General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wait... Who's the enemy?

Message started by T And T Garage on 02/22/17 at 09:33:11

Title: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/22/17 at 09:33:11


Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by thumperclone on 02/22/17 at 10:57:16

does this mean FOX news is our friend??

I'm going to use this forum as my only news source
no one here would slat the facts would they?? :D

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 02/22/17 at 17:15:39

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media's "job" is to "actually control exactly what people think."


Trump is vindicated yet again!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 02/23/17 at 12:21:58

Say you have a chicken coop, and right now,
you only have the choice of a, Fox, to guard it.

Which Fox, would you want ?

A  Fox, that is  ‘Hungry’ and eats, almost ALL the chickens ?
A Fox, that is well fed, and only rarely, eats a chicken. ?

How about;    I am, ‘Offended’, by language which  demeans the current  POTUS.
  Some of you would say:   “Suck it up, or tough Sh%# buttercup”.
Yet, a,  Illegal, person, sneaking into this Nation, says:  "That  Flag offends me, take it down”.
Will you say: “Suck it up, or tough Sh%# buttercup” ?
  OR   would you say, “OK, OK  OK,  right away”, while bowing, and pulling at your forelocks. ?

Now, some States, are proposing a law, ‘blocking traffic’, is a  Felony.
The people that cut through  Interstate fences, and block traffic, are crying and screaming,  “that is my right”.
    Yes it  IS, a,  ‘right’  to protest, it is NOT, a ‘right’ to block. (or burn, steel, loot, destroy etc. etc. etc)
So the people that block traffic, (with OUT any permit, so the rest of the  people can adjust as to traffic)
say:  “It is their, “right’,  to block traffic any where, any time they want”.
But I, do not have the, ‘right’, to go from point A to point B. ?

Well, guess some people have more, ‘rights’, than others !
And it looks more and more, that depends on where you are from.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by Serowbot on 02/23/17 at 13:22:22

7067616D6272000 wrote:
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media's "job" is to "actually control exactly what people think."
Best regards,

You heard that in this clip?...

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/23/17 at 16:53:35

You really need to listen to her carefully.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 02/23/17 at 17:40:52

Listen to the last 10 seconds.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/28/17 at 12:42:07

7B6C6A6669790B0 wrote:
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media's "job" is to "actually control exactly what people think."


Trump is vindicated yet again!

Best regards,

LMAO - yeah, that's really what she meant..... and if it was (which it's not) - since when does she speak for the entire journalist community??

But please... Just keep protecting trump at all costs...


Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 02/28/17 at 13:14:58

657B747578657E63110 wrote:
LMAO - yeah, that's really what she meant..... and if it was (which it's not) - since when does she speak for the entire journalist community??

But please... Just keep protecting trump at all costs...

She speaks for herself and represents msnbc.  You did hear those words come out of her mouth..  

Trump is not perfect and I do have some concerns; although, on the majority of issues I concur.  

Haven't seen to many posts of late, how many shootings on Chi-raq this weekend?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/28/17 at 13:32:42

5F484E424D5D2F0 wrote:
[quote author=657B747578657E63110 link=1487784791/0#7 date=1488314527]
LMAO - yeah, that's really what she meant..... and if it was (which it's not) - since when does she speak for the entire journalist community??

But please... Just keep protecting trump at all costs...

She speaks for herself and represents msnbc.  You did hear those words come out of her mouth..  

Trump is not perfect and I do have some concerns; although, on the majority of issues I concur.  

That's your problem - LOL

Haven't seen to many posts of late, how many shootings on Chi-raq this weekend?

Best regards,

LOL - yeah, great inferrance... Like I said, since when did anyone put any faith into what misha says?  Certainly not me.

Awww - you missed me huh?   Too funny!

Hey, we here in Chicago - with all our shootings are STILL safer than several other large cities - or did you forget what per-capita means, hmm?

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 02/28/17 at 15:13:24

253B343538253E23510 wrote:
LOL - yeah, great inferrance...

You should consider putting Chi-raq in for your location below the avatar.   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/28/17 at 15:19:23

544345494656240 wrote:
[quote author=253B343538253E23510 link=1487784791/0#9 date=1488317562]
LOL - yeah, great inferrance...

You should consider putting Chi-raq in for your location below the avatar.   :-?

Best regards,[/quote]

LOL - yeah, good one.

Try living in St. Louis for a week and not get shot - your chances are higher there.

Thank god you're so afraid of Chicago - we don't want the likes of you here.  Please stay away.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 02/28/17 at 16:05:46

2F313E3F322F34295B0 wrote:
Try living in St. Louis for a week and not get shot - your chances are higher there.

I used to live in Detroit, not a wonderful place.  I read they are turning it back into prairie now....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 02/28/17 at 18:21:55

Let’s see.
Driving in a  New  Ford  Granda,
2 white men, and 3 white women.
From  Mpls to Chicago,
  (for a buying expo)

Boss was one of the white men, I was the other, the three Ladies, and I,  were managers of the chain of 18,  stores.
The Boss was well Known  for  spending a  BUCK to save a  DIME.

Air was 59.95 RT,  But no, we had to drive for 8 hours each way.
(So taking 4, Mangers, Out of  4 Stores, for TWO, days, was   NOT,  worth  60  BUCKS  x’s 4)  ??????
((((  Which the Boss could have deducted from Corporate gain   )))))

Anyway,  into  Chicago, I was driving, the Boss had  A MAP,  (long before GPS)
He was navigating, as to the map, (shortest route),
and we went off the freeway, into a section, with broken out windows,
couches in the yards, several ‘groups’, of people standing on the corners,
broken glass on the paved street
 And every stoplight, the, ‘groups’, of people started to move towards us.

