General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I met a Hillary voter

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/16 at 15:43:01

Title: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/16 at 15:43:01

We were invited to a Christmas dinner. The lady who fed us has a sister in law who is and has been, from birth, far from okay. She's not anywhere near able to make decisions required to drive. But someone helped her register and hauled her to vote.
I Wunder who she was instructed to vote for.. She said she voted dem.
FWIW, she can't engage in normal conversation. She had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago, yet recently announced she is pregnant .  She requires constant supervision, but, she can vote.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 16:26:39

your point is?

Laws against stupidity, or?

I am sure a conspiracy lies therein somewhere, but I have a hard time thinking her condition has yet reach epidemic  ::)

You wanna try again

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/16 at 16:44:58

Nobody is so far removed from reality to honestly fail to grasp that IF someone went to the trouble to get this woman registered and haul her to vote that they didn't also Help others who are not STUPID ,but mentally unable to even live alone with someone else bringing groceries. I am not talking about being less intelligent, I'm talking about someone who absolutely can't survive without constant care. She can't carry on a conversation above a five year old. No, certain people absolutely should not vote, just as some should not drive.
Without someone helping her get registered and hauling her to vote, she wouldn't even KNOW there was an election and she has exactly No understanding of what voting is.

Dude, seriously, you can pretend that someone who has had a hysterectomy announcing that they are PREGNANT qualifies as just being a bit stupid? That's a complete disconnect with reality.

That was one of, if not THE most pathetic attempts to justify anything I've seen.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 20:32:53

Sorry sugar, I still do not see this as any kind of threat that you do.....
I hear/see post on comments, replying to stories/articles about Obama, etc, that are down right crude, ugly, and threatening, however, I don't think all Trump supporters believe such crap.

Try again.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 12/27/16 at 05:41:42

Both sides do that but I suspect liberals register more incompetent voters 10 to 1.

This ties into a couple points I've made before. 18 year olds voting is simply ridiculous. 90% don't know crap. I'd also consider some way to exclude voters if you don't pay income tax. That's tricky and would need exceptions built in, but I don't see why someone living off government assistance can vote, but that's just me...

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 12/27/16 at 15:01:24

Be, Qualified to Vote?  Yes.
How to do it,  and what factors?  Lots of  Discussion.

The woman, described in the first Post.
Should  NOT,  Vote !

The Fault, is Not hers.
The Fault Is,
The   un-Ethical,  Cheater,  Who  ‘Helped’ her Vote.
That  PO S  person,  (Regardless if, He or She  or  D or R)
THAT, CHEATER, is at fault.

Gee  for the Panty in a  Bunch Crowd, What if that PO S  Person,
 ‘HELPED’  her,  to un dress ???????????

By the description of her in the first post,
she would have the same cognitive power to understand,
if she was about to get,   RAPED, or  which person to VOTE for. !!!!!!

The Fault is NOT Hers.
The Fault is the  Lying, Cheater, Stealing PO S, that ‘helped’ her !

And again, for the, 'panty in a bunch people’,
that, person, ‘helping her’ vote, knew, EXACTLY, what they were doing !
And if one believes, that PO S did that, because of some, “benevolent”, reason.

Then send me money, for some Land Lots,  just a little S & W of  Malibu Calf !!!!!

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/16 at 15:11:50

ee  for the Panty in a  Bunch Crowd, What if that PO S  Person,
‘HELPED’  her,  to un dress ???????

Trust me, nobody is that desperate.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 12/28/16 at 17:37:18

What,  No  rebuttal from  the,  'Fairy  Dust   Sprinklers ???

And again, for the, 'panty in a bunch people’,
that, person, ‘helping her’ vote, knew, EXACTLY, what they were doing !
And if one believes, that PO S did that, because of some, “benevolent”, reason.

Where is your,  'One  Line,  Drive  By,  'shooting', of the mouth'.  ??

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by Trippah on 12/28/16 at 19:28:48

Who should be franchised, allowed to vote. I am always surprised by human's need to exclude everyone else.  Should women?  How about anyone who doesn't pay income tax?  Perhaps only those who pay property tax (as an owner, or indirectly perhaps as a renter)??  I think that bringing someone to the polling place who is not competent might be over the border, but has she been legally declared "incompetent"?
Oh I know, anyone who wasn't born on US soil?. Must be (pick 1) White, black, brown, red, yellow, other).  Must be (pick one) Protestant, Catholic, Sunni, Shia, Hindu, Zen, shaman etc.....

Frankly, neither presidential candidate met my moral standards - Hillary because of Benghazi and Trump because of "Trump University." ;D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 12/29/16 at 09:13:23

43657E6767767F170 wrote:
" ... bringing someone to the polling place who is not competent might be over the border,"

 bringing someone to the polling place who is not competent might be over the border,

might be over the border ?,    ‘Might Be’,   ?????????

That statement above is the Entire  Cause,  of Many  Problems today !
The words,  ‘Might  Be’,   Are so soft and PC.
Oh,  ‘might be’,  a  Lier.
‘Might Be’,  a Thief.
‘MIGHT BE’,  a  Total P O  S
Their is no, ‘Might BE’, about it.
For that person, It is a total absolute !
That person, is a  Total PO S, Lying  Thief.
Period.     No, ‘Might Be’, about it.

but has she been legally declared “incompetent”?

As to the woman,, ‘officially’ declared, ‘incompetent’,  don’t know.
I would guess that she has been, because as stated, she has had a hysterectomy  
and not a lot of women do those voluntary.

Oh I know, anyone who wasn't born on US soil?. Must be (pick 1)…

That’s just  Silly.  
Enforce the LAW, already on the books.
’To Vote one Must be a  Citizen, of the Country’.
 A  ‘Citizen’,  (By birth or, filling out the correct papers and doing it Legally!)
NOT,   The,  IL-Legals, flooding this country, and running to the trough, and saying,  Gimmie-Gimmie. !
While, Citizens, who fought for this Country, are denied medical treatment.  While, Citizens, are living in cardboard boxes, under bridges. While, Citizens, live in slums.  Etc.etc.etc.

Oh I know, how about,    ‘voter’ registration,    which to get, one must  PROVE, they are a, Citizen !
NOT, a  Cable  TV  bill !!!!!!!!!

I am always surprised by human’s need to exclude everyone else.

Me to !   After all, Because I am, ‘Deplorable’, I am excluded from, HRC’s,  exclusive, group.
  (But I consider that to be a, ‘good  thing’)

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/29/16 at 10:57:44

There's no
Might be incapable of analyzing information and forming a rational opinion
for someone who has
Had a Hysterectomy
And a year later declare
She's pregnant.
What's up with
Has she been declared incompetent?
Did you REALLY need an official government study to know tobacco causes health problems, including cancer?
But, since her brother has legal custody, I'm gonna say Yep, she's been declared incompetent.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by Trippah on 12/30/16 at 11:37:13

Lets face it, anyone who pursues an unhealthy lifestyle might, in some one's  eyes, be incompetent.  That surely would include tobacco users, and of course motorcyclists, etc etc.  JOG makes this point.,  For those who care,(and I must apologize to my English teachers for leading with a prepositional phrase) women choose a hysterectomy for many reasons -including health as well as the desire not to have any (or anymore) children.   I do not think this is grounds for incompetency. As for my "Might Be's" I am simply trying to keep the tone light. :D :D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/30/16 at 11:50:53

I can't begin to follow your point. Incompetence and drinking or smoking aren't to be conflated. Read this. Read it TWICE.

That's incompetent.

She has a Guardian, who takes care of her business.
That's because she's incompetent.

She doesn't drive.
She can't decide what to do, she requires supervision.
She's incompetent.

