General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> About that wall...

Message started by T And T Garage on 01/09/17 at 12:19:13

Title: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/09/17 at 12:19:13

Who didn't see this coming?

IMHO - it'll never get built.  But I'm sure all the trump supporters will be OK with that.

Gotta love the hypocrisy!

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by pg on 01/09/17 at 13:38:06

Perhaps you should consider waiting till he is sworn in and see what he accomplishes.   Regarding hypocrisy, how about Barry?  He wins a nobel peace prize while being the only president in history to be at war every day during 8 years in office. How many countries did he bomb - 7? He pushes the Affordable Care Act through and premiums double & triple.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/09/17 at 13:51:08

5047414D4252200 wrote:
Perhaps you should consider waiting till he is sworn in and see what he accomplishes.   Regarding hypocrisy, how about Barry?  He wins a nobel peace prize while being the only president in history to be at war every day during 8 years in office. How many countries did he bomb - 7? He pushes the Affordable Care Act through and premiums double & triple.  

Best regards,

LOL - just the response I expected.

So - how do you explain donny's twitter comment about making Mexico pay AFTER it was built?  HE'S the one who's commenting after all.

It's obvious donny's not a very good businessman - with his reasoning I should "promise" to pay back my contractors after they build a house for me...LMAO!

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/09/17 at 15:13:30

I too think it would be wise to give him awhile before passing judgment, but regardless of whether or not it's built or not or we pay or Mexico pays, he is still far better than the alternative.  I would rather be disappointed that he doesn't do all that he said he would, than be disappointed that she did even a fraction of what she planned to do

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/09/17 at 15:54:11

280D0710525B5750620 wrote:
I too think it would be wise to give him awhile before passing judgment, but regardless of whether or not it's built or not or we pay or Mexico pays, he is still far better than the alternative.  I would rather be disappointed that he doesn't do all that he said he would, than be disappointed that she did even a fraction of what she planned to do

LMAO - "he's still far better than the alternative" ???  How the hell can you possibly know?  Like you said, let's give him time...

But I am curious, what was hillary going to do that was so bad?

If donny disappoints you by not fulfilling any of his YUGE campaign promises (so far he's not locking hillary up and he's not making Mexico build the wall), then what's his value to you?  Is it his tweeting frequency? LOL

Again I remind you, unlike hillary, donny is the president-elect and he himself has tweeted that the US will build and pay for the wall and then later ask Mexico to pay.  This is not speculation, this was donny himself tweeting....

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by MnSpring on 01/09/17 at 17:01:41

Perhaps, look up:   ‘Dead  Line’.

(Not to be confused, with the modern day meaning,  as:
“…8th grade homework has to be in by the, deadline…”)

I think a piece of string, or even a,  ‘line in the sand’, would work.

It’s the, thought, that counts  !   ;)

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/09/17 at 17:11:47

312F20212C312A37450 wrote:
[quote author=280D0710525B5750620 link=1483993153/0#3 date=1484003610]I too think it would be wise to give him awhile before passing judgment, but regardless of whether or not it's built or not or we pay or Mexico pays, he is still far better than the alternative.  I would rather be disappointed that he doesn't do all that he said he would, than be disappointed that she did even a fraction of what she planned to do

LMAO - "he's still far better than the alternative" ???  How the hell can you possibly know?  Like you said, let's give him time...

But I am curious, what was hillary going to do that was so bad?

If donny disappoints you by not fulfilling any of his YUGE campaign promises (so far he's not locking hillary up and he's not making Mexico build the wall), then what's his value to you?  Is it his tweeting frequency? LOL

Again I remind you, unlike hillary, donny is the president-elect and he himself has tweeted that the US will build and pay for the wall and then later ask Mexico to pay.  This is not speculation, this was donny himself tweeting....[/quote]

Well punkin, if Donnie the Clown doesn't pull it off, then he is FIRED....
Folks are tired of the PC and same old partisan "yeah, but your momma is fatter than my momma" crap.
Party kool-aid swillers are the stooges that have got us into this mess, their dumb arse allegiance.

As to the tweet, yeah, its annoying however, it removes a filter, the friggin press.
I am willing to put up with that to put these hacks outta work, who shake down the candidates to run positive post, and hits the opposition, for a cost!

Maybe this will get the BIG bucks outta politics and a little dumpling like you can run for office, seeing how smart you tell us all you are  :-*

Now, you better run along and see if you can locate your azz....
You'll need it to poop.
To many libs ( use to be, anyway ) around here already full of sheet  ;D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 04:24:30

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
[quote author=280D0710525B5750620 link=1483993153/0#3 date=1484003610]I too think it would be wise to give him awhile before passing judgment, but regardless of whether or not it's built or not or we pay or Mexico pays, he is still far better than the alternative.  I would rather be disappointed that he doesn't do all that he said he would, than be disappointed that she did even a fraction of what she planned to do

LMAO - "he's still far better than the alternative" ???  How the hell can you possibly know?  Like you said, let's give him time...

But I am curious, what was hillary going to do that was so bad?

If donny disappoints you by not fulfilling any of his YUGE campaign promises (so far he's not locking hillary up and he's not making Mexico build the wall), then what's his value to you?  Is it his tweeting frequency? LOL

Again I remind you, unlike hillary, donny is the president-elect and he himself has tweeted that the US will build and pay for the wall and then later ask Mexico to pay.  This is not speculation, this was donny himself tweeting....[/quote]

Yes he is new lets give him time she, on the other hand, has had 30 years in politics and has done nothing of any value, I think that is enough time.  Plus she is in so many peoples pockets there is no telling where her loyalties lie, but I am confident it is not in the best interest of the American people.

Well lets see how would the lying, criminal, above the law, career politician Hillary be worse, well there are the liberal supreme court justices she would surely nominate, the pandering to racist groups like BLM that she would surely support, the unaffordable care act that she would surely continue, the ramping up of the Syrian refugees program and the open borders policy she would surely institute to increase her voter base, safety of the American people be dammed.  Do you need more?????

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by pg on 01/10/17 at 04:56:42

15303A2D6F666A6D5F0 wrote:
 Do you need more?????

My guess would be yes as the examples you sited have no merit whatsoever and are not applicable to to their collectivist agenda.  

Do you remember when they couldn't differentiate their platform and socialism?

Best regards,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/10/17 at 05:24:56

I certainly hope he does, but I'm not sure Trump will get the wall built. Personally, I think he'll get started but liberals will use some  interpretation of the endangered species act or something along those lines and tie the project up with litigation. Sort of like the coward obama using similar techniques to delay the pipeline project.

However, having a real attorney general and DOJ working for the US and not looking out for everyone else but us, will make a difference. Cutting off funds for sanctuary cities, appointing real prosecutors, and enforcing existing laws against illegals will make a difference.

Now, you Meryl Streep liberals can cry all day long about how you love the diversity illegal immigrants bring etc, but you don't live next to them and they aren't taking your jobs so it's easy for you to sit on top of that fake high horse. The key states in America who voted for Hopey-Change twice learned their lesson: liberals cannot be trusted with power. They'll screw you over every time.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 06:08:34

6B7C7A7679691B0 wrote:
[quote author=15303A2D6F666A6D5F0 link=1483993153/0#7 date=1484051070]  Do you need more?????

My guess would be yes as the examples you sited have no merit whatsoever and are not applicable to to their collectivist agenda.  

Do you remember when they couldn't differentiate their platform and socialism?

Best regards,

I was asked "But I am curious, what was hillary going to do that was so bad?"  I responded with what I thought she would do that I would consider bad.  You may not agree with it, or think it is bad but I don't see how it has no merit

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/10/17 at 06:50:30

Guys, you have to understand that TT Garage can sometimes get LOST in his answers.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 08:51:21

Look at all the neo-cons (well, only 4 or so..) with their panties in a twist!

He there fellas, all I did was point out what donny tweeted.  If you're all fine with it, no sweat off my taint.  

But this may just be the tip of the orange iceberg - I guess we'll see.

Hey raydawg - how exactly are you going to "fire" him?  We're stuck for 4 years.  Also, I'm not sure why you hate liberals so much (well, actually I'm a progressive) - we all want money out of politics too - go look at The Young Turks and see what I mean.

As to his tweeting, well, again, if you're OK with it, it's no problem with me - he just looks like a child.  If he can't take Meryl Streep protesting him, how the hell is he going to react when he has to deal with hostility abroad?

Lastly raydawg - thanks for worrying about my tushy - I can assure you I can find it.  It's fat, happy and in your face.   :D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 08:55:02

6D4E735052494E47200 wrote:
Perhaps, look up:   ‘Dead  Line’.

(Not to be confused, with the modern day meaning,  as:
“…8th grade homework has to be in by the, deadline…”)

I think a piece of string, or even a,  ‘line in the sand’, would work.

It’s the, thought, that counts  !   ;)

I looked for "dead line" and found nothing....  Please, enlighten me as to the definition.

I can guess what it might be, but I'd love to hear your interpretation.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 09:07:53

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
I certainly hope he does, but I'm not sure Trump will get the wall built. Personally, I think he'll get started but liberals will use some  interpretation of the endangered species act or something along those lines and tie the project up with litigation. Sort of like the coward obama using similar techniques to delay the pipeline project.

Um, Congress is under republican control - they can pretty much push anything through - sheesh, you don't have much confidence in the repubs, do you?

However, having a real attorney general and DOJ working for the US and not looking out for everyone else but us, will make a difference. Cutting off funds for sanctuary cities, appointing real prosecutors, and enforcing existing laws against illegals will make a difference.

Now, you Meryl Streep liberals can cry all day long about how you love the diversity illegal immigrants bring etc, but you don't live next to them and they aren't taking your jobs so it's easy for you to sit on top of that fake high horse. The key states in America who voted for Hopey-Change twice learned their lesson: liberals cannot be trusted with power. They'll screw you over every time.

Yeah, darned that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Equal Rights, Public Education, etc., etc..

How do you know my views on immigration?  Do you know who I really am?  No, you don't.  You don't know where I live.  I may live right next door to immigrants...  You may want to rethink what you post.  Never assume mark - it makes an ass of u.