There was  NO,  Traffic, so I just looked, and went through  Each  Red  Light.
Boss said:  ‘Your are gonna  Get a  Ticket”
I told him, “There are  NO   Cops  Here,  Get me BACK to the Freeway NOW”
   (He was totally  Oblivious,  as what could have happened)

So now,  T&T and the like, are saying, 32 + YEARS  LATER,
Those  Streets/Areas,   are  NOT  the Same  ??????????

After all,  T&T  said:
“ …we here in Chicago - with all our shootings are STILL safer than several other large cities …”
So it must have improved  greatly !

And consideration of,  “Experienced  Reality’,  (which is different than,  ‘Observed Reality”),
Which  BOTH, are,   NOT REALLY REAL,    (According to  T&T)

Guess that,  ‘Experienced  Reality’, was  just a  figment of imagination  !!!!!!

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/01/17 at 09:06:11

LOL at the scared people talking smack about Chicago.

Please, stay away.  We don't want you here anyway.  Go to St. Louis or Detroit or Baltimore - you'll get your fill of murder there - LOL.

Clueless people... I tell ya.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/17 at 14:54:29

TT is like a man standing in his house, laughing at the neighbors whose houses are completely engulfed in flames, beating his chest, proclaiming,
Look! My house is Safe! Only the kitchen is on fire.
Cold comfort, living in a lesser disaster.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by WebsterMark on 03/02/17 at 04:58:30

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
TT is like a man standing in his house, laughing at the neighbors whose houses are completely engulfed in flames, beating his chest, proclaiming,
Look! My house is Safe! Only the kitchen is on fire.
Cold comfort, living in a lesser disaster.


and I live in St. Louis by the way. Chicago is St. Louis multiplied by 6. StL has one large bad area, the North side, where 90% of last years murders occured. Chicago has 2, south and west. I know where not to go on StL much on the same way TT knows where not to go on Chicago.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/02/17 at 15:18:23


Look at the crybabies!  

Sure, it's cool to put Chicago down, right fellas?  So tell me, why can't I defend MY city?

I've lived here over 35 years and have NEVER heard a gunshot.  I've lived on the near west, the south loop and the northwest - don't tell me what's safe and what's not.

I've visited New Orleans on vacation for only a few days and heard gunfire.  

Oh, and please, don't tell me about St. Louis.... it's per capita murder rate is off the charts compared to Chicago.

Hey fellas, ever notice how Chicago never got press for its murders before Obama?  Gee... I wonder why that is?  You realize that in the 90's it was actually WORSE, right?.... of course you don't - you're led around by the - how sad.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/17 at 17:04:40

203E31303D203B26540 wrote:
  " ... So tell me, why can't I defend MY city? ..."

Sure you can.  

Not a  Problem.

You know where to go, and where not to,
and what times of the day you can and when you can’t.
Not a  problem.    It’s just like some places in St. Paul MN,   You can go their  from 6 AM to 5  PM.
NO    Problem.
But don’t even,  ’think’, about going to those places from,  7PM to 4 AM.

Tell you what,  You, Take a,  Cam Corder, and a  Buddy,  and GO TO,
the, ‘Places in  Chicago’, at ’night’, and record  what you see, and experiences you have.
   (Forgot, ‘Experienced  Reality’, is Not  really, ‘Real’)

But if you do go.    
Was interesting  talking with you !

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 03/02/17 at 17:56:36

2A343B3A372A312C5E0 wrote:
Sure, it's cool to put Chicago down, right fellas?  So tell me,

I've visited New Orleans on vacation for only a few days and heard gunfire.  

No, actually it is not cool.  It is the product of decades of liberal management, it is a bastion of the left.  It is the home to civil rights leaders - Barry, Louie, & Jesse.  They'll protest when a white cop kills a thug in self defense, yet 60 people get shot over a weekend and you don't hear a peep.

I'm not surprised about experience your New Orleans, it is an overrated piece of crap.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 03/02/17 at 18:00:28

And they violate your constitutional rights regarding the 2A.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/02/17 at 18:32:35

That you can somehow pretend Chicago doesn't demand criticism is part of the problem. Instead of defending the place, you should be tearing the city council and mayor up.
I don't owe my city, where I live, pay taxes, engage in commerce, any patriotic loyalty. It's supposed to function FAVORABLY for all of its inhabitants. I don't understand why you Would defend it. I didn't defend Odessa Texas when it was the murder capital. I was Exactly the guy who was the most likely victim. Mid twenties, single white male. I didn't live my life around it, but I carried a knife. I brandished it, successfully, once. I blocked a punch with it once. That fight was over immediately. Odessa sucked, but I could make a living there.
Any city that is making national news almost every week needs something seriously changed. Something is Seriously Wrong.
How does defending a place on the map help anything?
If bubs had been running it for the last fifty years I think you'd be pissed at the sorry state of your city.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/03/17 at 06:14:41

LOL - so no comments on how our murder rates were WORSE in the 90's yet no publicity??

Yeah, the problem I have with the comments is NOT that I love the murder rate, it's that it's politicized for one reason only - Obama lived here.  I find it funny that the bubs on here are led around by their nose by the MSM.  

Rahm is a moron and I did NOT vote for him - oh, and guess what?  For governor, I voted for rauner... how about that??

So go take your lib hate somewhere else.  Ignorance is ignorance - it knows no party (but to see all these GOPers getting behind trump... well, I'm seeing first hand how they might be taking the lead...)