They loaded up a few of them and took them to vote.
That's democrat.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by thumperclone on 01/01/17 at 09:39:13

they let you vote

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/01/17 at 14:16:33

You can erase that.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by thumperclone on 01/01/17 at 14:39:46

will not erase, get over yourself

my point is you don't have to pass a test to vote
or run

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/01/17 at 18:16:18

So you think it's okay for someone to go find people who are so disconnected from reality that a year after having a HYSTERECTOMY announce that they are PREGNANT, get a registration form, fill it out For them, SHE Can't, and have her sign it, then haul her to vote? THAT'S how You want elections decided?
She has a Legal Guardian, because she's incompetent to make decisions.
If someone cheats at some game and at the end of the game had the best score, did they Win?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by thumperclone on 01/01/17 at 21:38:16

some of your posts suggest you are disconnected from reality
should your voting rights be withheld?
should a trans gender person a homosexual be denied ?
a muslim a jew a christian?  where does it stop?
who and how should voting rights be decided?

me thinks you are beating a dead horse again

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/01/17 at 22:45:40

By golly, you're right. I'm trying to get you to see the obvious.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/01/17 at 22:56:35

The point is
Unless SOMEONE registered her and hauled her to vote, she wouldn't have even known there was an election. Fair chance she Still doesn't know there was an election or what an election is. She is not the only one. She lives in a group home. She has a legal guardian because she is incompetent. Now, you can stay on that high horse and pretend this isn't voter fraud and because you disagree with me so much you can pretend that my voting rights should be scrutinized,too.
That you're comfortable with such behaviors speaks volumes about your character.
You didn't answer the question.
If you cheat, can you Win?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by thumperclone on 01/02/17 at 11:02:08

because you disagree with me so much you can pretend that my voting rights should be scrutinized,too.
it was a question don't be so thin skinned
when ever anyone disagrees with you think youre being attacked
go fight with what you see in the mirror since you thrive on conflict
tell me who wins ;)

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/17 at 14:47:52

I thrive on pointing out when people demonstrate an inability to admit a point. Apparently you're just fine with people being used and manipulated to cast votes for people in an election when they are actually, literally, unable to survive without supervision.
She couldn't open, read, understand and send a check out for the water bill, but she can vote. And that's okay. According to you.
When she spoke it took three people to decide what she was trying to say, and she repeated it several times.
And SHE'S not the only one. She lives in a group home, with others who are also Legally declared incompetent.

If that's how you think people should be elected, you can go look in the mirror and try to slap some sense into yourself.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/03/17 at 13:31:32

JOG - are you absolutely certain that this only happens for democratic voters?  I'd love to see that proof.  In the meantime, it actually has been proved that a majority of trump voters think that Obama is not from the US and was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.

Mass dementia perhaps?....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/03/17 at 16:13:35

495758595449524F3D0 wrote:
Mass dementia perhaps?....

I prefer to describe it as objective reality.

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/17 at 16:57:12

6A747B7A776A716C1E0 wrote:
majority of trump voters think that Obama is not from the US and was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.

From personal experience,
I received a Birth Certificate in 1971 for a Passport.
Then  44 YEARS   Later,  needed another one.

Guess What, they were, BOTH, the  SAME !!!!!!!!!!!

They were not,  3   different ones, in 3 months !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/17 at 00:18:51

I don't see how it's possible to Prove that ONLY Dems use such lowlife methods to load the ballot box. I can only LOOK at Observed Reality and conclude that is true. Who is determined to avoid any kind of voter ID? Project Veritas catches dems bragging about
We've been busing people in for fifty years, we're not going to stop now.
Just don't believe that I see the bubs as virtuous, just less unscrupulous.   The nation elected who they hoped would prove to be less unscrupulous. Hopefully America will get their voter registration roles purged of the dead, incarcerated and incompetent.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/04/17 at 16:08:51

7F6066617C7B4A7A4A72606C27150 wrote:
I don't see how it's possible to Prove that ONLY Dems use such lowlife methods to load the ballot box. I can only LOOK at Observed Reality and conclude that is true. Who is determined to avoid any kind of voter ID? Project Veritas catches dems bragging about
We've been busing people in for fifty years, we're not going to stop now.
Just don't believe that I see the bubs as virtuous, just less unscrupulous.   The nation elected who they hoped would prove to be less unscrupulous. Hopefully America will get their voter registration roles purged of the dead, incarcerated and incompetent.

BWAAAHAAHAAHAAA!!!   Seriously?  "Observed Reality"??   "Project Veritas"??  Seriously???   What about the actual reality ?
There have only been 31 credible instances of voter impersonation out of more than 1 billion ballots cast between 2000 and 2014.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/04/17 at 16:20:25

4C525D5C514C574A380 wrote:
"BWAAAHAAHAAHAAA!!!   Seriously?  "Observed Reality"??   "Project Veritas"??  Seriously???   What about the actual reality ?

So what you obverse, experience, is not at all valid?  
It is Not, ‘Actual” ?
What, Veritas, showed,   Was like, ’no man on the moon’,?
it was all filmed with actors, on a back lot in NV.  ?

Well then send me money, for those Land Lots, cheep, just a little W & S of  Malibu Calf   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/04/17 at 17:25:12

04271A393B20272E490 wrote:
[quote author=4C525D5C514C574A380 link=1482795781/15#26 date=1483574931]"BWAAAHAAHAAHAAA!!!   Seriously?  "Observed Reality"??   "Project Veritas"??  Seriously???   What about the actual reality ?

So what you obverse, experience, is not at all valid?  
It is Not, ‘Actual” ?
What, Veritas, showed,   Was like, ’no man on the moon’,?
it was all filmed with actors, on a back lot in NV.  ?

Well then send me money, for those Land Lots, cheep, just a little W & S of  Malibu Calf   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Not at all what I'm inferring.  I'm inferring that you have very selective observations that don't reflect reality and that Veritas is far from credible.  Please feel free to show actual proof of trump's "millions of illegal votes" and how only the dems help "incompetent" people vote.  Oh, BTW, trump's great friend alex jones is more of the "faked moon landing" than I.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/04/17 at 17:53:52

7D636C6D607D667B090 wrote:

  “I’m inferring that you have very selective observations that don’t reflect reality”

Really ?    So one day, I see a  Car sliding off the road, and because I saw it, I believe it.
Then the next day I see a car sliding off the road,  now I don’t believe, I saw it?

“observations that don’t reflect reality"

So, (that)  Car, I saw, sliding off the road, really, wasn’t, ‘real’?

“Veritas is far from credible”

So, the undercover videos, and statements,
from well known people, in the DNC,
saying: “This is what they Have done, Plan to do, and will Continue to do”.
Are all ‘fake’, and filmed on a back lot somewhere?

Send the Money for those Lots,  QUICK,  before they are ALL Gone !!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/17 at 20:04:51

Observed Reality IS reality. It's Not the propaganda BELIEF that we have been Taught and expected to buy into. Continue in your delusion.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 07:42:56

4C6F527173686F66010 wrote:
[quote author=7D636C6D607D667B090 link=1482795781/15#28 date=1483579512] ...
Really ?    So one day, I see a  Car sliding off the road, and because I saw it, I believe it.
Then the next day I see a car sliding off the road,  now I don’t believe, I saw it?

With the logic you use on the dems, then all cars must slide off the road all the time - but the motorcycles don't.  See the flaw in your view?? (that's rhetorical, you probably don't)

“observations that don’t reflect reality"

So, (that)  Car, I saw, sliding off the road, really, wasn’t, ‘real’?

“Veritas is far from credible”

So, the undercover videos, and statements,
from well known people, in the DNC,
saying: “This is what they Have done, Plan to do, and will Continue to do”.
Are all ‘fake’, and filmed on a back lot somewhere?

