then believing it, even if they had to add fake polls, etc, to keep the charade viable.
Fruck reality, eh  :-*


Bo's economy?  Really?  So you're saying that Obama's economy is bad, right?  His administration did nothing?

LOL - wow, your world must be a living hell...  Well, unlike you, I'm doing a hell of a lot better today than I was in 2008.  My 401K is fat and happy.  My house is worth more now than it has ever been.  My kids under 26 are still covered in my insurance and none of my union friends are sitting at home.

Cry me a river about how bad things are.  Sucks to be you.  But if tweety keeps up his circus show, we're all gonna be hurting - that's not something that I bet on.  I'd rather take that hundo and give it to someone who needs it.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 04/01/17 at 08:45:57

You sound like your are sitting on a barstool trying to convince yourself....
I know that bar, however, been many years since I visited it.
You play victim well, keep it up, tho your comprehension will even suffer more.
Have a good weekend  :-*

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 04/01/17 at 08:50:36

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
It's not about the size of Trump's hands...
It's about Trump's decade long obsession with the size of his hands...

He just set his lawyers on to a 17 year old girls website, in which Trump is attacked by kitten paws...
Her site has been taken down...

...and they call Liberals butterflies...
Trump is the king of the butterflies...

Have no idea if butterflies or what you are referring to.
My peeve is if Trump is a train wreck, get out of his way....
Stop playing his hand, real simple.
Why try and orchestrate his demise with false or weak reports, etc, and just let the focus fall on him without all the side shows?

And please don't say innocent victims, etc, that is weak.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/17 at 08:53:34

382B332E2B3D2D4A0 wrote:
You sound like your are sitting on a barstool trying to convince yourself....
I know that bar, however, been many years since I visited it.
You play victim well, keep it up, tho your comprehension will even suffer more.
Have a good weekend  :-*

Bars - like betting - are a waste of money.  I drink with my buddies in my garage.

There's nothing I have to "convince myself" of.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that the president is an orange moron.  His approval rating is at record lows for a president in their first year. (oh, but I'm sure those polls are rigged, right?)

The only ones that see to need to convince themselves of anything are the ones in denial about donny.  He will do no good for this country.  He will be impeached before his first term is up - that, or he will take the nixon way out.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 04/01/17 at 09:04:17

76657D60657363040 wrote:
[quote author=2335223F27323F24500 link=1490985386/15#19 date=1491060131]It's not about the size of Trump's hands...
It's about Trump's decade long obsession with the size of his hands...

He just set his lawyers on to a 17 year old girls website, in which Trump is attacked by kitten paws...
Her site has been taken down...

...and they call Liberals butterflies...
Trump is the king of the butterflies...

Have no idea if butterflies or what you are referring to.
My peeve is if Trump is a train wreck, get out of his way....
Stop playing his hand, real simple.
Why try and orchestrate his demise with false or weak reports, etc, and just let the focus fall on him without all the side shows?

And please don't say innocent victims, etc, that is weak.

Sorry,.. I meant snowflakes...  hard to keep track of all the insulting names...

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 04/01/17 at 10:15:19

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
[quote author=76657D60657363040 link=1490985386/15#22 date=1491061836][quote author=2335223F27323F24500 link=1490985386/15#19 date=1491060131]It's not about the size of Trump's hands...
It's about Trump's decade long obsession with the size of his hands...

He just set his lawyers on to a 17 year old girls website, in which Trump is attacked by kitten paws...
Her site has been taken down...

...and they call Liberals butterflies...
Trump is the king of the butterflies...

Have no idea if butterflies or what you are referring to.
My peeve is if Trump is a train wreck, get out of his way....
Stop playing his hand, real simple.
Why try and orchestrate his demise with false or weak reports, etc, and just let the focus fall on him without all the side shows?

And please don't say innocent victims, etc, that is weak.

