General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> HR 861

Message started by pg on 03/06/17 at 18:13:53

Title: HR 861
Post by pg on 03/06/17 at 18:13:53


Best regards,

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by Trippah on 03/06/17 at 18:44:40

I know you all might be happy, but I still remember Love Canal near Buffalo.  No, I do not think the individual states have the power to fight a major chemical, war machine building, oil, coal or even Nuclear power plant owner.  Partially, as is so obvious, those major money companies "help" elect the local officials. There needs to be a strong power to keep them in line.

So far, two headed green frogs, the Church nor local environmental groups have been too successful.  As we just watched here in Oswego County NY, a nuc plant owner was going to shut down because it wasn't profitable enough and the governor decided the tax payers should pay them to maintain the plant(s) thru increased power bills.  Didn't want to loose the only major business in the county still paying good wages (only now of course the tax payers will be footing the bill).  It never ends,BOHICA. ::)

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by oldNslow on 03/06/17 at 19:30:11

56706B7272636A020 wrote:
I know you all might be happy, but I still remember Love Canal near Buffalo.  No, I do not think the individual states have the power to fight a major chemical, war machine building, oil, coal or even Nuclear power plant owner.  Partially, as is so obvious, those major money companies "help" elect the local officials. There needs to be a strong power to keep them in line.

You are right of course. But the EPA no longer serves that function, Whether it ever did is a different debate. The EPA has become one of the abusers, rather than a protector. It has morphed  into a bloated unelected fiefdom that is mostly interested in protecting it's own power and prerogatives, and it needs to be reigned in and purged of its current ideological leadership.  That's why Trump appointed Pruitt.

As far as H.R. 861 goes, it has exactly zero chance of passing.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/06/17 at 20:36:22

Yay!!!  I can't wait to light Lake Erie on fire again!!
Yeah, who needs the EPA, right??

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/06/17 at 20:52:05

A corporation IN a county , is subject to the State Laws, and it's easier to control an issue with local law enforcement. Local people Know Who to talk to. Local people Elect the people who are supposed to enforce the law. The EPA is a nameless, faceless entity that doesn't have a vested interest in the Little People who live near toxic corporations. The locals are blocked from protecting Their area.
Power To control doesn't mean they will.
How is it you don't think the state can do that job?

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by pg on 03/07/17 at 04:32:50

+1 oldNslow & +1 Jog

Best regards,

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by verslagen1 on 03/07/17 at 07:23:04

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by Dave on 03/07/17 at 07:38:43

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 07:45:34

Is the EPA perfect?  Nope.  Should it be dismantled?  Nope.

Just like the ACA, it doesn't need to be obliterated, it needs to be fixed.  When (not if) my Savage breaks down, I'm not going to throw it out - I'm gonna fix it.  What's wrong with that?

If you honestly think that our country doesn't need an EPA in some form or fashion, you are truly delusional.

(But hey - when you go to throw away your bike when it gives you problems, send it to me....)

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by MnSpring on 03/07/17 at 08:07:11

1.   The EPA,  is  totally out of  control.  
     and totally worthless, as it stands now.
     Actually causing more harm than good.

2.   The  bill,  probably has  very  little chance of  passing.

3.  Why do it then ?    Cause that bill, and the recent  firing,
will scare the S$hit out of the people at the EPA,
and make most of then, stand up, and  actually  WORK.
The few, that  will “Pretend”, to work.  
Will See the  tremendous  potential,
in the  HUGE   BRIBES,
and be standing their with the Left Hand.
Then,  more,  ‘firing’  needs to take place.

Or, maybe it does pass.
If it does,   no loss.
Another  Agency will be developed,
that contains  people, that  actually WANT   to work.
That actually  WANT, to  Protect he environment,
instead of stuffing their pockets

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by Trippah on 03/07/17 at 08:30:23

If you do not think that coal controlls the government of KY, or gas the government of OK, or Oil the government of Texas or Alaska you are living in a different world than I am..

Just as it took the power of an entire nation to break up (or at least dent) the racists policies of Blacks to the Back of the Bus, or Boston's white only school districts; sometimes it takes more than a local government can muster to stand up to the demands of the biggest employer in town. NY state just bowed to the Nuclear folks in Oswego County, the VP under the guidance of the Pres, gave into a company to temporarily save a few hundred jobs during their campaign.  There is a pattern. ;)

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 09:04:12

486E756C6C7D741C0 wrote:
If you do not think that coal controlls the government of KY, or gas the government of OK, or Oil the government of Texas or Alaska you are living in a different world than I am..

Just as it took the power of an entire nation to break up (or at least dent) the racists policies of Blacks to the Back of the Bus, or Boston's white only school districts; sometimes it takes more than a local government can muster to stand up to the demands of the biggest employer in town. NY state just bowed to the Nuclear folks in Oswego County, the VP under the guidance of the Pres, gave into a company to temporarily save a few hundred jobs during their campaign.  There is a pattern. ;)


Title: Re: HR 861
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/08/17 at 07:15:47

Well, I'm gonna use a word that has been thrown around a lot.
When I have stood against things that just looked like the end result would be regret, I was called   xenophobic, or whatever phobia could be used. We're Looking at Failed attempts by centralized government and saying, Maybe it's time to put the Power closer to the people. And you're afraid of it. When something is not working, trying something new seems reasonable. And THAT was Exactly what I got told to do regarding Bamicare. . .
I could See how it would go, because they were doing everything in their Power to keep details secret. I have been right a few times.
Put regulatory and oversight in the state and county hands. The voters know when they are being listened to.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by WebsterMark on 03/08/17 at 07:20:20

Well, I'm gonna use a word that has been thrown around a lot.
When I have stood against things that just looked like the end result would be regret, I was called   xenophobic, or whatever phobia could be used. We're Looking at Failed attempts by centralized government and saying, Maybe it's time to put the Power closer to the people. And you're afraid of it. When something is not working, trying something new seems reasonable. And THAT was Exactly what I got told to do regarding Bamicare. . .