Also, regarding your "hopey change" comment - you may want to look at the popular vote - donny lost by nearly 3 million, so...  

Again, I merely reported on donny's tweet about the wall... why so touchy?

Perhaps I'm not the one lost in his answers...

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/10/17 at 10:08:21

C'mon stinky butt.....

Don the tweeter is just counter punching.....
You are the one bringing it up, AND it's your gang of believers who need safe zones punkin....

Own it......


Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 10:18:56

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
C'mon stinky butt.....

Don the tweeter is just counter punching.....
You are the one bringing it up, AND it's your gang of believers who need safe zones punkin....

Own it......


Own what?  Safe zones?  Ok....  And yes, I am bringing it up since it seems many of his fervent supporters are now giving him a pass on 2 YUGE campaign promises.  I recall hearing chants of "lock her up" and "build the wall"... but now, those are out the door.

Umm, "counter punching" what?  If he has to "counter punch" the likes of Meryl Streep, if she gets under his skin so easily, how the hell is he going to handle the Middle East??  What, will he just call them "losers" on Twitter??  LOL

donny is embarrassing himself and all his "yes men" aren't stopping him.  And again, no lost sleep here - I for one am looking forward to seeing him censured by his own party!

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/10/17 at 10:30:42

Like others said then, which you seem to not grasp....

He is not yet in office, but the car makers seem to already think sob  ;D

I vacuum makers suck, but I don't really care, just thought I raise this nonsensical rant in your spirit  :-*

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/10/17 at 10:35:26

You guys do what you want, but I'm done with this Lost guy; TT Garage.

Is this the best the liberals can offer??? We need a liberal or two at the table but not a Beavis and Butthead clone.

Think I'll go sit at the bar a while, peak over my shoulder now and then until a lefty with a brain pulls up a stool.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 10:39:13

5A49514C495F4F280 wrote:
Like others said then, which you seem to not grasp....

He is not yet in office, but the car makers seem to already think sob  ;D

I vacuum makers suck, but I don't really care, just thought I raise this nonsensical rant in your spirit  :-*

Huh?...  you may want to spend more time proof reading...

But if you meant that the car makers already think so - I agree!  I'm all for keeping American jobs in America!

The point I guess I don't get across is that I'm rooting FOR America!  I sincerely hope that donny proves me wrong - but just look at him....  

Yeah, the auto makers are keeping some jobs here, but there are still far too many going away.  Why can't he talk about that or something important, like vocational skills training in high schools?  Why can't he just ignore the Streeps of the world?  Why can't he act more presidential?  (I mean, the Rockettes at an inaugural... really?)

Regardless of what you might think, I love this country and hope for the best.  But donny gives me little confidence.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 10:46:29

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
You guys do what you want, but I'm done with this Lost guy; TT Garage.

Is this the best the liberals can offer??? We need a liberal or two at the table but not a Beavis and Butthead clone.

Think I'll go sit at the bar a while, peak over my shoulder now and then until a lefty with a brain pulls up a stool.

One down, 6 to go!  LOL, just kidding...

Awww.... I'm sorry I hurt your feelings....

Oh, and again, since it seems you have a hard time understanding, but I'm not really a true "lib".  I consider myself a progressive.  You may want to look into what that means.

p.s. - the lefties I hang out with don't hang out in bars - it's much cheaper for us to buy a 12 pack and wrench in our garages.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 11:27:10

475956575A475C41330 wrote:
Yeah, the auto makers are keeping some jobs here, but there are still far too many going away.  Why can't he talk about that or something important, like vocational skills training in high schools?  Why can't he just ignore the Streeps of the world?  Why can't he act more presidential?  (I mean, the Rockettes at an inaugural... really?)

Regardless of what you might think, I love this country and hope for the best.  But donny gives me little confidence.

Just my point, alot of those jobs are going away because of horrible policy started by slick willy and supported by his wife Hillary (NAFTA TPP etc...) But, we have to wait till 1/20/17 and beyond to see if a Trump administration can fix the mess these politicians created over the past few decades.  But, I trust that Hillary wouldn't have fixed a god dam thing b/c its in her (and the democratic parties) best interest to keep Americans poor and living on the govt dime.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 11:54:15

Just my point, alot of those jobs are going away because of horrible policy started by slick willy and supported by his wife Hillary (NAFTA TPP etc...) But, we have to wait till 1/20/17 and beyond to see if a Trump administration can fix the mess these politicians created over the past few decades.  But, I trust that Hillary wouldn't have fixed a god dam thing b/c its in her (and the democratic parties) best interest to keep Americans poor and living on the govt dime.  [/quote]

I guess we'll see about TPP... donny thinks he can "negotiate" it... (smh)

Regarding fixing the mess - it's really not that bad of a mess comparatively.  Unemployment's low, stocks are high, the economy is indeed growing.  donny is getting a huge head start on things as compared to Obama.  I truly hope he capitalizes on it.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 12:32:42

Yea Trump is getting a virtual utopia that Obama is leaving him.  Based on your obvious disrespect and contempt of the man I think that he could cure cancer and you would still have a problem with it.  Thats probably because, as you have stated, you are progressive and so by definition have a misguided ideology.  But, I don't want to put words in your mouth so let me ask you, what progressive agendas would you put on your top 10 wishlist for this country?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 12:45:02

6D484255171E1215270 wrote:
Yea Trump is getting a virtual utopia that Obama is leaving him.  Based on your obvious disrespect and contempt of the man I think that he could cure cancer and you would still have a problem with it.  Thats probably because, as you have stated, you are progressive and so by definition have a misguided ideology.  But, I don't want to put words in your mouth so let me ask you, what progressive agendas would you put on your top 10 wishlist for this country?

One thing before I answer - why, if my views are progressive, are they misguided?  (do you think Abe Lincoln was misguided?) Do you think that of all ideologies except your own?

1 - Get money out of politics - throw out citizens united
2 - Make the top 10% pay their fair share (if the middle class pays 30+%, so should guys like donny)
3 - End corporate welfare - companies like Exxon gets subsidies... Exxon!
4 - Enhance the ACA - put in a public option
5 - Reform wall street.  Throw out dodd-frank and make it more robust
6 - Make election day a National holiday
7 - Reform the VA - modernize it
8 - Enact means testing for all government benefits
9 - Don't touch Social Security
10 - Don't defund Planned Parenthood

Not necessarily in any order, in fact, not all are "top" - except #1.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by thumperclone on 01/10/17 at 13:13:30

657B747578657E63110 wrote:
[quote author=6D484255171E1215270 link=1483993153/15#23 date=1484080362]Yea Trump is getting a virtual utopia that Obama is leaving him.  Based on your obvious disrespect and contempt of the man I think that he could cure cancer and you would still have a problem with it.  Thats probably because, as you have stated, you are progressive and so by definition have a misguided ideology.  But, I don't want to put words in your mouth so let me ask you, what progressive agendas would you put on your top 10 wishlist for this country?

One thing before I answer - why, if my views are progressive, are they misguided?  (do you think Abe Lincoln was misguided?) Do you think that of all ideologies except your own?

1 - Get money out of politics - throw out citizens united
2 - Make the top 10% pay their fair share (if the middle class pays 30+%, so should guys like donny)
3 - End corporate welfare - companies like Exxon gets subsidies... Exxon!
4 - Enhance the ACA - put in a public option
5 - Reform wall street.  Throw out dodd-frank and make it more robust
6 - Make election day a National holiday
7 - Reform the VA - modernize it
8 - Enact means testing for all government benefits
9 - Don't touch Social Security
10 - Don't defund Planned Parenthood

Not necessarily in any order, in fact, not all are "top" - except #1.

itll never work
makes too much sense [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 13:17:38

6D484255171E1215270 wrote:
itll never work
makes too much sense [smiley=laugh.gif]

LOL - I know, right?   :)

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/10/17 at 13:49:10

You wish he was more presidential....
Oh kay.....

So you are saying white, male then  ;D

That is how a lib would spin it if a conservative critiqued Hillary with such....
Anyway, Bill went in tv and played his sax, left thought so cool, right thought, not presidential.
You have become what you don't like  ;D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 14:13:34

Well to put it as succinctly as possible it is flawed because progressives fundamentally believe that fairness is measured in equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.  Many of your wishlist items show this, and I may even agree to some extent with some of it, but not to the ends that progressivist take it.  You want big government to solve all your problems and since you need money for this you want to take as much money from the top earners in this country as you can.  The fact is that the top 1% of this country earn almost 20% of the gross income and pay almost 40% of the federal income tax so they are paying more than their fare share.  What you want to do is punish people for prospering to pay for those who refuse to.  Basically inequality and inequity are not the same thing.   There is upward mobility in modern day America, this isn't the dark ages were you were born into a social class and into that social class ye will stay.  But, you have to work for it, people working at McDonalds shouldn't make $15 an hour because they don't deserve it.  Those jobs are menial in nature and weren't meant to support a family, they were meant to support a teenager or college kids and give them some spending money.  I worked those jobs in college and earned a degree because I wanted more for myself and found a way to get it, and trust me it wasn't easy but I busted my tushy and payed for that education.  But, I am no superhero, I wasn't the beneficiary of some made up white privilege, anyone, regardless of their gender or race or financial circumstances, can do it if they want to put in the effort, but don't come and take the money i earned to give to those who don't want to put in that same effort.  Don't take my money to pay for other peoples bad decisions.  Welfare should be a safety net, not a way of life.  This country is becoming one of dependents rather than citizens.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 14:17:12

44574F52574151360 wrote:
You wish he was more presidential....
Oh kay.....

So you are saying white, male then  ;D

No, I'm saying instead of saying anything, just ignore it - but he can't, he's a child.

That is how a lib would spin it if a conservative critiqued Hillary with such....

Is it?  How do you know, are you a lib?

Anyway, Bill went in tv and played his sax, left thought so cool, right thought, not presidential.
You have become what you don't like  ;D

Seriously?  That's all you've got?  Nice!  So playing a sax on TV is just like tweeting like a little boy at the "mean actors" and mocking a disabled reporter...  Got it!

