General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Insanity......???

Message started by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 09:16:46

Title: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 09:16:46

We have all heard the phrase:

"Doing the same thing over, and over, and expecting different results, is insanity....."

I think its fair to say Obama's statements in this article/interview meet that threshold.
The man has no political reason, other than self, to utter such a statement he could win a third term.
He has nothing to gain, only to further establish the man has some serious  illusions about reality....

The link:

This story/article is from today as well.
If you know this lady, Mara Liasson, she is as about as blue as any democrat can be, and represents much of the left on her job at NPR.

Today she gives a list re: democrats, what they need to do.

Her first cause is to "state the facts" of Obama, so they can begin to except, REALITY....not what a poor delusional man who fancy himself something he wasn't.....ever.

Arg, but to be honest, I have shared I bought that "wrapping" of this package, when it first offered, my bad, I admit to being fooled with "hope"  :-[
I share the blame in buying into the "pitch" that a white dude can show he is NOT a racist, etc, by voting for this "marketing of a Black man" with "hope and change" equaling nirvana.
That the charge of racism will no longer be used as a political wedge, harmony resulting from his electing, and nirvana available to all...  

I was naive
Stupid  :-[

Anyway, here is just part of the very first thing, #1,  the party needs to grasp:

1. Be clear about how bad things are — and are not — for the Democratic Party

Democrats are clear-eyed about the size of the hole they're in. It's deep. Every president loses seats for his party, but no president in U.S. history has presided over bigger losses than Barack Obama. In the eight years he's been in office, Democrats have lost so many seats at every level of government that they now have fewer elected officials nationwide than at any time since the 1920s.

Not only are they in the minority in every branch of government in Washington, but beyond the beltway Democrats have a "trifecta" — control of both state houses and the governor's mansion — in only 6 states. Republicans have total control of state government in 25 states.

Seems just this statement of truth vested REALITY.....
Shows how sick Obama really is.
Somehow, I feel as if I have blood on my hands.....  :-/
I used a sick man as a tool to satisfy something I wanted in my own life  >:(

Anyway, here is more of what she reports:

Me personally, I think politics have changed, for good I hope.
To build upon what worked in the past won't anymore.

The age of Tweeting, and all the other avenues of communication, have effectively removed one of the pillars that used its power to steer, the political process, the 'media' lost BIG time, and I hope with it, the money that they use to demand, blackmailing, from candidates....

No laws needed to tighten campaign donations, etc, the" tweet has just leveled the playing field.....  ;D :D ;) :) :o

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/16 at 10:23:15

r losses than Barack Obama. In the eight years he's been in office, Democrats have lost so many seats at every level of government that they now have fewer elected officials nationwide than at any time since the 1920s.

But she actually won the popular vote , ehh? Im really supposed to believe that?

I've seen some stats, and I have been waiting for someone to post this.
But, this next two years is gonna tell the tale of the future of America.
True, the dems hold few positions of power right now,But, that doesn't mean that the bubs are wanting what is different.
Once again, the Bipartisan B.S., the worse it is, the more likely they will
Be adults
Come together,
For America
To make the
HARD Choices.
That way neither party takes the heat for screwing America HARD.

Let's just See if this lopsided power structure results in any appreciable change in policy.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by thumperclone on 12/26/16 at 11:04:06

Let's just See if this lopsided power structure results in any appreciable change in policy.

if it elevates a politician it'll happen
not for our good but for theirs

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by old.indian on 12/26/16 at 12:29:53

One of the biggest problems in government is the bureaucracy. You know those faceless creations that enforce (or fail to enforce) policies, regulations, laws, directives etc..... The EPA, SEC, etc. etc.... All have failed and caused major disasters to the environment , investors, and the general public.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 12:32:52

6D716C74697C6B7A7576777C190 wrote:
Let's just See if this lopsided power structure results in any appreciable change in policy.

if it elevates a politician it'll happen
not for our good but for theirs

I think you fail to grasp the reason why folks voted for Trump....
Not for him, but anti the establishment...
If he is more of the same, he is fired!
No more R or D lame alligence is better than the other party crap

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by old.indian on 12/26/16 at 13:41:54

It seems that the "leadership" of the Democrat political party as well as the "main stream" media (broadcasting and print) are in in denial.   They"(the "leadership and the "media") were so certain that they would regain control of the Congress as well as retaining the executive branch, that when they totally failed they are unable to cope with reality.  The reality that they, and their policies, are  the cause for their failure is unacceptable. Therefore they search for a cause for that failure that they can lay the blame on. Whether "The cause", (or causes), has any basis in reality, or fact, is of no concern.    Keep the same congressional leadership, the same policies and  party cliques in place and ignore the grass roots.... Yep ! That'll get us back on the righ track... Yep...  

