General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Chicago.......

Message started by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 04:28:12

Title: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 04:28:12

How do we explain Chicago?
How can it be blamed on a gun?
Is this an aberration or something more?
Why is this not getting the same attention as a epidemic, as it seems whatever is driving this has the capacity to spread, yes?
Is it based on lies, which festers hate, like ISIS?
Is it simply the resulting of "spare the rod, spoil the child" and the only "link" is poor or non exsisting parenting, which is the first cause, and not race, tho it is effecting that race almost exclusively, geographically....
How can we just ignore it?

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 04:41:18

Here is a perfect example of what I am talking about....
The authorities are making excuses as this not being a hate crime, and that it was a stupid stunt by kids, tho all 4 in custody are 18, which makes them adults...

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by pg on 01/05/17 at 05:06:01

Make no mistake, they are a protected class.  Can you imagine the response out of the media if the shoe was on the other foot?

Do you really expect anything better out of the degenerate left?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MShipley on 01/05/17 at 05:39:58

That is just sad, humans are despicable.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Joer0952 on 01/05/17 at 06:54:10

46554D50554353340 wrote:
How do we explain Chicago?
How can it be blamed on a gun?
Is this an aberration or something more?
Why is this not getting the same attention as a epidemic, as it seems whatever is driving this has the capacity to spread, yes?
Is it based on lies, which festers hate, like ISIS?
Is it simply the resulting of "spare the rod, spoil the child" and the only "link" is poor or non exsisting parenting, which is the first cause, and not race, tho it is effecting that race almost exclusively, geographically....
How can we just ignore it?

So many reasons, but I would say because the cities govt has a policy to leave criminals and gang members alone.  For instance low sentences for people with illegal guns.  Also, the police have to fill out a 2 page report in Chicago just for questioning someone, what does that lead to well cops filling out paperwork instead of patrolling the street, and many just thinking twice before doing so.  The key is more cops with the backing of the government, but fat chance that will ever happen with that jerk off Rahm Emanuel at the helm.  Its odd but the places with the toughest gun laws are the ones with the most crime

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 10:18:52

I guess we could just pretend none of it matters.....
Let's justify hate, instead.
It is a natural reaction to fear, real or perceived.

Lots of ignorant people think they are bliss.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/17 at 10:42:39

Mostly,.. the "degenerative Right"... :-?

Newly released data from the FBI shows that blacks, Jews, gay men and Hispanics were the groups most often the targets of hate crimes in 2012. In total, 7,164 people were victims of hate crimes last year, down about seven percent from 7,713 in 2011.

According to the report, nearly half of all reported hate crimes were racially motivated, with 66 percent deemed anti-black, and 22 percent anti-white. In 2011, the data revealed that 71 percent of racially motivated crimes were committed against blacks and 16 percent against whites.

Nineteen percent of reported hate crimes were motivated by a bias against sexual orientation; 53 percent of those were classified as specifically anti-male homosexual, 28 percent as simply anti-homosexual, and 12 percent as anti-female homosexual.

Religiously motivated hate crime made up 18 percent of total reported hate crimes, with Jews being targeted in 62 percent of cases and Muslims in 11 percent.

The percentages of those targeted because of religion or sexual orientation were largely the same as in 2011.

Fifty-nine percent of hate crimes deemed motivated by ethnic bias were aimed at Hispanics.

More than half of the hate crimes reported were crimes against a person, and 41 percent were against property. Of the crimes against a person, 10 were homicides and 15 were rapes; 39 percent were simple assaults, 37 percent were instances of intimidation, and 21 percent were aggravated assault

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/17 at 11:20:01

Those figures are skewed. This one is getting the attention it should, but not NEARLY as much as if four whites had done the same thing to some black guy...
But, it's not a hate crime when a black guy walks by granny and knocks her out. The black on white crime isn't dealt with honestly.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/17 at 11:49:40

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
Those figures are skewed. This one is getting the attention it should,

You shoulda' been born black... then, you wouldn't be so persecuted... ;D

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/17 at 12:09:33

Nice line of BS. The media played up Jefferson and, heck, can't remember the name now, but they PUSH a narrative. They harp on what they want to and ignore what doesn't suit the needs of the narrative.
Point out one time the
Knock Out GAME
was called what it IS.  A racially motivated assault. A hate crime.
I'm unaware of a single simple assault charge, and sure as hell no hate crime charges.
Are you unable to be objective about anything?

