General Category >> The Cafe >> Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Message started by MMRanch on 03/15/17 at 15:44:30

Title: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/15/17 at 15:44:30

Woke-up Sunday morning so dizzy I couldn't walk !    Went to seek medical help Monday and got some meds .   Now , Wednesday afternoon I'm still not ready for a bike ride .    This stuff could WRECK a week-long bike ride !   I understand the only cure is some kinda physical therapy to put the "Crystals inside the enter ear back to floating mode instead of stuck inside the cones or tangled in the rings .   I'm working on getting schuled for the training on how to do the "cure" .      

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by pg on 03/15/17 at 15:53:06

I hope you don't have meniere's.  Same symptoms, but they can last 10 years.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/15/17 at 16:06:44

Someone who Really does need bopped upside the head.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by pg on 03/15/17 at 16:18:15

I have bi-lateral meniere's disorder and it was misdiagnosed numerous times.  I kept getting vertigo & dizziness that would last for a day up to a week straight.  The real bad stuff usually goes away after 10 years.  I have come across a handful of people who ended up with the same problem who really had no idea what was going on.  I had it for years before someone helped me, but I have never fully recovered.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Ruttly on 03/15/17 at 18:29:38

MM , Any idea what causes it so the rest of us old farts can avoid it ?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by verslagen1 on 03/15/17 at 19:07:47

I get that every friday night and can't get up till monday morning.
takes a couple of 6 packs to cure it.    :-?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Kris01 on 03/15/17 at 19:24:23

0E29282830255C0 wrote:
MM , Any idea what causes it so the rest of us old farts can avoid it ?;num=1489617870;quote=4;title=PostReply

BPPV can result from a head injury or simply occur among those who are older. A specific cause is often not found. The underlying mechanism involves a small calcified otolith moving around loose in the inner ear. [...] BPPV is not a serious condition. Typically it resolves in one to two weeks. It however may recur in some people.[...] Onset is typically in the person's 50s to 70s

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/15/17 at 20:23:16

Ruttly :   MM , Any idea what causes it so the rest of us old farts can avoid it ?  

Doc had no rhyme or reason why ... and I am wanting to learn to do the : "Canalith Re-positioning maneuvers --- just in case I'm out on a ride when/if  it strikes again ...  :-[

I'll be asking my Doc. about that thing that Pg said too .  :-?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by buster6315 on 03/15/17 at 20:50:24

584B5C5D424F494B401F2E0 wrote:
I get that every friday night and can't get up till monday morning.
takes a couple of 6 packs to cure it.    :-?

Naughty comment, but it got me smiling.
(I've had PHN for 8yrs now.)  Remember, we was told that these are the 'golden' years!

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by springman on 03/15/17 at 21:18:39

MM get better soon.

But thinking about this, if you are already dizzy, will the 2 six packs make it worse or counteract it? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/15/17 at 21:24:31

Depends on whether the feedback is in synch or out of faze. If you think it's getting worse because of the beer, turn ninety degrees, if it keeps getting worse, turn ninety degrees again.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by verslagen1 on 03/15/17 at 21:32:44

Pop said he has vertigo for a few years now.
Doctors ain't much good.
I'm gonna tell him about the stuff you've got.
He's been researching it, herbs and other voodoo.

If it makes you dizzy... what happens when you do the stuff that makes you dizzy?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/15/17 at 22:32:49


If it makes you dizzy... what happens when you do the stuff that makes you dizzy?  

The kinda dizzy that makes ya feel like ya wearing "Herman-Munster Boots "  and about to loose everything ya ate for the last week .  

Doctor gave me some "chew and swallow" pills to knock me out keep my eyes closed while it fixes itself ... there may be a shrunken 6 pk in each one of them ?  ;D

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Todd James on 03/15/17 at 22:55:10


Sorry to hear that you're having a bout of BPPV.

My wife has had recurring episodes of BPPV for several years now.
The doctor told her to do the "Epley Maneuver" to stop the dizzies
and it works quite well for her.
It's similar to the "Canalith Re-positioning Maneuver".

Here's the instructional video for the Epley Maneuver that her doctor
instructed her to follow:

There are dozens of similar videos on You Tube for the maneuver.

Actually ... it looks to me like you could accomplish these same
head maneuvers with a spirited ride on the Dragon  ;D

Best wishes to you in getting some relief.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Dave on 03/16/17 at 05:48:00

Bummer might affect the way you smoothly caress the curves on the  Dragon.

Hopefully this is a temporary and minor affliction, and it will go away soon.

Getting older is a bit scary at times.....I have been having an occasional ocular migraine incident lately.  My vision gets a bit blurry and I can only see about half the letters on the computer screen - it lasts about 10 minutes and then goes away.  It doesn't have any cure or serious issues from what I have read, and it is not so serious that I can't continue to function.

I just got a bigger computer monitor given to me this morning...that should help me see a bit better!

