General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Calexit ???

Message started by old.indian on 12/21/16 at 09:53:42

Title: Calexit ???
Post by old.indian on 12/21/16 at 09:53:42

This comes under the heading of "Be Careful What You Wish For"...
8-) ::) 8-)

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by raydawg on 12/21/16 at 10:14:31

Did they rent space in a trump tower  ;D

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by pg on 12/21/16 at 16:12:04

"We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now,"

Perhaps Bot won't have to go to Canada or Mexico, he can just stick around a bit longer.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by MnSpring on 12/21/16 at 16:18:42

" ...Louis Marinelli, a San Diego resident who is the leader of the group promoting an effort to turn the state into an independent country, organized the Moscow event that was publicized on social media.
"We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now," he said in an email Monday... "

Gosh, how can the other 49 help ?

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/21/16 at 23:44:34

Maybe that's what every state needs to do.
Wouldn't Have a Swamp to drain.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by Paraquat on 12/22/16 at 06:03:36

California has been the land of fruits and nuts for too long now.


Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/22/16 at 07:04:58

332C2A2D30370636063E2C206B590 wrote:
Maybe that's what every state needs to do.
Wouldn't Have a Swamp to drain.

But I'm Serious.. What better way to decentralize power out of D.C. than to decouple the States FROM it? Immagine their shock when they wake up and everyone who they were screwing has just shut the door on them.
You guys DO know that the Federal government EXISTS because the States assembled it like a head office for multiple corporations to do business overseas, keep fair laws, and basically Rub the country into debt and try to micromanage our lives, right?
Ohh, wait, I might have been wrong about a couple of those.

I wonder how long the constitution actually lasted.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/16 at 07:23:58

California will not be the state to exit. The population centers of San Diego, LA, and the Bay Area are far to heavily influenced by liberal politicians who see the Federal Government as their mother. They are just throwing a hissy fit over Trump.

Texas is the one in the future who might.

Now, personally I think Illinois should split into Northern Illinois and Southern Illinois.

Illinois is made up of the huge Chicagoland area and then everything else.  A lot of states have major metro areas that dominate, but I can't think of one as dramatic as Illinois.  

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by Serowbot on 12/22/16 at 08:02:17

6th largest economy in the world... California could be better off...
If Texas ever pulls it off,.. they will be Bangladesh.... :-?

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by old.indian on 12/22/16 at 08:12:15

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
California will not be the state to exit. The population centers of San Diego, LA, and the Bay Area are far to heavily influenced by liberal politicians who see the Federal Government as their mother. They are just throwing a hissy fit over Trump.

Texas is the one in the future who might.

Now, personally I think Illinois should split into Northern Illinois and Southern Illinois.

Illinois is made up of the huge Chicagoland area and then everything else.  A lot of states have major metro areas that dominate, but I can't think of one as dramatic as Illinois.  

Massachusetts and Boston.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by old.indian on 12/22/16 at 08:20:10

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
6th largest economy in the world... California could be better off...
If Texas ever pulls it off,.. they will be Bangladesh.... :-?

How much of the California economy is supported by Federal dollars ?? i.e. Military bases and federal locations and well as government jobs and retires and program funding.... The same for Texas.....  
As I said, "Be careful what you wish for." ;)

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/22/16 at 08:30:01

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
6th largest economy in the world... California could be better off...
If Texas ever pulls it off,.. they will be Bangladesh.... :-?

Without a moment's thought... gee, look at how you've analyzed it all.
As individual countries we would continue to trade. Just without the feds regulating everything.
Ahhh, California, such an advanced society,, ohh, but the Texans are stupid,
Almost seems like a bigoted attitude rather than an objective analysis. You're not a bigot, are you Bot?

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by old.indian on 12/22/16 at 08:45:53

I suppose that I'm a bit weird too... After Vietnam (LBJ's) and Bush's "Weapons of Mass Destruction" war for fun and profit.  I ain't any too fond of Texass OR their politicians, Democrat OR Republican.    

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/16 at 08:48:46

I don't think California could stand on it's own Sew. It might be the 6th largest economy, (sure about that?, I have my doubts), but there are a lot of fortune 500 HQ in CA with plants in other states or countries. If they broke off on their own, they'd lose a lot of the tax benefits.

Besides, the large population centers are not heavy manufacturing areas. It's not like Chicago or even Boston. Those cities have tons of small manufacturing companies but LA, San Diego and Bay Area do not.

Believe me, we sell a ton of our products in California, (I'm going there for a week in January) but heathcare, hospitality, and financial service companies are the biggest buyers.

No, when you factor in the mentality of the people of the state, Texas is the one most likely. Hell, they think their another country now for crying out loud....! If they broke away, they'd pass a "State Income Tax" which they don't have now, and they'd bring in some serious cash.

But no state is going to leave under Trump; why would they?

Liberals cry about silly things like bathroom laws, but when push comes to shove, you think a liberal state is going to go broke over boys who want to pee in a girls room? Nope.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by verslagen1 on 12/22/16 at 08:57:03

Even with mixed emotion, I wouldn't hesitate 1 bit to move out of Kalifornia.

And as a foreign national, they couldn't tax my retirement   ;D

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/22/16 at 14:55:37

585B53195E59535E5659370 wrote:
I suppose that I'm a bit weird too... After Vietnam (LBJ's) and Bush's "Weapons of Mass Destruction" war for fun and profit.  I ain't any too fond of Texass OR their politicians, Democrat OR Republican.    

Bush CLAIMS to be a Texan. You know where he's from, and Texas it ain't. As for LBJ, hey, he was a creep, what can we say? I still can't make myself say his wife's name. She owned some of the troop transport ships, or so I've heard... I despised both of them. If I hated states for the sorry politicians that come from them I might be forced to move to Mexico.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/16 at 15:07:08

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
" ... If Texas ever pulls it off,.. they will be Bangladesh.... :-?