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/03/17 at 10:22:00

It's as if my criticisms, plural, of trump don't exist. Good for you, TT, you're not so guthooked that you vote a straight ticket.
That you believe, and it might be true, that the reason Chiraq is reported on is because Obama lived there doesn't change the facts.
That it's less of a disaster today than in the nineties doesn't make it Good. The shootings Are occurring. There Are places that an intelligent person wouldn't go for a walk. WHY Chiraq gets more press doesn't help anyone who got shot.
My question is
What changed to bring the rate down from the nineties? Did they kill each other off, so fewer people who Would be a part of that are there?
Did law enforcement round up those people?
What's going on to cause the improvement?
If you can't answer that, I understand. I don't know what Caused Odessa Texas to Become so violent, exactly, but I suspect it had something to do with the imbalance between the number of men and women in that demographic. Young white males outnumbered the females. The number of pretty young things who wound up addicts because guys would give them anything to get a date was , pardon the pun, high.
What made the murder rate drop? Not sure, oil field activity dropped, guys went back home?
Okay, so Chiraq is not so completely engulfed in flames, doesn't make it attractive or safe.
That other places are worse doesn't make it good.
If two guys are in quicksand and one is neck deep, the other, only knee deep, if someone walked by and pointed out to the guy knee deep that he was in a bad spot, would it be better to
Admit that he is in a bad spot and ask for help
laugh and point to the guy neck deep?

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/03/17 at 10:51:57

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:
It's as if my criticisms, plural, of trump don't exist. Good for you, TT, you're not so guthooked that you vote a straight ticket.
That you believe, and it might be true, that the reason Chiraq is reported on is because Obama lived there doesn't change the facts.

Yes, it actually does.  Our crime rates were far higher in the late 80's and early 90's.  That's a fact.  The other fact is, the ONLY reason you hear about our crime now is because of political motivations and condemnation of libs... it's pathetic.

That it's less of a disaster today than in the nineties doesn't make it Good.

What??  An improvement is no good???  C'mon.... do you actually believe that??

The shootings Are occurring. There Are places that an intelligent person wouldn't go for a walk. WHY Chiraq gets more press doesn't help anyone who got shot.

As there is in EVERY MAJOR CITY - Chicago (not chiraq) is actually SAFER than many large cities.  You seem to forget that.

My question is
What changed to bring the rate down from the nineties? Did they kill each other off, so fewer people who Would be a part of that are there?
Did law enforcement round up those people?
What's going on to cause the improvement?

There were tougher penalties enacted on crimes and there was less focus on non-violent crimes.  Then daly just wanted to fill the jails and bolster neighborhoods that played along with his administration.  He didn't care about the crime as much as he did the numbers... that continues today, only on a bigger scale.  You can get more jail time for a first offense with weed than you can with a firearm violation.... that's messed up.

If you can't answer that, I understand. I don't know what Caused Odessa Texas to Become so violent, exactly, but I suspect it had something to do with the imbalance between the number of men and women in that demographic. Young white males outnumbered the females. The number of pretty young things who wound up addicts because guys would give them anything to get a date was , pardon the pun, high.
What made the murder rate drop? Not sure, oil field activity dropped, guys went back home?
Okay, so Chiraq is not so completely engulfed in flames, doesn't make it attractive or safe.

Tell that to the 54 MILLION tourists we had last year.  Remember that it's safer than St. Louis, Baltimore, Gary, New Orleans, etc., etc.

That other places are worse doesn't make it good.

Of course not - but NOT worthy of condemnation like we've seen in the last 8 years... just because of Obama's history and the MSM on the right.

If two guys are in quicksand and one is neck deep, the other, only knee deep, if someone walked by and pointed out to the guy knee deep that he was in a bad spot, would it be better to
Admit that he is in a bad spot and ask for help
laugh and point to the guy neck deep?

The better analogy would be an onlooker (of the above quicksand scenario) only offering to help the one he liked the most and leaving the other to die - just because he heard a rumor about the one he doesn't like...

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/03/17 at 12:57:20

2C323D3C312C372A580 wrote:
[quote author=4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 link=1487784791/15#23 date=1488565320]It's as if my criticisms, plural, of trump don't exist. Good for you, TT, you're not so guthooked that you vote a straight ticket.
That you believe, and it might be true, that the reason Chiraq is reported on is because Obama lived there doesn't change the facts.

Yes, it actually does.  Our crime rates were far higher in the late 80's and early 90's.  That's a fact.  The other fact is, the ONLY reason you hear about our crime now is because of political motivations and condemnation of libs... it's pathetic.

No, the Facts are, as reported. That the reports are only made because of some real or perceived political reason doesn't remove any bullets from victims. Does CNN report those same shootings? IDK,

That it's less of a disaster today than in the nineties doesn't make it Good.

What??  An improvement is no good???  C'mon.... do you actually believe that??
You're not stupid. You can't be. I've seen your website. You know I didn't say that a decreasing crime rate isn't a good thing. .

The shootings Are occurring. There Are places that an intelligent person wouldn't go for a walk. WHY Chiraq gets more press doesn't help anyone who got shot.

As there is in EVERY MAJOR CITY - Chicago (not chiraq) is actually SAFER than many large cities.  You seem to forget that.
No, I'm not forgetting anything. That some places are worse doesn't make Chicago GOOD.
I'm more reasonable than I'm being given credit for.

My question is
What changed to bring the rate down from the nineties? Did they kill each other off, so fewer people who Would be a part of that are there?
Did law enforcement round up those people?
What's going on to cause the improvement?

