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Message started by MMRanch on 03/28/17 at 21:39:46

Title: Conditioning
Post by MMRanch on 03/28/17 at 21:39:46

Went for a 4hr ride today without running out of fuel , ain't done that before .   :)

It was a lot of back roads that only amounted to 212 km (130 ish-miles).  

Anyway , my sitter was tired of sitting by time I got back home.   :P
The winter months didn't seem that long butt   , I'm going to get -- re-conditioned  -- to make it all the way to Lancers this May !  

Anybody else finding the winter was longer than it seemed ?

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Ruttly on 03/28/17 at 21:54:14

Oh , is winter over ?

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Kenny G on 03/28/17 at 23:00:56

In North Texas we didn't get much winter this year. I have noticed that my tailbone seems unfamiliar with the seats on my bikes lately.

Kenny G :-/

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by youzguyz on 03/29/17 at 01:14:22

7C5B5A5A42572E0 wrote:
Oh , is winter over ?

There was a winter?  :-?

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Dave on 03/29/17 at 04:03:18

I don't know about my sitter - I took the Ninja Cafe' bike out for a ride Monday night, and I only got 4 miles before the dark clouds started to sprinkle and chase me home (I rode toward the black clouds so that when it started raining I could turn around and run away).

The winter in KY was very mild this year.  We only got to the single digits for a few days, and we only had 1 or 2 snow events - however it was still too cold to do any  riding.

The weather right now does allow for an occasional ride - but most times the weather is really good I am at work!

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by raydawg on 03/29/17 at 04:45:18

Been record setting event here in the PacNorwest....
The lack of sunshine even has the conservative bunch complaining like libs bout everything  ;D
No kidding, it is a proven study lack of vitamin D causes emotional distress in folks.
I sit on the ferry typing on my iPhone, all garbbed up in my raingear, again  >:(

I am giving serious thought to buying a big enough boat to keep in a slip, and live a few months during the winter, after I SoCal, by my kids.

I know NOT having to venture out in the crummy weather after I retire would help, maybe, not sure.

I think all this strange weather must be because Trump signed a new executive order repealing all of Obama's effort to make life grand, maybe :-* ;D

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by HAPPYDAN on 03/29/17 at 09:48:47

2F3C24393C2A3A5D0 wrote:
Been record setting event here in the PacNorwest....
The lack of sunshine even has the conservative bunch complaining like libs bout everything  ;D
No kidding, it is a proven study lack of vitamin D causes emotional distress in folks.
I sit on the ferry typing on my iPhone, all garbbed up in my raingear, again  >:(

I am giving serious thought to buying a big enough boat to keep in a slip, and live a few months during the winter, after I SoCal, by my kids.

I know NOT having to venture out in the crummy weather after I retire would help, maybe, not sure.

I think all this strange weather must be because Trump signed a new executive order repealing all of Obama's effort to make life grand, maybe :-* ;D

Yeah, what he said. It hasn't stopped raining here in Gig Harbor since. . . :-? . . . I forget.

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by philthymike on 03/29/17 at 09:52:40

One big dump of snow a few weeks ago was pretty much the entire winter here. In between the monsoons though I managed to keep riding the entire duration of it.
Now I need to focus on getting the seasons accumulated crud off.  :-/

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by philthymike on 03/29/17 at 09:59:17

It's looking at me as if to say - Would you hurry up and pee before my cylinder head freezes on me!

That was a darn cold ride!

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by MMRanch on 03/29/17 at 20:36:45

Between Rutty and YouzGuyz ,  I might have to move to Texas for the winter ! !

Would have already but the wife isn't going no-where for now  .


Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by buster6315 on 03/29/17 at 21:11:13

07202121392C550 wrote:
Oh , is winter over ?

Taunting aye?  That's like a fifteen yard penalty!

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Steve H on 04/08/17 at 19:10:35

Every time I think it is finally going to stay warm, we get a cold snap. Tonight is supposed to be in the upper 30's.

I have ridden all winter though.  Just not very far.

