General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> This is better?

Message started by T And T Garage on 03/09/17 at 12:27:14

Title: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/09/17 at 12:27:14

ACA is/was bad, right??

How is this better (for the average American)????

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by Trippah on 03/09/17 at 14:21:09

All I get is a indented box with a little no go symbol in the upper left corner. :-[

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by Serowbot on 03/09/17 at 14:32:58

link added...

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/17 at 15:52:18

Somewhere in my old posts I'll bet you can find me saying it would not be made better. Just like education was sabotaged, our health care system must be destroyed. More vulnerable people dependent on the government checks.
And who knows anything about Cloward and Piven?

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/10/17 at 12:07:52


Title: Re: This is better?
Post by Ed L. on 03/10/17 at 12:49:03

So far it looks like they are pushing it through. A $4,000 tax break figures out to $333 per month, not much when compared to the monthly premiums we are going to half to pay. So much for affordable health care, now it's access to health care and pay through the nose for what you get.
  Medicare and Social Security are next.  

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/17 at 13:02:08

Once again, we're going the wrong way.
Before we got HMOs shoved down our throats, supposedly to cut or contain health care costs.
All they did was Create a New, completely New, college course and a new career path, Medical Coding, increasing Cost Per Visit. It shouldn't Need said, but, the obvious must be stated, you can't Add a whole new level of the labor force and expect That jumping through hoops to find a Dr. In Network who is competent in the are You Need help in is Actually a Cost Limiting approach. All it did was frustrate patients, limit access to help, cost Drs. and insurance companies money to pay for the coders.
Gotta go, finish later

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by buster6315 on 03/10/17 at 14:56:04

Want something screwed up?  Let the politicians (elitist hypocrites), mess with it.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by Serowbot on 03/10/17 at 15:07:24

So Trumpcare will help those that can most afford it, and hurt those that can't afford it.
Basically, it seems to be.. give everybody a couple of grand tax deduction and let them fend for themselves...

We'll call it ,... Trumpdon'tcare... ::)

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/17 at 15:22:08

Look at how well the caring Obama gave us worked out. Wouldn't NEED Fixed if people wouldn't have demanded we
Do Something.
Life Preserver
on an anvil and tossing it to a drowning man and being shocked when he goes down, that's what the Bamicare supporters are doing. Some of us saw what it would be, even though so much was in the
You'll hafta pass it to see what's in it
If your lawyer signed a document that affected your life without reading it, wouldn't that be malfeasance? But the left demanded it and got it. Now, because the Powers that Be Are Not our friends, we will see a further drop in care and accessibility, as costs run up.
Thanks for that.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/10/17 at 15:38:28

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
Look at how well the caring Obama gave us worked out. Wouldn't NEED Fixed if people wouldn't have demanded we
Do Something.
Life Preserver
on an anvil and tossing it to a drowning man and being shocked when he goes down, that's what the Bamicare supporters are doing. Some of us saw what it would be, even though so much was in the
You'll hafta pass it to see what's in it
If your lawyer signed a document that affected your life without reading it, wouldn't that be malfeasance? But the left demanded it and got it. Now, because the Powers that Be Are Not our friends, we will see a further drop in care and accessibility, as costs run up.
Thanks for that.

Well, it's a fact that Obamacare actually saved lives AND provided insurance to millions who would not have had it otherwise... so there's that...

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by pg on 03/10/17 at 17:19:01

Barry Care was a disaster, to make an argument to the contrary is simply not being objective.  Slick Willy also made similar comments.  I have not read much on what Trump and or the Republicans are offering, I hope it works out well because I know a lot of people who suffered significantly from the ACA.

Best regards,

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/17 at 18:42:02

It would have been much cheaper and easier to just give the uninsured some kinda health coverage instead of destroying everyone else's.
Kinda like the bank bailouts. Instead of giving the banks money to save them from the losses from bad mortgages, we should have paid off the loans. Less money AAAND, regular people benefit.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/10/17 at 19:07:02

6176707C7363110 wrote:
Barry Care was a disaster, to make an argument to the contrary is simply not being objective.  Slick Willy also made similar comments.  I have not read much on what Trump and or the Republicans are offering, I hope it works out well because I know a lot of people who suffered significantly from the ACA.

Best regards,

You haven't read much on what trump's doing????  Seriously?

Sorry - ACA was NOT a disaster.  In fact, it didn't go far enough.  We needed a single payer option.

Donny's plan is to give everyone "access"... LOL - "access"!  

Hey, I have "access" to buying a mansion, but I can't.  The poor have "access" to get the best insurance money can buy... they just don't have the money.

Trump also gives massive tax breaks to the rich in his trumpcare bill...

Pathetic - if it passes, the repubs are done for.  There'll be millions without coverage and what pittance the "tax rebates" give will cover next to nothing.

But hey - let's spend $60B more on defense!!!

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/10/17 at 19:07:52

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
It would have been much cheaper and easier to just give the uninsured some kinda health coverage instead of destroying everyone else's.
Kinda like the bank bailouts. Instead of giving the banks money to save them from the losses from bad mortgages, we should have paid off the loans. Less money AAAND, regular people benefit.

