General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 2016, the biggest factor?

Message started by raydawg on 12/21/16 at 04:50:54

Title: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by raydawg on 12/21/16 at 04:50:54

Having missed the results myself, I have read much,trying to wrap any possible understanding, to the results of the presidential election.....
Of course it is a best guess scenario, as the reality of the outcome was sorely missed to begin with, sorta like Monday morning quarterbacking now  ;D
I will share my final thoughts and I invite yours.....
Who knows, one day we might really know and we will be on record, as we know if Obama reads the TT must be a lot of other important people too!

I think number one factor was Bernie.
He pushed Hillary far left were that vote is taken for granted.
However, as most things the Clinton's do, it exposes another lie when they can't control the coverage.
It showed her close ties to Wall Street, banking, etc.
Her remark about a private view and a public view, was a big snare that sealed Bernie and lost a lot of his supporters when he bailed....
They would not cave in and support her.

The emails were a factor, but mostly because it kept her on the defense, and she became saturated with negativity as such, defending, like she tried to push in Trump with snatchgrabbing...
He deflected it for the most part.

She got into the race too early.
I believe she did this to thwart any real candidate running on the left, take them out before they even present a challenge, but again, the more you see that mug, it dredges up all the negativity associated with the Clinton's

She was her own worse enemy and witness, as her stubbornness does not come off as tenacity but of arrogance, and in the end I don't think she really could overcome that impression.
I think if The Bern had not been in it, she would have won, tho

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by MnSpring on 12/21/16 at 18:30:48

24372F32372131560 wrote:
" ...  sorta like Monday morning quarterbacking now  ;D
I will share my final thoughts and I invite yours....."

Don’t Know.
In fact, will invoke the well known phrase:
  “What Does It  Matter  Now”.

Still working out,  HOW,  to get the Diametrically Opposed People,
(City Slicker  -  Country  Mouse)
To see, each others thoughts !

People, like you raydawg, (and  MANY  others)
who are open to discussion.

Remember,  Clinton &  Gingrich ?
Can’t get two more opposites,
but they  WORKED, and Talked, and came up with something !!!!!
    (Without    CRYING)

As to;  Calexit,  
How, does  everyone  HELP,  that  Happen.

Getting rid, of that, anchor, around your neck,
can, ONLY, be a  Good  Thing.
When you are in water over your head !

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by Trippah on 12/23/16 at 07:06:46

I suspect one major reason (and since I could never vote for Trump - nor could I vote for Bush Cheney (evil incarnate that Mr. Cheney), as a life long small government republican I do NOT understand.  I see the coastal US voted for the more socialistic Democratic side, the South and Mississippi River heartland voted for the Repubs.  While I think racism has a bit to do with the voting pattern, I also suspect that the Dems offered nothing to the middle class non university pop)>

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by raydawg on 12/23/16 at 07:37:53

37110A1313020B630 wrote:
I suspect one major reason (and since I could never vote for Trump - nor could I vote for Bush Cheney (evil incarnate that Mr. Cheney), as a life long small government republican I do NOT understand.  I see the coastal US voted for the more socialistic Democratic side, the South and Mississippi River heartland voted for the Repubs.  While I think racism has a bit to do with the voting pattern, I also suspect that the Dems offered nothing to the middle class non university pop)>

Racism is a wild card, and it really is not dealt fairly......
I think you see that had a effect this time under the umbrella of PC push back.
How many Blacks, voted for Obama, because he was Black?
Is that racism?
I think when you try and mince out, every reason as to why a vote was cast, you can arrive at your intended results.....

How everyone got the electorate wrong is the big question.
Trump was reported at only the slimmest of possibilities to attaining the victory in that count.
Some talking heads gave him the popular, because the deplorable just plain out number the rest, yet, they didn't really show up in HUGE numbers across the nation....

Again, I think it was a Clinton failure, they saw Bernie as the real obstacle and focused on him more than Trump.
Like me, I thought, and to some effect still, have a hard time taking this clown as serious.....
We'll see.

But Bernie exposed her to how far right Clinton is, personally.....
The "private" person, not public....
And when the shenanigans of Wasserwoman made Wikileaks, she had to spin more, the very liability of perception that has saddled her and kept her from ever getting high trust numbers.

Think about it....
The press, academia, BIG money from around the world, the most ever, the Clinton machine, and the fear that machine seems to exert over anything that might think about voicing an opposition to it......

LOST.......... to a clown, WTF.......????

That is the BIGGEST story of 2016.....

This is like winning the first 3 games of the world series, and losing the next 4......TIMES 10 MILLION.......  :o

The Bern votes that didn't return to their "obligation", and the few minority votes that heard Trump say, "what do you got to lose?" tho small in number, made a huge difference in the outcome..... I believe.

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/24/16 at 16:46:35

A decision based on race is, by definition, racist.
Yes or No, if a decision to support or not support is based on race, it's racism.

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by MnSpring on 12/28/16 at 17:59:05

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
" ... a decision to support or not support is based on race, it's racism."

How can you say that  JOG. ?

According to  the, Media, it is NOT  so !

The,  (Legal , TAX  PAYING,  WORKING,  CITIZENS)  are  ALL,
‘Raciest’, because they did NOT  support, a  Lying,  (PROVEN  MANY TIMES),  person,   Just because  ……..

And of course, they are  ALL suffer from,   “Islamophobia”,
Because they have  SEEN, what they do !

And they, ALL, suffer from, ‘Homophobia’,  because, ONE   Cake  Baker.  !

ALL,  EVERY   SINGLE  ONE  !!!!!!!!

Just Like,  EVERY Single,   Gun Owner,  wants to shoot  fish in a  barrel  !!!!!!!

WAKE UP,    ‘Fairy  Dust  Sprinkling,  Snowflakes’,  Wake  UP !

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by MnSpring on 12/28/16 at 18:12:05

Like, or do not like  Trump.
Your  Choice.    
YOUR  CHOICE,  NOT,  the  DNC’s,  Choice.
NOT, what your are,  TOLD,  to say !

Continue, to,   ‘CRY’,    or   get on the bus,
or at least, WAIT, to see what happens.

Well, unless, you, ‘want’, to sit on the porch, and drink mint Juleps,
Then go ahead, and  P & M, about how,  YOU,
Can’t get your, ‘FREE’,   Stuff, anymore  !!!!!!

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/29/16 at 12:23:08

The baker was right.

Title: Re: 2016, the biggest factor?
Post by MnSpring on 12/29/16 at 16:51:20

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
The baker was right.

Totally Agree.

But if one, want’s to  be,  ‘PC’, and kiss Azz.
All you have to do, is find a, ‘deplorable’,
AND,  because they Stand UP  to their  RIGHTS,
Make a example, of them, to:
 “Do What Their Are,  Told To DO”.

So the Next  person/business, will, 'learn'. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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