Never said they were fake - I said that the source is suspect.  That knucklehead okieffe is a joke.  Yeah, he and his little band of troglodytes caught someone TALKING about voter fraud, but where's the proof??  Where is trump's proof of "millions" of fraudulent votes??

Send the Money for those Lots,  QUICK,  before they are ALL Gone !!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and please stop begging for money - it's beneath you....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 07:50:15

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
Observed Reality IS reality. It's Not the propaganda BELIEF that we have been Taught and expected to buy into. Continue in your delusion.

Sorry, you're wrong.  When your "observed realty" is so narrow as to see only one side, that's called ignorance.

I don't deny the fact that the dems help people register to vote and even help people get to polling places.  But to say that the dems are the only ones doing it is ignorant.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/17 at 08:05:54

Only 6 posts, and T n'T has yer' heads spinning... ;D
I like this guy... 8-)

PS... observed reality in Texas, is Texas reality...
There is a world out there... :-?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/17 at 10:32:07

T&T wrote "Oh, BTW, trump's great friend alex jone...."

(Hey TT sitting at the TT, nice ring to it...)

OK back to  our regularly scheduled programming: prove for me that Alex Jones is a great friend of Donald Trump.

you can't of course, you're only making assumptions based upon your interpretation of what you see  or actually your interpretation of what others wrote. I'm going to go out in a limb and say you've never had dinner with Alex Jones and Donald Trump together.....

I don't think that's anything different than what Jog is doing regarding voter registration and irregularities.  here in St. Louis, we just had an election overturned because of voting irregularities. Democrats of course.   no one was surprised.

if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example, all of us would immediately assume the assailant is going to end up being Islamic fundamentalist terrorist. And with good reason. Now, if we hear of widespread voting fraud, all rational people are going to assume it's Democrats.

that's reality.

....and by the way TT, don't run off from the TT. We have no liberals here anymore. Sew pops on now and then with a funny comment but he still licking his wounds over the election so he's really not a regular anymore.  I hope you have thicker skin. don't take anything too personal.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 11:04:18

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
T&T wrote "Oh, BTW, trump's great friend alex jone...."

(Hey TT sitting at the TT, nice ring to it...)

OK back to  our regularly scheduled programming: prove for me that Alex Jones is a great friend of Donald Trump.

you can't of course, you're only making assumptions based upon your interpretation of what you see  or actually your interpretation of what others wrote. I'm going to go out in a limb and say you've never had dinner with Alex Jones and Donald Trump together.....

I don't think that's anything different than what Jog is doing regarding voter registration and irregularities.  here in St. Louis, we just had an election overturned because of voting irregularities. Democrats of course.   no one was surprised.

if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example, all of us would immediately assume the assailant is going to end up being Islamic fundamentalist terrorist. And with good reason. Now, if we hear of widespread voting fraud, all rational people are going to assume it's Democrats.

that's reality.

....and by the way TT, don't run off from the TT. We have no liberals here anymore. Sew pops on now and then with a funny comment but he still licking his wounds over the election so he's really not a regular anymore.  I hope you have thicker skin. don't take anything too personal.

Nothing taken personally - I'm quite happy with my "terrible" liberal ways.

As to alex jones - here's what donny said of him:  "“Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”  He supposedly called alex after to the election to thank him personally for the win (according to jones).  Yeah, maybe not best buds, but for anyone to call jones "amazing" has a few screws loose.

"if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example" - oh, you mean that mass shooting that was done in a church by dylan roof?  Or how about that mass shooting at Sandy Hook (go look at nutjob jones' opinion on that)?  Or maybe robert lewis dear opening fire on a planned parenthood clinic killing 3?

"Now, if we hear of widespread voting fraud, all rational people are going to assume it's Democrats. "

Really?  So tell me why there's only been 4 confirmed cases in 2016 (and 2 of those were republican)...?

Lastly, I'm not sure what you're implying with "TT"... but I wonder, how old are you?  Are you actually stooping so low as to make fun of my name/handle?  Really?   I may have misjudged the maturity and knowledge of this forum.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/05/17 at 14:59:29

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
Really?  So tell me why there's only been 4 confirmed cases in 2016 (and 2 of those were republican)...?

Those articles failed to discuss why Hillary received the debate questions prior to the debates as well as why Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned......

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 15:03:15

4C5B5D515E4E3C0 wrote:
[quote author=554B444548554E53210 link=1482795781/30#35 date=1483643058]
Really?  So tell me why there's only been 4 confirmed cases in 2016 (and 2 of those were republican)...?

Those articles failed to discuss why Hillary received the debate questions prior to the debates as well as why Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned......

Best regards,[/quote]

What has that got to do with voter fraud?  That was one woman at a network breaking the rules and DWS is an idiot and got smoked out.  Try to stay on topic.
(for the record, I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter - I dislike hillary, but I dislike donny more)

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/05/17 at 15:08:41

2E303F3E332E35285A0 wrote:
What has that got to do with voter fraud?  That was one woman at a network breaking the rules and DWS is an idiot and got smoked out.  Try to stay on topic.

It compromised the integrity of the election process, there are many forms of voter fraud.  I would have thought a Bernie supporter would have been more concerned, or perhaps not.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/05/17 at 15:28:37

2E393F333C2C5E0 wrote:
[quote author=2E303F3E332E35285A0 link=1482795781/30#37 date=1483657395]

What has that got to do with voter fraud?  That was one woman at a network breaking the rules and DWS is an idiot and got smoked out.  Try to stay on topic.

It compromised the integrity of the election process, there are many forms of voter fraud.  I would have thought a Bernie supporter would have been more concerned, or perhaps not.  

Best regards,

LOL - Really?  So I guess donny did the same thing saying that he would "lock her up" and now he says he isn't .  Being misleading isn't voter fraud.  Getting hints to the questions is not voter fraud - no more than telling your supporters that you "know more about isis than the generals".

Again, try to stay on topic.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 16:02:06

544A454449544F52200 wrote:
" ...Oh, and please stop begging for money - it's beneath you....

Na, Not begging for money,  Just surprised you haven’t sent any yet!

Perhaps you have stood on/by the Beach at  Malibu Calf, looked,  S & W, and could Not, ‘observe’, any land lots?
Or perhaps, (if you were not their), You, ‘believe’, other sources, of people, that have not, ‘observed’, any.
Is that, your reluctance to, send me money, for such Lots ?

Well, on you advice, next time I see a car in the Ditch, which I just saw in front of me go off the road.
No reason, to slow down, and look, to see if that person needs help or not.  
Because  I have now learned, it is NOT, ‘REAL”.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 16:04:02

3523342931242932460 wrote:
Only 6 posts, and T n'T has yer' heads spinning...

Yes Bot, you are right.
Heads are really  Spinning, on TT’s  Comments about, ‘observing/experiencing’, something.
That, Is NOT, really,  ‘REAL’.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/05/17 at 16:05:57

5B454A4B465B405D2F0 wrote:
Again, try to stay on topic.

You advise me to stay on topic, yet you rant about the plausibility of Donald Trump campaign promises.   ::)

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, abruptly resigned after a trove of leaked emails showed party officials conspiring to sabotage the campaign of Senator Bernie. And you don't take issue with that....

What are your thoughts on Gov. Terry McAuliffe has illegally granted voting rights to 60,000 convicted felons in the key swing state of Virginia?  Is that acceptable?

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/17 at 16:06:48

263837363B263D20520 wrote:
" ...  I may have misjudged the maturity and knowledge of this forum.  

Na, Just some, ‘Deplorable’s’, who understand, ‘facts’,  have ‘Common Sense’, believe in,  ‘Reality’.
And are not subject to a ’spin’, or, ‘Puppet’, as to what they are, ’told’, to say.

You will see, different opinions, on different ways, to address, different problems,
from the,  ‘Deplorable’s’, and most answer, with, honest,  well thought out, deliveries, of their thoughts.