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MShipley on 01/05/17 at 12:25:08

Serowbot, why do you assume that these statistics point to right wing conservatives as the perpetrators? In this specific case they seem to be the "despicable left". There is no lack of "Hate" on either side unfortunately.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MShipley on 01/05/17 at 12:32:11

Serowbot, why do you assume that these statistics point to right wing conservatives as the perpetrators? In this specific case they seem to be the "despicable left". There is no lack of "Hate" on either side unfortunately.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 13:14:22

Did you read the story/link Bot?

It quotes that the authorities do not know if they will assign this as a hate crime.
Even tho the video has them calling out white people.
This is why all that you list in your stats are subjective.
If you can't see that, then you just don't want to.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 13:16:24

I live here - I love my city, but I hate the violence and the complacency of the mayor's office and the CPD.

The wards are corporately run and the sad fact is, back in the 60's and 70's we had the exact same thing (only no internet - so you never heard about all the violence.

What has to happen (IMHO) is that rham the terrible should be put out to pasture and the new mayor bring back Gerry McCarthy.  I like Johnson, he was a good cop, but he's being played by rham.

Look what they've done in NY.  There is no reason we can't do the same here.  We have in the past (in the 90's we had fewer murders per capita than NY) and we can in the future.

Before you all go off saying it's a "lib thing", let me stop you there.  It's a policing thing.  It's a political machine thing - we have both dem and repub alderman that are bought and paid for - and the poorer wards get nothing.

Lastly it's a neighborhood thing.  Many of these neighborhoods are "food deserts" that the city (that's you rham) have left to rot.  There is little to no support from corporate Chicago and the gangs go unchecked.

The people of Chicago are watching - I just hope they get a decent, true progressive, challenger to rham.

As to that terrible FB live video - that's a hate crime and the morons that did it should be punished accordingly.  I despise donny trump, but that is not the way to protest.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 13:20:42

6274637E66737E65110 wrote:
[quote author=697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 link=1483619292/0#7 date=1483644001]Those figures are skewed. This one is getting the attention it should,

You shoulda' been born black... then, you wouldn't be so persecuted... ;D[/quote]

I showed your remark to a few Black people here at work....
They ALL said the underlying messages of it ( your remark )  is racist, for you think all Blacks have and share the same perspectives.
Further, they even suggest you use this as an excuse to further your self, as being above prejudice and thinking you are more tolerant.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by pg on 01/05/17 at 15:03:37

"Too early to tell."


Best regards,

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 15:33:21


Too early to tell.
But you know that white cop shot an innocent black kid and we want justice right now....

huh Obama  ;D

Face it, hate crime was only enacted to punish the straight whitey male to a greater degree.


They are charged with a hate crime!

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 15:50:03

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
Mostly,.. the "degenerative Right"... :-?

Newly released data from the FBI shows that blacks, Jews, gay men and Hispanics were the groups most often the targets of hate crimes in 2012. In total, 7,164 people were victims of hate crimes last year, down about seven percent from 7,713 in 2011.

According to the report, nearly half of all reported hate crimes were racially motivated, with 66 percent deemed anti-black, and 22 percent anti-white. In 2011, the data revealed that 71 percent of racially motivated crimes were committed against blacks and 16 percent against whites.

Nineteen percent of reported hate crimes were motivated by a bias against sexual orientation; 53 percent of those were classified as specifically anti-male homosexual, 28 percent as simply anti-homosexual, and 12 percent as anti-female homosexual.

Religiously motivated hate crime made up 18 percent of total reported hate crimes, with Jews being targeted in 62 percent of cases and Muslims in 11 percent.

The percentages of those targeted because of religion or sexual orientation were largely the same as in 2011.

Fifty-nine percent of hate crimes deemed motivated by ethnic bias were aimed at Hispanics.

More than half of the hate crimes reported were crimes against a person, and 41 percent were against property. Of the crimes against a person, 10 were homicides and 15 were rapes; 39 percent were simple assaults, 37 percent were instances of intimidation, and 21 percent were aggravated assault

Here punkin..... you missed this part....
I underlined it for you hoping enlightenment might come to you.

Since the data collection began, the FBI has published hate crime statistics from 1996 to, most recently, 2015. In 2015, there were 5,818 hate crime incidents reported, the majority of which were biased toward race and ethnicity. There were about 340 more hate crimes in 2015 than in 2014.