Thanks for the boost in confidence!

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 14:22:20

2B353A3B362B302D5F0 wrote:
[quote author=44574F52574151360 link=1483993153/15#27 date=1484084950]You wish he was more presidential....
Oh kay.....

So you are saying white, male then  ;D

No, I'm saying instead of saying anything, just ignore it - but he can't, he's a child.

That is how a lib would spin it if a conservative critiqued Hillary with such....

Is it?  How do you know, are you a lib?

Anyway, Bill went in tv and played his sax, left thought so cool, right thought, not presidential.
You have become what you don't like  ;D

Seriously?  That's all you've got?  Nice!  So playing a sax on TV is just like tweeting like a little boy at the "mean actors" and mocking a disabled reporter...  Got it!

Thanks for the boost in confidence!
So an actor can say what they want but he can't respond.  Also, he didn't mock a disabled reporter, if you watch Trump those hand gestures are the  way he shows someone being flustered, he has done it numerous times and for many people who aren't disabled.  You may not think its presidential, but don't misrepresent it

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 14:35:24

53767C6B29202C2B190 wrote:
Well to put it as succinctly as possible it is flawed because progressives fundamentally believe that fairness is measured in equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.  Many of your wishlist items show this, and I may even agree to some extent with some of it, but not to the ends that progressivist take it.  You want big government to solve all your problems and since you need money for this you want to take as much money from the top earners in this country as you can.  The fact is that the top 1% of this country earn almost 20% of the gross income and pay almost 40% of the federal income tax so they are paying more than their fare share.  What you want to do is punish people for prospering to pay for those who refuse to.  Basically inequality and inequity are not the same thing.   There is upward mobility in modern day America, this isn't the dark ages were you were born into a social class and into that social class ye will stay.  But, you have to work for it, people working at McDonalds shouldn't make $15 an hour because they don't deserve it.  Those jobs are menial in nature and weren't meant to support a family, they were meant to support a teenager or college kids and give them some spending money.  I worked those jobs in college and earned a degree because I wanted more for myself and found a way to get it, and trust me it wasn't easy but I busted my tushy and payed for that education.  But, I am no superhero, I wasn't the beneficiary of some made up white privilege, anyone, regardless of their gender or race or financial circumstances, can do it if they want to put in the effort, but don't come and take the money i earned to give to those who don't want to put in that same effort.  Don't take my money to pay for other peoples bad decisions.  Welfare should be a safety net, not a way of life.  This country is becoming one of dependents rather than citizens.  

LOL - not sure where you get your definition of progressives, but thanks for endorsing every one of my points!  Sorry, but nowhere on my list did I mention that we should live off the government (do you know what means testing is?)  How about that, you agree with a progressive?!?!!!

However, I did neglect to clarify my "1%" statement.  Capital gains and inheritance tax needs to be reformed to reflect a fair burden.  Hell, Steve Jobs never collected a paycheck in his last 15 years or so with Apple - he took stock and paid barely any tax.

You'll notice I didn't list minimum wage being $15.  I think it's too much - but I also think where it's at now is too little (when adjusted for inflation, it should be around $9.20/hr).

BTW, it's not just guys like you that worked their way through college.  I did the same thing - working at K-Mart all year and then UPS during the holidays.  I don't begrudge anyone getting a hand up if they need it.  I took a small loan and paid it back.

Yeah, how about that?  A guy like you agreeing with a guy like me?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/10/17 at 14:35:31

No, I got more, but you really aren't looking for dialogue....

I can not call the where the pilot/first officer sit to fly the plane a cockpit anymore, or tools that cut wire diagnally, dikes, because the libs get their feelings hurt..... boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo.
They spend time on matters as such, when they controll....
Looking forward to fixing things that have gone neglected while we chase feelings.

That's it, I'll go find web in some bar now.
You can entertain yourself pudding  :-*

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 14:40:12

382B332E2B3D2D4A0 wrote:
No, I got more, but you really aren't looking for dialogue....

I can not call the where the pilot/first officer sit to fly the plane a cockpit anymore, or tools that cut wire diagnally, dikes, because the libs get their feelings hurt..... boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo.
They spend time on matters as such, when they controll....
Looking forward to fixing things that have gone neglected while we chase feelings.

That's it, I'll go find web in some bar now.
You can entertain yourself pudding  :-*

you forgot about the sexist Santa Claus that keeps calling every one a HO lol

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 14:43:15

44574F52574151360 wrote:
No, I got more, but you really aren't looking for dialogue....

I can not call the where the pilot/first officer sit to fly the plane a cockpit anymore, or tools that cut wire diagnally, dikes, because the libs get their feelings hurt..... boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo.
They spend time on matters as such, when they controll....
Looking forward to fixing things that have gone neglected while we chase feelings.

That's it, I'll go find web in some bar now.
You can entertain yourself pudding  :-*

LOL - ummm.. am I supposed to understand any of that rant?  I don't think you need the bar...

Sorry your life is too tough to consider other's feelings... PC is so difficult, I know.  It'd be nice to going back to calling women "broads" and grabbing them wherever and whenever we want, right?  

Please don't run a way, I really want to know - What's the thing you miss most about the "old days"?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 14:53:49

677976777A677C61130 wrote:
[quote author=53767C6B29202C2B190 link=1483993153/15#28 date=1484086414]Well to put it as succinctly as possible it is flawed because progressives fundamentally believe that fairness is measured in equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.  Many of your wishlist items show this, and I may even agree to some extent with some of it, but not to the ends that progressivist take it.  You want big government to solve all your problems and since you need money for this you want to take as much money from the top earners in this country as you can.  The fact is that the top 1% of this country earn almost 20% of the gross income and pay almost 40% of the federal income tax so they are paying more than their fare share.  What you want to do is punish people for prospering to pay for those who refuse to.  Basically inequality and inequity are not the same thing.   There is upward mobility in modern day America, this isn't the dark ages were you were born into a social class and into that social class ye will stay.  But, you have to work for it, people working at McDonalds shouldn't make $15 an hour because they don't deserve it.  Those jobs are menial in nature and weren't meant to support a family, they were meant to support a teenager or college kids and give them some spending money.  I worked those jobs in college and earned a degree because I wanted more for myself and found a way to get it, and trust me it wasn't easy but I busted my tushy and payed for that education.  But, I am no superhero, I wasn't the beneficiary of some made up white privilege, anyone, regardless of their gender or race or financial circumstances, can do it if they want to put in the effort, but don't come and take the money i earned to give to those who don't want to put in that same effort.  Don't take my money to pay for other peoples bad decisions.  Welfare should be a safety net, not a way of life.  This country is becoming one of dependents rather than citizens.  

LOL - not sure where you get your definition of progressives, but thanks for endorsing every one of my points!  Sorry, but nowhere on my list did I list that we should live off the government (do you know what means testing is?)  How about that, you agree with a progressive?!?!!!

However, I did neglect to clarify my "1%" statement.  Capital gains and inheritance tax needs to be reformed to reflect a fair burden.  Hell, Steve Jobs never collected a paycheck in his last 15 years or so with Apple - he took stock and paid barely any tax.

You'll notice I didn't list minimum wage being $15.  I think it's too much - but I also think where it's at now is too little (when adjusted for inflation, it should be around $9.20/hr).

BTW, it's not just guys like you that worked their way through college.  I did the same thing - working at K-Mart all year and then UPS during the holidays.  I don't begrudge anyone getting a hand up if they need it.  I took a small loan and paid it back.

Yeah, how about that?  A guy like you agreeing with a guy like me?

We only agree if by means testing you mean that by having a heartbeat and an IQ over 80 automatically disqualifies you from government aid, I apologize but I assumed that wasn't what you meant. Otherwise your incentivizing laziness.  Also, if by reform for inheritance tax you mean it should go to 0% then yes we do agree (you shouldn't pay tax on money that your dead relative already paid taxes on just because they left it to you.)  You also mentioned the unaffordable care act, another socialist program designed to give millions of able-bodied Americans healthcare by having others pay for it.  Lastly, I don't understand your position on social security, if someone doesn't touch it will not exist to much longer

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 14:59:58

4E505F5E534E55483A0 wrote:
[quote author=44574F52574151360 link=1483993153/30#32 date=1484087731]No, I got more, but you really aren't looking for dialogue....

I can not call the where the pilot/first officer sit to fly the plane a cockpit anymore, or tools that cut wire diagnally, dikes, because the libs get their feelings hurt..... boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo.
They spend time on matters as such, when they controll....
Looking forward to fixing things that have gone neglected while we chase feelings.

That's it, I'll go find web in some bar now.
You can entertain yourself pudding  :-*

LOL - ummm.. am I supposed to understand any of that rant?  I don't think you need the bar...

Sorry your life is too tough to consider other's feelings... PC is so difficult, I know.  It'd be nice to going back to calling women "broads" and grabbing them wherever and whenever we want, right?  

Please don't run a way, I really want to know - What's the thing you miss most about the "old days"?[/quote]

There is a difference between trying to be rude and letting a concern for hurting someones feelings prevent you from speaking the truth or taking a necessary action.  That is not to say that Officer Libtard over at the PCPD doesn't go overboard and get down right annoying sometimes.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 15:07:48

7B5E544301080403310 wrote:
There is a difference between trying to be rude and letting a concern for hurting someones feelings prevent you from speaking the truth or taking a necessary action.  That is not to say that Officer Libtard over at the PCPD doesn't go overboard and get down right annoying sometimes.  

Ok.... so then what's really so bad about being PC?  Why do some look at it as a burden?  It might be annoying, but so is being polite sometimes.  I'm not trying to be facetious, I really want to know what's so bad about it.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by raydawg on 01/10/17 at 15:22:41

Ok, really, really, last one.
My old days are now, when my bones creak.....arg.

Odd, how not agreeing with your agenda means 100 percent draconian acceptance, regression.
I'll never get you to see that, so I won't try.

As to PC'ness, when used as a tool, with punitive and societal ramifications, it is just plain censorship.
Not only that, it allows ignorance to flourish, for if expressing opposition
to any given PC promotion is curtailed, we will never have chance to understand how two people can see one thing differently.