Sorry,.. I meant snowflakes...  hard to keep track of all the insulting names...[/quote]

Haha, that is revealingly funny  ;D

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by raydawg on 04/01/17 at 10:27:06

544A454449544F52200 wrote:
[quote author=382B332E2B3D2D4A0 link=1490985386/15#21 date=1491061557]You sound like your are sitting on a barstool trying to convince yourself....
I know that bar, however, been many years since I visited it.
You play victim well, keep it up, tho your comprehension will even suffer more.
Have a good weekend  :-*

Bars - like betting - are a waste of money.  I drink with my buddies in my garage.

There's nothing I have to "convince myself" of.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that the president is an orange moron.  His approval rating is at record lows for a president in their first year. (oh, but I'm sure those polls are rigged, right?)

The only ones that see to need to convince themselves of anything are the ones in denial about donny.  He will do no good for this country.  He will be impeached before his first term is up - that, or he will take the nixon way out.


You really don't even see your are part of that circus you hold in such contempt....
Like a fish hooked on a line, being played by one of two anglers standing in the boat, sad bro.
You give witness of people we don't know, nor can question, as that absolves the claims here, leveled against you, extremely weak and provides not one scintilla of evidenced with merit.

I see I have fell back into my old ways so quickly coming back to this board.
Expecting it to provide what it's not capable of, my bad.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/17 at 17:59:03

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
  Sorry,.. I meant snowflakes...  hard to keep track of all the insulting names...  

Let’s see if I got this right.
One  group, if they call the other group:
’Stupid,  Liberal,  Troll, Fairy Dust Sprinkler, Clueless, Socialist, Lier, libertarian, etc”
  It is,   ‘BAD’, and should not be done.

Yet,  that other group, CAN, call the, ‘other’, group:
Homophobic, Islamphobic, Racist, Nazi,  Tweety, Orange, Orangutan, Small hands, Fascist, Bigot, White Trash, Hypocrite, Narcissists, etc.
AND,  It is  Perfectly  ALL  Right !!!!!!!!!!

Got to wright it down in my score card  !

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/17 at 18:57:49

312F20212C312A37450 wrote:
"  Bo's economy?  Really?  So you're saying that Obama's economy is bad, right?  His administration did nothing?
LOL - wow, your world must be a living hell...  Well, unlike you, I'm doing a hell of a lot better today than I was in 2008.  My 401K is fat and happy.  My house is worth more now than it has ever been.  My kids under 26 are still covered in my insurance and none of my union friends are sitting at home. Cry me a river about how bad things are.  Sucks to be you.  But if tweety keeps up his circus show, we're all gonna be hurting - that's not something that I bet on.  I'd rather take that hundo and give it to someone who needs it.

Excellent, glad to see you doing so Well, the  Last 8 years !

"... lot better today than I was in 2008.  My 401K is fat and happy.  My house is worth more now than it has ever been...."

When did you, 'start' ?????

In the mid 80's, I invested $500.00, in a  'Money  Market' account.
  (A  good  customer, who sold them,  always bug'ed me, So  I Invested)

In 2008   it was Worth, $20,000.00    WOW.
At the end of  2009, it was worth, $800.00
  (Should have cashed it in end of 2008)

Then  Under the,  'Wanna  Be   KING,  bam-a',
It went  ALL  THE  WAY  UP  to, $2,000.00.
Gee, a  $500.00 investment,  Under the, 'Wanna  BE   KING',  went to $2,000.00.    a   $1,500.00  Profit  !!!!!!

But of  Course,   'NEVER  MIND", it was a,  $19,500.00  LOSS   !!!!!!!

(Oh if  only one could use,  Hindsight)

Anyway, that is why  I don't do, investments,  
other than the,  FORCED
   Social SECURITY, and   Medicare.

I Put any extra money in,  Land.
  OH,  What was,  'Land' worth,   PRE,   'bam-a"
And what was it worth,  during,  'Bam-a's'  Term  ??????

Oh,   'What  Does  It  Matter",
YOU, did  SO  well, under,  'bam-a'.