Jog; that is a fantastic couple of sentences.  I plan on stealing those and claiming them as my own! Great point.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/08/17 at 09:18:50

Thanks, and spread it wherever you think it belongs. Not that I expect anyone to have an epiphany and see that They said, but, This has never been tried, and the system is obviously broken, So, we Have to Do Something! Instead of Going Back to what Was working, health care was affordable before They said it needed fixed. Just like education, they sabotaged it.
And JUST LIKE Cloward and Piven said, now we have greater dependence on the government.
But WHY would our elected officials allow such?
Look at the Historical figures who stated that there is a power that none dare speak ill of above a whisper.
Remember what General Eisenhower said in his farewell speech.
Listen to Charlotte Iserbyt.
Not only our decline is by design, but so was the rise. After we got rich as a nation, the harvest began in earnest.
Read Agenda 21. Who would even suggest such? Like Cloward and Piven, who would write a paper on How to Destroy a Caring Society? And rather than Use that as a Cautionary Tale, it appears that someone is using it as an Operations Manual.
Ohh , but don't listen to me, after all, I was so wrong about the communications being captured. Just WHAT, exactly, do you think that installation in Utah IS?

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by Serowbot on 03/08/17 at 09:56:51

So,.. have you thrown away your smartphone and TV yet?... ;D

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/08/17 at 10:38:18

Great reply. I am just So Surprised.
Since I haven't changed my life, then nothing is happening.
And I never see anyone question Fat Al Gore, owning property that will Surely be flooded and his constant demonstration of concern for the environment by using electricity like a small town and flying in a private jet everywhere idiots line up to listen to him.
He's Selling a Tax scam.
But, it's easier to pretend what I say isn't real.
After How Many Times I've been Proven correct, instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, shrug it off.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by buster6315 on 03/08/17 at 19:09:58


You are right of course. But the EPA no longer serves that function, Whether it ever did is a different debate. The EPA has become one of the abusers, rather than a protector. It has morphed  into a bloated unelected fiefdom that is mostly interested in protecting it's own power and prerogatives, and it needs to be reigned in and purged of its current ideological leadership.  That's why Trump appointed Pruitt.
Right-on, right-on, right-on!

As far as H.R. 861 goes, it has exactly zero chance of passing. [/quote]

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/09/17 at 11:45:19

Who needs science, right?  Who needs public health, right?

The disregard for Americans is palpable and shameful....


Title: Re: HR 861
Post by buster6315 on 03/09/17 at 11:57:32

There is a belief  that the evolution of great countries/civilizations follows various predictable stages.  After a peak of abundance, the next stage is apathy, followed by a return to bondage.  I wonder which stage America is in today?

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/09/17 at 12:06:28

4F585E59485F1B1E1C182D0 wrote:
There is a belief  that the evolution of great countries/civilizations follows various predictable stages.  After a peak of abundance, the next stage is apathy, followed by a return to bondage.  I wonder which stage America is in today?

I would not be surprised if I heard trump tell the media - "Let them eat cake"...  I mean, chaffetz is already close to that defending trumpcare...

I think that's where we are.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/17 at 16:03:35

The EPA has gone from recommendations to effectively writing
That are law. They can drive someone outta business or allow someone to go hog wild. The local People have a Vested Interest in the environment And the Economy. The EPA just wants to be able to justify its bloated bureaucracy. Gee, is America More governed now than twenty years ago? If you said No, go stand in the corner. Is America better off? If you said yes, go stand next to yourself in the corner.

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by pg on 03/09/17 at 17:33:52

I don't think anyone is all that interested in what Cenk's opinion, well maybe Bot...  Good luck with his PAC!

Best regards,

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by T And T Garage on 03/10/17 at 06:24:02

2235333F3020520 wrote:
I don't think anyone is all that interested in what Cenk's opinion, well maybe Bot...  Good luck with his PAC!

Best regards,

How's the sand taste with your head in it?

TYT has over 3 million members - so yeah, I guess that's "no one".  They've had 3 billion views  - yeah... they're nobodies...

Title: Re: HR 861
Post by pg on 03/10/17 at 16:54:47

2A343B3A372A312C5E0 wrote:
[quote author=2235333F3020520 link=1488852833/15#22 date=1489109632]I don't think anyone is all that interested in what Cenk's opinion, well maybe Bot...  Good luck with his PAC!

Best regards,

How's the sand taste with your head in it?

TYT has over 3 million members - so yeah, I guess that's "no one".  They've had 3 billion views  - yeah... they're nobodies...[/quote]

Perhaps I should of clarified, I most certainly was referring to the site here.  I'm sure those who may be interested can tune in where ever.

Evidently, the "The time to rein you guys in"  didn't last all that long.  I would have expected a more creative insult though.  Or maybe not...

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