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by thumperclone on 12/26/16 at 13:55:12

46554D50554353340 wrote:
[quote author=6D716C74697C6B7A7576777C190 link=1482772606/0#2 date=1482779046]

Let's just See if this lopsided power structure results in any appreciable change in policy.

if it elevates a politician it'll happen
not for our good but for theirs

I think you fail to grasp the reason why folks voted for Trump....
Not for him, but anti the establishment...
If he is more of the same, he is fired!
No more R or D lame alligence is better than the other party crap
hes not draining the swamp but stocking it with his own piranhas
its the same difference as it always has been  just new clowns and monkeys

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/26/16 at 15:53:26

2C302D35283D2A3B3437363D580 wrote:
[quote author=46554D50554353340 link=1482772606/0#4 date=1482784372][quote author=6D716C74697C6B7A7576777C190 link=1482772606/0#2 date=1482779046]

Let's just See if this lopsided power structure results in any appreciable change in policy.

if it elevates a politician it'll happen
not for our good but for theirs

I think you fail to grasp the reason why folks voted for Trump....
Not for him, but anti the establishment...
If he is more of the same, he is fired!
No more R or D lame alligence is better than the other party crap
hes not draining the swamp but stocking it with his own piranhas
its the same difference as it always has been  just new clowns and monkeys[/quote]

And at this point of time you are projecting this based solely on your assumptions.....
Which, may, or may not, come to be realized.
It's not a FACT.
You wanna stay in reality  ;D

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/16 at 16:00:16

While Obama was president and all the B.S.was democrat brilliance there WAS no Swamp, except for those Eeevil obstructionist republicans. The left demanded everyone sit down,shut up and stop being racist(read, not agree with the Policy   ). Okay, then STFU and See what happens. Trump can't actually save America AND leave us under the Emergency War Powers and leave the federal reserve alive. I don't see how anyone can do those things and survive. The only measurable difference between him and Hillary will be speed of descent.
It will require America to find successorS who will take us back to the Constitution and prosperity.
If Americans wake up and respond out of understanding reality and stop acting so childishly, there is hope,but while the Dumbmasses cling to the propaganda as if it were truth and stand in support of the lies we have been fed since birth, then America will never be what it could have been.
Watching the intellectual battle over the oil filter wasn't exactly filling me with hope.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by Papa Bear on 12/27/16 at 11:10:08

We have the same problem(s) here in Canada.

My son says that Anarchy (as defined "a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government") is the solution.
Perhaps he is right .....
If a leader (trusted servant) is temporarily required then the cream rises to the top and the problem is addressed and solved.
The best leader would be a spiritual (not religious) person who readily surrendered his/her power when a more able leader appeared.... always working for the good of all.

Everything else on earth (and the universe) is anarchy and God smiled and said "It is good". Then God invented humans and screwed it up. :P

Early US Presidents said that the Federal Governments power(s) were very limited and well defined - not so today.

Party politics, as it has evolved, is worse than a Kindergarten class full of whiny finger pointers  -lie, deny and justify.
The pool of candidates is so shallow that if you fell face down in it you wouldn't/couldn't drown.
Politicians/Bureaucrats can't fix the problem ..  they ARE the problem.
And the general character of the population needs a good reality check too.

All previous democracies and civilizations (with the best intentions) lasted a few hundred years then self-destructed from the inside.
Are we watching the same thing happen, piece by piece, here in North America? - take a good, close look.

A buddy of mine asked me a while ago if I thought humans were the highest form of life in the universe .. I told him I had looked around and I fear we are the lowest.

I always said I was perfectly sane but the admitting psychiatrist disagreed ...  :-?

I wish our collective selves "Good luck !"

Happy New Year !!! ;)

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/27/16 at 11:12:41

Obama is strange, listening to him some more, his reasoning doesnot pencil out.
I can understand if he was still in the game, trying to baffle them with bullchit has been a big part of campaigning, but he is done.....
He is history, based on facts, results, outcome....
Yet he appears to still BELIVE his own rhetoric.
He has some serious emotional conflict.
I see at times he resorts back to being a victim of race, totaling ignoring the fact his race never was an obstacle to his election....
Just like people didn't buy Slicks shenanigans of sexual nature, or Trumps trash talk, as a disqualifier....
They vote hoping the canindate can address REAL issues that ARE concerns to many, NOT..... if you are confused about standing or sitting to pee in a public restroom, that is so thinking you have the power to grant "self" to a person who is lacking esteem in their own lives....
Lame and a colossal waste of time!

The man is delusional from thinking he is what Hollywooder's pretend he is, only to serve their own weird need to feel validated, justified, and accepted, strange folks, make believe pretenders....
And Obama appears the victim because of the role they cast him to play....

F'n crazee ;D

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/16 at 16:01:16

Interesting post Bear.