So  Glad  you can fly  First  Class,  
And I still fly,  Coach.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Trippah on 04/02/17 at 08:01:46

Just remembering the songs of the seventies.  Why can't we be friends., Cmom people now, smile on your brother.  There are winners, and there are losers big deal.   The times they are changing, but in fact it is only surface ruffles, the rich gfet richer and the poor, vote Democratic or republican. ;D

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/02/17 at 19:31:27

Here are the average growth rates for each president since World War II:

Johnson (1964-68), 5.3 percent
Kennedy (1961-63), 4.3 percent
Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9 percent
Reagan (1981-88), 3.5 percent
Carter (1977-80), 3.3 percent
Eisenhower (1953-60), 3 percent
Nixon (1969-74), 2.8 percent
Ford (1975-76), 2.6 percent
G.H.W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3 percent
G.W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1 percent
Truman (1946-52), 1.7 percent
Obama (2009-16), 1.6 percent

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/02/17 at 20:06:39

Gee, look at that. We Appear to be in a downward direction. I'm shocked. Aren't you?

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 04:43:20

there are literally millions of variables in the economy so it's not always one person's policies that matter the most but over 8 years, obama got everything he wanted passed so the arrow certainly points mostly at him I would think.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 06:01:24

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
there are literally millions of variables in the economy so it's not always one person's policies that matter the most but over 8 years, obama got everything he wanted passed so the arrow certainly points mostly at him I would think.

WAIT... "got everything he wanted passed"?????  Are you living in bizzaro world????


Perhaps you missed the fact that there were more filibusters in Obama's terms than at any time in history?  He was the first president in history to not be given a vote on a budget.  Nearly a year before his term was up, the bubs wouldn't allow an up or down vote on his SCOUS nominee.  The turtle man mcconnel said that the number one priority of the senate was to Obama aone term president...

"got everything he wanted.."


Oh, and lets not forget - the US has been under republican control at the state and federal level for over 6 years... how about that?

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/03/17 at 07:15:04

How many Dems opposed Hillary?
How many Bubs opposed Trump?
Again, both sides are working for the same people, Status Quo.. The only sane, American People representing ones are in the Bub camp, but not all bubs stand together. Many are dems at heart. A lot of the opposition is by real patriots, but some is symbolic.

Join the Book of the Week club. Read and write about what you learned. Unless it's too complicated or you're scared it might say things that cause an actual independent thought that wasn't whispered in your ear by a CNN fake news creator.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 07:20:40

*He was the first president in history to not be given a vote on a budget.

Obama's budgets were routinely voted down by both sides. 98-1 once and 99-0 another time. He never took budgets seriously.

Every opposition party wants the current President to be a one termer. You don't think that's what the current Dems want? They are already talking filibusters etc...   Face it, Obama got handled with kid gloves.

But yes, he got what he wanted. He got his healthcare, he got his stimulus, he got the foreign policy results he wanted. The only significant thing he didn't get was to replace Scalia.

He ownes the last 8 years for the most part.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 08:30:57

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
*He was the first president in history to not be given a vote on a budget.

Obama's budgets were routinely voted down by both sides. 98-1 once and 99-0 another time. He never took budgets seriously.

Every opposition party wants the current President to be a one termer. You don't think that's what the current Dems want? They are already talking filibusters etc...   Face it, Obama got handled with kid gloves.

But yes, he got what he wanted. He got his healthcare, he got his stimulus, he got the foreign policy results he wanted. The only significant thing he didn't get was to replace Scalia.

He ownes the last 8 years for the most part.

LOL - you're living in a dream world!  "Kid gloves"??

How can he own the last eight years when ALL the things you listed occurred in the first two???  Typical hypocrisy of the trump/GOPer ignorance is your bliss.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 08:55:19

He was  coddled like the only child of a wealthy, middle aged couple. He got his way on virtually everything and now we are suffering the consequences.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 09:03:20

132126373021360925362F440 wrote:
He was  coddled like the only child of a wealthy, middle aged couple. He got his way on virtually everything and now we are suffering the consequences.