To allow ugliness, vulgar thoughts, feelings, and words to be exposed in the open, will lead to their demise, vfir the very nature of them can not stand the scrunity of light....

Bye now

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/10/17 at 15:41:02

5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 wrote:
Ok, really, really, last one.
My old days are now, when my bones creak.....arg.

Odd, how not agreeing with your agenda means 100 percent draconian acceptance, regression.
I'll never get you to see that, so I won't try.

As to PC'ness, when used as a tool, with punitive and societal ramifications, it is just plain censorship.
Not only that, it allows ignorance to flourish, for if expressing opposition
to any given PC promotion is curtailed, we will never have chance to understand how two people can see one thing differently.

To allow ugliness, vulgar thoughts, feelings, and words to be exposed in the open, will lead to their demise, vfir the very nature of them can not stand the scrunity of light....

Bye now

Dude, how is anything I said "draconian"?  LOL

You put some pretty words down, but they don't really mean anything.

PC used as a tool??  Are people that threatened by morality?  I'm not sure how political correctness encourages ignorance...  If that were the case then why have any respect for anyone, anywhere?

Lastly, not that I expect an answer since you said you're leaving - but what about my question?  What is it you miss most about not having to be politically correct, like in the "old days"?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 16:09:53

I believe I already answered that question, pc is bad because it lets a concern for hurting someones feelings prevent someone from speaking the truth or taking a necessary action. To quote persons far smarter than myself truth doesn't care about your feelings, and sunlight is the best disinfectant. Many times you can't solve a problem if you can't speak honestly about them.    

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 16:16:35

6C727D7C716C776A180 wrote:
[quote author=5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 link=1483993153/30#38 date=1484090561]Ok, really, really, last one.
My old days are now, when my bones creak.....arg.

Odd, how not agreeing with your agenda means 100 percent draconian acceptance, regression.
I'll never get you to see that, so I won't try.

As to PC'ness, when used as a tool, with punitive and societal ramifications, it is just plain censorship.
Not only that, it allows ignorance to flourish, for if expressing opposition
to any given PC promotion is curtailed, we will never have chance to understand how two people can see one thing differently.

To allow ugliness, vulgar thoughts, feelings, and words to be exposed in the open, will lead to their demise, vfir the very nature of them can not stand the scrunity of light....

Bye now

Dude, how is anything I said "draconian"?  LOL

You put some pretty words down, but they don't really mean anything.

PC used as a tool??  Are people that threatened by morality?  I'm not sure how political correctness encourages ignorance...  If that were the case then why have any respect for anyone, anywhere?

Lastly, not that I expect an answer since you said you're leaving - but what about my question?  What is it you miss most about not having to be politically correct, like in the "old days"?
PC promotes ignorance because if you can't speak openly and truthfully about a topic then you can't educate people on reality, which is why college students seem to come out of college dumber than they went in.

being against pc to me doesn't mean to not be a decent human being and be respectful of others, but at the same time I think that people now a days take this whole PC thing to the Nth degree and are overly sensitive and get offended by ridiculous things (the whole snowflake, micro aggression, safe space thing)

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by pg on 01/10/17 at 18:07:22

1E3B3126646D6166540 wrote:
[quote author=6B7C7A7679691B0 link=1483993153/0#8 date=1484053002][quote author=15303A2D6F666A6D5F0 link=1483993153/0#7 date=1484051070]  Do you need more?????

My guess would be yes as the examples you sited have no merit whatsoever and are not applicable to to their collectivist agenda.  

Do you remember when they couldn't differentiate their platform and socialism?

Best regards,

I was asked "But I am curious, what was hillary going to do that was so bad?"  I responded with what I thought she would do that I would consider bad.  You may not agree with it, or think it is bad but I don't see how it has no merit[/quote]

Apologies Joer, I was playing the devils advocate.

Best regards,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by pg on 01/10/17 at 18:10:30

2F313E3F322F34295B0 wrote:

I really want to know - What's the thing you miss most about the "old days"?

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/10/17 at 18:20:13

2730363A3525570 wrote:
[quote author=2F313E3F322F34295B0 link=1483993153/30#34 date=1484088195]  

I really want to know - What's the thing you miss most about the "old days"?

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,[/quote]
what time period is represented by the red area?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by pg on 01/10/17 at 18:38:24

64414B5C1E171B1C2E0 wrote:
what time period is represented by the red area?

Click on the link and then double click on the image to enlarge it.  Yes, it is a bad as it looks.

Best regards,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by MnSpring on 01/10/17 at 19:53:20

6B757A7B766B706D1F0 wrote:
" I looked for "dead line" and found nothing....  Please, enlighten me as to the definition. ... love to hear your interpretation.

When I made my toast his morning,
I just swept the crumbs, in my cereal bowl.

So don’t have any left,
   to toss out,
when I drive over the bridge.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/17 at 01:28:33

Took a while,,,

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 05:17:46

5146404C4353210 wrote:
[quote author=64414B5C1E171B1C2E0 link=1483993153/30#44 date=1484101213]
what time period is represented by the red area?

Click on the link and then double click on the image to enlarge it.  Yes, it is a bad as it looks.

Best regards,

Oh man that is definitely what I would call hope and change LOL

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 06:10:44

6D7A7C707F6F1D0 wrote:
[quote author=2F313E3F322F34295B0 link=1483993153/30#34 date=1484088195][color=#0000ff]  

I really want to know - What's the thing you miss most about the "old days"?

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,[/quote]
Well put!

I thought you missed not having to be PC.  But I see your point.

As I stated in my previous posts, I'm rooting FOR America - I'm a proud American.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 06:22:02

0E2B2136747D7176440 wrote:
So an actor can say what they want but he can't respond.  Also, he didn't mock a disabled reporter, if you watch Trump those hand gestures are the  way he shows someone being flustered, he has done it numerous times and for many people who aren't disabled.  You may not think its presidential, but don't misrepresent it

Seriously?  He didn't mock that man??  C'mon....  Where, in his ENTIRE campaign did he use the same tactic to show someone "flustered"?  Please, show me the link to the video of him doing that to someone else.  Oh, and not the one about the debate with rubio - because that was AFTER he mocked the reporter. (yeah, I've seen the threads...)

You know what?  Go ahead and give donny a pass on this.  

As to his tweeting - I never said he couldn't respond, is that he shouldn't respond.  It shows how much of a child he is.  But again... give him a pass...

By the time 2018 rolls around, you might all be tired of giving out passes to donny.

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 06:29:43

5673796E2C25292E1C0 wrote:
We only agree if by means testing you mean that by having a heartbeat and an IQ over 80 automatically disqualifies you from government aid, I apologize but I assumed that wasn't what you meant. Otherwise your incentivizing laziness.  Also, if by reform for inheritance tax you mean it should go to 0% then yes we do agree (you shouldn't pay tax on money that your dead relative already paid taxes on just because they left it to you.)  You also mentioned the unaffordable care act, another socialist program designed to give millions of able-bodied Americans healthcare by having others pay for it.  Lastly, I don't understand your position on social security, if someone doesn't touch it will not exist to much longer

LOL - OK, I see who you are.  Say hi to Ayn Rand for me.

I hope for your sake you never get sick or lose your job or need assistance in any form.... that would be terrible. 

Hey there all you other conservatives - look at this guy's response to me and tell me again how I'm so intolerant.

LMAO - it's like talking to a tree.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 06:32:06

if he is a child then so are the actors and main steam media and Obama since he has responded several times in speeches to something trump has said.  The problem is that the right has been silent to the lefts bullshit for a long time and look at what it got us  SJW, snowflakes etc....  If you want to see trump using the hand gestures that shows it has nothing to do with poking fun at a disabled man watch the 2nd half of this video there is a nice montage:  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 06:38:59

3D232C2D203D263B490 wrote:
[quote author=5673796E2C25292E1C0 link=1483993153/30#35 date=1484088829]

We only agree if by means testing you mean that by having a heartbeat and an IQ over 80 automatically disqualifies you from government aid, I apologize but I assumed that wasn't what you meant. Otherwise your incentivizing laziness.  Also, if by reform for inheritance tax you mean it should go to 0% then yes we do agree (you shouldn't pay tax on money that your dead relative already paid taxes on just because they left it to you.)  You also mentioned the unaffordable care act, another socialist program designed to give millions of able-bodied Americans healthcare by having others pay for it.  Lastly, I don't understand your position on social security, if someone doesn't touch it will not exist to much longer

LOL - OK, I see who you are.  Say hi to Ayn Rand for me.

I hope for your sake you never get sick or lose your job or need assistance in any form.... that would be terrible. 

Hey there all you other conservatives - look at this guy's response to me and tell me again how I'm so intolerant.

LMAO - it's like talking to a tree.[/quote]

I was being overly dramatic, I even said in a previous post welfare should be a safety net not a way of life.  But, the point I was trying to make is that as a general rule government aid shouldn't be available to able bodied Americans or anyone here illegally.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 08:04:22

42676D7A38313D3A080 wrote:
if he is a child then so are the actors and main steam media and Obama since he has responded several times in speeches to something trump has said.  The problem is that the right has been silent to the lefts bullshit for a long time and look at what it got us  SJW, snowflakes etc....  If you want to see trump using the hand gestures that shows it has nothing to do with poking fun at a disabled man watch the 2nd half of this video there is a nice montage:  

Wow - you really proved your point....Yeah, donny is totally not thin-skinned or making fun of a disabled person.  (talk about skewed  "Yeah, but Obama did this, and Streep did that"...  That's a childish defense.  OWN it, right?