This, the ’TT’, is the, ‘All Out’, place.   The other forums, about the, ’Nuts & Bolts’ of the LS650/S40,
Have NO  Equal.   NONE.  The knowledge gained, on the, LS650/S40, is Par to None !

But by all means,  keep telling us, when you see a car, spin off in a ditch, it is  NOT   Real !

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/17 at 17:54:44

"if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example" - oh, you mean that mass shooting that was done in a church by dylan roof?  Or how about that mass shooting at Sandy Hook (go look at nutjob jones' opinion on that)?  Or maybe robert lewis dear opening fire on a planned parenthood clinic killing 3?

Seriously? You can list 3? Do you really want to get into a tit for tat like that! You'll lose 1000 to 1 and i won't have to go back years  ago. Let me guess, you're one of those guys who thnk the KKK still hangs people right? More people have died in religious wars in the name of God than all other wars combined, right? Liberals are tolerant, right?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/17 at 17:59:48

"Now, if we hear of widespread voting fraud, all rational people are going to assume it's Democrats. "

Really?  So tell me why there's only been 4 confirmed cases in 2016 (and 2 of those were republican)...?

I just told you about the one in St Louis which I'm sure wasn't in that article. Also, that investigation is triggering more and it looks like an ongoing pattern that went on for years. Voter fraud is common in local elections for sure. Who knows about national ones. Didn't the phrase "vote early, vote often" originate in Chicago?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/17 at 18:50:08

Halbig is a widely known security expert and if you take the time to study his findings you'll have questions about the official story.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 07:19:16

2B3C3A3639295B0 wrote:
[quote author=5B454A4B465B405D2F0 link=1482795781/30#39 date=1483658917]
Again, try to stay on topic.

You advise me to stay on topic, yet you rant about the plausibility of Donald Trump campaign promises.   ::)

LOL - Seriously?  Um, YOU'RE the one that started equating debate shenanigans to voter fraud (completely not the same thing).  Too funny!!

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, abruptly resigned after a trove of leaked emails showed party officials conspiring to sabotage the campaign of Senator Bernie. And you don't take issue with that....

Again, THAT'S not voter fraud - and I'm glad she got what she deserved.  (smh)

What are your thoughts on Gov. Terry McAuliffe has illegally granted voting rights to 60,000 convicted felons in the key swing state of Virginia?  Is that acceptable?

In 2016, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced an executive order automatically restoring voting rights to convicted felons who have completed their prison sentence and their term of supervised release (parole or probation) as of April 22.

Best regards,[/quote]

Best regards indeed.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 07:23:23

6C4F725153484F46210 wrote:
[color=#0000ff][quote author=544A454449544F52200 link=1482795781/30#31 date=1483630976]" ...Oh, and please stop begging for money - it's beneath you....

Na, Not begging for money,  Just surprised you haven’t sent any yet!

Perhaps you have stood on/by the Beach at  Malibu Calf, looked,  S & W, and could Not, ‘observe’, any land lots?
Or perhaps, (if you were not their), You, ‘believe’, other sources, of people, that have not, ‘observed’, any.
Is that, your reluctance to, send me money, for such Lots ?

Well, on you advice, next time I see a car in the Ditch, which I just saw in front of me go off the road.
No reason, to slow down, and look, to see if that person needs help or not.  
Because  I have now learned, it is NOT, ‘REAL”.

Wow - way to stay on topic!  Thanks for making me look good!

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 07:28:48

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
"if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example" - oh, you mean that mass shooting that was done in a church by dylan roof?  Or how about that mass shooting at Sandy Hook (go look at nutjob jones' opinion on that)?  Or maybe robert lewis dear opening fire on a planned parenthood clinic killing 3?

Seriously? You can list 3? Do you really want to get into a tit for tat like that! You'll lose 1000 to 1 and i won't have to go back years  ago. Let me guess, you're one of those guys who thnk the KKK still hangs people right? More people have died in religious wars in the name of God than all other wars combined, right? Liberals are tolerant, right?

I didn't want to bloat the page with all the right wing inspired killings - I could If you'd like.

But then, that is getting off topic.

I suggest if you want to know more about the real deplorables - use the internet to search out and compare how many people (since 9/11/01) have died on US soil at the hands of right wing extremists as opposed to Muslim extremists.

You will be sadly surprised.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 07:37:58

2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 wrote:

Halbig is a widely known security expert and if you take the time to study his findings you'll have questions about the official story.

Wow... just wow.

Please don't tell me you believe this crap... do you?


Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/17 at 07:56:30

Go look up
Robbie Parker
Aggrieved father.
Watch him wipe the grin off his face as he approaches the podium.

Check out Halbigs credentials.

Has our government ever lied to us?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 01/06/17 at 08:11:30

C'mon guys, fess up, the truth really will set you free!

I believe in Jesus because I want to.
I have been chided for believing in fairytales, etc.
Folk take a superior attitude, thinking they know better.
They don't, they do not know me and how Jesus sustains me....yet, they discredit and assign to me THEIR own opine based in what THEY believe.
How hypocritical does one have to be to feel better about themselves?

Fess up guys, admit your belief/faith, is your best guess, and nothing more  :-*

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 08:23:20

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
Go look up
Robbie Parker
Aggrieved father.
Watch him wipe the grin off his face as he approaches the podium.

Check out Halbigs credentials.

Has our government ever lied to us?

Credentials my a$$!  Why don't you go visit one of the "fake victims" of Newtown??  Go look at the "fake graves" of the children.

If you believe these troglodytes, then you must also believe that there were no Jews killed at the hands of the nazis, right?

If this is the case - then you may want to get to Costco this weekend - they're running a sale on aluminum foil for your hat making needs and camo-print flannel for you to wear in your bunker.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 08:29:53

4A59415C594F5F380 wrote:
C'mon guys, fess up, the truth really will set you free!

I believe in Jesus because I want to.
I have been chided for believing in fairytales, etc.
Folk take a superior attitude, thinking they know better.
They don't, they do not know me and how Jesus sustains me....yet, they discredit and assign to me THEIR own opine based in what THEY believe.
How hypocritical does one have to be to feel better about themselves?

Fess up guys, admit your belief/faith, is your best guess, and nothing more  :-*

Huh?  What does Jesus have to do with it?  I don't follow.

Wasn't this thread about voter fraud and the incompetence of voter?

Again, I'm questioning the integrity of this forum....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 01/06/17 at 10:01:04

7C626D6C617C677A080 wrote:
[quote author=4A59415C594F5F380 link=1482795781/45#52 date=1483719090]C'mon guys, fess up, the truth really will set you free!

I believe in Jesus because I want to.
I have been chided for believing in fairytales, etc.
Folk take a superior attitude, thinking they know better.
They don't, they do not know me and how Jesus sustains me....yet, they discredit and assign to me THEIR own opine based in what THEY believe.
How hypocritical does one have to be to feel better about themselves?

Fess up guys, admit your belief/faith, is your best guess, and nothing more  :-*

Huh?  What does Jesus have to do with it?  I don't follow.

Wasn't this thread about voter fraud and the incompetence of voter?

Again, I'm questioning the integrity of this forum....


First off, do not equate me with integrity  :o

I was using my faith as an example to what and how we believe things.
If, we, you, me, them did not see the evidence, but rely on "facts" by a second party, chances are we will "believe" their testimony/reporting, if it jives with what we want to believe.
Does that help?

Also, your passive-aggressive remark about the integrity of others is nothing more than trying to conceal your contempt under a disguise of others must earn your participation......