"There are Martians walking among us."  "Elvis is alive."  "The Tooth Fairy is real"

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Remove your head from the ground and really see what's going on.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 09:43:34

Obama's was treated like you get treated on this forum. He had the protection of the media, you have the protection of the moderators. They let you push the envelop on direct insults while slapping the rest of us. A month or so ago there was a big push to clean up the insults and with some minor exceptions, everyone has tried to be better except you. I see an image of a spoiled child who has skirts to hide behind.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 09:51:55

6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 wrote:
Obama's was treated like you get treated on this forum. He had the protection of the media, you have the protection of the moderators. They let you push the envelop on direct insults while slapping the rest of us. A month or so ago there was a big push to clean up the insults and with some minor exceptions, everyone has tried to be better except you. I see an image of a spoiled child who has skirts to hide behind.

Hmm.. .who said these things?:

"Liberals don't love their country, they stain it."

"I'm not an emasculated liberal snowflake so I don't want to allow censorship

"Sew doesn't read anything, he repeats what Rachel Maddow tells him!"

"I chuckle when I read simplistic comments about the bankruptcies"

"Liberals are the worst. They are the cause of much of this nation's misery."

Looks like you're the snowflake - if you can't take the criticism, then don't post.  (whaaaa.. .he's being mean and nobody is calling him out...)

You're a hypocrite in good standing.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 10:36:44

Those are comments directed towards groups of people or are otherwise not violating what I agreed to.

I will probably get censored for this, but you are a snotty nose little brat, a child. Typing in different colors, caps and BWAAAHH..... etc... Directly calling  people racist and other names. In a real bar, you would get your punky little a$$ beat but you'd run to the cops or more likely a lawyer. Just like refusing to put your money where you mouth is and then offering a pansy excuse why not; f'ing little Eddie Haskell.

Moderators: I'm not asking for censorship; I don't care if F U's are dropped on here. But don't coddle little sissy boy TT just because he wears the same jersey you do. He owes Jog an apology for calling him a racist for one thing. I was told I could not even use the term snowflake but he can call him a racist? That ain't right.

I told you my opinion moderators, either apply your rules fairly or shut down the tall table.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by verslagen1 on 04/03/17 at 10:39:16

I think you're so deeply seeded in your own "opinion" that you can't see revisionist history when you see it.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 10:52:24

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Those are comments directed towards groups of people or are otherwise not violating what I agreed to.

I will probably get censored for this, but you are a snotty nose little brat, a child. Typing in different colors, caps and BWAAAHH..... etc... Directly calling  people racist and other names. In a real bar, you would get your punky little a$$ beat but you'd run to the cops or more likely a lawyer. Just like refusing to put your money where you mouth is and then offering a pansy excuse why not; f'ing little Eddie Haskell.

Moderators: I'm not asking for censorship; I don't care if F U's are dropped on here. But don't coddle little sissy boy TT just because he wears the same jersey you do. He owes Jog an apology for calling him a racist for one thing. I was told I could not even use the term snowflake but he can call him a racist? That ain't right.

I told you my opinion moderators, either apply your rules fairly or shut down the tall table.

When someone calls our former president a "porch black person" - THAT is racist.  If you don't agree, then boo hoo for you.  Let me call you a whaaambulance.

I call them like I see them.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/17 at 15:15:33

7F6C7B7A65686E6C6738090 wrote:
I think you're so deeply seeded in your own "opinion" that you can't see revisionist history when you see it.

oh, there's a f'ing surprise response from one of our moderators.....

Fine, guess the gloves are back off. Have at it everyone. We'll call this the "The TT little snot" rules. If you're unsure if your comments cross the line, just imagine you are a snotty little b!tch and let that be your guide.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/17 at 20:54:44

0A383F2E29382F103C2F365D0 wrote:
[quote author=7F6C7B7A65686E6C6738090 link=1490985386/30#42 date=1491241156]I think you're so deeply seeded in your own "opinion" that you can't see revisionist history when you see it.

oh, there's a f'ing surprise response from one of our moderators.....

