General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Christmas attacks

Message started by WebsterMark on 12/19/16 at 13:56:07

Title: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/16 at 13:56:07

Lutherns shoot Russian ambassador, Southern Baptist drive truck into Muslim shoppers.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by pg on 12/19/16 at 15:20:40

Correct, point taken; Merkel has more blood on her hands.  I'll never understand why the left stands motionless and lets this happen over and over again....   What do you think makes them more unhappy:

Their failed policies
Those policies lead to the death of innocent people
Those failed policies pave the way for someone like Trump to get elected

Of which he did get to 270 today.   ;)
Can you imagine what Trump & Sessions will do when this happens here?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by raydawg on 12/19/16 at 17:29:41


I went goggling and found nothing, the gist, I missed  :-[

Hey, but on another note, I heard Loretta Lynch wants to spill on Clinton hijacking her plane.....
Seems she got a whiff of a possible investigation into obstruction, and wants to get out ahead of it.

You gotta believe slick didn't care about golf and grand kids, he wants to make sure the foundation stays viable.

Oh such a tangle web we weave  ;D

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/19/16 at 18:42:36

pg wrote:

Can you imagine what Trump & Sessions will do when this happens here?

What will they do that hasn't already been tried by someone somewhere?

There is no defense against stuff like this except your own vigilance.

You are your own security and your own first responder.

At least Trump and his DOJ probably won't be inclined to deprive us of the means to look out for ourselves or to punish us for doing  just that if need be. That's good enough for me. Asking for more than that is just not dealing with reality.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/16 at 19:56:07

Amen old, amen.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by pg on 12/20/16 at 05:26:14

Can you imagine what Trump & Sessions will do when this happens here?

Allow me to elaborate.  For the past 8 years we have had an administration that would not go as far as a whisper a name.  Trump calls them Islamic terrorists, not even radical Islamic terrorists.  

He even said Islamic extremists must be "eradicated from the face of the earth" and pledged to carry out that mission with all "freedom-loving partners."

Best regards,

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/20/16 at 05:41:37

"Instead of having all these individual perimeters around every Dunkin Donuts franchise or every gas station, or ever J.C. Penny, why not have just one big perimeter around the country?" Steyn concluded. "We could call it a border! And we could have, like, border security!"

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/20/16 at 06:19:27

697E78747B6B190 wrote:
Can you imagine what Trump & Sessions will do when this happens here?

Allow me to elaborate.  For the past 8 years we have had an administration that would not go as far as a whisper a name.  Trump calls them Islamic terrorists, not even radical Islamic terrorists.  

He even said Islamic extremists must be "eradicated from the face of the earth" and pledged to carry out that mission with all "freedom-loving partners."

Best regards,

No argument about that. Unfortunately the cat is already out of the bag. The potential crazy MoFos that are likely to carry out these acts are already here by the hundreds of thousands, perhaps more. Identifying a single individual before he snaps and goes on a rampage is near impossible.

Controlling the border will help to mitigate the problem down the road, and is absolutely worthwhile, but it isn't going to keep this stuff from happening. If you are unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you are still gonna be on your  own when the SHTF.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/20/16 at 17:14:00

Identifying a single individual before he snaps and goes on a rampage is near impossible.

Snaps? That implies someone is Determined to live a nice, calm, blending into American society type life, but Something just sets them off, they go berzerk and start killing people and blowing stuff up.

When terrorists Pretend to be
Just another refugee
In order to slip in, they don't Snap.
They wait for opportunity, find the most beneficial target, and blow nuts up...

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/20/16 at 18:00:52

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
Identifying a single individual before he snaps and goes on a rampage is near impossible.

Snaps? That implies someone is Determined to live a nice, calm, blending into American society type life, but Something just sets them off, they go berzerk and start killing people and blowing stuff up.

When terrorists Pretend to be
Just another refugee
In order to slip in, they don't Snap.
They wait for opportunity, find the most beneficial target, and blow nuts up...

You're right. Poor choice of words on my part. What I was trying to say - poorly I guess - is that there is a difference between the carefully planed attacks involving more than one person, possibly with support from an actual organization.and what the media likes to call "lone wolves" or "self radicalised" perps. The former kinds of attacks are sometimes discovered and thwarted before the plan comes to fruition, the latter kind never. The attack comes as a complete surprise, and no one acquainted with the perp can believe he did anything like that till it's over. "He seemed like such a nice boy". So polite" etc.

