General Category >> The Cafe >> Premature Announciation?

Message started by Dave on 02/16/17 at 08:54:13

Title: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/16/17 at 08:54:13

My wife convinced me a few weeks ago to go with her to a Financial Advisor, as she wanted to get her/our/my IRA, 401K and savings working smarter for us  We were able to pay off the mortgage on our house last summer when we had the Savage Forum group ride at my house......Lancer/Verslagen/Oldfeller/MMRanch got to witness the burning or our mortgage at the catfish fry.  We had to provide the advisors with a list of all our savings/investments/spending habits and income.  My wife retired almost 2 years ago, and I was not sure when I as going to retire.  I am currently 61 and decided I didn't want to work until I am 66yrs, 4 months to be fully vested in Social Security - and I thought maybe 62 was too soon.....maybe I could tolerate this working environment until I am 64.  I normally get to the office at 6 AM, and the last 3 days I have not been home until after 9 PM as I had Council and Planning Commission meetings every night this week so far......12-16 hours days are not all that uncommon for me during the week, so I try not to stay late on my Friday "date night" with the wife.....or work on weekends.

The investment advisors used a retirement date of 1/1/2018 in their scenario.....and the bottom line is that I could retire and we could make it financially....Woo Hoo!  We won't be living a lavish lifestyle and going on expensive vacations or buying a vacation condo anywhere - but we could survive in our current home and buy groceries and pay our bills.  And as Oldfellor has discovered, health care costs are a big concern when you begin to look at retirement.

I have decided to work full time in my engineering job until July 1, 2018.  At that time I will continue to work 20 hours a week for one of the local cities as their City Engineer/Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector...the part time work will help me to cover the cost of health care, cell phone service, and give me some fun money. The work will be hourly, and most likely my hours can be adjusted to fit the work load and be adaptive to my desires to take time off to travel.  This will allow me to go on more rides, spend more time with my wife, and more time at home with my projects.  The last 10 years has been pretty busy at work, and my wife and I have not been on a good vacation together in more than 11 will be good to be able to do that again.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/16/17 at 09:51:19

Never too soon to announce your retirement plans.
Hopefully they'll pre hire your replacement and take the load off you.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by springman on 02/16/17 at 11:16:47

Cool. That is great news. Congratulations to you Dave. I turned 59 in December so I am a few years younger but the thought of retirement certainly crosses my mind more often now. I keep on saying I will probably work another 7 years but who knows. I am truly happy for you Dave.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Serowbot on 02/16/17 at 12:21:56

Time to move to climate with 365 riding days... :)

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/16/17 at 14:12:33

My work environment has degraded such that my wife has given me permission to quit at any time, but with insurance being up in the air so badly I need to wait until the mandatory year and a half of COBRA insurance would span the time until Medicare picks up at age 65.

So, next year at the earliest for me too, with me paying out a whole bunch of $$$ for COBRA coverage.  Or until the Republicans cook their Obamacare replacement plan enough to pass it into law should that actually be both 1) advantageous and 2) affordable.

I really wish my state would extend Medicare as so many other states have done, in which case I could go next week.

Dave, Santeetlah lake has a 6 man cabin for $35 with a shower/bathrooms station 150 feet away from the front door.   They have two of these cabins in a cluster with the bath house in the middle.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/17 at 15:22:18

When it's time I'll ship you your stars. You can cash them in. You've got at Least three bucks worth.
Sounds like you've got a very regimented life, many demands on your time. The part time job is, I think, a great idea for more reasons than just the money. If you were suddenly without a schedule it could be hard to know what to do with yourself.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by LANCER on 02/16/17 at 15:45:27

I did not realize you were 61 Dave; you do not look like it.
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement !

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/17/17 at 04:18:15

796A7D7C636E686A613E0F0 wrote:
Hopefully they'll pre hire your replacement and take the load off you.

I am working in is a bit tough as I would like to think that I am a bit unique, and difficult to replace.  We are all working lots of hours at my office - so it might be difficult to move the jobs over to an existing partner/engineer unless they give up some of their other work.....and there is no guarantee that with each election the Mayor/Council might choose to hire a different engineer to do their work.  I have been very lucky and have worked 32, 25 and 15 years for the 3 cities where I am the City Engineer.

I am tentatively planning on making the change as soon as January 1st, 2018 - but that might be extended until July 1st if they have trouble replacing me.  I have a mayor street project that will be done in the summer of 2018 - and I want to be sure that the project will go smoothly.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 02/17/17 at 07:16:12

Jealous! I'm 54 and retirement can't come fast enough.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/17/17 at 09:25:32

I have been very lucky and have worked 32, 25 and 15 years for the 3 cities where I am the City Engineer.

What does a city engineer Do?

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/17/17 at 09:54:50

I work for very small cities - so I do a lot broader scope of work than an engineer who would work for a large City or Engineering firm as a part of a team.

I review the streets and determine which streets get replaced, repaired, resurface or patched.  I then put together the design or paving specifications, put the project(s) out to bid, review the work in progress, and approve the payments.

I design new sanitary and storm sewer lines and pump stations....and get them out to bid and approve the construction and approve billing.  I also write any easements necessary for this work and get them to the City Attorney for recording....and for most of the projects also negotiate the terms of the easement with the property owners.

I review the design and construction of new streets, sidewalks, water and sewer lines that will be turned over to the City for ownership once the project is completed.

I help with the planning, design and operation of the water and sewer systems, and help to plan for expansion to serve new subdivision, office or industrial projects.....and for the replacement of stuff that is just old and worn out.