C'mon, no more snowflakes, we've seen too many already.
Tell me to STFU, I can handle that, but it would help to explain WHY based on content, not personality  ;D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/17 at 10:37:15

3E202F2E233E25384A0 wrote:
[quote author=340601101706112E021108630 link=1482795781/30#44 date=1483667684]"if we were to hear on the news about an explosion or a mass shooting in a nightclub for example" - oh, you mean that mass shooting that was done in a church by dylan roof?  Or how about that mass shooting at Sandy Hook (go look at nutjob jones' opinion on that)?  Or maybe robert lewis dear opening fire on a planned parenthood clinic killing 3?

Seriously? You can list 3? Do you really want to get into a tit for tat like that! You'll lose 1000 to 1 and i won't have to go back years  ago. Let me guess, you're one of those guys who thnk the KKK still hangs people right? More people have died in religious wars in the name of God than all other wars combined, right? Liberals are tolerant, right?

I didn't want to bloat the page with all the right wing inspired killings - I could If you'd like.

But then, that is getting off topic.

I suggest if you want to know more about the real deplorables - use the internet to search out and compare how many people (since 9/11/01) have died on US soil at the hands of right wing extremists as opposed to Muslim extremists.

You will be sadly surprised.[/quote]

Shooting at Miami area airport right now: 12:30 PM. No news on suspects yet.

1) crazed right winger shooting liberals and blacks?
2) Islamic terrorist shooting anyone?
3) something else?

Take your pick.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/17 at 10:49:27

4B555A5B564B504D3F0 wrote:
[quote author=2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 link=1482795781/45#46 date=1483671008]

Halbig is a widely known security expert and if you take the time to study his findings you'll have questions about the official story.

Wow... just wow.

Please don't tell me you believe this crap... do you?


Which is more ridiculous;  Jog's Sandy Hook conspiracy or your equally silly belief right wing extremist have killed more Islamic terrorist?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 11:16:01

4A59415C594F5F380 wrote:

First off, do not equate me with integrity

No problem there.

I was using my faith as an example to what and how we believe things.
If, we, you, me, them did not see the evidence, but rely on "facts" by a second party, chances are we will "believe" their testimony/reporting, if it jives with what we want to believe.
Does that help?

LOL No, it doesn't help - you can't use the word FACTS in that way!  A fact is a fact is a fact.  Someone can TELL you something is a fact, but if/when it's proved false then it is no longer a fact.  In the middle ages everyone thought the Earth was at the center of the universe - at the time, everyone considered that a fact.  You see where I'm going with this?  Facts don't care if you don't believe them.

The information I gather is not from just one source.  I'm skeptical of ALL media.  Vis a vi, I don't think that all trump supporters are morons - just the ones who act moronically.  I don't condone the actions of my own party (or my own family for that matter) when they go against the ideas they are based on.

The start of this thread was that of a woman JOG deemed incompetent, yet she voted.  Somewhere it was stated that there was "widespread" voter fraud.  I countered that with "only four cases in 2016" - then the discussion devolved into where it's at now.  That's the problem with these forums - clouded and obscured information and people that look at stories from one source and consider them gospel (pun intended).

Also, your passive-aggressive remark about the integrity of others is nothing more than trying to conceal your contempt under a disguise of others must earn your participation......

LOL - I thought I was being straight up about my contempt!  I have MASSIVE contempt for ignorance.  We ALL should.  Example - If someone tells me that the shooting at Sandy Hook was "faked", you darned right I'll have contempt for them!  If someone hears on fox news that there's "widespread" voter fraud committed only by democrats, again, same contempt.  Know the WHOLE story, not just your little piece.  Anything less is ignorance.

C'mon, no more snowflakes, we've seen too many already.
Tell me to STFU, I can handle that, but it would help to explain WHY based on content, not personality  ;D

I'm not going to tell anyone to STFU - I love the First Amendment!  However, I will point out ignorance given the opportunity - and I hope that others would do the same to me.  

To be clear, the very reason I signed up for this forum was that I would not become ignorant with my rigid-tail build.  I don't profess to know everything - only that which I know.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 11:21:05

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
Shooting at Miami area airport right now: 12:30 PM. No news on suspects yet.

1) crazed right winger shooting liberals and blacks?
2) Islamic terrorist shooting anyone?
3) something else?

Take your pick.

No thanks, I'll wait and see what actually happened.  

So sad you want make it a game....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 11:38:34

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
Which is more ridiculous;  Jog's Sandy Hook conspiracy or your equally silly belief right wing extremist have killed more Islamic terrorist?

I guess you won't want to look at this then....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/17 at 12:51:08

motherjones? Seriously? i'm beginning to think you've LOST it....

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 12:56:07

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
motherjones? Seriously? i'm beginning to think you've LOST it....

How so?  If you bothered to read, it listed all the criteria it used to compose the list.  It listed all its sources (FBI, local, etc.) to show transparency.  Yeah, some column writers at MJ are way liberal - but this isn't just an article.  This is a report of (wait for it....) facts.  Now, you can go ahead and not believe, but that won't change the facts.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/06/17 at 14:04:18

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
Now, you can go ahead and not believe, but that won't change the facts.

It appears you like facts, how about these?

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 14:32:52

4057515D5242300 wrote:
[quote author=554B444548554E53210 link=1482795781/60#62 date=1483736167]Now, you can go ahead and not believe, but that won't change the facts.

It appears you like facts, how about these?

Best regards,

Quite a list!  Sad to say at the least - but in looking at it, there are a few that stand out that raise a question.  For instance, the Boston bombings (which were lone wolf, not "organized" terrorist), the list doesn't quite give the full picture of what tsarnaev was and the people he killed before the bombing.  Another, the Marquette Park killing (I remember that, being that I live in the area) was a deranged man killing his family for not following Islam (not strangers and not terrorism).  And again, if you look from 2001 on, there are more incidents of right-wing terrorists in this country than not.

These are all truly horrible accounts, but to blame a religion... well, then you have to blame Christianity for fundamentals like dylan roof.

At the moment, there are nearly 3.5 million Muslims living in the US.  If they are all so "terrible", how is it we're not all dead by now or practicing sharia law?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/17 at 15:13:18

And again, if you look from 2001 on, there are more incidents of right-wing terrorists in this country than not.

You certainly are an entertaining clown, Ill give you that!

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 15:24:22

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
And again, if you look from 2001 on, there are more incidents of right-wing terrorists in this country than not.

You certainly are an entertaining clown, Ill give you that!

LOL - name calling?  Oh well... that notwithstanding, please feel free to not believe facts.  Further, since I'm such "a clown", please prove me wrong.

(now, I'll sit back and wait to be called names again....)  (smh)

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/17 at 15:46:44

well how does that report prove your point exactly....?

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/06/17 at 16:07:17

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
motherjones? Seriously? i'm beginning to think you've LOST it....

LOL, was just thinking, the, same, thing.   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/06/17 at 16:21:30

302E21202D302B36440 wrote:
" ...The start of this thread was that of a woman JOG deemed incompetent, yet she voted.  ..."

Go back, Re read, and take OFF your 'Spin';.
This dissertation, is Not about, a 'person' voting'.

It is about the Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot, that,
Cheated, has NO  Honesty, and, STOLE, her vote,
by finding someone, who new NOTHING, about the election, new NOT  who to vote for, and NOT  knew Why.

And if that, Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot, Thief,  did that,
and Voted for HRC,
How  Many others, did that,
   Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot,  Target.

But tanks anyway,  thanks to you,
I know Know, Now,
that when I see something,
Observe something,
It is   NOT,   'Real'.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/06/17 at 17:21:21

485659585548534E3C0 wrote:
Quite a list!  Sad to say at the least - but in looking at it, there are a few that stand out that raise a question.  For instance, the Boston bombings (which were lone wolf, not "organized" terrorist), the list doesn't quite give the full picture of what tsarnaev was and the people he killed before the bombing.  Another, the Marquette Park killing (I remember that, being that I live in the area) was a deranged man killing his family for not following Islam (not strangers and not terrorism).  And again, if you look from 2001 on, there are more incidents of right-wing terrorists in this country than not.