But you know what?  Let's say for the fun of it, he wasn't mocking him.  Even at that, he made a HORRIBLE decision to use those gestures.  You'd think a guy in the public eye would think twice about using that tactic when talking about a guy with CP.... but no, not donny.  Yeah, you give him a pass.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 08:25:13

514F40414C514A57250 wrote:
[quote author=42676D7A38313D3A080 link=1483993153/45#52 date=1484145126]if he is a child then so are the actors and main steam media and Obama since he has responded several times in speeches to something trump has said.  The problem is that the right has been silent to the lefts bullshit for a long time and look at what it got us  SJW, snowflakes etc....  If you want to see trump using the hand gestures that shows it has nothing to do with poking fun at a disabled man watch the 2nd half of this video there is a nice montage:  

Wow - you really proved your point....Yeah, donny is totally not thin-skinned or making fun of a disabled person.  (talk about skewed  "Yeah, but Obama did this, and Streep did that"...  That's a childish defense.  OWN it, right?

But you know what?  Let's say for the fun of it, he wasn't mocking him.  Even at that, he made a HORRIBLE decision to use those gestures.  You'd think a guy in the public eye would think twice about using that tactic when talking about a guy with CP.... but no, not donny.  Yeah, you give him a pass.

Well I can't argue with you because you aren't making any point, in my opinion that video very clearly shows him using that same body language in many different situations, you may not think it "presidential", whatever that means, but I think it is clear it wasn't meant to be to demean a person with cp.  I am not the one with a skewed reality, the person with a skewed reality is the one who only sees a fault in those he dislikes and not that same fault in those he doesn't like.  But, I would expect nothing less from someone who only uses the term donny to refer to his next president, which is without a doubt used in a pejorative manner.   If you notice, although I think Hillary and Obama are despicable people I at least refer to them in a respectful manner.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 08:25:19

42676D7A38313D3A080 wrote:
I was being overly dramatic, I even said in a previous post welfare should be a safety net not a way of life.  But, the point I was trying to make is that as a general rule government aid shouldn't be available to able bodied Americans or anyone here illegally.

No, I don't believe you were - sorry, you don't get off that easy.  Even "able bodied" people need assistance from time to time.  If you lose your job because of "downsizing" what then?  If you're a single mom and have to provide for your kids and are living below the poverty line, what then?

The broad strokes of libertarianism paint over what real poverty is.  Look at the difference a few decades make.  In the 30's the country was compassionate toward the plight of the dust bowl - but now the plight of the inner city is all "their" fault.  Yes, there are some that abuse the system, but a majority of those recipients are on assistance for less than 2 years (and by assistance, I mean all welfare - disability, snap, etc.).

Illegal immigrants can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps.  But I realize that many get fake IDs and SS#s to get that - but that's a slim minority.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 08:29:28

7D636C6D607D667B090 wrote:
[quote author=42676D7A38313D3A080 link=1483993153/45#52 date=1484145126]

But you know what?  Let's say for the fun of it, he wasn't mocking him.  Even at that, he made a HORRIBLE decision to use those gestures.  You'd think a guy in the public eye would think twice about using that tactic when talking about a guy with CP.... but no, not donny.  Yeah, you give him a pass.

Oh and by the way this is some of the annoying PC police bullshit I was talking about. No I am not giving him a pass I just don't get uptight about every little F-ing thing and dissect every thing to try am create a false narrative.  I don't need to I base my arguments on reason and logic not emotion

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 09:01:35

092C2631737A7671430 wrote:
Well I can't argue with you because you aren't making any point, in my opinion that video very clearly shows him using that same body language in many different situations, you may not think it "presidential", whatever that means, but I think it is clear it wasn't meant to be to demean a person with cp.  I am not the one with a skewed reality, the person with a skewed reality is the one who only sees a fault in those he dislikes and not that same fault in those he doesn't like.  But, I would expect nothing less from someone who only uses the term donny to refer to his next president, which is without a doubt used in a pejorative manner.   If you notice, although I think Hillary and Obama are despicable people I at least refer to them in a respectful manner.  

Except for "slick willy", right?

Yes, I see fault in dony - but how many times do I have to say that I hope I'm wrong?  Thus far he has given me/us very little to hope for.  Look at his cabinet picks!  Can you imagine the outrage of the repubs if hillary made some of those picks??  (fact is, she may have - yeah, she's in wall street's pocket, just like donny is)

Let me lay it out clearly....  The man that donny is is the problem.  He didn't show us his tax returns, yet he spent so much time trying to prove Obama wasn't born here.  Look at what he said about jeb's wife - and yet, he's married to an immigrant that got here thanks to some big money lawyers.  He has declared bankruptcy 6 times and started all his ventures with his dad's $200 million, yet he calls himself a successful businessman.  He contradicts himself on nearly every issue - from abortion, to Iraq, to TPP, to the Clintons, to well... pretty much everything.  He's never held public office.  He tweets on everything and has on numerous occasions re-tweeted out and out lies.  He has no respect in the international community.  He has direct business ties with Russia.  He has gigantic conflicts of interest - more than any president in the modern age.  He has given very little to any charities throughout his life.  He calls himself a Christian, yet has no direct affiliation to a church.

There is more, but I'll stop on donny.

hillary - I don't like her.  I didn't want her as president.  But she is only the better of two terribles.  The only thing she has going for her is that she is an adept politician and that the international community knows who she is and respects her.  I hate that she's establishment.  But I also hate that she's been dragged through constant hearings to make her look bad (after all the investigations of Benghazi, no one was found to have acted in malice - case closed).  Her email server controversy will probably look inconsequential when it's all said and done.  But I do believe there was a deeper reason she lost.  I think all the donny voters just wanted real change and not establishment - so did I.  So did most of the country.  The problem is, the DNC shot themselves in the foot backing hillary over Sanders.  They really did deserve to lose.

In the next two years, I hope to see the country continue to do better.  If that's not the case, then Americans will put the republicans out to pasture and begin to usher in a new era of politics.  Truly progressive ideas that are at the very heart of anti-establishment "politics as usual".

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 09:10:59

The only one who would have been worse that hillary is sanders.  You want to talk about inexperience the man never held a job till his 40's and he was kicked out of a hippy commune for not wanting to work ;D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 09:24:31

42676D7A38313D3A080 wrote:
Oh and by the way this is some of the annoying PC police bullshit I was talking about. No I am not giving him a pass I just don't get uptight about every little F-ing thing and dissect every thing to try am create a false narrative.  I don't need to I base my arguments on reason and logic not emotion

PC bullshit?  OK then... I guess dressing up in blackface is cool again?  How about calling Native Americans "injuns" and mocking their dance, is that now cool too?  Speaking of which, how childish is donny to constantly refer to Senator Warren as "pocahontas"?

Indeed - reason and logic dictate your actions - at least they should.  donny should know better, but he doesn't.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 09:34:29

637D72737E637865170 wrote:
[quote author=42676D7A38313D3A080 link=1483993153/45#52 date=1484145126]

Oh and by the way this is some of the annoying PC police bullshit I was talking about. No I am not giving him a pass I just don't get uptight about every little F-ing thing and dissect every thing to try am create a false narrative.  I don't need to I base my arguments on reason and logic not emotion

PC bullshit?  OK then... I guess dressing up in blackface is cool again?  How about calling Native Americans "injuns" and mocking their dance, is that now cool too?  Speaking of which, how childish is donny to constantly refer to Senator Warren as "pocahontas"?

Indeed - reason and logic dictate your actions - at least they should.  donny should know better, but he doesn't.[/quote]

Are you comparing blackface to you misinterpreting someones hand gestures, that seems like a false equivalent to me.  While we are on that point maybe you can explain to me why "white face" done by a black person is perfectly exceptable.  Calling Warren pocahontas is not nearly as childish as someone falsely claiming they are a native american to get into a school.  Or for that matter being able to get into a school not based solely on merit but based, at least in part, on your race.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 09:34:50

1C393324666F6364560 wrote:
The only one who would have been worse that hillary is sanders.  You want to talk about inexperience the man never held a job till his 40's and he was kicked out of a hippy commune for not wanting to work ;D

Inexperience?  Um, in a commune, ok - but in Washington he did quite a bit.  He would have been far better than hillary and lightyears better than donny.

But we won't know, will we?  However, I do know that hindsight is 2020.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 09:38:13

6E707F7E736E75681A0 wrote:
[quote author=1C393324666F6364560 link=1483993153/45#59 date=1484154659]The only one who would have been worse that hillary is sanders.  You want to talk about inexperience the man never held a job till his 40's and he was kicked out of a hippy commune for not wanting to work ;D

Inexperience?  Um, in a commune, ok - but in Washington he did quite a bit.  He would have been far better than hillary and lightyears better than donny.

But we won't know, will we?  However, I do know that hindsight is 2020.[/quote]

History has several examples of how well socialism works.  Sanders is clueless and would have destroyed this country

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 09:52:43

Oh boy... here we go....

"Are you comparing blackface to you misinterpreting someones hand gestures, that seems like a false equivalent to me.  While we are on that point maybe you can explain to me why "white face" done by a black person is perfectly exceptable (sic)."

Misinterpreting?  The fact that there's need for ANY interpretation is proof enough that donny should have known better.
As to whiteface - it's not really a thing.   Besides, how has white America been marginalized?

"Calling Warren pocahontas is not nearly as childish as someone falsely claiming they are a native american to get into a school.  Or for that matter being able to get into a school not based solely on merit but based, at least in part, on your race."

So, name calling is NOT childish?  Seriously??... how can you say that and then turn around and complain about me using the name "donny"?  C'mon!  LOL!!

Warren's claim is not as false as you assume - one genealogical society has dug up a decades-old newsletter which referred to Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as being Cherokee, supporting Warren’s claim (source: The Atlantic).

FYI - As for the claim that Elizabeth Warren used her Native American heritage in order to get a job at Harvard, her supervisors have publicly confirmed that it played no role in the matter and that they weren’t even aware of it at the time of her hiring.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/17 at 10:12:10

If she Put on her application that she was of American Indian descent, then whether or not that information affected their decision to hire her doesn't remove the fact that she tried to use it.
Dig back far enough and just about everyone is related to someone they had no idea even existed. BFD, gret great great gramma? I doubt that degree of being related would even get someone on the reservation in Oklahoma. Some of the people in school in Tecumseh got a check every month , but they had to be something Measurable, like 20% ,
You're talking five generations.
Fauxcohantas is more like it.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 10:16:40

6B757A7B766B706D1F0 wrote:
Oh boy... here we go....