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Ruttly on 04/08/17 at 22:25:46

Rained here past two days , Friday's storm packed some nasty winds it sunk a crane barge in SF bay and blew over stacks of empty containers at our terminal and more snow in the Sierras. Are you sure winter is over ! But I will ride on Sunday , but I ride all year just shorter rides in winter.

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by MMRanch on 04/08/17 at 23:15:07

I left Saturday morning at 6:30am for an all day ride , (Big G trucking company --ride for St.Judes ) .   It was about 30 deg. when I left the house and got up to 70 deg. before the day was over.   If the day was a woman we would be saying " what a mood swing" .  ;D

It was a lot of back roads that only amounted to less than 250 miles , but took 6 hours.  No more sore seat !  :)

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Dave on 04/09/17 at 02:37:31

Yep.....same 30 degrees on Saturday morning here in KY - but it did warm up into the 60's and I got some yard work done.......although the ground was a bit wet from the days of rain we had inflicted on us during the week.

This morning at 5 AM it is 38 - with a promise of 70's and sunny this afternoon.  I am going riding today! :)

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by philthymike on 04/09/17 at 04:51:54

It's only 40 here as of 7AM but supposed to go into the mid 60
s later.
I think I'm going to take the Ducati out and open her up on the interstate before the traffic starts up for the day. My curiosity is getting the better of me.
I gave Thumpy a bath yesterday and got all the winter crud off so I think I'll have to show his shininess off a bit this afternoon too.

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by springman on 04/09/17 at 13:14:17

I's 83 here in Houston and I just got back from a 40 some mile ride. Beautiful day. I would have kept on riding and I wish I would have cause I totally misjudged the time, I could've kept going for another hour.  8-)

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Dave on 04/09/17 at 15:38:48

Woo Hoo!  We got up to the high 70's.....and I just got back from a 100 mile ride on the Ninja Cafe'.

I got in a Sport Bike Conga line on Route 10.....there must have been 50 bikes, and the pace was slow as would be expected with that many bikes.  When they pulled over, I kept going and had a nice ride - the first long ride for me this year.....and the first one that I have not come home shivering!

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by springman on 04/09/17 at 18:35:32

Way to go Dave. I actually got stuck behind a pack of 20-25 Hurleys on my ride back. Not good. They were occupying 2 lanes of the highway and really slowing traffic. Thank goodness it was only for a few miles.

I just got back from going to the supermarket in the car with the windows open (wish I would have been on the bike, but too much to bring back) and the evening is just as beautiful and even more pleasant than the day was. I had a big grin on my face as I said "Thank you Lord, what a beautiful day". God knows how to put a big smile on my face!!!

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by philthymike on 04/10/17 at 06:39:55

I rode the Duck for 4.5 hours straight yesterday. Still warming up to it - becoming one with the machine little by little.
I did some interstate, some backroads and even some dirt roads. Yes it does fine on those too, in fact it handles just like a big dirt bike. Reminded me a bit of the XL650 I used to ride.
Was too tired afterwards to ride Thumpy. But it's supposed to be nice all week!

map link for the picture,+East+Marlborough+Township,+PA+19348/@39.9349563,-75.7177057,3a,60y,191.81h,81.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saO776CJbr7UloHuSTpu1EQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89cea11bf969e5ef:0x9db7ceb6dc6c8925!2sUnionville,+PA!3b1!8m2!3d40.907282!4d-77.8755587!3m4!1s0x89c657eb73a46d3d:0x8b205d6ed09fd2b3!8m2!3d39.8942628!4d-75.7297683!6m1!1e1

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 04/10/17 at 09:57:12

I'm glad that this thread started talking about the weather rather then conditioning your ass for riding.

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by springman on 04/10/17 at 14:36:14

Well you know Gary, good weather makes for good ass conditioning! ;D

Title: Re: Conditioning
Post by MMRanch on 04/10/17 at 20:09:55

good weather makes for good ass conditioning! Grin    


Your a good man Springman !    ,   I'm up to all day rides now ,  ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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