Ray said

r Trumps trash talk, as a disqualifier

The problem with that is Not Trump, it's the panzified people.
The same calm, steady voices, inspiring the people to support wars, empathize with the crash victims, the rape victims,, all that's required is
The Right Tone and Inflection and No Matter the Insult, never show Any aggression. That's what We have been Taught. It's Fukking Bullshit. Stand in line, be quiet. No, we can't play Dodgeball , someone might feel bad.
Slowly, Americans have been emasculated. Ohh, sure, athletes are allowed passion, but regular people, newscasters, politicians, ohh, everything MUST be presented as if it's a high school debate. Seriously, people need to reconnect with the

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by Papa Bear on 12/27/16 at 16:05:36

Speaking of insanity.

DJIA almost 20,000 points ....

National debt almost 20 trillion dollars  .....

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/16 at 16:18:17

DJ will drop soon. People will take their profits.

The debt will grow. If TPTB wanna sabotage Trump, raise interest rates.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by Trippah on 12/28/16 at 19:39:01

Whilst flinging the pooh around, please remember that congress makes the laws, the Pres is the administrator; the wealthy corporations did very little the past 8 years other than sit on their profits, they did NOT invest in the USA.  It did seem a stupid statement by Obama given the Pres is 2 terms only (Thank God).  But is\f you thing\k tweet time is going to save us...push your mind back to the Arab Spring which is now a long Winter.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by WebsterMark on 12/29/16 at 05:03:33

I don't think very many business people felt a warm and fuzzy feeling with Barack. I think they smelled his lack of loyalty a thousand miles away. Just looked how he f'd Israel in his last days. What a POS.
I wouldn't be surprised to see business take a gamble with Trump and try some things, roll the dice and spend some money on capital expansion.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/29/16 at 08:57:51

Obama really was a stuffed suit.....

His ultimatums, threats, and remarks of elections have consequences, set the table domestically, as to challenge him you'd earn the wrath of negativity of press, which can ruin a business severely.  
They took a very generic outlook, and operation, holding fast, staying out of the media and administrations radar.

On foreign affairs, he even stated he was a citizen of the world, trying to drag all of our policies to the court of United Nations, instead of making hard choices.
When he was driven to make such, it was rather obvious he was that empty suit of no real consequence.....

As I stated many times before, he tried a different tact.
He really believed that dialogue, and diplomacy, would work....
Turn the cheek.
I do not fault him for that.....!!

I do fault him for not accepting as fact it failed.
He just continued to try that which would not work with these people/threats.
He cost untold numbers of lives to innocent people because he would not admit failure and seek other remedies....

He is crazy, insane, and a giant failure that has cause the democrat party much damage, resulting in a very unbalanced political structure of one party dominance that appears to  be gathering even more political power mid term, and judicially.......

Not good.

I hope Trump uses all resources available to him to make policies that effect us socially, and well as economically, but that power will be hard to resist yielding, as evidenced by Obama's failure, to utilize it.....  

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/29/16 at 12:27:39

Just looked how he f'd Israel in his last days. What a POS.

I've been trying to understand what he did that caused injury to Israel. What did he do that caused Israel loss?

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by raydawg on 12/29/16 at 14:03:02

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
Just looked how he f'd Israel in his last days. What a POS.

I've been trying to understand what he did that caused injury to Israel. What did he do that caused Israel loss?

I can't help you on this one.
That region has been confusing to say the least.
Kerry is a buffoon, his press conference he looked like a blabbering idiot.

Obama is a sackless tool, glad he is going.

Title: Re: Insanity......???
Post by MnSpring on 12/29/16 at 16:35:31

11021A07021404630 wrote:
"... He really believed that dialogue, and diplomacy, would work...."

The bully in the school yard,  Beats up a kid.
That kid tells his Mom, Mom tell the Teacher, Teacher tells the bully; ‘Don’t Do That Again”.
The bully, beats up the kid worse,
That kid tells his Mom, Mom tell the Teacher, Teacher tells the bully; ‘Don’t Do That Again”.
etc,  etc  ,etc. It will NOT   stop, until, someone beats up the bully!

A Thief, steels, he is caught, Judge says; “Don’t Do That Again”.
A Thief, steels again, he is caught, Judge says; “Don’t Do That”.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
It will Not stop, until the Thief is Put In JAIL.

It will NOT  Stop, until, the, ‘bullies/thief’s/murders’,
See,  Know,  Understand, and  Learn, their are reactions, to their actions!
 And their, NOT, a, ‘slap on the wrist’ !!!!!

Perhaps, talking to, Canada, (and like), ‘Talking,’ works.
But, NO WAY, does it work in the Middle East, (or  Mexico)

In fact, last 8 years, they have,  ‘Learned’,
They can do whatever they want,
and the result, US, (USA), gives them MONEY !!!!!!

Hopefully, that is about to, Change !

I Predict, another Photo, of  Trump, grabbing a, Puzzi,
Will Occur on Jan 20.
When  Trump, shakes, obamas, hand.
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