The whole article at CNN:

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/17 at 16:09:46

Punkin,... is a name to call your wife or girlfriend, better yet your daughter...

You do realize you're just being an a-hole, right?... (You really should talk to your spiritual advisor or therapist about this problem you have)...

I'm done with your constant trying to marginalize others.
You are a weak, insecure, man, Dawg...
So,.. STFU...

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 16:30:14

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
" ... I'm done with your constant trying to marginalize others.

 Bot,  Please explains, WHY:

 A Group, of a certain, ‘color skin, race, religion,’ people,
beats up, a ‘challenged’, person,  for the way they voted.

As opposed to the, ‘other’, way.

Is One way, basically IGNORED, by the main stream Media,
yet the, ‘OTHER’, way, would be:
 “See the News at  5 - 6  & 10, for a WEEK”. ?

BOTH  WAYS, are  Equally,


So WHY, does, ‘One way’, gets coverage, and the, ‘the other’, way does  Not ???

Please tell  us WHY ?

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 16:48:08

3422352830252833470 wrote:
Punkin,... is a name to call your wife or girlfriend...

You do realize you're just being an a-hole, right?... (You really should talk to your spiritual advisor or therapist about this problem you have)...

I'm done with your constant trying to marginalize others.
You are a weak, insecure, man, Dawg...
So,.. STFU...

Oh, so I should say Chill A-Hole, and Bot would feel better....????

Too funny, but can I get the number/name of your therapist, ya know, just in case I get a case of the bots  ;D

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Trippah on 01/05/17 at 16:48:27

Here in snow country, the attack is getting play time and is being called a hate crime.  That those four fools attacked a handicapped man who also is white makes me wonder if it is being called a hate crime due to race or handicappness.  Ah well, we certainly have plenty of aholes in all races, no monopolies there.

As an aside, did you hear that Manson went to the much money have we spent to keep that evil man alive.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 16:49:46

45665B787A61666F080 wrote:
[quote author=2B3D2A372F3A372C580 link=1483619292/15#18 date=1483661386] " ... I'm done with your constant trying to marginalize others.

 Bot,  Please explains, WHY:

 A Group, of a certain, ‘color skin, race, religion,’ people,
beats up, a ‘challenged’, person,  for the way they voted.

As opposed to the, ‘other’, way.

Is One way, basically IGNORED, by the main stream Media,
yet the, ‘OTHER’, way, would be:
 “See the News at  5 - 6  & 10, for a WEEK”. ?

BOTH  WAYS, are  Equally,


So WHY, does, ‘One way’, gets coverage, and the, ‘the other’, way does  Not ???

Please tell  us WHY ?


CNN has the best coverage of this, go figger....

Maybe they learnt a thing or two from FAUX news, and will try for the anchors NBC hasn't snagged up yet  ;D

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/17 at 16:50:09

5A794467657E7970170 wrote:
BOTH  WAYS, are  Equally,


So WHY, does, ‘One way’, gets coverage, and the, ‘the other’, way does  Not ???

Please tell  us WHY ?

You just read about it, and saw video...
It's national news...
Is that not coverage?...

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 17:06:43

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
" You just read about it, and saw video..."

No, it is  NOT, Treated the Same Way.
Not even  Close  !

1-2 days it will be GONE.
The other way, 1-2 WEEKS  !

ONLY, on the WEB.
Or on, ”Pay for, ’talking heads’”

 NOT, on,  ‘Broadcast.  NOPE,  NOT, on, Broadcast !!!!!!

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 18:16:51

Is the. ‘free’,  TV.
 The  ‘Old  Fashion’,  Stuff,  the stuff, what is  FREE, it is, Broad-Cast.

It is NOT, the,  ‘Pay For View’, via, Satellite, Cable, etc.
Which costs, 100.00  +/- A MONTH, for 100 + Channels, which you watch 10 of.

‘Broad Cast”   Media, is  QUITE, Different, than the,  “Pay for”  TV.
Quite Different.
Broadcast, is to,  Mostly, the, ‘Deplorable’s’,  Who are  NOT,  Paying, for something they do not use!

Hmmmm,   Wonder, why their are two different, ’spins’, on the,
‘Pay for’, or the, ‘Broadcast’  ??????

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 18:46:16

Put the PC  Crap,  Beside !