Let’s see.

TX has 110,000  Fed  ‘base’ employees, and 15 bases.
Calf has 360,000  Fed  ‘base’ employees, and 33 bases.

TX  has a   ‘ 0 ‘,  State  Tax.
Calf has, 6%  starting at 27,000 a year earnings.

TX has Sales tax of 6.25 - 8.25%
Calf has Sales Tax, of  7.5 - 10%

Both, leave the USA, at the same time.
TX, can Sell OIL, to the USA.
Calf,   Wine ?  (a  Lot of States have their own now)
     Movies?  (Who Cares !)
     Electronic Parts? (Why buy something from Calf, when you can buy that thing from the country, that Calf buys it from)
     Peaches/Oranges/etc.?  Lots of other places to get the same thing a  whole lot cheaper, AND BETTER!

IF,  they both left,  TX would do great.
A  Year Later, N. Calf would get  REAL  Tired of paying for S. Calf,
and split from them.
Then, S. Calf would have, ’Tourism’, left.  
Until, S.D. turns in to Chicago, and S.F. downtown Detroit.

But it won't happen.
S. Calf, is so firmly attached to the, 'ttitt', of the Fed  Government,
you will,  NEVER, get them Off !

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by old.indian on 12/24/16 at 09:16:09

I started this thread as a humorous comment to point out the rather childish behavior of an entire generation that seems to think that they should have "their way" in all ways. or they will throw a temper tantrum..  I refer to them as "Entitled Victims".....           My uncle was a German speaking Army intelligence officer who was among the first to enter the concentration camps in 1945. I attended school in the 1940s and 50s with class mates who had numbers tattooed on their arms....  I know who is a "victim" and who is NOT.                  Anyway,   I posted this so that we could all get a giggle at the childish behavior of some self-important people and then get on back to appreciating our blessings during this holiday season.....Not as a point to bicker over.    

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/17 at 16:00:35


And, how does the rest of the 49   Help this happen  ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

" ...since 2014, violent crime has skyrocketed by 38 percent. This May, California’s association of police chiefs complained that since the passage of Proposition 47 — which reclassified supposedly “nonserious” crimes as misdemeanors and kept hundreds of thousands of convicted criminals out of jail — crime rates in population centers of more than 100,000 have increased more than 15 percent. California governor Jerry Brown has let out more parolees — including over 2,000 serving life sentences — than any recent governor..."

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by pg on 01/03/17 at 16:11:31

Best regards,

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/17 at 00:36:04

1106000C0313610 wrote:

Best regards,

Well, you can think that's dumb, you can think it's stupid, BUT, you need to remember, as has been pointed out Here, by none other than Bot himself, that Democrats are smarter and better educated, so, maybe you should rethink your beliefs.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by Joer0952 on 01/04/17 at 09:56:46

I wish California would leave the union, it would insure no liberal progressive Democrat president or control of either house of congress for generations.  For instance take California out of the mix and Trump would have won the popular vote easily and congress would lose 2 democrat senators and 39 democrat representatives in the house.

Title: Re: Calexit ???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/17 at 13:21:44

What has been forgotten is the very REASON for the establishment of D.C. in the first place. It's basic function WAS to be to give each individual State a place to send representatives to coordinate with each other and work out how to most effectively trade with other nations and to provide America protection from invasion, etc. D.C.was intended to Work, collectively, as our agents, working with Our best interests in mind. That role has effectively been reversed.
We, The People, are, according to the Constitution, the Sovereigns, and the most analogous situation would be
Landowner who is employing a maid, cook, groundskeeper, etc, who slowly allowed THEM to take control of HIS HOUSE, and he gets fed scraps while they eat steak.
In 1933 the War Powers act was used and since then the Constitution hasn't been in effect. Go look.
And Lincoln, the Greatest President EVER , pretty much destroyed the 10th amendment.
I've been, not feverishly, not even diligently, just kinda keeping an eye open, looking for the first permanent deviation from the Constitution that created a situation that allowed for Further deviation from the Constitution. So far I can not say
Ahh Haah! That's when it went wrong!
It's hard to look at all the men who went to Washington and
Know what their True Heart's desires were. School teaches us that they were Patriotic and Altruistic and gave up time from their successful business ventures to go and Serve the Needs of The People,  and that Implies a Great Moral group of people, uniting to ensure that the People were All being well represented, but observed reality would indicate that they were Just people, and subject to the same temptations and failings as are we all.
The parasitic monetary system that only a couple of you have even the faintest idea about is one of the nails in our collective coffin. The MIC ( military industrial complex  ) that profits from the blood of our children and works towards the goals of the Globalist cabal that is driving us further into the debt that OUR AGENTS in D.C. are unlawfully endorsing is another.

The mistaken belief that America is the shining beacon on the hill is another nail. While people BELIEVE they are living in and supporting the Greatest Nation what ever was they are Not looking at the Very Center of it, the Core of it, as being messed up, but Just the edges, the periphery, just a few little details that need tweaked.

The left and right both have ideas for change. The left believe their ideas represent Progress in the heart and soul of Suhsighetee, and see the right as mouth breathing, knuckle dragging Neanderthals. The right sees the graying of the line between right and wrong, until it disappears, and doesn't want that. And WE are getting worked by the criminals who have taken over our homes.
Both sides suck. The economy is not going to come back. Just a little bump in the interest rate will assure that. Greenspan worked us into this mess. I watched what he did. It was a masterful performance. The Fed Policy worked the economy brilliantly, and then He got the hell Out, because he knew, as did I, what the consequences of those policies would bring. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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