These are all truly horrible accounts, but to blame a religion... well, then you have to blame Christianity for fundamentals like dylan roof.

At the moment, there are nearly 3.5 million Muslims living in the US.  If they are all so "terrible", how is it we're not all dead by now or practicing sharia law?

Do I understand this correctly?  Everything on the list you posted constitutes right wing terrorism and you don't condemn the Boston Bombing.....   ::)

Regarding the Marquette Park killing and the other atrocities associated with Islam, their is an enormous fundamental difference as opposed to Christianity.  You either comply or convert or there enormous consequences as described in detail in the Koran.  It even describes how to "spite" their necks.  

I did not say they were all bad; however, since you brought the topic up how do you think it is working out for western Europe now?

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 17:50:10

63407D5E5C4740492E0 wrote:
[color=#0000ff][quote author=302E21202D302B36440 link=1482795781/45#58 date=1483730161]" ...The start of this thread was that of a woman JOG deemed incompetent, yet she voted.  ..."

Go back, Re read, and take OFF your 'Spin';.
This dissertation, is Not about, a 'person' voting'.

It is about the Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot, that,
Cheated, has NO  Honesty, and, STOLE, her vote,
by finding someone, who new NOTHING, about the election, new NOT  who to vote for, and NOT  knew Why.

And if that, Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot, Thief,  did that,
and Voted for HRC,
How  Many others, did that,
   Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot,  Target.

But tanks anyway,  thanks to you,
I know Know, Now,
that when I see something,
Observe something,
It is   NOT,   'Real'.

I honestly don't know how to respond to that....

What you post makes no sense.

And if that, Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot, Thief,  did that,
and Voted for HRC,
How  Many others, did that,
   Dumb  Fuxxin Idiot,  Target.

What???  LOL   I see the more you post, the better you make me look.  Thanks!  

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/06/17 at 17:55:34

4A545B5A574A514C3E0 wrote:
What???  LOL   I see the more you post, the better you make me look.  Thanks!  

Good  Post,  “Troll’,
Will let the other people here, decide.
Not you.  !

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 18:18:36

[quote author=3A2D2B2728384A0 link=1482795781/60#70 date=1483752081]

Do I understand this correctly?  Everything on the list you posted constitutes right wing terrorism and you don't condemn the Boston Bombing.....   ::)

What?  How the hell did you glean that?  OF COURSE I condemn it - I condemn ALL terrorism.  What I'm doing is showing how folks seem to forget all the right-wing terrorism that happens.

Regarding the Marquette Park killing and the other atrocities associated with Islam, their is an enormous fundamental difference as opposed to Christianity.  You either comply or convert or there enormous consequences as described in detail in the Koran.  It even describes how to "spite" their necks.  

Oh boy.... well I hate to break this to you, but the good Old Testament has the same type of ideology:  

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you may nations...then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." Deuteronomy 7:1-2

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” Leviticus 20:13

I can list several more if you'd like.

I did not say they were all bad; however, since you brought the topic up how do you think it is working out for western Europe now?

It's not working out for a few countries from what I can tell.  But Germany seems to have things better in hand.  Pretty sad that trump wants to become less tolerant than Germany.  But I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  But I digress - I'm a proud American and I think we can do a better job at vetting immigrants than the rest of the world can.  It's what made this Country great - seems that donny and his band of knuckleheads forgot that.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/06/17 at 18:21:46

0B281536342F2821460 wrote:
[color=#0000ff][quote author=4A545B5A574A514C3E0 link=1482795781/60#71 date=1483753810]What???  LOL   I see the more you post, the better you make me look.  Thanks!  

Good  Post,  “Troll’,
Will let the other people here, decide.
Not you.  !

Aww, did I break a rule here by pointing out nonsensical posts?

LOL - touchy, aren't we?


Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/06/17 at 19:08:08

3A242B2A273A213C4E0 wrote:
Oh boy.... well I hate to break this to you, but the good Old Testament has the same type of ideology:  

I can list several more if you'd like.

Yes, I have studied that as well.  Regardless, Christians do not commit atrocities on a daily basis solely on their religious convictions.

This is from the past month:

