General Category >> The Cafe >> We deserve the rap......

Message started by raydawg on 03/23/17 at 16:17:27

Title: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/23/17 at 16:17:27

But knowing how insurance is figured using large numbers for companies to figure risk exposure, it makes my premium higher because of these fools.
Oh, I better share what I am talking about I reckon  ;D

I am talking about bikers who ride like bats out of hell.
Just this morning, as about 20 of us leave the ferry, its like a mad dash to.....???
I try to load last in line, but it's a double line, and some times I end up ahead of others....
Idiots, they eave and bob, like a NASCAR final lap.
I just back off, let them do whatever it is that drives them.
I am normally back in the "pack" by the third stop light, as they have to wait on red, but not always.... idiots.
Saw one guy in a dual sport who had to make a real fast dodge as the car he was pushing slowed to turn right, he almost got the left rear, that would have pushed him into another bike that was beating it in the left lane....

I know I'll see another accident again, it just a matter of time. I don't get it, what is it with bikers?

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/23/17 at 16:45:50

Really? You don't know?

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Kris01 on 03/23/17 at 17:35:50

I see idiots and morons every day. I saw a guy riding a wheelie at 70+ mph in heavy traffic the other day. Most of the squids around here ride in shorts and T-shirts. I guess one bad mishap MIGHT teach a few lessons. Only time will tell.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by IslandRoad on 03/23/17 at 18:13:30

I almost got clipped by another bike. I was changing lanes and he came up behind/past me - wearing shorts and a long horse-riding coat! He was weaving through traffic at speed. Admittedly, I should have looked, but he shouldn't have been there.

I see alot of guys weaving through traffic at high speed on the freeway. I always think, it's just a matter of time, basically inevitable, until they get taken out. I don't get it either. If I was fifteen years old maybe I would understand.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/23/17 at 18:18:33

Admittedly, I should have looked,
Yes, you should have

but he shouldn't have been there.

Cold comfort knowing that while you're explaining what happened to the ER doctors.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/23/17 at 18:40:29

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
Admittedly, I should have looked,
Yes, you should have

but he shouldn't have been there.

Cold comfort knowing that while you're explaining what happened to the ER doctors.

WOW, just plain WOW.....
Why the attitude JOG?
The guy already owned it, yet you feel the need to drive it home, what the heck???
And yes, I don't know what goes through these numbskulls brain, isn't that why people ask questions, geez.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Kris01 on 03/23/17 at 18:45:57

23302835302636510 wrote:
I don't know what goes through these numbskulls brain

The pavement? The car in front of them? Miscellaneous motorcycle parts?  :-?

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by MMRanch on 03/23/17 at 21:19:18

This will tell my age , but here goes :

So Kawaski introduced the 500 triple 2cycle (for its day) a Scream machine .    Lots were sold and soon they were leaving everything on the roads behind in a Blue-Streak (The early models were faster).   Well it was just a mater of time ... here came a 750 Version of the same thing ,  and right behind it was --- The end of 2cycle street bikes !

I'm looking for a :   ---   HP / Weight Limit.  ---

Don't some countries limit bikes by cc ... I don't think that would fly in the USA .   But , its the super light / High HP bikes that cause most of the trouble  anyway .  ::)

At "Some Point" , good sense should come into play ... I mean -120 HP on a 425# platform   ...   :-?    sure it sounds like fun , till ya find out what the insurance rate is.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by jcstokes on 03/23/17 at 21:38:14

NZ used to be "buy a bike and ride" then MOOC and it's associates put a 250cc limit on learner bikes, MOOC matured a little and it's now done on horsepower, so a learner can ride a Savage/S40, but over 750 cc is still a nono for new riders.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/24/17 at 04:34:35

665F445E1D1C2D0 wrote:
[quote author=23302835302636510 link=1490311047/0#5 date=1490319629]I don't know what goes through these numbskulls brain

The pavement? The car in front of them? Miscellaneous motorcycle parts?  :-?[/quote]


Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/24/17 at 04:41:04

100210020F1C131E155D0 wrote:
This will tell my age , but here goes :

So Kawaski introduced the 500 triple 2cycle (for its day) a Scream machine .    Lots were sold and soon they were leaving everything on the roads behind in a Blue-Streak (The early models were faster).   Well it was just a mater of time ... here came a 750 Version of the same thing ,  and right behind it was --- The end of 2cycle street bikes !