White Skinned,  Beating up a  Black Skinned, or  Muslim, for how they voted.
Would be,  WORLD WIDE  NEWS,  Everywhere..
 EVERYWHERE  !!!!!!!!!!

But, because it was Black Skin, people beating on a White Skinned person.
 ‘  What does it matter ‘ !


BUT is just shows, how  FAR,  the ‘Pendulum’, has swung’. !!!!!

Time to get back to,  ‘EQUAL”, Rights  !!!!!!
And NOT,  One group is better than the other, or one group has more rights than the other.

WHEN, is it time, to get back to, ‘All Men Created Equal” ?
When it is time, to STOP, blaming the people, (or ANY  son of, and son of), who  NEVER, EVER, had any ’Slaves’,
for something someone else did?

When will it be time, for someone,  ‘PROTECTING’  their way of life, (or Life),
from someone, who want’s to make, ‘Your Life Like Theirs’ ????

When is it,  TIME, to, Get  Back to,  Growing, instead of, Submitting ?

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/05/17 at 19:08:04

Hey punkin, what's got you so riled up....
You been talking conspiracy with JOG?
Maybe we need to go walleye fishing  :-*

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/17 at 19:53:57

So you can see the media lie, but that conspiracy is used to direct the attitude of the people is whack..

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Trippah on 01/05/17 at 20:04:55

 I have seen the beating in Chicago 5 times today on three different networks...I don't get other sources of news except what pops up when I start AOL and I seldom read it, just zip straight to where I'm going.  You seem to think the whole world is out to get white guys, who are Christian.  Ain't so, in fact the last three wars the USA have participated in have been wars against Muslims sects that run countries in ways we don't like (and usually also jack up the cost of oil - purely coincidental I'm sure).  Will it be gone in three days,  probably, since the President elect will be bringing out new lies to distract us from the ones he already told us." I'll tell you Tuesday, or Wednesday "  What a lying sack of nuts he is.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Trippah on 01/05/17 at 20:12:06

How can I tell my grandchildren not to lie to me, their teachers or their parents when they see Trump lie every day, and even when the contradictions in what he says are pointed out, he continues.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by old.indian on 01/05/17 at 20:56:57

So why should you feel so upset about the president elect and ignore the last eight years , or the eight years before that(weapons of mass destruction), or the eight before that ("I did not....") or...... etc. etc. etc. ??
What to tell your grandkids ?????   The same thing I do.... Explain what an "oxymoron" is,  and then "The best example of an "oxymoron" is the term "honest politician" because they are ALL crooks and liars !!!"

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/17 at 21:04:14

You can delight in Not having Hillary.
Trump has done more for America since the election than that gutless sack of crap in D.C.did.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/06/17 at 03:36:35

0B2D362F2F3E375F0 wrote:
How can I tell my grandchildren not to lie to me, their teachers or their parents when they see Trump lie every day, and even when the contradictions in what he says are pointed out, he continues.

Odd how Trump lies are a dilemma for you but not those of your own party....

This reminds me of a true story.

I asked my Black neighbor, at the time I was living in California, why Black people can say the word nnigger, use it in songs, comedy, etc, but a white person can't, because the word is told to be very offensive, with the power to ruin and destroy lives...

She told me this: There are Black people, and their are nniggers. Black people don't even want to live by them, either.

I will never forget this.

Whitey in his pursuit to not injure the Black man, inadvertently.....
lumps them all together, as one race, trumping their own individuality.
Whitey thinks its his attitude and HIS HELP, that these poor old RACE need, because they can't live life on its own UNJUST accord.

Which is the very thing our constitution addresses that each one of us has equal rights and pursuit to THEIR happiness, etc....

As I posted in my stampede post/anthology.
When the mindset/belief of one, starts a stampede on a false fear, it creates the very damage it was trying to avoid in the first place.

It weeds out the weak, ill, aged, animals in the herd, and maybe mother nature planned it that way, but in a civilized world, people don't get physically trampled, they get angry, not at the jerk who caused the stampede, no, but at what the FALSE FEAR was....
And if its at a said Trump, or whoever, they become responsible for the damage caused by another....

Crime is hate, period, sentencing is used to punish the degree involved in its execution.
Labeling it as hate is only trying to add fear to a political/social issue, and solves nothing, but to create a stampede of more fear, of others, etc.      

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/17 at 08:07:02

Yeah, smoking a joint is hate.

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/06/17 at 10:07:30

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
Yeah, smoking a joint is hate.


Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by Trippah on 01/06/17 at 10:44:37

Raw dawg.. I am a Republican, cast my first presidential vote for AUH2O which meant I was one of maybe 5 who did so in Massachusetts,  HRC was not lying, I don't think, about Benghazi - esp since the dead were black ops for the CIA (or similarly employed).  It was her complete failure as Secretary of State to protect her people.  I have yet to see any proof of sending classified info on her private server, but she screwed up big time following who ever advised her that it was ok to do so (use private server).  When in the service, I had a TS/SBI with several other caveats clearance and while most things are over classified, the originator sets the classification for, among other things, to protect sources of intell.  
Clinton is a universalist, like her husband - which is why he backed NAFTA.  LSS is a "nationalist" at the moment cause it is what he perceived (correctly) that was the winning hand.  BREXIT showed him the way.  I am actually a small government socialist, or as my suffering wife calls me, whacko. ;)
JOG  back in the 60's I was videod on tv news at a smoke in on Boston Common, although my Army recruiter told me I hadn't smoked grass (unless I wanted to go Infantry) so I guess I was just holding. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/17 at 11:54:53

Crime is hate, period,

Few people actually Clintoned a doobie. But, as long as you didn't inhale,

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/06/17 at 16:39:30

63706875706676110 wrote:
"... She told me this: There are Black people, and their are nniggers. Black people don't even want to live by them, either...."

120% Agree !

Their are 'black' skinned people, and their are, ' nniggers.', TWO,  Completely  Different People !

Just as their are, 'white skinned' people,
And are,   'White  Trash'.   !!!!!

(Next time, I hear the words, 'White Trash',  gonna  have to stand on the Freeway, Obstruct  Traffic, and, 'protest')   >:(

Let’s See, their are people that follow the Muslim belief.
Then their are, ‘Muslims’, that follow, a ‘extremist’, belief, which is, ‘my way or DEATH’.

Their  IS  A  DIFFERENCE   !!!!!!!!!

And a person,  Immigrating,   LEGALLY, to this Country, no problem at all.

BIG,  Problem, when,  ‘King  Bama’,   FORCES, the,  ‘Muslims’, that follow, a ‘extremist’, belief,  Down our throat !!!!!

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by raydawg on 01/06/17 at 17:40:21

5C7F426163787F76110 wrote:
[quote author=63706875706676110 link=1483619292/30#33 date=1483702595] "... She told me this: There are Black people, and their are nniggers. Black people don't even want to live by them, either...."

120% Agree !

Their are 'black' skinned people, and their are, ' nniggers.', TWO,  Completely  Different People !

Just as their are, 'white skinned' people,
And are,   'White  Trash'.   !!!!!

(Next time, I hear the words, 'White Trash',  gonna  have to stand on the Freeway, Obstruct  Traffic, and, 'protest')   >:(

Let’s See, their are people that follow the Muslim belief.
Then their are, ‘Muslims’, that follow, a ‘extremist’, belief, which is, ‘my way or DEATH’.

Their  IS  A  DIFFERENCE   !!!!!!!!!

And a person,  Immigrating,   LEGALLY, to this Country, no problem at all.

BIG,  Problem, when,  ‘King  Bama’,   FORCES, the,  ‘Muslims’, that follow, a ‘extremist’, belief,  Down our throat !!!!!


Except white trash can't be played for votes....

As to Muslims and Obama.
I know way too many Muslims to "lump" them all together like the Botheads do Blacks.
They are like me, except have a different religion.
They are no more tied to the Muslim Extremist than I am to the KKK, or White Skinheads.
It is fake news to generate $$$$$$

Obama is just trying to be God.
In a way, its a good thing, but just not possible for a man to pull it off.
He is NOT evil, nor does he want to sell out America.
That is just plain stupid.  

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by MnSpring on 01/06/17 at 18:12:07

5D4E564B4E58482F0 wrote:
" Obama is just trying to be God.
... He is NOT evil, nor does he want to sell out America. That is just plain stupid.  

Well that is where I disagree,  
Bama, DID,  ’Sell Out’, (and H.R.C.), for their,  
“Pocket  Money” !
To,  “ONLY’,   advance, their OWN,  ‘Pocket” !

NOT, for the good of this,  Nation !

Title: Re: Chicago.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/07/17 at 17:25:41

Fundamental Change..
He Told us he wanted to make FUNDAMENTAL change.
Understand what that means. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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