I attend City Council Meetings and Planning Commission Meetings to address any engineering issues and report on current and future projects.  I author a lot of the updates to the Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision regulations.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/17/17 at 12:38:26

That's a lot of stuff for one brain to know how to do. A campsite with some of the people who hang out here would be great.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/17/17 at 13:02:33

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
That's a lot of stuff for one brain to know how to do.

That is one of the reasons that I am tired (burned out), and ready to slow down a bit - trying to stay ahead of all this in 3 cities is a bit much for an old guy!

I am also a Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of KY, and a licensed Building Inspector for 1 & 2 Family construction.  In one of the Cities I work for I also issue the Building Permits and do the construction inspection and I am also the Zoning Administrator and I serve as the staff for the Planning Commission.  My future part time job will be with that 1 city as their City Engineer/Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector....and I believe it will be a 20 hour/week job.

Here is a photo of a project I did about 24 years ago.  It was a new opening in the flood wall along the Ohio River.  The opening has 2 steel doors that are hinged on each side of the opening, and the doors weigh 10,000 pounds each.  There are supports that are cast into the paving, and they pull up out of the roadway to carry the load at the bottom, and the walking bridge provides the support at the top of the doors.  There are rubber gaskets that seal the joints when the water rises up on the doors.  I did not do this project alone, and I had to hire geotechnical, structural and electrical help to get the project completed - the roadway, traffic lights and several utilities had to be relocated.....I was the Engineer that worked to get the project designed, approved by the Corps of Engineers, bid, and built.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 02/17/17 at 13:35:21

7774766D6A6369656A040 wrote:
Cool. That is great news. Congratulations to you Dave. I turned 59 in December so I am a few years younger but the thought of retirement certainly crosses my mind more often now. I keep on saying I will probably work another 7 years but who knows. I am truly happy for you Dave.

Just wait until you are 67 !!  I am that now, and still working full time.  I struggle to get through each day, and look forward to quitting time.  Hope to partially retire in June, and yes, the only real pleasure I get is my commute ride to and from work, and then the 100 to 200 mile rides on the weekends of weather permits!

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 02/17/17 at 13:37:27

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
Time to move to climate with 365 riding days... :)

I moved from Ohio (go Bucks!) to South Carolina and definitely get more riding Suzuki.  Today it will be 75 and Sunny, and tomorrow, 75 and partly cloudy.

I think Ohio is buried in snow!

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/17/17 at 15:12:40

Very impressive work, Dave.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by MMRanch on 02/17/17 at 22:19:42

Funny how I was anxious to get to 18 so I could Drive and get a real job .    ::)

Having   most of my time to do as I please without $$$ thoughts is the best thing I've found so far.    This must be the  "Golden-Years" . ;)    

Now the only thing is "can I still Ride for another 20 -25 years before I have to get a three wheeler !  ;D

Premature Congratulations Dave ... does this mean we get to go to the Black Hills in 2018 ?    We should have some members in that neighborhood to go visit !



Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/18/17 at 04:55:48

I would like to go out west, and see/ride in the Monument Valley, Tetons....and although most of the road might be boring - for some reason I want to ride that section of Route 50 in Nevada that is known as "The loneliest road in America).  And seeing the Salton Sea appeals to me for some reason, and riding what is left of Route 66.  It might take more than one trip to see all these things....I am willing to go on a long ride in 2018 and see some of this stuff!

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 02/18/17 at 06:43:47

Two things I would like to do is to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end, and also to ride the Pacific Coast Highway (which I will never get to do!)

Presently I LOVE riding the roads around Upstate SC, and especially the roads in Western NC.  Great riding.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/18/17 at 13:27:05

Riding the Blue Ridge from end to end is about 5 days including the return trip.   Going to see that steam museum while at the far end would add another day or two to such a trek but it would be worth it.

Ah, plans for when you are retired ....  such wistful wishing.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by MMRanch on 02/18/17 at 20:54:42

such wistful wishing.

Hay we made the Texas ride happen two years in a roll .    Anything is possible.   We might have to haul our bike when we get older ?   ;D

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by old_rider on 02/19/17 at 01:36:25

Well, I guess my retirement started last week like it or not. Stage 4 inoperable, feel dizzy and throw up constantly. If they can keep my dizzyness to a tolerable level, I will be out looking for an affordable trike.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/19/17 at 03:43:20

Dammn, that's hard.    What is the progression?

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Dave on 02/19/17 at 05:12:38

Oh Crap!.........I am at a loss for anything to say.

Let us know if there is anyway we can help - prayers are on the way!

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by old.indian on 02/19/17 at 06:54:47

darn !!!!! Prayers and best wishes...

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by Armen on 02/20/17 at 17:58:30

Congrats! Nice to be able to retire  ;)

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by old_rider on 02/21/17 at 06:30:00

73405F575C320 wrote:
Congrats! Nice to be able to retire  ;)

Thanks, I needed that!
As soon as they have found how to rid me of the pain the world tilting, I am traveling everywhere.

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 02/24/17 at 12:21:52

47444C5A414C4D5A280 wrote:
[quote author=73405F575C320 link=1487264054/15#25 date=1487642310]Congrats! Nice to be able to retire  ;)

Thanks, I needed that!
As soon as they have found how to rid me of the pain the world tilting, I am traveling everywhere.[/quote]

If you are ever traveling in my neck of the woods (Easley, SC) you are welcome to stop by for a cup of coffee and a nice chat, and if my wife is off that day, a great dinner!

Title: Re: Premature Announciation?
Post by springman on 02/24/17 at 14:08:21

Hey Old rider. Best wishes to you. Keep riding my friend. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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