"Are you comparing blackface to you misinterpreting someones hand gestures, that seems like a false equivalent to me.  While we are on that point maybe you can explain to me why "white face" done by a black person is perfectly exceptable (sic)."

Misinterpreting?  The fact that there's need for ANY interpretation is proof enough that donny should have known better.
As to whiteface - it's not really a thing.   Besides, how has white America been marginalized?

"Calling Warren pocahontas is not nearly as childish as someone falsely claiming they are a native american to get into a school.  Or for that matter being able to get into a school not based solely on merit but based, at least in part, on your race."

So, name calling is NOT childish?  Seriously??... how can you say that and then turn around and complain about me using the name "donny"?  C'mon!  LOL!!

Warren's claim is not as false as you assume - one genealogical society has dug up a decades-old newsletter which referred to Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as being Cherokee, supporting Warren’s claim (source: The Atlantic).

FYI - As for the claim that Elizabeth Warren used her Native American heritage in order to get a job at Harvard, her supervisors have publicly confirmed that it played no role in the matter and that they weren’t even aware of it at the time of her hiring.

Your misinterpretation how no baring on whether or not his actions are childish just his intent.

ok so what your saying is its ok to paint your face and mock a race as long as they are not "marginalized"

I didn't say the name calling isn't childish just that trying to cheat the system is more so

come on your going to site some unsubstantiated document from decades ago that says she might be 64th cherokee as a right for her to claim that she is cherokee.  Well then since all humans originated in Africa I want to claim I'm African and get the 230 point bump in my SAT scores.

I don't care if her deception was successful, its irrelevant, I am only concerned in her attempt to deceive for the clear purpose of getting a leg up.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 10:17:46

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
If she Put on her application that she was of American Indian descent, then whether or not that information affected their decision to hire her doesn't remove the fact that she tried to use it.
Dig back far enough and just about everyone is related to someone they had no idea even existed. BFD, gret great great gramma? I doubt that degree of being related would even get someone on the reservation in Oklahoma. Some of the people in school in Tecumseh got a check every month , but they had to be something Measurable, like 20% ,
You're talking five generations.
Fauxcohantas is more like it.

dam you beat me to the punch, I was typing my reply when you posted this  ;D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/17 at 10:22:40

Sorry, man. I'll try to slow down.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 10:25:31

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
Sorry, man. I'll try to slow down.

thanks LOL

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 11:02:04

183D3720626B6760520 wrote:
History has several examples of how well socialism works.  Sanders is clueless and would have destroyed this country

I hate to break it to you, but the US has MANY socialist programs that work just fine - Medicare being just one.  But you are right, socialism alone does not work.  In fact, there are very few examples left of any pure socialistic governments left.

And I hate to point out your ignorance about Bernie, but he's not a pure socialist.  All along he has stated that he's a democratic socialist.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 11:05:19

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
If she Put on her application that she was of American Indian descent, then whether or not that information affected their decision to hire her doesn't remove the fact that she tried to use it.

She didn't put that on her application.

Dig back far enough and just about everyone is related to someone they had no idea even existed. BFD, gret great great gramma? I doubt that degree of being related would even get someone on the reservation in Oklahoma. Some of the people in school in Tecumseh got a check every month , but they had to be something Measurable, like 20% ,
You're talking five generations.
Fauxcohantas is more like it.

Your post fails.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 11:13:27

01242E397B727E794B0 wrote:
Your misinterpretation how no baring on whether or not his actions are childish just his intent.

ok so what your saying is its ok to paint your face and mock a race as long as they are not "marginalized"

I didn't say the name calling isn't childish just that trying to cheat the system is more so

come on your going to site some unsubstantiated document from decades ago that says she might be 64th cherokee as a right for her to claim that she is cherokee.  Well then since all humans originated in Africa I want to claim I'm African and get the 230 point bump in my SAT scores.

I don't care if her deception was successful, its irrelevant, I am only concerned in her attempt to deceive for the clear purpose of getting a leg up.

OK, then please show me proof that she put that she was Native American on her application.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 11:19:00

My oh my - how easily we are distracted!

All these keystrokes could have been avoided had anyone on the right been forthcoming and just admit that donny's not keeping his promise to build a wall - one of the most significant parts of his campaign.

Oh well.

Of course, I am guilty of goading them on with questions...   ;D

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 11:42:39

6B757A7B766B706D1F0 wrote:
[quote author=183D3720626B6760520 link=1483993153/60#63 date=1484156293]
History has several examples of how well socialism works.  Sanders is clueless and would have destroyed this country

I hate to break it to you, but the US has MANY socialist programs that work just fine - Medicare being just one.  But you are right, socialism alone does not work.  In fact, there are very few examples left of any pure socialistic governments left.

And I hate to point out your ignorance about Bernie, but he's not a pure socialist.  All along he has stated that he's a democratic socialist.[/quote]

Yea he wants to let people own the businesses he plans to tax and regulate to high hell.  You can't polish nuts and you can't put the word democratic in front of socialist and make it somehow better.  I bet you love the failing social security system and public schools as well.  I don't see how you think that taking something that belongs to one person to give it to another is morally right.  

In her 30's elizabeth warren was listed under the minority section of a law teachers for-hire directory so she was trying to use that to her advantage to get a job

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 11:44:54

564847464B564D50220 wrote:
My oh my - how easily we are distracted!

All these keystrokes could have been avoided had anyone on the right been forthcoming and just admit that donny's not keeping his promise to build a wall - one of the most significant parts of his campaign.

Oh well.

Of course, I am guilty of goading them on with questions...   ;D

I believe we said lets wait till he is actually in office to see how things play out.  He has 4 years to get things done before he is rehired or fired.  Don't be condescending by saying you are goading us on with questions like we are mouth breathing morons.  We have been electing to debate you about progressivism in all its evils vs free market capitalism  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 11:55:43

50757F682A232F281A0 wrote:
Yea he wants to let people own the businesses he plans to tax and regulate to high hell.  

Does he?  Isn't it a moot point?(he didn't win)  But I don't recall hearing him say anything like that.

You can't polish nuts and you can't put the word democratic in front of socialist and make it somehow better.  I bet you love the failing social security system and public schools as well.  

How is Social Security failing?  If there were nothing done to it, it's still solvent into the 2030's.  But to be clear, social security really isn't a purely socialist program.  
Yes, the public schools need help, but that's more an issue of local elections filling the board seats instead of the districts - and yes, common core sucks.  But there are plenty of publicly schooled kids that are doing just fine.  You have to fix the internal system, not kill it.

I don't see how you think that taking something that belongs to one person to give it to another is morally right.  

With that take on things then I guess you don't like any taxes on anything, right?  Taxes take from us and provide for others - be it our roads, cops, elderly benefits, utilities, etc.  IMHO, it's the price we pay to live in such a great country.

In her 30's elizabeth warren was listed under the minority section of a law teachers for-hire directory so she was trying to use that to her advantage to get a job

LOL - she didn't list it, her employer did.  It was NOT a for hire directory, it was a reference catalog (before the internet).  I've got a link if you'd like to read the whole story.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 12:05:59

52777D6A28212D2A180 wrote:
I believe we said lets wait till he is actually in office to see how things play out.  He has 4 years to get things done before he is rehired or fired.  Don't be condescending by saying you are goading us on with questions like we are mouth breathing morons.  We have been electing to debate you about progressivism in all its evils vs free market capitalism  

You are correct.  Just so I'm clear - it doesn't matter what donny posts on twitter?  To quote him: "The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!"

He never once said that on the campaign trail.  So one of his bedrock campaign promises is now being reneged and that's not a problem?

OK, fine by me.  If that was my candidate, I'd have severe reservations going forward.

As to capitalism vs. socialism.  Neither of them in their purest form work at all.  It's silly to think otherwise.  There really isn't a debate on that.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 12:15:26

3D232C2D203D263B490 wrote:
[quote author=50757F682A232F281A0 link=1483993153/60#74 date=1484163759]

[color=#0000ff]I don't see how you think that taking something that belongs to one person to give it to another is morally right.  

With that take on things then I guess you don't like any taxes on anything, right?  Taxes take from us and provide for others - be it our roads, cops, elderly benefits, utilities, etc.  IMHO, it's the price we pay to live in such a great country.

No I have no problem with roads, cops, firefighters, sanitation, utilities and the like because in that case you are paying for a service that you use.  We all benefit from those programs even the elderly benefits because presumable we will all be old eventually or we at the very least have to prepare ourselves for that eventuality even if some individuals aren't lucky enough to make it.  I have problems with forcing people to pay for things they don't use or forcible taking property from one individual to give to another who didn't earn it.  Socialism says you owe me something because I exist, I don't agree with that I say you only owe someone if they have earned it.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 12:19:08

7F616E6F627F64790B0 wrote:
[quote author=52777D6A28212D2A180 link=1483993153/75#75 date=1484163894]

I believe we said lets wait till he is actually in office to see how things play out.  He has 4 years to get things done before he is rehired or fired.  Don't be condescending by saying you are goading us on with questions like we are mouth breathing morons.  We have been electing to debate you about progressivism in all its evils vs free market capitalism  

You are correct.  Just so I'm clear - it doesn't matter what donny posts on twitter?  To quote him: "The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!"

He never once said that on the campaign trail.  So one of his bedrock campaign promises is now being reneged and that's not a problem?

OK, fine by me.  If that was my candidate, I'd have severe reservations going forward.

As to capitalism vs. socialism.  Neither of them in their purest form work at all.  It's silly to think otherwise.  There really isn't a debate on that.[/quote]
its semantics if I go to the store and pick up a gallon of milk and you pay me back when I get to your house ultimately you payed for the milk not me.  Mexico isn' going to just hand over money they are going to have to be forced to so if trump builds a wall with our money and has a way to force Mexico to pay for it I would be fine with that.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/17 at 13:28:55

We've never seen capitalism. It was long before our time.
America grew and its people prospered before income taxes and the Federal Reserve. Bankers colluding to control the money supply by manipulating interest rates created the economic upheavals that set the stage for the Need for the Federal Reserve. It's STATED REASONS for Existing were to protect the people from economic crises and maintain the value of the dollar. The very Process for Creating a dollar devalues the dollar.
The Great Depression underscored the true worth of the Federal Reserve. It's a complete failure.

