General Category >> The Cafe >> Should we wear helmets?

Message started by Dagillespi on 03/29/17 at 15:36:07

Title: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Dagillespi on 03/29/17 at 15:36:07

So the title was totally a joke. I personally wear a helmet eventide I leave town on the bike, but an interesting article nonetheless. I'm neither for or against wearing helmets. We're riding around exposed on hundreds of pounds of steel around thousands of texting teenagers. That said I hope you all enjoy the read.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by twhitus on 03/29/17 at 15:57:52

Yes you should always wear a helmet. Mine saved my life "just" but has left me with dentures, 2 plates in my skull and a partial lower jaw prosthetic.  This does not include the aches and pains from a broken neck, 2 legs, and the 6 months recovery in the hospital to learn how to walk again, a task that 17 years later is painful after a distance.

Should you be required to wear a helmet by the government if you dont wish, no.

I wear a helmet not for me but those i would leave behind if i chose not to because it looks cool.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Kris01 on 03/29/17 at 18:31:19

I'd wear a helmet whether it was mandatory or not. Do I want the government telling me to wear it? Not really. I'm glad that they do though. Some people have to be told certain things. There's a tag on hair dryers that says not to use them in the shower. Duh! Some people need to be told!

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by jcstokes on 03/29/17 at 19:41:18

They do offer some, but far from total protection. I wear mine and would wear one even if it weren't mandatory where I live. It's a white one and not a blend into the blacktop thing.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Ruttly on 03/29/17 at 19:44:19

I have broken 2 helmets and ground a hole in another,guess I was doing a 65 mph head stand ! I don't want to know you if you don't wear a helmet cause I really hate funerals !
All 3 of those wrecks would have killed me , one had six months of healing from road rash and one spot on my back still hasn't healed after almost 40 years !

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by zipidachimp on 03/29/17 at 20:34:46

been to Indianapolis at least once a year from 2014, and almost NO ONE wears a helmet. Scary to see the first time!

Lost a friend a long time ago without a helmet,  on a joyride around the block. :(

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Dave on 03/30/17 at 03:35:16

Yes we should wear a helmet.

Should it be a law - maybe not.....unless my insurance rates are going to be affected by your brain injury and the related hospital bill!

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/17 at 04:04:58

Totaled three bikes.
Twice, no helmet. First time, IF I would have been wearing one, instead of cracked vertebrae,my neck would have been snapped.
Second time, head never touched the ground.
Third time, slammed my face into the cab corner of a pickup. Without the full coverage I might have died, best case scenario, lots of reconstructive surgery and dental work.

If your idiotic behavior exposes me to loss the problem is that the system is screwed up. When I have a Vested interest in how my neighbors live, we have a problem.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by SALB on 03/30/17 at 09:17:21

Depending on the circumstances, a helmet may or may not save you're life.  I'll take the added insurance.  Where helmets really shine is preventing head injury.  Personally, I'd rather die, than be reduced to a vegetable, while taxpayers pay the bill to keep me alive, and putting my family through the ordeal.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Papa Bear on 03/30/17 at 10:12:02

2A292A3E28202E4B0 wrote:
Depending on the circumstances, a helmet may or may not save you're life.  I'll take the added insurance.  Where helmets really shine is preventing head injury.  Personally, I'd rather die, than be reduced to a vegetable, while taxpayers pay the bill to keep me alive, and putting my family through the ordeal.

As a resident of Ontario Canada we get free (taxpayer funded) health/hospital care.
I think that I should take reasonable care of myself (helmet/leather shoes/pants/shirt/glasses/gloves) so not to unduly put a strain on our health system.
I lost friends back in the early '60s before helmet law - I choose to look after myself.


Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by engineer on 03/30/17 at 18:28:59

This is why I wear a helmet.

brother-in-law:  Found alive but barley on side of road with his Harley, no helmet, severe head trauma.  He lived a while in a vegetative state then died.

friend of my father:  Took his son's small displacement dirt bike for a spin down the country road he lived on.  They found him drowned face down in a shallow ditch, no helmet.  Autopsy showed a blow to the head followed by drowning.  There were only 2 or 3 inches of water in the ditch.

my hair cutter's husband:  Failed to negotiate a curve at night on his Harley, no helmet, found dead of head injury.

myself:  Grudgingly bought and wore a helmet when it became law, two weeks later I punched out the windshield of an Oldsmobile with my head.  The helmet was barely scuffed and my head was OK (the rest of me was badly beat up).

Kid I knew in school:  Avoided a collision with a car but ran off the road under a guy wire which caught him under the neck and broke it.  He died and in this case a helmet made no difference.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 03/31/17 at 06:22:58

I say, always wear a helmet.  However, it is not the government's business in forcing it on anyone.

Back in the late '60's, I had a friend whose life was saved by wearing a "full front face" helmet, before they were even available by the general public.  He had to order special from BELL.  He was a flat-tracker.

I ordered mine right after that, and now of course, they are everywhere.