2017.01.06      Afghanistan      Anar Dara      9      0      Nine Shiite mine workers are singled out and executed by Sunni hardliners.
2017.01.05      Iraq      Baghdad      11      22      A Shahid suicide bomber targets a row of food shops, killing eleven innocents.
2017.01.04      Philippines      Kidapawan      1      1      Muslim 'rebels' storm a jail and kill a guard.
2017.01.03      Egypt      Cairo      1      0      A Christian businessman's throat is slashed for selling alcohol.
2017.01.03      Israel      Haifa      1      1      An Arab shooting spree produces a dead civilian and an injured rabbi.
2017.01.02      Iraq      Baghdad      35      61      A massive suicide blast targeting laborers in a Shiite district claims at least thirty-five.
2017.01.02      Somalia      Mogadishu      7      17      Back-to-back suicide blasts at an airport leave seven dead.
2017.01.01      Turkey      Istanbul      39      69      A man screaming praises to Allah guns down thirty-nine celebrants at a New Year's Eve party at a nightclub.
2017.01.01      Algeria      Blida      1      7      A child is exterminated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2017.01.01      Bangladesh      Gaibandha      1      0      A secular politician is assassinated by religious extremists.
2016.12.31      Iraq      Baghdad      8      13      Eight Iraqis are cut down by Mujahideen bombers.
2016.12.31      India      Handwara      1      0      Terrorists fire on a group of policemen, killing one.
2016.12.31      Iraq      Baghdad      28      53      Over two dozen people are blown to bits by two suicide bombers along a busy commercial street.
2016.12.31      Egypt      Sinai      2      0      Fundamentalists kill two security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2016.12.31      Nigeria      Maiduguri      1      2      Islamists strap a bomb to a 10-year-old girl and blow her up at a market.
2016.12.30      Pakistan      Shafi      0      2      A suicide bomber targets worshippers outside a rival mosque.
2016.12.30      Syria      al-Bap      1      0      A 24-year-old man is beheaded for helping families flee the caliphate.
2016.12.30      Iraq      Mithaq      6      0      A family of six is exterminated by an ISIS rocket.
2016.12.29      Somalia      Afgoye      6      7      Militants machine-gun a half-dozen people while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.12.29      Iraq      Hawijah      2      0      A mother and child fleeing the caliphate are eliminated by a well-placed IED.
2016.12.29      Afghanistan      Kunduz      1      0      Gunmen assassinate the head of the Sikh community.
2016.12.29      Afghanistan      Torghar      0      13      Five children and three women are among the casualties of a Taliban rocket attack.
2016.12.29      Philippines      Hilongos      0      32      Bangsamoro Islamists bomb a boxing match.
2016.12.29      Dagestan      Khasavyurt      1      0      Muslim militants open fire on a group of police, killing one.
2016.12.29      Austria      Voecklamarkt      0      1      An Austrian woman is stabbed for reading the Bible at a refugee center.
2016.12.29      Pakistan      Loung Gopang      1      0      A mother of seven is shot to death by her brother on suspicion of 'illicit' relations.
2016.12.29      Iraq      Baghdad      6      23      Terrorists kill six in a series of attacks.
2016.12.29      Iraq      Maalif      7      12      Seven lives are cut short when a Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at an outdoor market.
2016.12.28      Iraq      Mosul      3      0      ISIS snipers pick off three civilians trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.12.28      Iraq      al-Noor      7      0      A woman and child are among seven civilians shredded by ISIS shrapnel.
2016.12.28      Lebanon      al-Ain      1      1      Suspected Hezbollah assassinate a local official with a car bomb.
2016.12.28      Afghanistan      Kabul      1      4      A bomb placed outside a Shia mosque leaves one dead.
2016.12.28      China      Karakax      1      0      Four suicide bombers plow into a government building, killing one inside.
2016.12.28      Syria      Yarmouk      1      0      A Palestinian woman is executed by ISIS.
2016.12.28      Iraq      Mahmoudiya      1      7      One civilian is killed by a marketplace blast.
2016.12.28      Iraq      Hawija      3      0      Three young men are executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2016.12.27      Iraq      Mosul      7      3      ISIS detonates a car bomb at a packed market, laying out seven patrons.
2016.12.27      Iraq      Mohandessin      7      0      Seven civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.12.26      Afghanistan      Latti      1      0      A 30-year-old woman is beheaded for leaving the house without her husband.
2016.12.26      Afghanistan      Helmand      1      8      A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person.
2016.12.26      Syria      Damascus      1      0      A 'sorcerer' is beheaded by Islamic State operatives.
2016.12.26      Afghanistan      Lashkargah      1      3      A suicide bomber takes one person with him.
2016.12.25      Syria      al-Bab      30      40      At least thirty civilians are deliberately targeted and killed with ISIS explosives while trying to escape.
2016.12.25      Myanmar      Yae Twin Kyun      1      0      A 28-year-old man is stabbed to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.12.25      Egypt      al-Arish      1      1      Fundamentalists place a bomb along a road that shatters one life.
2016.12.25      Iraq      Kirkuk      1      0      A woman is stoned to death by a Sharia court on charge of adultery.
2016.12.25      Afghanistan      Mihterlam      2      0      Two civilians are killed outside their mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.12.25      Somalia      Bosasso      1      0      A prosecutor is assassinated by Sharia state advocates.
2016.12.25      Cameroon      Mora      2      5      A suicide bombing on market full of Christmas shoppers kills a woman and student.
2016.12.25      Libya      Sirte      1      0      At least one other person is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.12.25      Iraq      Baghdad      11      34      Eleven Iraqis are ripped to shreds by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2016.12.25      India      Sopore      1      0      Islamic gunmen take the life of a 42-year-old man.
2016.12.25      Yemen      Taiz      1      0      A female charity worker, working to improve literacy for women, is gunned down in the street by Islamic extremists.
2016.12.24      Iraq      Hawija      4      0      ISIS bombers exterminate a family of four for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.12.24      Nigeria      Goska      6      0      A 14-year-old girl and five women are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2016.12.24      DRC      Manzamapini      21      0      Twenty-one civilians are stabbed and shot to death by ADF Islamists.
2016.12.24      Philippines      Midsayap      0      16      Islamists toss a grenade at a Christmas Eve mass, injuring worshippers.
2016.12.24      Saudi Arabia      Yemen Border      1      0      A border guard is shot to death by Shiite radicals.
2016.12.24      Iraq      Mosul      10      18      An ISIS mortar attack on two neighborhoods leaves ten dead.
2016.12.24      Afghanistan      Shamalgah      4      3      Fundamentalists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun four officers point-blank.
2016.12.24      Afghanistan      Qalat      4      1      Four Afghans are blown to bits by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2016.12.24      Somalia      Tarbaj      2      0      Two employees at a cell phone tower are murdered by al-Shabaab.
2016.12.24      Syria      Aleppo      21      0      Five children and four women are discovered shot at close range by Sunni 'rebels.'
2016.12.23      Syria      Aleppo      6      0      Two children are among six civilians aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.12.23      Iraq      Baghdad      9      0      Eight Christians and one Yazidi lose their lives to a fundamentalist shooting spree.
2016.12.23      Syria      Raqqa      1      0      A man is crucified for trying to help families flee the caliphate.
2016.12.23      Afghanistan      Kabul      1      0      A guard is killed during a Taliban attack on a former member's home.
2016.12.22      Iraq      Gogjali      23      40      A triple-suicide bombing at a market leaves twenty-three dead.
2016.12.22      Syria      Aleppo      2      0      Two captured Turkish soldiers are burned alive by the caliphate.
2016.12.22      Iraq      Mosul      11      29      Four aid workers are among eleven killed when Islamic State members target a food line with mortars.
2016.12.22      Somalia      Mogadishu      3      0      Three Somalis are exterminated by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2016.12.22      Myanmar      Ngakhura      1      0      A 41-year-old man is beheaded by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2016.12.21      Iraq      Baghdad      1      4      A passerby is cut down by a bomb planted in a residential neighborhood.
2016.12.21      Afghanistan      Kabul      8      1      Two children are among eight killed when suicide bombers attack a family home.
2016.12.21      Iraq      Zeham      2      0      ISIS bombers pick off two farmers.
2016.12.21      Iraq      Nineveh      1      0      Terrorists strap a bomb to a 6-year-old girl and send her toward a convoy of refugees.
2016.12.21      Iraq      Mosul      8      13      Women and children are among eight civilians flattened by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2016.12.20      Iraq      Koysinjaq      7      0      A child is among seven Kurds slain by a double bombing blamed on Iran.
2016.12.20      Syria      Deir ez-Zor      4      0      Four civilians are burned to death by a Sharia court as their families are forced to watch.
2016.12.20      Iraq      Mosul      7      31      Seven civilians are killed when ISIS rain down rockets on a residential area.
2016.12.20      Jordan      Karak      4      0      Islamic militants open fire on a group of policemen, killing four.
2016.12.20      Somalia      Bosasso      1      0      A regional official is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2016.12.20      Iraq      Mosul      3      3      Sunni radicals send a mortar into an aid distribution point, killing three lining up for food and water.
2016.12.20      Afghanistan      Asadabad      2      1      Two members of a local security patrol are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2016.12.19      Pakistan      Lahore      1      1      A young woman is hacked to death with an axe by a conservative family for reasons of 'honor'.
2016.12.19      Iraq      Abu Senam      4      0      Four Shiites are blown to bits by the Islamic State.
2016.12.19      Germany      Berlin      11      48      Eleven patrons are slaughtered when a hijacked truck plows into a crowd at a Christmas market outside a church.
2016.12.19      Turkey      Ankara      1      0      The Russian ambassador to Turkey is assassinated by a man shouting Islamic slogans.
2016.12.19      Germany      Friedrich-Krauze-Ufer      1      0      An 'asylum seeker' murders a driver and steals his truck for use in another attack.
2016.12.18      Iraq      Halabsa      2      9      Two people at a petrol station are incinerated by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.12.18      Iraq      Yankja      3      6      Three Iraqis are brought down by two Mujahideen bombs.
2016.12.18      Libya      Benghazi      7      8      A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends seven souls to Allah.
2016.12.18      Yemen      Aden      52      60      A second suicide blast in as many weeks targets off-duty soldiers lining up for pay, leaving fifty dead.
2016.12.18      Jordan      Karak      10      27      A Canadian tourist is among ten people murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2016.12.18      Syria      Homs      1      0      A 'radicalized' Muslim beheads a less pious co-religionist.
2016.12.18      Iraq      al-Bakara      6      0      A child is among six civilians executed by the Islamic State.
2016.12.18      Syria      Hasakah      4      9      An ISIS landmine claims four civilian lives.
2016.12.17      Iraq      Mosul      18      0      Eighteen civilians are torn limb from limb by two ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.12.17      India      Kadalbal      3      2      Lashkar-e-Toiba members fire on a passing security convoy, killing three.
2016.12.17      Somalia      Mahaday      2      10      al-Qaeda linked militants storm a small town and kill two defenders.
2016.12.17      Iraq      Telwerd      1      2      ISIS bombers target a fleeing family with a bomb, eliminating one member.
2016.12.17      Afghanistan      Kabul      3      3      Islamic 'insurgents' gun down three people.
2016.12.17      Afghanistan      Kandahar      6      0      Terrorists murder five female airport workers and their driver.
2016.12.17      Nigeria      Maiduguri      2      3      Two young girls are strapped with explosives and sent to a checkpoint where they are detonated.
2016.12.17      Afghanistan      Badghis      1      0      A mother of two is pulled from her home and executed by fundamentalists for getting a divorce.
2016.12.16      Syria      Damascus      1      1      Jihadis strap bombs to an 7-year-old girl and send her into a police station.
2016.12.16      Burkina Faso      Soum      12      5      A dozen border guards are machine-gunned by Jihadis…
2016.12.15      Afghanistan      Logar      1      0      Islamists assassinate a radio station manager.
2016.12.15      Iraq      Mosul      3      0      Three women are pulled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.12.15      Thailand      Sonkla      1      0      Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a rubber farmer to death on his porch.
2016.12.15      Somalia      Mogadishu      6      12      An al-Shabaab