I'm looking for a :   ---   HP / Weight Limit.  ---

Don't some countries limit bikes by cc ... I don't think that would fly in the USA .   But , its the super light / High HP bikes that cause most of the trouble  anyway .  ::)

At "Some Point" , good sense should come into play ... I mean -120 HP on a 425# platform   ...   :-?    sure it sounds like fun , till ya find out what the insurance rate is.

Yes, I too remember that bike, and I remember a friend who was never the same again after the bike won in a turn....

As too limiting anything by authorities, once they get to grasp the power, they always want to try to extend it, be it from restricting caliber size, clip, ownership, etc, to restricting freedom of expression.
Should we limit beer to a six pack only purchase, the same reasoning can be extended when used to excess?

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by philthymike on 03/24/17 at 06:28:58

Late at night I hear the super sport bikes up on the interstate wailing away like chainsaws on meth. I also hear the ambulance sirens up there at those hours pretty frequently too. The news recently reported a hit and run collision between a sport bike and a car. The rider was pronounced dead on the scene. The reporter said the police are looking for witnesses.
And despite stuff like this helmets are still optional in this state.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Dave on 03/24/17 at 07:03:54

This is the kind of behavior that I can't tolerate.  A squid that puts everybody at risk.  Even worse is the comments in the video that state that "lane splitting is legal"....this man is not lane splitting - he is speeding and he is dangerous!  He is making enemies....and victims!


Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by MShipley on 03/24/17 at 09:14:41

I have a brother in Oklahoma.....this could be him.....and he always complains his insurance is too high.  He was showing me his Triumph ( I think a Daytona) anyway he was running through the digital dash and 158 popped up and I'm like, "what's that" he replied "the fastest I have had the bike". He has no issue riding one wheel down the interstate at 90 and he's not young, he's in his 50's..Anyway, not for me.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Serowbot on 03/24/17 at 09:28:44

477C7166777B60667D757867140 wrote:
This is the kind of behavior that I can't tolerate.  A squid that puts everybody at risk.  Even worse is the comments in the video that state that "lane splitting is legal"....this man is not lane splitting - he is speeding and he is dangerous!  He is making enemies....and victims!


That guy thinks he's in a video game...
Reality hurts...

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/17 at 10:47:15

He missed several easier opportunities to stuff it. He had to ignore the
Drop left and go on by
Locked up the rear, aiming him right, and he was lined up to the left side of the car.
Maybe he will understand that IF making the sign of the cross would keep you safe there would be far fewer Catholics killed. Or,maybe a military uniform cancels out the sign of the cross..

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by IslandRoad on 03/24/17 at 13:23:59

I've watched a load of videos of bike accidents. The ones with guys riding high powered  bikes on one wheel,  at high speed, or weaving through traffic get really boring really quickly. You know what's gonna happen.

But the videos where people on bikes are riding legally, but without appropriate caution for a bike are really informative. Like gliding through an intersection when they have right of way but it's obvious that cars crossing the intersection can't see them coming.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by jcstokes on 03/24/17 at 14:45:53

I wonder what would have happened if some boring old fart on an S40/Savage had inadvertently got in his way.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Kris01 on 03/24/17 at 17:21:35

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
Reality hurts...

I hope so! ...for a while! Maybe he'll learn a lesson.  I'm not trying to be mean (he looked ok) but some people are hard-headed!

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Rodger on 03/25/17 at 08:15:58

Alas, I think a "Ron White-ism" applies here:

"Ya can't fix STUPID."

Wonder if he was cited by law enforcement...? Also, what about the cost of rolling fire & emergency vehicles...(oh, but wait...all us law-abiding taxpayers pay for THAT, right?)

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/25/17 at 11:49:21

37392F2D252328400 wrote:
Alas, I think a "Ron White-ism" applies here:

"Ya can't fix STUPID."

Wonder if he was cited by law enforcement...? Also, what about the cost of rolling fire & emergency vehicles...(oh, but wait...all us law-abiding taxpayers pay for THAT, right?)