Too many close friends have been either killed or near-killed by not wearing a helmet.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by DieselBob on 04/01/17 at 19:34:02

This is why you wear a helmet.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by jcstokes on 04/02/17 at 02:16:40

Did both of them go inside the pickup?

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Ruttly on 04/02/17 at 10:33:14

That looked like a staged stunt to me, I'm throwing the red bull$hit flag on that one !

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Ruttly on 04/02/17 at 10:45:29

Guy was grabbing gears before grabbing brake then rear window just falls out , I would bet the other side of the vehicle was cut out for the stunt !

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/02/17 at 11:03:20

That's easily replaced with this one...

personally, I've bounced too many rocks off my noggen to not wear a helmet.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Dagillespi on 04/02/17 at 11:26:35

I personally always wear mine if I'm headed farther than the gas station,  but I did think the statistics in that study were interesting. I do think there is something to be said about hearing and vision being slightly impaired with a full face at least for me.  When I know it's gonna rain I'll wear my full face to work but it takes a lot or out of the ride for me. Not to mention my perceived speed is dangerously different when wearing the full face. I've got a nice German style for my everyday

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Kris01 on 04/02/17 at 19:31:24

2F3C2B2A35383E3C3768590 wrote:
I've bounced too many rocks off my noggen to not wear a helmet.

I get pelted by unknown projectiles all the time. I think I hit a bat once on the highway. Maybe I should say he hit me. I'm keeping the helmet on!  ;)

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by gizzo on 04/02/17 at 20:28:32

4F767A6B7A716F70731F0 wrote:
This is why you wear a helmet.

That was awesome!!! 8-) Check the pillion's style, leaning way back to keep the bike balanced til the last moment when she dives inside with the rider. Wow.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by buster6315 on 04/02/17 at 20:48:31

looks like 'fake news'

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by DieselBob on 04/02/17 at 21:03:20

I'm with Ruttly on this one. If you slow it down you can see the pillion  looks like a wigged rag doll velcroed to the rider. She appears to have been leaning back the entire time and only pivots forward upon braking. Even so, they made a great team. And all to say, even dummies wear helmets.
I've always worn one. Or, at least since the mini-bike of my childhood.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by T140V on 04/03/17 at 19:13:27

I wouldn't be alive today without mine.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by mpescatori on 04/04/17 at 01:54:04

Should we wear a helmet ?

Why should we wear a helmet...?


Do any of you wear shoes ?

Why should any of you wear shoes...?

Now... are you going to wear that helmet or not ?  ;)

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Armen on 04/04/17 at 02:39:45

For a long while there was a quite vocal anti-helmet movement, especially among the knuckle dragger contingent. They often spouted 'studies' and 'facts' that proved how dangerous helmets were.
I made the same offer over and over:
"I'll give you $1,000 for every documented case where a helmet caused and injury or death (which would not have happened without the helmet), if you give me $100 for every serious head injury or death that was avoided by wearing a helmet." "And, by the way, start by handing over $300 for the 3 times I crashed and hit my helmet and walked away."
Funny, no one ever took me up on that offer.
Make your choices. Just don't make your 'facts'.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/17 at 09:24:47

The first bike I totaled , a helmet would have been fatal.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Serowbot on 04/04/17 at 10:10:34

5A636F7E6F647A65660A0 wrote:
I'm with Ruttly on this one. If you slow it down you can see the pillion  looks like a wigged rag doll velcroed to the rider. She appears to have been leaning back the entire time and only pivots forward upon braking. Even so, they made a great team. And all to say, even dummies wear helmets.
I've always worn one. Or, at least since the mini-bike of my childhood.

That's a movie stunt... you can see the film camera in the shot at the end...

PS.. I wear a helmet if for no other reason than to keep wind, bugs, gravel, dust, out of my eyes...
..and face...
Brain protection is just a bonus... ;D

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Buster on 04/10/17 at 06:19:57

I never ride without mine. An accident is never planned in advance. At least I hope it isn't. And if I ever do slide headfirst into a water hydrant, I'd feel much safer wearing my Shoei instead of a Hulkamania bandana.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by NHLS650 on 05/05/17 at 10:38:51

Late to the party, but a full face Shoei saved my a$$ back in the 80's.
I actually cracked the rear of it after it connected with a telephone pole.  Road rash, broken fingers and toes,[sneakers] but I hobbled away with a concussion and 'minor' injuries.

I wear one.  Right now it's a HJC half helmet, which I'm second guessin'.
Not the helmet, but the style.
In NH, helmets are not required.  Why someone wouldn't wear one is beyond me, but to each his own.


Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by gizzo on 05/05/17 at 15:44:24

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
The first bike I totaled , a helmet would have been fatal.