There were tougher penalties enacted on crimes and there was less focus on non-violent crimes.  Then daly just wanted to fill the jails and bolster neighborhoods that played along with his administration.  He didn't care about the crime as much as he did the numbers... that continues today, only on a bigger scale.  You can get more jail time for a first offense with weed than you can with a firearm violation.... that's messed up.

Yep, that IS messed up. I would probably be looking at the private prison system and its lobbyists as being possibly a driving force behind the legislation that is so obviously upside down.

If you can't answer that, I understand. I don't know what Caused Odessa Texas to Become so violent, exactly, but I suspect it had something to do with the imbalance between the number of men and women in that demographic. Young white males outnumbered the females. The number of pretty young things who wound up addicts because guys would give them anything to get a date was , pardon the pun, high.
What made the murder rate drop? Not sure, oil field activity dropped, guys went back home?
Okay, so Chiraq is not so completely engulfed in flames, doesn't make it attractive or safe.

Tell that to the 54 MILLION tourists we had last year.  Remember that it's safer than St. Louis, Baltimore, Gary, New Orleans, etc., etc.

Safer? Or less dangerous? How many of the places where we see high crime rates have a long history of democrat party control and strict gun control? IDK, but I have a suspicion.
Why the left chose gun control as a party platform structural element IDK. Seems like the time has come to acknowledge the statistically supported fact that when people, Law Abiding People, are legally Able to defend themselves, the Criminal Element of society suddenly start to get less aggressive. The carjacking game died very quickly in La. within weeks of the Governor telling the people to arm themselves. The number of gutshot punks laying kicking, screaming and bleeding in the road changed the attraction to the thrill of jerking a door open and shoving a gun in someone's face and stealing the car a Lot. Cars stolen, sometimes with infants in the back seat, sometimes driven away, while the owner was hung up in the seatbelt, dragged to death or getting snagged and run over by the rear tire. Why anyone would stand in opposition to self defense is beyond me. AFAIAC, anyone who opposes self defense shouldn't be allowed to wear  seatbelt or helmet. Hey, someone believes that it's okay to pass laws that prohibit My ability to feel safer, they can get some of that..
If someone wants open borders, they can remove the locks and fences. Action speeks  louder than words.

That other places are worse doesn't make it good.

Of course not - but NOT worthy of condemnation like we've seen in the last 8 years... just because of Obama's history and the MSM on the right.

Yeah, that MSM,, not too trustworthy,unless it's saying what someone wants to hear. Then it's gospel.  I haven't studied the reporting and analyzed it By reporting Source. Does Fox report Chicago crime more than CNN? If so I
wonder why.
Your contention that the Reason for the reporting is politically motivated might not be all there is to it.

If two guys are in quicksand and one is neck deep, the other, only knee deep, if someone walked by and pointed out to the guy knee deep that he was in a bad spot, would it be better to
Admit that he is in a bad spot and ask for help
laugh and point to the guy neck deep?

The better analogy would be an onlooker (of the above quicksand scenario) only offering to help the one he liked the most and leaving the other to die - just because he heard a rumor about the one he doesn't like...[/quote]

I understand mine. I'm talking about My perception of how you're defending your city.
You're telling me that Chicago doesn't deserve to be in the news, because other places are worse, refusing, it seems, to admit it's frikking dangerous. You're so stuck on being pissed off about the fact that the media is reporting on it and we talk about it that I can't grasp it. SHOULD cities with higher rates be getting more attention? Maybe so. You keep talking about St. Louis. Well, expect to see that change in a few years.
I wish you would just drag up the stats for other places that would make Chicago look better.

This guy has
Had enough, not gonna keep voting for democrats.

I guess nobody remembers the hysterical warnings from the left when states decided to allow concealed carry in bars.
How many TIMES do people Have to be Proven WRONG before they stop and think?

hysteria over gun law allowing concealed carry in bars

The Global Warmlarmists screaming about some BS
The science is settled, follow the Science they say,
But here, where Law Abiding types, want to be able to protect themselves, well, screw proven Observed Reality, everyone KNOWS the Only Way to keep people from getting shot is Gun Control,and YET, even when guns got into Bars the people didn't go nuts.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/03/17 at 13:59:40

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
[quote author=2C323D3C312C372A580 link=1487784791/15#24 date=1488567117][quote author=4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 link=1487784791/15#23 date=1488565320]It's as if my criticisms, plural, of trump don't exist. Good for you, TT, you're not so guthooked that you vote a straight ticket.
That you believe, and it might be true, that the reason Chiraq is reported on is because Obama lived there doesn't change the facts.

No, the Facts are, as reported. That the reports are only made because of some real or perceived political reason doesn't remove any bullets from victims. Does CNN report those same shootings? IDK,

OK, for the last time, I'm NOT defending the crime, I'm defending the reputation of my city and its people.  Yes - even one killing in a year is too many, but it's simply NOT a dangerous place.  We've seen 54 MILLION tourists last year.  What you see in the news sells ads and gives politicians something to distract everyone while they pick pockets.

That it's less of a disaster today than in the nineties doesn't make it Good.

You're not stupid. You can't be. I've seen your website. You know I didn't say that a decreasing crime rate isn't a good thing.

No, but you don't take it into consideration either - THAT'S the problem.

No, I'm not forgetting anything. That some places are worse doesn't make Chicago GOOD.
I'm more reasonable than I'm being given credit for.

But compared to other major cities we ARE GOOD.  Have you ever seen the lakefront, our parks, our downtown, our festivals, our diverse culture, our world famous bars and restaurants, etc., etc.?  Chicago is a top world destination.  