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/16/17 at 09:00:38

I just got a bigger computer monitor given to me this morning...that should help me see a bit better!  

I got a 17" a few years back , it helps a lot !    ;)

I'm tired of waiting for the Doc. to set-up a training session for me ... Think I'll check out U-Tube ,   Thanks for the tip and the Kind words .  8-)

Getting OLD is still better than the alternative !    ???  Are all the bikes beyond the Pearly Gates "Old-School"   or do we have to go Crotch-Rocket style ???


Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Oldfeller on 03/16/17 at 12:03:12

Wings, dude, wings

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Dave on 03/16/17 at 12:22:21

4D6E6664676E6E6770020 wrote:
Wings, dude, wings

We are going to have to ride Gold Wings in Heaven? :(

Will they be trikes? :-?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Trippah on 03/16/17 at 12:29:45

You might try the Eply maneuver which is a 5-10 minute repositioning of the head.  There are other things that give you the same symptoms, in fact about three pages long list.  If you haven't had your hearing tested in the past ten years, get it done for a baseline (preferably by an Audiologist, not a hearing aid dealer)  The difference is mostly equipment, test environment, training and the ability to accurately measure bone conduction scores as well as the air conduction.. See an Ear Nose and Throat/Otolaryngologist if it reoccurs since, as noted above, you might be a Meniere's Disease victim.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by LANCER on 03/16/17 at 14:09:54

I cannot remember the guys name but he lived down in Georgia and started having really severe issues with this kind of thing.  The last we heard from him he was going to try to come up for a Dragon Ride about 5-6 years ago.
I bought his Savage from him; Black Beauty I called it.
He had experimented with all sorts of intakes and exhaust baffles to find the right combo for his bike.  One of the intakes was the rubber tube between the carb and air box that was filled with straws that were all stacked up in there and was designed to create a laminar flow effect.  I still have that intake.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/16/17 at 14:26:16

Audiologist, not a hearing aid dealer..

AudiologistS aren't selling hearing aids.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by verslagen1 on 03/16/17 at 14:47:34

6A67686563743431060 wrote:

I bought his Savage from him; Black Beauty I called it.

That would be Diamond Jim

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/16/17 at 17:36:14

Does it still have the intake stack of straws?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by engineer on 03/16/17 at 17:51:55

MMR, A friend of mine had the exact same symptons and diagnosis.  After a couple visits and some test the Dr. prescribed a change in sleeping position.  Once he determined which side the crystals had broken loose on he had my friend try to sleep on a certain side which would cause the crystals to migrate back into place.  Even though my friend found it a little hard to sleep all night on a certain side it was enough to fix the problem.  It all went away in a matter of weeks and didn't come back.  I think a blow to the head had something to do with it in the first place, not certain.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/16/17 at 18:40:20

Day 5 , and 80% back to normal .   Still going for the training , just in case of re-occurrence .   ;)

Took a bike ride today , felt GREAT !  :)

Got the diodes on the Savage and the dash is complete now --- and all is well .   Looks OK too.

Thats my glove box behind the windshield .

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Trippah on 03/16/17 at 19:18:48

JOG - depending on which State you are living in.  My point was, that an audiologist with a sound suite at his disposal will give you more accurate info than the local hearing aid guy with a portable audiometer and a free exam.  The possible gap between air conduction and bone conduction scores is most valuable for diagnosis; and accurate low frequencies are more accurately measured in a sound suite than open room.

I didn't catch how MMR came up with the diagnosis. BPPV is a statement indicating other causes for the dizziness (or perhaps true vertigo) has no other indicated cause. One can get a virus that gives similar symptoms.  A tumor in the Internal Auditory Canal can also send you.  Someone on this or the Guzzi forum was just talking about his binaural tumors, a thankfully rare occurrence.

and Dave, self diagnosis is a sketchy deal, if you haven't already go see an Optometrist who will look at your eyes and refer you on to Opthamologist  if necessary.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Trippah on 03/16/17 at 19:27:42

587E657C7C6D640C0 wrote:
JOG - depending on which State you are living in.  My point was, that an audiologist with a sound suite at his disposal will give you more accurate info than the local hearing aid guy with a portable audiometer and a free exam.  The possible gap between air conduction and bone conduction scores is most valuable for diagnosis; and accurate low frequencies are more accurately measured in a sound suite than open room.

MMR said he went to the doctors and got some meds, but an emergency room MD might give different response than the urgent care guy.  You need to see an ENT who hopefully can give you an accurate diagnosis. (Of course, if that is the kind of MD you saw, then you are good to go.. BPPV is a statement indicating other causes for the dizziness (or perhaps true vertigo) has no other indicated cause. One can get a virus that gives similar symptoms.  A tumor in the Internal Auditory Canal can also send you.  Someone on this or the Guzzi forum was just talking about his binaural tumors, a thankfully rare occurrence.

and Dave, self diagnosis is a sketchy deal, if you haven't already go see an Optometrist who will look at your eyes and refer you on to Opthamologist  if necessary.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Trippah on 03/16/17 at 19:30:21

Full disclosure - I am a retired Audiologist and one of my daughters is a Optometrist and heavens knows there are not enough people with eye problems or hearing loss to keep the monies flowing. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/16/17 at 19:43:08

I didn't catch how MMR came up with the diagnosis  

I went to my regular Doctor to find out WTW (what in the world) was going on.  