Well I am heartened by the fact no one offered an explanation....
And that even includes JOG who knows facts about pert near everything  ;D
And it seems stupid is the only trait mankind is passing on to generations anymore if you stop and look around at all the nonsensical reasoning of the workings of mankind....
Appears he'll be clueless and dumbstruck at his own demise  :-[

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by verslagen1 on 03/25/17 at 12:30:22

2E3137302D2A1B2B1B23313D76440 wrote:
He missed several easier opportunities to stuff it. He had to ignore the
Drop left and go on by
Locked up the rear, aiming him right, and he was lined up to the left side of the car.
Maybe he will understand that IF making the sign of the cross would keep you safe there would be far fewer Catholics killed. Or,maybe a military uniform cancels out the sign of the cross..

If you look closely, you can see that he intended to go left.
But, because the drone was moving so slowly left without signals (as is common)
he was struck with dread and soon was struck dead (figuratively) this well armored squid.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by MMRanch on 03/25/17 at 22:24:58

Wild Video Dave !  ;D

That idiot gives us all a bad name.  I a little surprised one of those cars didn't easy over to make it "Too-Close" for the bike to fit between the cars --- there-by forcing him to slow down to safe speed.  

I'm sure those folks being passed are in just as big-a-hurry as that crazy guy on the bike , and some of them "near , jumped out of their skins when Mr.Moron flys by.  

Mr.Nutszo was lucky to walk away from that one !

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by jcstokes on 03/26/17 at 00:05:04

It's vaguely possible that Mr Nutzo was being "cool" or thought he was being "cool". This may also apply to so of the other people of his type.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Kris01 on 03/26/17 at 20:05:53

I sometimes think that this day and age, where cameras are so prevalent, contributes to stupidity. Everyone is a superstar on YouTube!  ::)

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by buster6315 on 03/26/17 at 20:38:47

Don't know if there is any help for these fools.  Darwin Awards comes to mind.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Trippah on 03/27/17 at 05:43:14

Motorcyclists, a never ending organ donor bank...

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by jcstokes on 03/27/17 at 13:45:29

That's quite a sagacious comment Trippah.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Ruttly on 03/27/17 at 18:42:39

Buster Darwin Awards are on the SR500 Forum , are you a member there too ?

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Ruttly on 03/27/17 at 18:47:17

JC , Maybe but you know Trippah is right. It's our job to stay alive and not become a statistic ! Ride like hell , but ride smart !

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by buster6315 on 03/27/17 at 20:22:28

090010170C080610630 wrote:
That's quite a sagacious comment Trippah.

Sagacious?  That's a keen word!

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Dave on 03/28/17 at 04:39:46

I just saw another video on YouTube that doesn't help the motorcycle image.  It was a group of stunters on a public highway in a city.  They had a line of bikes and quads driving slow and blocking traffic - so the guys could do stunts and film them on their GoPro.  The group included several quads that are not street legal, naked stunt bikes without lights, etc.  I have also seen videos of kids on dirt bikes and quads riding down city streets doing stunts and completely ignoring traffic laws.  It amazes me that this stuff goes on in the City.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/17 at 07:29:05

Here's a group that got caught.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by RaleighGuy on 03/28/17 at 09:22:11

I've seen this junk from time to time here in Raleigh. I just say a short prayer for the dude and keep driving defensively like always.

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by Dave on 03/28/17 at 09:34:27

I haven't seen any of this in the Cincinnati area.  I occasionally see a lone rider going too fast - but they weave in/out of traffic as lane splitting is not an option here.  Most often the speeder is on a sport bike...but the last one I was was on a Harley with apehangers going 85 mph on I-275.  We also have a group of sport bike riders that hit the rural roads looking for a curve that will put somebody down onto the asphalt - and most weekends one of them succeeds in not being able to ride his bike home.  

Title: Re: We deserve the rap......
Post by raydawg on 03/28/17 at 16:36:21

655E5344555942445F575A45360 wrote:
I just saw another video on YouTube that doesn't help the motorcycle image.  It was a group of stunters on a public highway in a city.  They had a line of bikes and quads driving slow and blocking traffic - so the guys could do stunts and film them on their GoPro.  The group included several quads that are not street legal, naked stunt bikes without lights, etc.  I have also seen videos of kids on dirt bikes and quads riding down city streets doing stunts and completely ignoring traffic laws.  It amazes me that this stuff goes on in the City.

Ignoring laws.....

GEE, imagine that.

I read somewhere where some mayors even endorse not abiding by all the laws, golly  ::)

If I was to do that, I guess I could just forget about fish and game laws, I mean, who owns the mountain lions and lobster anyway?  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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