General Category >> The Cafe >> Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker

Message started by Packman on 03/24/17 at 12:18:35

Title: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Packman on 03/24/17 at 12:18:35

We were driving along today on rt. 57 in Elyria, Ohio when I saw a black F150 pass me with yellow lettering stickers all over it. The passenger rear door said his sons name and the passenger door said " my mermaid" I'm like look at that lol wtf my mermaid haha... then he passed me and on the back it said the name of his company Erie Coast Engineering but above that is what still has me pissed off 4 f'n hours later.. it said "Motorcycles look out for ME"
It didn't really sink in at first but then it infuriated me. Who's to say this guy hates motorcycles and its riders and doesn't force them off the road or some $h[ch303]t?  God darn I wish it would've sunk in earlier and I would've stopped him and asked him exactly what he meant by it. Sorry for the rant I'm just so f'n pissed

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by oldNslow on 03/24/17 at 12:33:17

Well, you could call him up. Looks like he's the only guy that works at Erie Coast Engineering.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by jcstokes on 03/24/17 at 12:35:45

For the umpteenth time, you have three friends in motorcycling, your two mirrors and wherever possible the big gap right around you, that's not always possible. You need to be very aware of, and looking out for this person, and others of his ilk at all times. Might be dead if you don't.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by old.indian on 03/24/17 at 12:52:11

No doubt the wanker is the product of way too many generations of inbreeding ... (AKA the poster child for Planned Parenthood... An arrow pointing at it  "See what happens when you DON'T USE BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!!"

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by verslagen1 on 03/24/17 at 12:54:57

My take on it... HE did pass you, rather than the other way around.

Or he's a squid wannabe, stuck on 4 wheels cause his mother/state/nature won't let him.

the mermaid and the squid   ;D

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Ruttly on 03/24/17 at 15:12:49

I like the Zero add after his company listing.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/17 at 15:26:03

Inconsiderate jerks in big trucks, pretty common here in Longview. They tailgate at night. They ride up on ya at the light. They are bullies with a steering wheel.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Serowbot on 03/24/17 at 16:26:07

That truck don't need valve stems, does it?... ;D

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Packman on 03/24/17 at 16:53:50

i was in my truck at the time. I wish I got a pic I would've sent it to the Cleveland Hells Angels chapter. I don't live far from the business address I might hafta drop in some time.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by engineer on 03/24/17 at 16:59:27

I googled the company name and Buzzfile lists the owner's name, company address in Grafton and a phone number so you can call him up.  I wouldn't get too upset, bumper stickers are generally of three types, 1) to make a statement about the beliefs or affiliations of the owner, 2) to be funny or cute, and 3) to piss people off.  He probably thinks it's cute to piss off people on bikes.  Don't give him the satisfaction.

Stay cool, life is short.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Kris01 on 03/24/17 at 17:25:26

It doesn't sound malicious to me. It sounds like he's just trying to be funny, that's all, I mean, I like to say I'm devastatingly handsome. It doesn't mean it's true!

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Packman on 03/24/17 at 18:28:30

Just makes me think when we have riders that lost their lives by driving off the road if someone had a part to take in it. I'm not trying to be billy bad ass or anything I just can't believe someone is that f'n ignorant

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by eau de sauvage on 03/24/17 at 19:47:24

Two observations, one, maybe he's letting you know not to tailgate seeing as the sign is on the back and if you're reading it you're too close. Two, where I live there are lots of women in SUV's taking their kids to school and picking them up, and while they don't have any signs on their bumper sticker, they drive like they are saying 'motorcycles watch out for me' anyway. And you know what? I do.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by LANCER on 03/25/17 at 08:03:13

Perhaps the better choice might be to pray FOR him, that God would change  his mind/outlook/thoughts.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/17 at 08:10:01

If he ever manages to hit one I'd expect the LEO who works it to raise an eyebrow.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by HAPPYDAN on 03/25/17 at 10:40:43

Given my fear of having a car pull out in front of me, causing a panic response to stop or avoid it, I often find myself following another vehicle closely, perhaps unnerving the driver. Maybe he is simply one of those "unnerved" drivers, that doesn't like being "tailgated" by what he perceives as a suicidal maniac on a cruise missile.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by SALB on 03/25/17 at 11:03:03

You didn't mention if the truck was lifted way up in the air.  I had a guy in a lifted truck back over the front of my car because he couldn't see me behind him.  I stay way clear of the back of any pickup or truck that I think can't see me when I ride.  Maybe this guy has already had a bad experience, and doesn't want to repeat it.   :-/

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by MMRanch on 03/25/17 at 21:11:50

Bluetooth  phone call to 911 :  "No, Truck driver is so close I'm afraid to slow down" , "I'm at the mile marker ___ " ,  "He keeps blowing his horn and charging the back of my Vehicle" , "HELP !"
From the road side , "Yes Officer , I got his tag number " , " Ya'll get him pulled over I'll follow along behind him and stop with ya'll to swear-out-the-warrant".

In some cases "snitching" someone out is really a public service.  :)

Or , I do this one at least a couple times a year ,
follow them till they pull into a Police Station because they don't know what your going to do .   If at night it helps to leave your bright beams on as much as possible .   ;D

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by HAPPYDAN on 03/26/17 at 07:08:07

46454652444C42270 wrote:
You didn't mention if the truck was lifted way up in the air.  I had a guy in a lifted truck back over the front of my car because he couldn't see me behind him.  I stay way clear of the back of any pickup or truck that I think can't see me when I ride.  Maybe this guy has already had a bad experience, and doesn't want to repeat it.   :-/

Too true. Same thing happened to my nephew, only it was his new Harley with less than 100 miles. Smashed the fender, bent the forks.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Ed L. on 03/26/17 at 07:08:28

Big truck, short d*ck. There are a lot of them around inbred or not. Had a Caddie SUV pass me when I was stopped at a stop sign last month. Stupidity just doesn't drive pickups.
 Guess it's a sign of the times.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/17 at 07:22:02

The Emergency Exit lane position when we stop isn't Just about what is in the mirrors.