She knew right-away what it was , but checked her medical book anyway to be sure.   She is so Sharp ... Cute little gal in her mid thirty's with a smile that just glows.   Even my wife like her (she had to help me to get to the Dr.)    Yea , I couldn't drive , and walked with a cane on one side and wife on the other.      Plum embarrassing it was  :-[

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by badwolf on 03/16/17 at 19:45:18

Does that speedo go to 160 mph ?


I hope to see you again in June at KSL. I am sure tween you and your doctor you will get things straightened out by then so you can ride!

I have not spoke up about coming yet as I have 2 weekend trips first to Columbia, SC in April, and Augusta, GA in May first. I'll just plan on staying in the bunkhouse.

I ordered a GPS speedo from SpeedHut last week, should be here by the end of the month. I had them make it 0 - 80 mph, I never ride faster than that anyway.  That should give me bigger numbers for my old eyes. I'll mount it like yours above the bars with LEDs for indicators above it. And a little flat sun shade on top to help keep the glare down, and provide a nice place to mount the antenna.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/16/17 at 21:00:24


Yea it goes 160 now !  ;D   makes my eyes water it goes so fast .  

This is the one I put on.   The single turn indicator needed a pair of Diodes and the bright indicator had to have a resistor put in its line to dim it about 75%.   I had some salvaged resistors so I tried a few till the LED got about right.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by dontwannapickle on 03/17/17 at 10:05:13

Don't check in here much anymore, since I'm now Savageless.

Hope you're back to normal real soon, M.

Maybe too much brew from up the road? ;D

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/17/17 at 13:17:24


On the Shantteea lake ride in April nobody is bring a Savage .   So far we got an Old Wing , a Bar-ca-lounger (BCL) ;) , an Old HD Chopper , and a long legged Sportster ...

Just bring what ya got thing ie .   ;D

sorry OldFeller :    :-[      

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Oldfeller on 03/18/17 at 04:00:44


The original "lazy boy recliner" --- the very first (and arguably the best of the lot)

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Ed L. on 03/18/17 at 06:43:34

I had to deal with a good case of vertigo six years ago, it really sucked. Every time I moved my head the room would spin and I would get dizzy. There are some exercises you can do to help clear it up, the main ones being laying on your back and slowly rolling your head from side to side which helps loosen up the hairs in the inner ears.
 The doctor said it would clear up after about a month which it did. The only meds he prescribed for me were for anti nausea.
 I even had an older dog get it, she had to lean against the walls in the house to walk around. Poor old thing acted like she was drunk when she walked. It was kinda funny to watch even though it wasn't really funny. It took her about two months to get better.
 Hope you get better, it's no fun.  

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Dave on 03/18/17 at 13:52:28

So MM........How is life on the Merry Go Round?

Is there any change for the better yet?

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Oldfeller on 03/18/17 at 15:32:30

MM says he is back on his bike again.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/18/17 at 18:27:18

Thanks Ed , Dave , OldFeller , and Guys !  :)    ,  I tell folks I got a "SAVAGE-FAMILY" and get some strange looks sometimes .  ;D

I went for a long ride today after the CMA meeting , had lunch then went for another long ride .... 230+ Km at 30-60 mph.  Several hours . :)

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Ruttly on 03/18/17 at 18:42:14

That would make a awesome T-shirt

"I Have a Savage Family"

Maybe it's time for a new forum T-shirt !

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/18/17 at 19:45:26

"Proud Member of a Savage Family"  


"Savage Family Member"

or just

"Savage Family"     or     "Savage Member" established 1984 LTD  
(anybody know what LTD stands for ???)  (or is it 1986 ? )


Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Ruttly on 03/18/17 at 20:33:24

MM , Glad your back on the road , be safe. Even a one hour ride renews me and clears my mind , it's the best therapy !
And your Savage Family stretches far and wide !

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Ruttly on 03/18/17 at 20:43:55

I like the term " Savage Family "

Ya know we all may be nuts , crazy , touched !

It must be a requirement ! ;D

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by Dave on 03/19/17 at 04:15:23


Glad you were able to get off the Merry Go Round quickly!


Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/19/17 at 08:48:49

AAAAND, you're Out..
That's a great dismount.

Title: Re: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Post by MMRanch on 03/19/17 at 13:05:50

Ya , dizziness is fun for two minutes or less if ya deliberately got it ,  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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