I'm not calling bullshit on you JoG, but whenever I hear that statement (they say the same about seatbelts..."I'd be dead if I were wearing a  seatbelt" ) I wonder if these people have access to a parallel universe where their other self did indeed die from wearing the helmet. Otherwise, how do they know? I do understand the ways that helmets can cause injury but the only time I can think of where a helmet has conclusively been the cause of death is when little kids have ridden to the playground, gone on the climbing equipment still wearing the helmet, been caught on something, slipped, fell and been hanged. It's happened a few times over here. :'(

anyway, helmet for me.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by stewmills on 05/05/17 at 17:50:19

The more I ride the more I seem to gear up. Started about 5 years ago wearing shorts, flip flops, skull cap. Graduated to a nice half helmet and jeans and sneakers, and now I wear (even in the summer heat) a full face HJC, soft armored jacket, full finger gloves, pants, and usually boots (sometimes sneakers). I have been very fortunate and haven't had to use any of my gear for its intended purpose, but I don't want to be ill prepared if and when my day comes.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by IslandRoad on 05/05/17 at 18:51:12

Helmets are compulsory here in Australia so it's never been an issue for me. I recently switched from a full face helmet to an open face. I reckon it's so much better - even just to breathe the sea air around here while riding, and even with the goggles, earplugs, and mask on a cold morning! Having said that, I just got back from a highway run, into a headwind. Literally had to hold my helmet on! Was rather stressful. Still love the open face helmet though.

Stew, as for the other gear, I always 'suit up' as tempting as it is to wear a t-shirt in the summer. All it took was for me to watch a few videos on YouTube of guys coming off at slow speed to see what road rash looks like, even after a minor fall - no thanks!

I generally wear a padded jacket, Kevlar jeans, gloves, and a pair of workboots. I also recently bought a quality Dririder jacket for winter, after got caught in a storm on a four hour ride a few weeks back. The wind chill factor through a wet jacket was unbearable.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by LANCER on 05/05/17 at 19:01:21

I have had countless close calls and ONE hard accident.  I thank God that I was fully protected that day; more than usual.  I always ride with a helmet but had it all on that day. I KNOW that if I had not been I would be in a wheel chair today instead of riding again.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Kenny G on 05/05/17 at 20:39:50

If you have to convince another rider why he should wear a helmet you are wasting your breath.

Kenny G :-/

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Ruttly on 05/05/17 at 21:09:52

Ever since this topic was started I been telling myself , what a dumb discussion!!!

There are no arguments at my end.


Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by batman on 05/10/17 at 13:26:39

A DOT approved helmet is one that passes a test to withstand an impact at 15 mph. Will it protect you in a high speed crash ? I doubt it. Much would depend on what and how and if your head hits a solid object.That being said I've always worn a helmet and won't get on a bike without one, I have had a few times were my bikes have gone down at slower speeds(turning a corner in the dark and hitting loose gravel) and had my head contact the pavement rather hard and suddenly,and was more than happy that I could pickup my bike and continue on my way without major injury. no one should ride without protecting ,at least their major organs, most of which are in your torso ,except the most important,your brain.Road rash on your arms and legs is nasty and painful but generally won't kill you.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Dave on 05/11/17 at 04:41:01

There are alternatives to wearing a good helmet.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Ruttly on 05/11/17 at 10:07:10

That is so wrong , they didn't even poke any holes in it ! ;D

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/11/17 at 10:11:41

1A3D3C3C2431480 wrote:
That is so wrong , they didn't even poke any holes in it ! ;D

They didn't want to loose anything in case of a fall.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by IslandRoad on 05/11/17 at 12:47:53

They thought, he might get a bug in his eye ... better safe than sorry!

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by stewmills on 05/11/17 at 13:10:33

Boy (partially) in the Bubble?

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by batman on 05/11/17 at 23:03:41

Maybe the numbers look good for those without helmets because they're driving slower and more careful ,knowing that they have a better chance of death if they do have an accident, I know I would.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by Dave on 05/12/17 at 02:23:06

5556435A5659030F370 wrote:
Maybe the numbers look good for those without helmets because they're driving slower and more careful ,knowing that they have a better chance of death if they do have an accident, I know I would.

Without a helmet........I probably would never leave my driveway.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/17 at 09:22:33

Gloves, welders shirt, chaps, and helmet.
I have three healed up cracks in vertebrae. A helmet would have been fatal.
I totaled a bike, broke the end off the case, bent the crankshaft on a curb. No helmet, never bumped my head, four days in hospital from the hematoma where I broke the handlebars.
The healed cracked vertebrae were found by the MRI after I bent the cab corner of a small pickup with what Would have been my face had I not been wearing the HJC modular. I hit hard enough to fold the chin protection in enough to split the upper lip for a few stitches and the strap shoved in on my throat hard enough to make swallowing hard for weeks.
So, in the off chance that you land on your shoulder and side of the head, a helmet could be the end of you. Otherwise, I think it's your friend.
Could it get hung up on Something and kill you? Possibly. But, with the experience I have and everything taken into consideration, I want full coverage.
Studies have shown that the face is a high percentage point of contact in a crash. It's not as cool or cool Looking to be dressed for the slide instead of the ride, I know,, and maybe I'll get some genuine riding pants I can wear shorts under, so I can strip them off and go fishing in comfort.

Title: Re: Should we wear helmets?
Post by rich8363 on 05/12/17 at 19:00:12

I always wear mine. No matter how short the trip is. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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