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by pg on 01/06/17 at 19:09:13

Best regards,

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/17 at 06:41:30

I'm glad we have a "new" liberal bellying up to the TT, but for crying out loud, isn't there a liberal that can make some kind of sense anywhere in this world? Resorting to a Motherjones report on mass shootings as support for his position that ring wingers have killed more people by acting out their idelogy than  members of the religion of peace is more than a little weak.

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 01/07/17 at 07:17:35

TT, first of all, vetting is what Trump wants to do, instead of what appears an unfettered immigration now.
A president in sworn to protect OUR sovereignty first......right?
That means I want to be protected from the Muslim Zealots who are bent on destroying us, you, me....
As well as KKK, Skinheads, Christian abortion doctor killers, etc.

Yeah, it will be hard to do because of the conditions from where they migrate, however, that does not erase the fact that we need to protect what we have first.

As to your OT reference, its silly, lame, and talk about lack of integrity, HA....
You choose to abandon half of the Bible, the New Testament, in order to justify yourself, you can't.....
You'd have to abandon the Crucifixion of Jesus, which is the pillar of my faith, redemption, forgiveness, for anyone who ask, until their last breath.

C'mon, lets try and keep the sites integrity up good fella  ;D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/07/17 at 08:39:27

LMAO!!  Look what I did!  

Stir the pot!  Making the trump supporters furious!  I love it!

Every post you all make reinforces my beliefs! (as well as all my fellow progressives!)

I read a great phrase the other day:  

Trying to reason with trump supporters is like playing chess with a pigeon.   No matter what happens, they knock over the pieces, nuts on the board and strut around like they know everything.

You're all so thin-skinned - just like donny!  He's definitely the president you all deserve!


Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by raydawg on 01/07/17 at 10:31:25

2C323D3C312C372A580 wrote:
LMAO!!  Look what I did!  

Stir the pot!  Making the trump supporters furious!  I love it!

Every post you all make reinforces my beliefs! (as well as all my fellow progressives!)

I read a great phrase the other day:  

Trying to reason with trump supporters is like playing chess with a pigeon.   No matter what happens, they knock over the pieces, nuts on the board and strut around like they know everything.

You're all so thin-skinned - just like donny!  He's definitely the president you all deserve!


I am not furious, why do you assign such to me?

Is that your assumption, or a reflection of yourself?

Go back a few post and see where your fellow lib called me a Ahole and to STFU.

That punkin, is thinned skinned, ya know, like liberal safe zones on campus  ;D

Like your spirit and willingness to dance however, but really buddy, you need to try again.

Next  ;D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/17 at 17:07:55

465857565B465D40320 wrote:
LMAO!!  Look what I did!  
Stir the pot! ..."

TT, is looking more, ‘Lost,’ with every Post  ! ;D  :D ;D :D ;D :D

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by thumperclone on 01/07/17 at 17:37:38

didn't this thread start out questioning a voters' rights

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/17 at 17:58:11

677B667E637661707F7C7D76130 wrote:
didn't this thread start out questioning a voters' rights

Yep it did.

And after the ‘person’, was identified as a ‘person’, who, had  No  Idea, as to what she was doing.
It then became, about the, ‘person’, who,  STOLE,  her ‘Vote’.

A, “Competent’,  CITIZEN, has   Every  Right, to Vote, which EVER  WAY  They WANT !
Every  Right !

A  Person, who, is ‘declared’,  Mentally  incompetent , does  NOT.

Perhaps, like the Millions of  People,  receiving their FORCED, payment  Program Money, called,  Social Security, who, are traveling the country, who have signed someone they trust, to take care of their, ‘money’, affairs,  were, ‘declared’  (With a  stroke of a pen),   “incompetent”, So now, they can,  NOT,  Purchase a  Firearm.   And, if it is shown they ‘Vote’ the wrong way, it will be extended !!!!!!!!

But then it, morfed, and became about a person who said:  (TT),
“ LMAO!!  Look what I did!  Stir the pot! …".

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/17 at 18:58:45

2F313E3F322F34295B0 wrote:
" Sorry, you're wrong.  When your "observed realty" is so narrow as to see only one side, that's called ignorance.

China,  Japan,  ALL  Of  of,  Africa, or  SO. America, or Most, of the places on this Earth.
In Fact, not even on the beach at  Malibu  Calf.
Or the  MOON.

Never been their, Never.

However, I, (Did),   Believe,  ‘Observed Reality’, from people that  HAVE,  been their.
And I, (DID),  Believe, (What I have seen with my two eyes),
a thing that can be called, ‘Observed  Reality’.

But now, I am so grateful,
that is has been pointed out to me,
NONE, of those, ‘believes’, are actually, ‘REAL”.

Just like, anything, which is, political, which has been observed, by creditable people, it is,   NOT   REAL.

So Grateful, that I know now, those things, are,  NOT,  really,  ‘REAL’.

   "Take  the Blue Pill, or  the Red  Pill", (Matrix  Movie)

Title: Re: I met a Hillary voter
Post by T And T Garage on 01/09/17 at 06:29:33

1B380526243F3831560 wrote:
[color=#0000ff][quote author=677B667E637661707F7C7D76130 link=1482795781/75#82 date=1483839458]didn't this thread start out questioning a voters' rights

Yep it did.

And after the ‘person’, was identified as a ‘person’, who, had  No  Idea, as to what she was doing.
It then became, about the, ‘person’, who,  STOLE,  her ‘Vote’.

A, “Competent’,  CITIZEN, has   Every  Right, to Vote, which EVER  WAY  They WANT !
Every  Right !

A  Person, who, is ‘declared’,  Mentally  incompetent , does  NOT.

Perhaps, like the Millions of  People,  receiving their FORCED, payment  Program Money, called,  Social Security, who, are traveling the country, who have signed someone they trust, to take care of their, ‘money’, affairs,  were, ‘declared’  (With a  stroke of a pen),   “incompetent”, So now, they can,  NOT,  Purchase a  Firearm.   And, if it is shown they ‘Vote’ the wrong way, it will be extended !!!!!!!!

But then it, morfed, and became about a person who said:  (TT),
“ LMAO!!  Look what I did!  Stir the pot! …".


Great points!  So, was the original person mentioned declared incompetent?

If so, then no, she should not be able to vote.  If not and she's just eccentric, then why not?

And again, this degenerated into posts about the dems being the only ones who are involved in voter fraud.  That is simply not the case.

I try to stay on topic, but no one (the 3 or 4 hardcore righties) seems to be able to do that.  (but I admit, it's fun to poke at trump supporters and extreme righties)

So - I guess the end of this thread should determine if that woman has been legally declared incompetent.  I wonder if the person that started this thread has any proof either way?

OH - let's not forget everyone.... the original post was ALL ANECDOTAL.  (if you don't know what that means, look it up).

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