The crime rates in New Orleans and the others I mention have gotten worse over the last 8 years - Chicago's (under Police Chief Garry McCarthy) actually started to decline until rahm stepped in and pushed McCarthy out.

Yep, that IS messed up. I would probably be looking at the private prison system and its lobbyists as being possibly a driving force behind the legislation that is so obviously upside down.

Safer? Or less dangerous?

They are the same - if a place is less dangerous, then by definition it's safer......  C'mon.

How many of the places where we see high crime rates have a long history of democrat party control and strict gun control? IDK, but I have a suspicion.

That's a terrible correlation, I admit - but what about New York?  Do you give any credit to Bloomberg or de Blasio?  What about L.A. where (until just very recently) the crime rate has dropped steadily since the 90's (when a republican was in office there).

Why the left chose gun control as a party platform structural element IDK. Seems like the time has come to acknowledge the statistically supported fact that when people, Law Abiding People, are legally Able to defend themselves, the Criminal Element of society suddenly start to get less aggressive. The carjacking game died very quickly in La. within weeks of the Governor telling the people to arm themselves. The number of gutshot punks laying kicking, screaming and bleeding in the road changed the attraction to the thrill of jerking a door open and shoving a gun in someone's face and stealing the car a Lot. Cars stolen, sometimes with infants in the back seat, sometimes driven away, while the owner was hung up in the seatbelt, dragged to death or getting snagged and run over by the rear tire. Why anyone would stand in opposition to self defense is beyond me. AFAIAC, anyone who opposes self defense shouldn't be allowed to wear  seatbelt or helmet. Hey, someone believes that it's okay to pass laws that prohibit My ability to feel safer, they can get some of that..
If someone wants open borders, they can remove the locks and fences. Action speeks  louder than words.

We have CC in Chicago - we have since 2014 and I fully support it.  The problem has NEVER been the banning of guns - there is no ban in Chicago - no one want's to ban them, sheesh - just enforcing the rules on the books and making it tougher/impossible for those who are questionable to own them.

I'm not sure of the percent - but it's common knowledge that most of the guns that kill our neighbors are illegally owned and gotten from gun shows and the like in WI, MI and IN.

Yeah, that MSM,, not too trustworthy,unless it's saying what someone wants to hear. Then it's gospel.  I haven't studied the reporting and analyzed it By reporting Source. Does Fox report Chicago crime more than CNN? If so I
wonder why.
Your contention that the Reason for the reporting is politically motivated might not be all there is to it.

Funny you should mention that - this actually proves the point that the guns are too easy to obtain illegally in the surrounding areas of Chicago.  The gun murder rate is crazy - how can that be with the tighter restrictions on obtaining weapons?  See the point I'm making??

I understand mine. I'm talking about My perception of how you're defending your city.
You're telling me that Chicago doesn't deserve to be in the news, because other places are worse, refusing, it seems, to admit it's frikking dangerous. You're so stuck on being pissed off about the fact that the media is reporting on it and we talk about it that I can't grasp it. SHOULD cities with higher rates be getting more attention? Maybe so.

What pisses me off is that someone as intelligent as you doesn't see that it's 100% political in nature.  The crime rate in Chicago would NEVER Have made headlines if it weren't form Obama once living here.  If you honestly can't see that, then you're in complete denial or just plain ignorant.

I actually don't have to defend my city.  It's doing fine (remember those 54 million tourists?), our GDP is up, our unemployment is down and given the soft winter, there could be record setting tourism revenue this year.

You keep talking about St. Louis. Well, expect to see that change in a few years.
I wish you would just drag up the stats for other places that would make Chicago look better.

Here you go:

Honestly though - it's on you to find out more about my great city.

This guy has
Had enough, not gonna keep voting for democrats.

If you've seen, I don't and will NEVER vote party.  I voted for rauner and would have voted for Kasich over hillary.

I guess nobody remembers the hysterical warnings from the left when states decided to allow concealed carry in bars.
How many TIMES do people Have to be Proven WRONG before they stop and think?

hysteria over gun law allowing concealed carry in bars

Well - guns aren't the be-all end-all, ok?

The Global Warmlarmists screaming about some BS
The science is settled, follow the Science they say,
But here, where Law Abiding types, want to be able to protect themselves, well, screw proven Observed Reality, everyone KNOWS the Only Way to keep people from getting shot is Gun Control,and YET, even when guns got into Bars the people didn't go nuts.

First off, I hope you're not a climate change denier, second, look at the links above - it's not all great - keep it real.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 03/03/17 at 19:23:10

657B747578657E63110 wrote:
" ...We have CC in Chicago - we have since 2014 and I fully support it.  The problem has NEVER been the banning of guns - there is no ban in Chicago - no one want's to ban them, sheesh -  ..."

WOW,   You  have  NOT,    Checked the   FACTS,    Have  You   !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 03/03/17 at 19:36:24

 T& T,  Here is a  Idea:

Take,  TWO,  Buddies, with the ‘carry  Permits’  you say are available in Chicago.
Then go with,  Two  Cam Corders,  (Visio recorders), and film, what is  happening,    (One filming you and the  person.   The other filming you and the Filmer, of that  person)
in the, ‘“Don’t  Go  Areas”,   Ask the people their,  ‘What are your thoughts’,
And see  how you can PROVE,    Everybody,   Wrong   !!!!!!!!

Would be  happy, to see that   Video !   (UN   EDITED)

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/03/17 at 19:49:02

Just as Earth had an ice age and the climate changed, and it made those changes without a bunch of Suburbans and coal burning power plants.