Capitalism is the only system that makes sense. Socialism has never worked except for one country and the name escapes me right now, but they have something, oil I think, they export enough to provide a reasonable lifestyle for their people.

We have only seen crony capitalism, and, to a degree, fascism.

Fascism | Definition of Fascism by Merriam-Webster
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › fascism
Definition of fascism for Students. : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted.

We don't have a dictator, per se, but given the power that has slowly been accrued to the president it's daggum close.
The government has way too much influence in business and Big Business is and has been Lobbying for rules and regulations that enhance Their position and limit the upstart competition.

Consider a large chain of retail outlets, nationwide.
Let's say they start people out at $10.00/hour.
And, let's say the minimum wage, nationwide, is $8.00/hr.
It's not gonna Hurt them if the national minimum wage goes to $10.00.  It's gonna hurt their competition. So, they lobby to raise the minimum wage and they Look like champions of the working class. Well, to the people who don't understand what demanding more pay than the employer can afford they do.
Yeah, those great jobs didn't All leave just because of NAFTA. The unions that drove the car makers dang near into bankruptcy helped.
Unions are needed in places, and without them to demand safe working conditions and reasonable hours and fair pay, plenty of greedy people would be taking advantage of the workers. That's especially true when the number of unemployed is high. Labor is like any other commodity. When you can walk outside and grab a replacement for the guy who said
Screw this!I Quit.

Then a heartless employer has no reason to appreciate the people who are making his business succeed. The other side of the coin is really great for people trying to sell labor.
Do democrats actually believe that only republicans benefit from the open borders and want cheap labor?
How many unemployed people are necessary to create the situation that allows employers to discard workers like trash?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 13:33:07

52777D6A28212D2A180 wrote:
No I have no problem with roads, cops, firefighters, sanitation, utilities and the like because in that case you are paying for a service that you use.  We all benefit from those programs even the elderly benefits because presumable we will all be old eventually or we at the very least have to prepare ourselves for that eventuality even if some individuals aren't lucky enough to make it.  I have problems with forcing people to pay for things they don't use or forcible taking property from one individual to give to another who didn't earn it.  Socialism says you owe me something because I exist, I don't agree with that I say you only owe someone if they have earned it.

I agree - but there are some that are unable to "earn it", the elderly, the disabled, etc.  But I do get your point.

However, once again, what you're referring to is pure socialism.  That's simply not what Sanders stands for (or anyone else in their right mind).  Is it really that difficult to see that socialism, along with capitalism and a milligram of jingoism is what makes our democratic republic so great?

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 14:01:44

756B646568756E73010 wrote:
[quote author=52777D6A28212D2A180 link=1483993153/75#78 date=1484165726]
No I have no problem with roads, cops, firefighters, sanitation, utilities and the like because in that case you are paying for a service that you use.  We all benefit from those programs even the elderly benefits because presumable we will all be old eventually or we at the very least have to prepare ourselves for that eventuality even if some individuals aren't lucky enough to make it.  I have problems with forcing people to pay for things they don't use or forcible taking property from one individual to give to another who didn't earn it.  Socialism says you owe me something because I exist, I don't agree with that I say you only owe someone if they have earned it.

I agree - but there are some that are unable to "earn it", the elderly, the disabled, etc.  But I do get your point.

However, once again, what you're referring to is pure socialism.  That's simply not what Sanders stands for (or anyone else in their right mind).  Is it really that difficult to see that socialism, along with capitalism and a milligram of jingoism is what makes our democratic republic so great?[/quote]
if the only people getting government assistance were those over 65 who worked all there life and now are retired and those that were working but are now disabled it would be a different story but as it is now the government has created a welfare state which has destroyed the american family.  Now there are an alarming number of single mothers that married to the state, and they and their children are being supported by the taxpayer.  

On sanders atleast you can admit that he wants free college for everyone.  Well the thing is nothing is free in life.  The way I see it you can either pay for your own college and when its paid off your done, or you can go to school for free and then get a job and pay for everyone else to go for the rest of your life.  That is not to say that the current system is great.  I think as it currently is financial aid is BS and should be disbanded and the only option for those who can't afford to pay upfront is student loans.  Currently some people are getting free educations and others are paying.  I took out loans to pay for my college so if you think about it if you get financial aid and I take out loans and we both go to school together, get the same degree, graduate at the same time and get the same job with the same salary you in effect make more than I do because I have to use a portion of my salary to pay back those loans and you don't.  Not to mention that my tuition is inflated because I have to subsidize your free education.  So in effect I am not only paying for my education with those loan payments I am also paying your education while you pay nothing.  The best solution is everyone takes out loans.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 14:20:27

1E3B3126646D6166540 wrote:
if the only people getting government assistance were those over 65 who worked all there life and now are retired and those that were working but are now disabled it would be a different story but as it is now the government has created a welfare state which has destroyed the american family.  Now there are an alarming number of single mothers that married to the state, and they and their children are being supported by the taxpayer.  

Well, that's true to some degree.  Most single mothers also work, but they live below the poverty line.  It's a catch 22.  You can't use broad brushstrokes and expect the system to work.  Means testing is the only real solution.  There are honest, hard working people out there that need help - not forever, but a hand up, not hand out.  Believe it or not, the majority of welfare recipients don't abuse the system.

On sanders atleast you can admit that he wants free college for everyone.

Yes, he does, and I don't agree with that. 

Well the thing is nothing is free in life.  The way I see it you can either pay for your own college and when its paid off your done, or you can go to school for free and then get a job and pay for everyone else to go for the rest of your life.  That is not to say that the current system is great.  I think as it currently is financial aid is BS and should be disbanded and the only option for those who can't afford to pay upfront is student loans.  Currently some people are getting free educations and others are paying.  I took out loans to pay for my college so if you think about it if you get financial aid and I take out loans and we both go to school together, get the same degree, graduate at the same time and get the same job with the same salary you in effect make more than I do because I have to use a portion of my salary to pay back those loans and you don't.  Not to mention that my tuition is inflated because I have to subsidize your free education.  So in effect I am not only paying for my education with those loan payments I am also paying your education while you pay nothing.  The best solution is everyone takes out loans.

I agree - no need to veer off the topic.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 14:40:34

796768696479627F0D0 wrote:
[quote author=1E3B3126646D6166540 link=1483993153/75#82 date=1484172104]
if the only people getting government assistance were those over 65 who worked all there life and now are retired and those that were working but are now disabled it would be a different story but as it is now the government has created a welfare state which has destroyed the american family.  Now there are an alarming number of single mothers that married to the state, and they and their children are being supported by the taxpayer.  

Well, that's true to some degree.  Most single mothers also work, but they live below the poverty line.  It's a catch 22.  You can't use broad brushstrokes and expect the system to work.  Means testing is the only real solution.  There are honest, hard working people out there that need help - not forever, but a hand up, not hand out.  Believe it or not, the majority of welfare recipients don't abuse the system.

On sanders atleast you can admit that he wants free college for everyone.

Yes, he does, and I don't agree with that. 

Well the thing is nothing is free in life.  The way I see it you can either pay for your own college and when its paid off your done, or you can go to school for free and then get a job and pay for everyone else to go for the rest of your life.  That is not to say that the current system is great.  I think as it currently is financial aid is BS and should be disbanded and the only option for those who can't afford to pay upfront is student loans.  Currently some people are getting free educations and others are paying.  I took out loans to pay for my college so if you think about it if you get financial aid and I take out loans and we both go to school together, get the same degree, graduate at the same time and get the same job with the same salary you in effect make more than I do because I have to use a portion of my salary to pay back those loans and you don't.  Not to mention that my tuition is inflated because I have to subsidize your free education.  So in effect I am not only paying for my education with those loan payments I am also paying your education while you pay nothing.  The best solution is everyone takes out loans.

I agree - no need to veer off the topic.
If you make bad decisions in life and then expect me to pay for those bad decisions then yes you are taking advantage of a flawed system.  If on the other hand you are just temporarily find yourself in a bad place because of circumstances out of your control (laided off, disabled, natural or manmade disaster etc...) thats a different story.  But, if you chose not to educate yourself, you choose to have children you can't afford or choose to do drugs its not my problem and I shouldn't be forced by the government to pay for it and there are millions of people who fall into those categories.  

I would like to add that I have made bad decisions in my life and I and I mean I have paid for those bad decisions I haven't passed the buck to the tax payers.  But I have also made good decisions

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 15:02:51

290C0611535A5651630 wrote:
If you make bad decisions in life and then expect me to pay for those bad decisions then yes you are taking advantage of a flawed system.  If on the other hand you are just temporarily find yourself in a bad place because of circumstances out of your control (laided off, disabled, natural or manmade disaster etc...) thats a different story.  But, if you chose not to educate yourself, you choose to have children you can't afford or choose to do drugs its not my problem and I shouldn't be forced by the government to pay for it and there are millions of people who fall into those categories.  

"Millions"?  I don't think so.  I'd like to see where you get that number of abusers on welfare.

I would like to add that I have made bad decisions in my life and I and I mean I have paid for those bad decisions I haven't passed the buck to the tax payers.  But I have also made good decisions

Then you should show everyone the same respect that you yourself demand.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 15:06:29

273936373A273C21530 wrote:
[quote author=290C0611535A5651630 link=1483993153/75#84 date=1484174434]
If you make bad decisions in life and then expect me to pay for those bad decisions then yes you are taking advantage of a flawed system.  If on the other hand you are just temporarily find yourself in a bad place because of circumstances out of your control (laided off, disabled, natural or manmade disaster etc...) thats a different story.  But, if you chose not to educate yourself, you choose to have children you can't afford or choose to do drugs its not my problem and I shouldn't be forced by the government to pay for it and there are millions of people who fall into those categories.  

"Millions"?  I don't think so.  I'd like to see where you get that number of abusers on welfare.