Yeah, it's called single payer, or Medicare for all.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/17 at 19:51:57

Instead of going BACK to what worked, let's commit suicide. We're only twenty TRILLION in debt and, ohh somewhere north of fifty trillion in unfunded liabilities. Let's put a bureaucracy over Everyone, well, except for the rich and the politicians.
I'll agree with the plan when the plan includes the politicians.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by pg on 03/11/17 at 05:40:05

5E404F4E435E45582A0 wrote:
You haven't read much on what trump's doing????  Seriously?

I did not say that.  I repeat, I did not say that.   I have not read much on what Trump and or the Republicans are offering to replace Barry Care.  I have read a bullet summary.

Best regards,

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/17 at 05:42:22

bullet summary.
Which I think Sums it up rather nicely.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/13/17 at 10:37:46



Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/13/17 at 12:53:48

Even better!!  <<< not sarcasm


Title: Re: This is better?
Post by pg on 03/13/17 at 13:06:37


Best regards,

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/13/17 at 14:00:33

4B5C5A5659493B0 wrote:

Best regards,

Yeah - I saw that.  The guy that interrupted Cenk is a complete moron.  He made Cenk look great and himself look like an idiot.  Well, the shoe fits him.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by pg on 03/13/17 at 20:46:50

TYT is coming up on my Youtube recommended menu because I watched the crap you posted.   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/17 at 21:24:20

I'm  not watching.
How about a report..

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/14/17 at 11:44:02

1007010D0212600 wrote:
TYT is coming up on my Youtube recommended menu because I watched the crap you posted.   ;D

Best regards,

That "crap" is actually pretty good stuff.  They hate hillary too.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by pg on 03/14/17 at 14:03:22

Apologies, perhaps you could put a notation above future youtube clips - "not the onion."

Best regards,

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by MnSpring on 03/15/17 at 19:18:24

637D72737E637865170 wrote:
Yeah - I saw that.  The guy that interrupted Cenk is a complete moron.  He made Cenk look great and himself look like an idiot.  Well, the shoe fits him

Ya  Know, I would rather see, Cenk's,   Tax return,
  (And   Frankons),   Long  before I would be interested in  Trumps.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/15/17 at 21:16:56

It's illegal to do what Maddow did.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/16/17 at 06:14:57

This thread is about trumpcare - not maddow.

BTW - funny how trump won't put his name on this (yet he put his name on everything else) and breightbart just smeared paul ryan....  this presidency is a joke.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by thumperclone on 03/16/17 at 07:26:39

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:
It's illegal to do what Maddow did.

 NO it is NOT
look it up

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by thumperclone on 03/16/17 at 07:34:33

726C63626F726974060 wrote:
This thread is about trumpcare - not maddow.

BTW - funny how trump won't put his name on this (yet he put his name on everything else) and breightbart just smeared paul ryan....  this presidency is a joke.

 got our taxes done
the wifey got a $8500 aca credit (im a vet)
shes' had surgery on both knees, cost:
more than we made last year
prior to the aca she couldn't get insured for less the 50% of our gross income
because of "pre existing conditions"
we don't want "better" tyvm

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by Trippah on 03/16/17 at 08:50:13

Many are suggesting tweety leaked (OK mailed the return section). ;D ;D

Why that one? Given the other one leaked showed a 900 million loss, he thought the one year he made money should be leaked. ;D

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/16/17 at 13:29:26

Isn't it at all humbling to see someone lose That Much and still be able to buy you and sell you with his walking around money? I've never seen such hate ..for no reason.

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/16/17 at 13:44:00

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
Isn't it at all humbling to see someone lose That Much and still be able to buy you and sell you with his walking around money? I've never seen such hate ..for no reason.

LOL - buy and sell who? With what??  He's been given everything from daddy.  He LOST nearly a billion - wow... great businessman, huh?  The US stopped giving him loans because of his terrible credit rating.

He's a moron.  How the heck do you lose a billion in one year??  If anyone else had that kind of money gifted to them, they'd do a lot better than donny did.

You want to talk about true businessmen who worked their own way up - look at Mark Cuban or Elon Musk.

Oh, but you pulled me in again I see....  This is a thread about trumpcare - not his terrible businesses....

Title: Re: This is better?
Post by MnSpring on 03/17/17 at 10:24:41

Well, their are laws, about, ‘Impersonating’  someone.
(Obvious one,  ‘Impersonation of a  Police’,  Officer)

Saw someone, dressed in, worn, (looking)  blue jeans, and a  Red & Black, plaid shirt,
  (Now called,  ‘Buffalo Plaid’)  (Looked like a $175.00 Filson one)
And a ’stubble’, to look like  several days of not shaving.
     (Guessing the ‘look’, was to be of a rough/tough, Lumberjack)

However  what gave (him ?)  away, was,  
Bright White  Tennis shoes,
and a  Very,  LARGE,    WHITE,   Watch.
(Guessing it was a  Dic k Tracey type watch)
And  his Actions/Talk, .

Don’t think, (he ?),  could even pick up a Axe,
much less know which end was sharp.
And if he was tasked to cut a limb off a tree,
while sitting on the limb.
(he ?)  would cut it, between him and the tree.

Oh,  But,  Oranga glad, Conservatives,  
are fighting for the ‘freedom’,  
of someone,  who, wants, to be like a  ’snowflake’ ?

Oranga  glad, No  Laws, saying,
Cenk, Frankon, bam a, Elision, , etc, etc, etc,
can not, “impersonate’, a  Intelligent  Human ? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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