My guess is that we are going see a lot more of the latter type than the former. And if you happen to be standing next to the guy in the supermarket line when he whips out the machete, it isn't going to matter to you whether he's been thinking about it for weeks or months, of if something pis*ed him off that morning and he decided to go whack a few infidels.

Are you familiar with Coopers color code for situational awareness? Try to be in at least condition yellow when you are out and about.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by MnSpring on 12/20/16 at 19:42:23

6176707C7363110 wrote:
" ... He even said Islamic extremists must be "eradicated from the face of the earth" and pledged to carry out that mission with all "freedom-loving partners." ..."

It was, stated.   (No Supporting evidence)
But when,  Carter, went to the M.E. for a, ’Summit’.
He, (of course had a interpreter),
as their were many Nations  from the ME  represented.

In a  boring speech he said, (Obama like),
Yada Yada, Yada, Etc.

And the end, (Because that was his business)
He said,  in English,   “We  Will Cut Off Your,  PEANUTS”.

Now, the interpreters, did not know the word,  ‘Peanuts’.
So they, interpreted it as:
“Cut off your NUTS”

Perhaps, it is the right time,
to say, the  SAME ,  THING,  
NOT, using the word,   ‘pea’, in front of ,"Nuts”  ??????

A-Yep,  I am not in the 10%,  (to the Right)
But certainly in the 20% !

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by MnSpring on 12/20/16 at 19:54:27

7947464A5844452B0 wrote:
" ... Are you familiar with Coopers color code for situational awareness? Try to be in at least condition yellow when you are out and about.

How do you drive your  M.C.  ??????

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/21/16 at 05:29:08

Seriously, WTF is wrong with people ?!

Who would think bringing hundreds of thousands of immigrants from war torn countries, whose dominant self-identification is their religion of Islam, which is at the heart of every significant ongoing violent conflict in the world today, would be a good idea? And F the "we have to help our fellow man" crap because you can help your fellow man without putting your own citizens up for slaughter.

I was just watching interviews with Germans in Berlin about how they need to stay positive, not let terrorist win and the rest of the bull$hit they always say.  I've been to Berlin twice. Reminded me of Chicago.

How about someone say enough. Stop ruining out country. We've already let in a certain number of murdering terrorist already, but lock the gates and don't make them problem bigger than it already is.

I hope Merkel is tarred and feathered.

Islam is the problem. All Muslims practicing Islam? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean we ignore the obvious.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/21/16 at 06:56:42

795A6744465D5A53340 wrote:
[quote author=7947464A5844452B0 link=1482184567/0#9 date=1482285652] " ... Are you familiar with Coopers color code for situational awareness? Try to be in at least condition yellow when you are out and about.

How do you drive your  M.C.  ??????[/quote]

Exactly. Anyone with any number of accident free miles under their belt has been switching back and forth from condition yellow to condition orange constantly whenever they are out riding. Ride round in condition white for very long and you're going to wind up parked in the side door of a minivan.

Same habit when you are OFF the bike is not a bad idea in today's world whenever you find yourself in places that might be a potential target for one of our "religion of peace" guests; wherever a lot of people congregate in a restricted area. It sucks to have to think like that, but it beats getting squashed by a semi.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by Paraquat on 12/21/16 at 09:01:43

06383935273B3A540 wrote:
It sucks to have to think like that, but it beats getting squashed by a semi.

Unless you're the semi.


Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/16 at 05:16:28

All you who protested and called us who objected to widespread immigrants from suspect regions of the world, racist, bigots, Nazi etc.... should read the background of the guy who drove over all the people in Berlin. This guy might have well been wearing a sign saying "I'm going to kill Infidels soon". Do you think the dozens of equally politically correct paralyzed American security agencies would have done anything different than their foolishly naive Germany counterparts?

'Armed and dangerous' Christmas truck suspect is still at large as it's revealed he had been under surveillance for months and was arrested three times.

The 23-year-old, who has a 100,000 euro reward on his head, was under close surveillance of German intelligence for several months following his arrival in the country last year.

He was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared.