I would like to add that I have made bad decisions in my life and I and I mean I have paid for those bad decisions I haven't passed the buck to the tax payers.  But I have also made good decisions

Then you should show everyone the same respect that you yourself demand.[/quote]
well if you don't think its that much would you support drug testing for welfare?  I mean I have to be drug tested to earn the money they take from me shouldn't they be drug tested to get it?

I don't understand what you mean by "Then you should show everyone the same respect that you yourself demand"

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 15:09:47

64414B5C1E171B1C2E0 wrote:
well if you don't think its that much would you support drug testing for welfare?  I mean I have to be drug tested to earn the money they take from me shouldn't they be drug tested to get it?

I would - as long as all politicians/elected officials would do the same.  They're getting "paid by me" too.

I don't understand what you mean by "Then you should show everyone the same respect that you yourself demand"

I can't help you there - that should be a no-brainer.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 15:10:05

there are over 109million people on some form of government assistance, even if only 2% of them are in those groups that would constitute millions

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/11/17 at 15:13:00

415F50515C415A47350 wrote:
[quote author=64414B5C1E171B1C2E0 link=1483993153/75#86 date=1484175989]
well if you don't think its that much would you support drug testing for welfare?  I mean I have to be drug tested to earn the money they take from me shouldn't they be drug tested to get it?

I would - as long as all politicians/elected officials would do the same.  They're getting "paid by me" too.

I don't understand what you mean by "Then you should show everyone the same respect that you yourself demand"

I can't help you there - that should be a no-brainer.
well the best I can do without a better explanation of how I demanded respect because I made mistakes and paid for them myself is to say f they solved their own problems and didn't take my money I would think very highly of them

Also while i agree politicians should be drug tested it isn't the same thing because they aren't getting handouts they are being paid for a job

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/17 at 16:26:35

College was affordable before the government got into the student loan business.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 16:49:06

10353F286A636F685A0 wrote:
there are over 109million people on some form of government assistance, even if only 2% of them are in those groups that would constitute millions

Yes, "some form".  That's the key - that means everything from disability, to medicaid, to snap, etc.  And again, there is no data to support what you stated.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/11/17 at 16:50:20

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
College was affordable before the government got into the student loan business.


Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by MnSpring on 01/12/17 at 17:58:11

6F717E7F726F74691B0 wrote:
[ ... PC used as a tool??  Are people that threatened by morality?  I'm not sure how political correctness encourages ignorance...  ... "

Saved some crumbs from my toast this morning,
Tossed them over the bridge.

TT, perhaps you want to look at:

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by MnSpring on 01/12/17 at 20:41:39

4E505F5E534E55483A0 wrote:
" ...  there is no data to support what you stated.

Found a few  more crumbs to throw over the bridge.

Lets see,  Llhan  Omar,   (Minn  Elected  House).
Her district,   37,000   (Possible,  Voters, over 18)
2,582 are on,   FOOD  STAMPS,
1,090, are on,    CASH   Assistance.  (Here means,  pure total,  GIMMIE, GIMMIE)
and, 10,240,   on   SUPPLEMENTAL,  Social Security.

JUST, taking the, FOOD  STAMPS, and the,  Gimmie, GIMMERS.
That is almost  10%, of  the, ‘could be’, voters.
And that area, is,   TOTLAY,   Somalian !!!!!!!
From people, who were, ‘BROUGHT HERE’,
Who paid  NOTHING, for Housing, Health care, Food, and EDUCATION !!!!!!!

(Where a  Tax  Paying  CITIZENS, of  the USA and MN, Whose, Grand Parents  PAID  Taxes, who  Patents  Paid  TAXES, who  Students  PAID  Taxes for, which   HAVE  to PAY, at the rate of, $40,000.00 a  YEAR, (+/-) which,  “ Llhan  Omar’  went to  for  FREE.  and NO ONE,  EVER  PAID  ANY  of her costs   EVER.  It was  FREE, to a person,  NEVER PAYING ONE CENT !  !!!!!)

OK,  Snowflake,    Prove me wrong.
Would Love for you to find,  MN, stats, on how many, what percent, the demographics, the  Citizenship, of those Voting.
I can’t,  because the,  Ultra-LIBERAL,   Minn  (State)  site does  NOT  POST  THEM !!!!!!!

OH,  Wait.    Guess I should Not  Complain,
after all,   It  Is to the like of,  Bernie &  H.R.C.,
That  I, should PAY, for,  FREE,
so that 1n 15 years, (+/-),  because I   PAYED  for their  FREE,
’they’ can tell me,  ‘I  Have to PAY  MORE’,
  (For their  FREE)  !!!!!

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by T And T Garage on 01/13/17 at 08:16:13

43605D7E7C6760690E0 wrote:
[color=#0000ff][quote author=4E505F5E534E55483A0 link=1483993153/90#91 date=1484182146]" ...  there is no data to support what you stated.

Found a few  more crumbs to throw over the bridge.

Lets see,  Llhan  Omar,   (Minn  Elected  House).
Her district,   37,000   (Possible,  Voters, over 18)
2,582 are on,   FOOD  STAMPS,
1,090, are on,    CASH   Assistance.  (Here means,  pure total,  GIMMIE, GIMMIE)
and, 10,240,   on   SUPPLEMENTAL,  Social Security.

JUST, taking the, FOOD  STAMPS, and the,  Gimmie, GIMMERS.
That is almost  10%, of  the, ‘could be’, voters.
And that area, is,   TOTLAY,   Somalian !!!!!!!
From people, who were, ‘BROUGHT HERE’,
Who paid  NOTHING, for Housing, Health care, Food, and EDUCATION !!!!!!!

(Where a  Tax  Paying  CITIZENS, of  the USA and MN, Whose, Grand Parents  PAID  Taxes, who  Patents  Paid  TAXES, who  Students  PAID  Taxes for, which   HAVE  to PAY, at the rate of, $40,000.00 a  YEAR, (+/-) which,  “ Llhan  Omar’  went to  for  FREE.  and NO ONE,  EVER  PAID  ANY  of her costs   EVER.  It was  FREE, to a person,  NEVER PAYING ONE CENT !  !!!!!)

OK,  Snowflake,    Prove me wrong.
Would Love for you to find,  MN, stats, on how many, what percent, the demographics, the  Citizenship, of those Voting.
I can’t,  because the,  Ultra-LIBERAL,   Minn  (State)  site does  NOT  POST  THEM !!!!!!!

OH,  Wait.    Guess I should Not  Complain,
after all,   It  Is to the like of,  Bernie &  H.R.C.,
That  I, should PAY, for,  FREE,
so that 1n 15 years, (+/-),  because I   PAYED  for their  FREE,
’they’ can tell me,  ‘I  Have to PAY  MORE’,
  (For their  FREE)  !!!!!

No, that's ok sweetie pie, there's no need for me to try and prove you wrong.  Your anger speaks volumes.  I'll let you rant.

The fact is, I don't have a problem with what you posted.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/13/17 at 14:22:56

514F40414C514A57250 wrote:
[quote author=67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 link=1483993153/90#90 date=1484180795]College was affordable before the government got into the student loan business.

I think it has more to do with the fact that colleges know if they raise tuition financial aid will cover it.  Financial aid is just a way of redistributing wealth and should be stopped.  College is a place to get an education so you can get a job there is no need to give people who are poor a free education because presumably after they graduate they can get a good job (not be poor anymore) and be able to pay back loans they would have taken out to get said degree.  Well that is if they don't get a degree in gender studies or lesbian dance theory.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/17 at 14:28:43

I'm glad you see that.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/13/17 at 14:44:13

all financial aid does is give people who are poor a free education so when they graduate they make more money then their colleagues that have the same salary but have to pay back their student loans.  It also has the added benefit of jacking up the price of college for those that do pay in cash or with loans since those people have to subsidize all the free education others are getting

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by verslagen1 on 01/13/17 at 15:02:01

Personally, I would've been able to get a sizable amount if I was able to prove my heritage.

It also has the added benefit of jacking up the price of college for those that do pay in cash or with loans since those people have to subsidize all the free education others are getting

Since private vs. state colleges have always been 10x more, I don't believe that is true.
Financial aid is only a burden to the tax payers.
And student loans are subsidized with low interest.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/13/17 at 15:08:12

594A5D5C434E484A411E2F0 wrote:
Personally, I would've been able to get a sizable amount if I was able to prove my heritage.

I don't know what your heritage is, but the point I am trying to make is that financial aid just makes other people pay for those students education.  I think it would be much fairer if everyone just paid for their own education.  No one should be denied a higher education if they don't have the money, but they should have to  take out student loans and pay them back with the job that they got from the degree, which was the point of the education they received in the first place.  

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by verslagen1 on 01/13/17 at 15:15:56

0F2A2037757C7077450 wrote:
I don't know what your heritage is, but the point I am trying to make is that financial aid just makes other people pay for those students education.  I think it would be much fairer if everyone just paid for their own education.  No one should be denied a higher education if they don't have the money, but they should have to  take out student loans and pay them back with the job that they got from the degree, which was the point of the education they received in the first place.  

That would be true if we were talking about a fair employment society.
Try getting a fair wage on any reservation 100 yrs ago.
Even 50 yrs ago you hid your heritage to get equal employment.

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by Joer0952 on 01/13/17 at 15:25:29

263522233C3137353E61500 wrote:
[quote author=0F2A2037757C7077450 link=1483993153/90#100 date=1484348892]I don't know what your heritage is, but the point I am trying to make is that financial aid just makes other people pay for those students education.  I think it would be much fairer if everyone just paid for their own education.  No one should be denied a higher education if they don't have the money, but they should have to  take out student loans and pay them back with the job that they got from the degree, which was the point of the education they received in the first place.  

That would be true if we were talking about a fair employment society.
Try getting a fair wage on any reservation 100 yrs ago.
Even 50 yrs ago you hid your heritage to get equal employment.
I am not concerned for the sake of this argument about 100 or 50 years ago I am talking about modern day

Title: Re: About that wall...
Post by MnSpring on 01/14/17 at 09:17:29

776966676A776C71030 wrote:
"The fact is, I don't have a problem with what you posted."

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