Apparently the press is not telling All of the story. That's unprecedented, right? Provided that the tourists/seminar attendees/business trips, etc Is in fact Forty Five MILLION per year, then we know two things.
Chicago is getting a Money Shower. Hotels,restaurants, other shops, car rental, the city should be doing well in that respect.
And, if the place is So Bad, how do they keep up the tourism?

Still, there are places in every city I've been in where people who simply don't belong there,had better not be there. Actually, no, Tecumseh,Oklahoma didn't have a place where anyone would be afraid to walk after dark.  But the place actually had one stoplight.
Most times it was just flashing red on two sides, yellow on the other, it was only a real stoplight in the morning, at lunch and at quitting time.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/06/17 at 11:59:11

5C7F426163787F76110 wrote:
[quote author=657B747578657E63110 link=1487784791/15#26 date=1488578380]
" ...We have CC in Chicago - we have since 2014 and I fully support it.  The problem has NEVER been the banning of guns - there is no ban in Chicago - no one want's to ban them, sheesh -  ..."

WOW,   You  have  NOT,    Checked the   FACTS,    Have  You   !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Check your "facts" Mn....

Want some lotion for that burn??

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/06/17 at 12:04:53

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
Just as Earth had an ice age and the climate changed, and it made those changes without a bunch of Suburbans and coal burning power plants.

LOL - yeah, the fact that the rate of change coincides with man means... nothing??  C'mon - to think that we have no effect on climate is small minded and ignorant.

Apparently the press is not telling All of the story. That's unprecedented, right? Provided that the tourists/seminar attendees/business trips, etc Is in fact Forty Five MILLION per year, then we know two things.
Chicago is getting a Money Shower. Hotels,restaurants, other shops, car rental, the city should be doing well in that respect.
And, if the place is So Bad, how do they keep up the tourism?

That's the point... duh!  It's NOT that bad.  It's blown up all over the news because people want to point at scary things and tell themselves that "well, at least I don't live there..."

Still, there are places in every city I've been in where people who simply don't belong there,had better not be there. Actually, no, Tecumseh,Oklahoma didn't have a place where anyone would be afraid to walk after dark.  But the place actually had one stoplight.
Most times it was just flashing red on two sides, yellow on the other, it was only a real stoplight in the morning, at lunch and at quitting time.

There are thousands of cities like that all over the nation.  I've lived in one of them.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 03/06/17 at 17:29:42

How many people get approved?  I think I'll stay in a constitutional carry state.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/06/17 at 20:25:21

687F79757A6A180 wrote:
How many people get approved?  I think I'll stay in a constitutional carry state.

Best regards,

I don't know, but I'd rather be in a place where you have tougher vetting of people who want to own fire arms... much like tweety wants in immigrants.... how about that?

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by pg on 03/07/17 at 04:35:40

283639383528332E5C0 wrote:
how about that?

I think your gun laws serve Chi-raq well.  How did all that vetting work out last year?  4,330....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 07:04:53

293E38343B2B590 wrote:
[quote author=283639383528332E5C0 link=1487784791/30#33 date=1488860721] how about that?

I think your gun laws serve Chi-raq well.  How did all that vetting work out last year?  4,330....

Best regards,[/quote]

Shows how closed your mind is....

The fact is, we've had concealed carry since 2014 - and like every rational thinking adult, I know it's NOT the guns that cause the crime, but the criminals... duh.

Over 90% of the murders committed in Chicago are with illegal guns.  Those guns are coming from WI, IN and MI by the truckload - you know why?  They are so easy to obtain in those states... all you really need is proof of residency and a face...

And even with all that.. Chicago (not chiraq) is still SAFER than St. Louis, Baltimore, Gary, New Orleans, Detroit, Milwaukee and several others....

Thanks for caring....LOL

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by Trippah on 03/07/17 at 07:22:10

T & T, it would be interesting to find out how many people die from accidental gunshot wounds compared to murder by strangers. ( Murder by loved ones might be  added to the accidental gunshots for a grand total of our weaponized society, but  then knives etc would cloud up the waters).  It should be noted that not all accident are, some are so reported to save a person's reputation in their small town.  Just as all auto accidents aren't. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I would also like to compare the number of auto fatalities (OK, I mean people, not the cars) to terrorists victims since 2010.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 07:38:48

1F39223B3B2A234B0 wrote:
T & T, it would be interesting to find out how many people die from accidental gunshot wounds compared to murder by strangers. ( Murder by loved ones might be  added to the accidental gunshots for a grand total of our weaponized society, but  then knives etc would cloud up the waters).  It should be noted that not all accident are, some are so reported to save a person's reputation in their small town.  Just as all auto accidents aren't. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I would also like to compare the number of auto fatalities (OK, I mean people, not the cars) to terrorists victims since 2010.


To be clear - I'm in favor of the Second Amendment - but the far right and their love affair with it is getting old...

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 03/07/17 at 07:51:45

3D232C2D203D263B490 wrote:
[color=#0000ff]Check your "facts" Mn....   Want some lotion for that burn??  

Explain the difference,  between:
“Shall’  and, “May”,  as it concerns a  Law.

Then, look at the  Media, saying, “Buying a  Handgun Out of State”.
Nop, Nop, Nop,  if you ‘buy’ one, you can  NOT,  ‘Possesses’ it
Until you HAVE it sent to a FFL   Dealer in YOUR   State of residence,
than, go through  the paper work !  In,  YOUR   State !