Fine, guess the gloves are back off. Have at it everyone. We'll call this the "The TT little snot" rules. If you're unsure if your comments cross the line, just imagine you are a snotty little b!tch and let that be your guide.[/quote]

Oh.. the gloves are off?..... is... is that a bad thing?  Are your hands warm now?  Is it spring?  You should always try to wear gloves while riding to protect your hands.  Don't be a Mr. Bungles....

Safety first.

Your pal,

TT Snot (aka little b1tch)


Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 04/04/17 at 08:52:07

Web,..  do you understand that "porch black person" was site censored?...
The expression is "porch ni99er", and cannot be misinterpreted as anything but an absolute racist comment.

It was so egregious that I considered deleting it, but being that it was not directed at any member, I didn't.
...but calling out the user of such a term as racist is not name calling, it is a statement of fact.
No question.

PS... the gloves are still on...
Everyone play nice.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/17 at 08:59:58

Yes, I was angry and said something I shouldn't have. Everybody needs to Get over it.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/17 at 09:47:41

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
Web,..  do you understand that "porch black person" was site censored?...
The expression is "porch ni99er", and cannot be misinterpreted as anything but an absolute racist comment.

It was so egregious that I considered deleting it, but being that it was not directed at any member, I didn't.
...but calling out the user of such a term as racist is not name calling, it is a statement of fact.
No question.

PS... the gloves are still on...
Everyone play nice.

My main issue wasn't Jog's comment.

Rein your little snot in. You've let him open the door back up you said you wanted closed.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by Serowbot on 04/04/17 at 10:04:04

Alright,... TnT?... Please try to be more civil...

Web?,... you too...

Statements like this, whilst not directly breaking the rules, don't inspire civility.

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
Liberals don't love their country, they stain it. Liberals are skidmarks on the underwear of life: ruins a perfectly good pair.   But then liberals are emasculated so they got more room down there. So, maybe liberals are panty liners on a pair of pink panties; dropping their skirt in either bathroom because  as far as I can tell from this morning's paper, allowing men to pee next to little girls in North Carolina is really important to them.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/17 at 10:26:00

Nope, that's within the boundaries. I wasn't directing that at an individual.
That's not much different than what you've said about conservatives.

******** on the other hand, has been lobbing personal insults directly towards someone and you've said nothing.

You want modding, you got it.. -Serow

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by MnSpring on 04/04/17 at 15:57:35

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
Web,..  do you understand that "porch black person" was site censored?...   The expression is "porch ni99er", and cannot be misinterpreted as anything but an absolute racist comment.  It was so egregious that I considered deleting it, but being that it was not directed at any member, I didn't.  ...but calling out the user of such a term as racist is not name calling, it is a statement of fact. No question.  PS... the gloves are still on...  Everyone play nice.  

First,   “…”porch black person” was site censored…”

‘Censored’,  not  removed, but, ‘Censored’.

What does,   ‘Censored’,  Mean ???

“…PS… the gloves are still on……”

  Well for  some, but not for all.

Clearly, it totally depends on what the Opinion is,
 of  the person who does, the, ’Censorship’.

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by MnSpring on 04/04/17 at 16:12:18

And  OH,   I think  that:
That, Big,  Obnoxious, Gas Hog,
Smelly, Dangerous, Un-Safe to others,
vastly Overpowered, which  offends,
EVERY    DECENT   Person,  in a   Civilized  Nation.
That you drive.

Should be BANNED

And if, ’some’, reason, you feel you,  ’Need’,  to ride something on 2  wheels.
Get  a   Bicycle.

OR,  If you are  Properly   Prepared,
Have  taken the, Proper, Education,
and  Proper,  Instruction,
and Proper,   Licenses and  Tests.

And after a, ‘board’ has  ‘reviewed’, ALL  your,  Proper, submissions.
And you can,  Prove, your need, for a, 49cc  Moped.
(after waiting the appropriate  90 days)

Then you can buy one.

Well,  that is what, I   Think.
Perhaps, you do not agree  ???????  ;)

Title: Re: It's Probably Going To End One Of These Ways
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/17 at 18:45:08

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