The Tunisian radical was known to be a supporter of Islamic State and to have received weapons training.

He tried to recruit an accomplice for a terror plot – which the authorities knew about – but still remained at large.

Today his own father claimed he had served four years in an Italian jail after he set fire to a school. Tunisian security officials also revealed he was convicted in absentia for aggravated theft with violence in his home country...

Meanwhile a European arrest warrant issued for Amri reveals the fugitive has used at least six different aliases under three different nationalities.

Anis arrived in Germany in July 2015 and was put on a danger list shortly after arriving - a sign authorities considered him prone to extreme violence. He was placed under surveillance but details remains unclear.

In April this year he was given an immigration hearing and denied the right to asylum. He was due to be deported before the end of the year.

But under a peculiarity of the German asylum system he was granted a 'Duldung' - or toleration papers - which allowed him to stay for unknown reasons.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/22/16 at 06:12:57

Do you think the dozens of equally politically correct paralyzed American security agencies would have done anything different than their foolishly naive Germany counterparts?

Nope. You're on your own.

Trump may try to fix things to whatever extent he can. But the entrenched establishment, the progressive half of the country and the pols who pander to them, and the Media will fight him every step of the way.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/22/16 at 08:20:47

Only when They do it, it's because letting people in is
Just the Right Thing to Do..
Yeah, they have the established Moral High Ground to defend.
Naaah, it won't be obstructionist.
Actually,we have about two years,, has anyone looked at what the dems are still running? Three or four summer camps , a popsicle stand or two,,pretty much IT.

What's gonna PISS America off is, with such a drastic power swing, if nothing really changes. I've seen power swing both ways and no relief for the people. Hafta wait and see if Trump actually TRIES to deliver, and then, see how much resistance he gets from the establishment bubs and dems.
Globalist bubs are just as toxic as globalist dems...
If he's actually gonna Try to undo the damage, the Emergency War Powers has to go and the Federal reserve abolished.
I don't see how anyone could survive with those enemies.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/23/16 at 06:23:55

I see Merkel's version of an email scandal was just killed along with her re-election chances. Shot in Italy, thank you Italians.

My God, what's wrong with people who think expanding our current immigration policy is a good idea. Liberals can try and point to all kinds of reasons why Hilary lost, but let's turn that around.

Did Trump WIN because of his immigration stance?

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by oldNslow on 12/23/16 at 07:13:18

Did Trump WIN because of his immigration stance?

That's why I voted for him. That, and the fact that he'll try to replace Antonin Scalia with a Justice that believes the Constitution is still the law of the land, and means what the words in in actually say.

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by raydawg on 12/23/16 at 08:23:20

1E20212D3F23224C0 wrote:

Did Trump WIN because of his immigration stance?

That's why I voted for him. That, and the fact that he'll try to replace Antonin Scalia with a Justice that believes the Constitution is still the law of the land, and means what the words in in actually say.

It (immigration)  brought out a lot of voters, for sure, but that is NOT why he won.....
Hillary lost it because of poor campaigning decisions and execution....
In other words, it was hers to lose, and she did!  

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/16 at 10:35:21

You guys REALLY need to look into the Emergency War Powers and See just how much the Constitution is actually still the law of the land. TPTB pretend it's still in full force, but when was the last time Congress declared war? If the president didn't have the authority to take us into war, AND Congress controls the purse strings, THEN why would they authorize funding for a war They had not authorized?

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by raydawg on 12/23/16 at 11:09:01

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
You guys REALLY need to look into the Emergency War Powers and See just how much the Constitution is actually still the law of the land. TPTB pretend it's still in full force, but when was the last time Congress declared war? If the president didn't have the authority to take us into war, AND Congress controls the purse strings, THEN why would they authorize funding for a war They had not authorized?

Sodomy too, right......

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by WebsterMark on 12/23/16 at 11:31:15

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
You guys REALLY need to look into the Emergency War Powers and See just how much the Constitution is actually still the law of the land. TPTB pretend it's still in full force, but when was the last time Congress declared war? If the president didn't have the authority to take us into war, AND Congress controls the purse strings, THEN why would they authorize funding for a war They had not authorized?

Not following you, what's TPTB?

Title: Re: Christmas attacks
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/24/16 at 16:48:34

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