(Ya just can't change the fed law,  willy  nilly,
 Well, unless you are   Eric Holder, or  Wanna  Be   King   bam a)

OH,   Possessing, a handgun, bought out of State, (on a  Street Corner),
       or on the, Local, Street  Corner. ?
  (Tell me how the, ‘War On Drugs”, is going)

AND,   How is that,  FOID,  card doing in Ill.
  Prevented a  lot of crime, has it  ?     LOLOLLOLOLOLO
"To legally possess firearms or ammunition,
Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card”

And listing a,  Anti-Firearms’ site.  
Published by,  ‘Anti-Gun”, people and POV’s.   ????????
And listing a,   ‘Advertisement’,  for a, class.   ?????????

Get your facts  Straight !
Before you,  “Troll’,

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 09:31:00

54774A696B70777E190 wrote:
[quote author=3D232C2D203D263B490 link=1487784791/30#30 date=1488830351] [color=#0000ff]Check your "facts" Mn....   Want some lotion for that burn??  

Explain the difference,  between:
“Shall’  and, “May”,  as it concerns a  Law.

Then, look at the  Media, saying, “Buying a  Handgun Out of State”.
Nop, Nop, Nop,  if you ‘buy’ one, you can  NOT,  ‘Possesses’ it
Until you HAVE it sent to a FFL   Dealer in YOUR   State of residence,
than, go through  the paper work !  In,  YOUR   State !

(Ya just can't change the fed law,  willy  nilly,
 Well, unless you are   Eric Holder, or  Wanna  Be   King   bam a)

OH,   Possessing, a handgun, bought out of State, (on a  Street Corner),
       or on the, Local, Street  Corner. ?
  (Tell me how the, ‘War On Drugs”, is going)

AND,   How is that,  FOID,  card doing in Ill.
  Prevented a  lot of crime, has it  ?     LOLOLLOLOLOLO
"To legally possess firearms or ammunition,
Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card”

And listing a,  Anti-Firearms’ site.  
Published by,  ‘Anti-Gun”, people and POV’s.   ????????
And listing a,   ‘Advertisement’,  for a, class.   ?????????

Get your facts  Straight !
Before you,  “Troll’,


LOL - wow... talk about unhinged.

The FACT is that CC is indeed legal in Chicago.  There is no disputing that.  YOU'RE the one that was wrong about it - get over it - smh .

If you care to read, you'll see that I acknowledge that it's ILLEGAL firearms that are used in a majority of these crimes... DUH!

Your rant is unwarranted....

One last thing - it might get me kicked off, but c'est la vie...

Do you actually read what you write and compare it to others on these threads?  Look at your posts, I mean really look at them and think about it.... I'm honestly not sure what to think.  You portray someone who's become unhinged and can barely control themselves in a normal manner.  Your best friend is the caps lock and the "bold" font generator.  You're nearly incoherent referencing things that are either only in your own head or in some weird shorthand that only you know.  It's getting old - try having a rational conversation for once...

From here on out, I will not respond to your posts (that is, if I'm not kicked off for posting this...).  But if I'm allowed to stay, please feel free to continue commenting on my posts and making a fool of yourself.


Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/17 at 10:39:19

Datas (sic) uncover (sic) today give us a clearer portrait of a couple of possible cause (sic) for murder, but let’s be clear.. Changes in the atmospheres (sic) and combustibles (sic) also play a roles (sic) in how peoples (sic) are behave (sic). By continuing homicide (sic) and climate changes (sic) we are ascend (sic) ourselves to vulnables (sic), and we cannot deny that, Nor shall we, Nor shall I, Nor shall we all, So say we all (sic). End homicide and end climate change, and we end murder. THIS, we know.”

Is it endemic to goobs in general?

Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr. (born October 2, 1954) is the U.S. .... island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Admiral Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that.

I think it's noteworthy that both are part of that elite group, the most educated, the democrats.
Bubs are embarrassing, but topping those would be really hard.
Yeah, snopes tried to play it off.. I'm not buying it.

SJL has demonstrated her stupidity plenty.
How do idiots like McCain and SJL keep getting elected and people like Cynthia McKinney not?
McKinney made the politically suicidal move of directly confronting Rumsfeld. She pointedly forced him to defend DynCorp after they were busted for sex trafficking. He said
Only one person was involved.
Horse CRAP. One person, procure and transport women and children. And Nobody thought it odd that these people are passengers on the plane?

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by T And T Garage on 03/07/17 at 10:53:25

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
Datas (sic) uncover (sic) today give us a clearer portrait of a couple of possible cause (sic) for murder, but let’s be clear.. Changes in the atmospheres (sic) and combustibles (sic) also play a roles (sic) in how peoples (sic) are behave (sic). By continuing homicide (sic) and climate changes (sic) we are ascend (sic) ourselves to vulnables (sic), and we cannot deny that, Nor shall we, Nor shall I, Nor shall we all, So say we all (sic). End homicide and end climate change, and we end murder. THIS, we know.”

Is it endemic to goobs in general?

What's a goob?

Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr. (born October 2, 1954) is the U.S. .... island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Admiral Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that.

Yep - dumb comment... your point?

I think it's noteworthy that both are part of that elite group, the most educated, the democrats.
Bubs are embarrassing, but topping those would be really hard.
Yeah, snopes tried to play it off.. I'm not buying it.

SJL has demonstrated her stupidity plenty.
How do idiots like McCain and SJL keep getting elected and people like Cynthia McKinney not?
McKinney made the politically suicidal move of directly confronting Rumsfeld. She pointedly forced him to defend DynCorp after they were busted for sex trafficking. He said
Only one person was involved.
Horse CRAP. One person, procure and transport women and children. And Nobody thought it odd that these people are passengers on the plane?