It'd be difficult to not climb up in the truck and explain to the idiot that Since they raised the top edge of the tailgate he cant see what's behind him.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Trippah on 03/26/17 at 07:35:59

Bad drivers are everywhere.  Three years back, I'm driving a big yellow school bus on US Rte 290 when I see a car running parallel to me on a long entrance ramp.  He is reading his notes and doesn't look up until he is less than two feet from me, despite my having hit the horn four times.  I was kinda hoping he would hit me, and I had one of the high school kids take a photo of him reading while approaching.  Would have loved the court  house scene. :o :o

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by philthymike on 03/26/17 at 09:17:19

4 out of 5 pickups around me sound like Harleys. I think these people wish they could ride motorcycles but can't for whatever reason. So they make up for it by being jerks to riders and making their trucks into thingy extensions. I've never understood the pickup truck mentality and really don't try to. But every time one pulls up next to me at a light the driver acts like he wants to race me.
Why? It's not like they'll ever win so whats the point?

I try to avoid the rolling dumpsters as much as I can. They are always the most reckless drivers on the road and they clearly have trouble seeing motorcycles. And when they do see them they harass em....  :(

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 03/26/17 at 10:41:04

485A485A57444B464D050 wrote:
Bluetooth  phone call to 911 :  "No, Truck driver is so close I'm afraid to slow down" , "I'm at the mile marker ___ " ,  "He keeps blowing his horn and charging the back of my Vehicle" , "HELP !"
From the road side , "Yes Officer , I got his tag number " , " Ya'll get him pulled over I'll follow along behind him and stop with ya'll to swear-out-the-warrant".

In some cases "snitching" someone out is really a public service.  :)

Or , I do this one at least a couple times a year ,
follow them till they pull into a Police Station because they don't know what your going to do .   If at night it helps to leave your bright beams on as much as possible .   ;D

I guess doing these things is funny to you, but some are illegal and the others are stupid, and all are asking for trouble or worse . . . death!

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by jcstokes on 03/26/17 at 12:36:36

I guess that pickup driver is going about being "cool".

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Kris01 on 03/26/17 at 20:07:56

7E7D7E6A7C747A1F0 wrote:
I stay way clear of the back of any pickup or truck that I think can't see me when I ride.

If you can't see the driver then he can't see you.  ;)

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by SALB on 03/27/17 at 11:07:49

I guess I forgot to mention we were both waiting to pull out of a parking lot, when he just changed his mind and backed over the front of my car.  I ended up taking a big hammer and pounding the hood out, and investing the payout from his insurance in my IRA. ;)  And yes, I've had many professional truck drivers tell me that if you can't see them in the mirror, chances are, they can't see you. ;)

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by mpescatori on 03/28/17 at 07:34:09

0435373F39353A540 wrote:
We were driving along today on rt. 57 in Elyria, Ohio when I saw a black F150 pass me with yellow lettering stickers all over it. The passenger rear door said his sons name and the passenger door said " my mermaid" I'm like look at that lol wtf my mermaid haha... then he passed me and on the back it said the name of his company Erie Coast Engineering but above that is what still has me pissed off 4 f'n hours later.. it said "Motorcycles look out for ME"
It didn't really sink in at first but then it infuriated me. Who's to say this guy hates motorcycles and its riders and doesn't force them off the road or some $h[ch303]t?  God darn I wish it would've sunk in earlier and I would've stopped him and asked him exactly what he meant by it. Sorry for the rant I'm just so f'n pissed

Google "Clifford Gibson". Apparently from Odessa, TX. He may have an admirer who takes him as a role model.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by old.indian on 03/28/17 at 08:45:03

Clifford is shinning example of too many generations of inbreeding, and why as a young lad I was told to " Keep a close eye on them Tex-ass types, They ain't none too smart..."  ::)

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/17 at 10:01:59

Assholes exist. They don't require a particular place to be from. Odessa has a fair number of bikers. He's not just a total jerk, he's a masochist. Because he's just Begging for someone to beat that stupid smirk off of that piece of meat he uses for a face.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by SALB on 03/28/17 at 10:10:31

Apparently the whole thing went viral on Facebook.

Bet the ass is regretting it now! ;D

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by philthymike on 03/28/17 at 10:15:51

When I grow up I want to be just like him  ::)

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/17 at 10:49:56

After such a public proclamation he'd better Hope he never hits a biker. Especially if it's his fault. Could be grounds for calling it intentional.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by engineer on 03/28/17 at 10:51:37

And then there is this guy who drove home with a motorcycle stuck on his bumper.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Kris01 on 03/28/17 at 17:15:47

WoW your a special kinda stupid... Hope you run into a Mack truck. BIKE RALLY at 2017 Stoner Rd, Odessa, TX 79764 in honor of Clifford Gibson !!!!! ... karma b-tch

Lovin' this response!

I take back any nice things I may have said about Mr. Gibson.  >:(

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by philthymike on 03/29/17 at 09:21:25

This ultimate loser needs to worry about something new now - a biker trying to deliberately get into an accident with him. Now that he's publicly known to have a grudge against bikers somebody who sees nothing but dollar signs might try a setup hoping for a lucrative lawsuit out of it.

Title: Re: Never been so pissed at a bumper sticker
Post by Dave on 03/29/17 at 10:05:13

That Clifford Gibson thing occurred a couple years ago - but he may still be in hiding! :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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