I really don't see your point in this.... sorry.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/17 at 18:07:42

That explains a lot.

Title: Re: Wait... Who's the enemy?
Post by MnSpring on 03/08/17 at 12:06:47

4A545B5A574A514C3E0 wrote:
 "...Your rant is unwarranted..."  

Well it is a balmy 30 today, but it’s to windy to haul rocks.
So the tree cutting  postponed.

Inside for a while, to respond to T&T.
 (Which he considers  ‘Rants’ )
Little history, for someone who refuses to do it himself.
This is the, ‘Cliff Notes”, version.
(All the bold below, are, direct quotes from numerous sites,  Ill Law,  Ill Register, Ill State Police.  Wikipedia, etc)

In 1949, the State  Issued a Handgun Carry BAN,   modified in 1962.

In 2013, the state passed, their, ‘carry’  law.  To be in acted  1/1/14,
(Which first permit went out on  Feb 28, 2014.)

Illinois became the last state in the country to allow carrying firearms in public.

(‘Shall’,  means that, if you qualify, as to listed things, you, ‘Well’, receive)
(“May’, means that, if you qualify, as to listed things, you, ‘May’ Not,  Receive them,
because to receive, or not to receive, is  dependent, not on those stated things,
but to a single person, or a, ‘board’)
Still no  confirmation, if  the new CCW  law, is a,  ’Shall’, or a, ‘May’, law.

(Paul Harvey Again)
On September 12, 2013, the Illinois Supreme Court, ruled that the state’s … law, which completely prohibited concealed carry,  was unconstitutional.
December 11, 2012,… the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, … ruled that Illinois’ concealed carry ban was unconstitutional, and gave the state 180 days to change its laws.  Subsequently, the court granted a 30-day extension of the deadline.
(Complete Quotes below)
So the State was finally,  Forced to Follow,  the  Constitution of this Nation.

That new Ill CCW  law,  Is, ‘kinna’, written as a, ’shall’ law, not a, ‘May’, law.
But is is NOT,  Black and White !
And here is a great,  “Catch 22”.
To get a  Ill, CCW, you must   FIRST, have a  FOID  card.
And to get a, FOID  Card  ????
Yep, that  Right,  It is a, ‘May’ law   LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

The  last, ‘requirement’, to get a FOID card, says:
"If the Department issues a denial or fails to act on an application within 90 days of receipt, the applicant may appeal to the director of the Department for a hearing. All final decisions of the Department are subject to judicial review".

So does  IL, or, “Chi-raq”, (love that word),   Really  have a CCW  available to the honest  Citizens of that state?????

Or is it joust like NY  City or  San Francisco or L.A..
where, it is on the ‘books’, but, Maybe,  just Maybe, after several years, and 1,000’s of dollars,  and all sorts of court dates, and  PAYING OFF  OFFICIALS.  One,  just might get one ???

So, again,  that little thing called,  ‘Observed Reality’,  (which is not really ‘real’, as to T&T)
High Crime Rate areas, where it is  Very hard to get a firearm, and have the ’strictest’  gun control laws.
Simply have the Highest  Crime rates !

So  the,  Honest  person, can not, carry a firearm, to protect themselves.
Because the  Criminals,  just grab, ILLEGAL  ones.
  (Again, how is that,  ‘War on Drugs’, going in Ill  ???)

- - - - - - -

“…but does allow home rule units to enact more restrictive ordinances …”

“Illinois went from a complete ban on public carrying of firearms to a concealed carry law that's now being implemented"

"On July 9, 2013, (sig.  that, shall  law, was effective  Jan  2014),  after much litigation and political wrangling, Illinois became the last state in the country to allow carrying firearms in public.”

“Prior to … …  failed to pass, a concealed carry law - resulting in Illinois being the only state that completely banned the practice”

“Last winter, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit struck down the Illinois law prohibiting concealed carry as unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. The court gave the legislature 180 days to craft a bill permitting individuals to carry firearms outside the home for self-defense.
On December 11, 2012, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, in the case of Moore v. Madigan, ruled that Illinois' concealed carry ban was unconstitutional, and gave the state 180 days to change its laws.[33] Subsequently, the court granted a 30-day extension of the deadline.”

"On September 12, 2013, the Illinois Supreme Court, in the case of People v. Aguilar, also ruled that the state's Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon law, which completely prohibited concealed carry, was unconstitutional. On January 5, 2014, the state police began accepting applications for licenses to carry concealed handguns. On February 28, 2014, the state police announced that they had begun issuing concealed carry licenses.”

"The state's original handgun carry ban was enacted in 1949, with the ban's most recent revision being enacted in 1962.[32] The pre-existing law forbade concealed carry”

"However, any law enforcement agency can object to an individual being granted a license "based upon a reasonable suspicion that the applicant is a danger to himself or herself or others, or a threat to public safety". Objections are considered by a Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board, which decides whether or not the license will be issued, based on “a preponderance of the evidence”.

"All final administrative decisions regarding FOID cards by the Department of State Police are subject to judicial review under the Administration Review Law”

“The application process is supposed to take 30 business days or fewer but is often longer, state police acknowledge"

"Orders of protection are from time to time inappropriately filed in family law matters, often times without fully understanding the consequences of such a filing”

“BUT,  we how have the  FOID, card,  which you MUST  Have,   BELORE, you apply for a CCL"

"If the Department issues a denial or fails to act on an application within 90 days of receipt, the applicant may appeal to the director of the Department for a hearing. All final decisions of the Department are subject to judicial review”.

"Immediately after the bill became law, individuals and entities began to falsely advertise that their courses meet the CCL training requirements” » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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