General Category >> The Cafe >> Oh well, I was going to retire ......

Message started by Oldfeller on 12/17/16 at 18:21:03

Title: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Oldfeller on 12/17/16 at 18:21:03

Obamacare was the basis of that hope, and Obamacare has evaporated.

As we speak, I just got off the Obamacare site and my cost of insurance has risen JUST THIS MONTH from less than $150 a month to over $1,000 a month.

If I were an indigent, I could still get the same coverage for less than $80.

Why do I feel "used" by the political system as it exists at this point?

Before Obama started this garbage to rolling along, I could buy low cost insurance.  

Now the only thing that exists in my state is Blue Cross and Blue Shield, who is apparently looking to recover losses from the last several years of very strong losses.

In short, I cannot retire because I cannot afford insurance otherwise.

I am slightly miffed at the moment.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Ruttly on 12/17/16 at 20:21:02

Miffed , I would be mad as hell. That just sucks ! Years ago my union had
"85 & out" when your years in Union and your age added up to 85 you could retire,I would have retired at 60-61. Well retirement fund went bad so they scrapped 85 & out. Fund still sliding the wrong way , other day got the letter upon retiring I will only receive about 40% of what we were going to get or fund will totally become insolvent 7 years after I turn 65 ! You must save save save and diversify your investments or plan to change your diet to alpo & gravy train !!!!!!!!!!
You are not alone and I feel your frustration !

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Kenny G on 12/17/16 at 20:21:43

The hospital that we would go to is part of The Texas Health Care Network and we just received a letter from Blue Cross/Blue Shield that they have not yet negotiated a contract with our hospital for 2017.

Naturally I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

I guess I better start taking better care of myself.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by MMRanch on 12/17/16 at 21:49:46

As we speak, I just got off the Obamacare site and my cost of insurance has risen JUST THIS MONTH from less than $150 a month to over $1,000 a month.

You know what ?  A couple year ago when Obama care started , there we people trying to tell us how this would MUSHROOM !

Now that he is leaving office the bomb is going off ... did they wait till they saw that they loss before they lit the fuse or was it burning all along ?  >:(

If your kinda still tied to the work-clock , find us a campground near ya and we'll ride your neighborhood on your long weekends .  ;)

Give our new guy a year to find a cure , you can't be suffering alone ! :-/

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Oldfeller on 12/18/16 at 05:04:08

Republicans are loath to "invent on demand" an impossible fix, so the situation may remain broken for a while.   The only quick fix on the table is to extend Medicare, which is being done on a state by state basis and so far NC has indicated they simply can't afford to do that.   You would pay a bunch and the State would pay a bunch extra right now as all the illegal Mexicans have soaked up all the spare Federal benefit dollars laying around my state.

I think they need to kick all of the illegals off of ALL the public programs, then let's see what the gov at State and Federal levels can actually do for actual real CITIZENS.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 12/18/16 at 05:07:01

4E6D6567646D6D6473010 wrote:

Obamacare was the basis of that hope, and Obamacare has evaporated.

I am slightly miffed at the moment.

Obama is an Anti-American Marxist/Socialist.  They only know to make people's lives so miserable that the people will then "look to the government" to provide everything.  Then they sneak in their socialist government with their well-to-do heirarchy of benevolent dictators (like Cuba's Castro) who will help everyone - and if they can't, they shoot them!

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 12/18/16 at 05:49:31

My wife is on disability and she just got a letter mention a cost of living increase, but her insurance went up the same amount and her med went up as well, so instead of getting a cost of living increase it totals out to a cost of living decrease.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by 12Bravo on 12/18/16 at 06:29:59

65535249547D58554F553C0 wrote:
My wife is on disability and she just got a letter mention a cost of living increase, but her insurance went up the same amount and her med went up as well, so instead of getting a cost of living increase it totals out to a cost of living decrease.


I go through that every year, Medicare premiums usually go up slightly more than what the cost of living increase is.

The 2016 COA was the first time that they did not increase Medicare premiums (and probably the last time too).

I don't even use Medicare since I get all my health coverage through the VA.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Dave on 12/18/16 at 06:55:23

Our small company has been fighting 20-50% yearly rises in our health care insurance costs ever since Obama created his wonderful insurance plan.  The cost of my single plan has risen from $ 200 a month to nearly a $ 1,000 a month in the last 15 years (some of that is due to my age going from 45- 60 years old).  I used to get discounts because I don't smoke and didn't have any pre-existing conditions - but those discounts disappeared  with Obamacare.

The "plan" created a situation where working people pay a high price for we can subsidize the cost of insurance for those who don't work.

Oldfeller:  Maybe you can find a "part time" job that can allow you to cut back on your hours - and make you enough money to pay your insurance costs.  It is something that I am looking into to help me retire in a few years - maybe a 2-3 day work week.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/16 at 08:13:37

I'm very sorry for the pain caused by such an obviously flawed, never should have been done, piece of legislation. I talked to a guy who lost his job because of Bamicare. And he was MAKING his company about a million dollars a year above and beyond the cost of having him employed. Union and Bamicare combined to force him out. Now he's works for a swimming pool company.
His job before? He worked for SWEPCO,locating and stopping theft of electrical services, documentation, involving the proper authorities, and recovering the money. GONE,  

I don't know who supported Bamicare, but to each of you who did, if you're also a global warming believer, NOW is the time to start listening to people who you don't agree with. Because You've Just been proven WRONG. If you supported NAFTA or any of the trade deals, do you just shrug and walk on, tell yourself
Aww, everybody is wrong once in a while..

But when have you been right?

Remember, we have All been TAUGHT all our lives that the government is made up of good people who want good things for us and all the people everywhere.
And only idiots believe that.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Kenny G on 12/18/16 at 08:41:29


AMEN    :o

Global warming is certainly not evident in North Texas.....

Kenny G

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Ruttly on 12/18/16 at 08:42:22

Wow did you say a mouthful

Of Truth !

You know this is gonna get moved to TT

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by MMRanch on 12/18/16 at 13:49:05

JOG :   Remember, we have All been TAUGHT all our lives that the government is made up of good people who want good things for us and all the people everywhere.
And only idiots believe that.

Yea , Remember --- "The Same Government that can do Anything For You -- Can also Do Anything To You !  

For you / To You
The Yean and Yang of Goverment  ::)

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by BSTON on 12/19/16 at 06:31:36

My dad's rates were up to $1700 a month with a $13k deductible. He ended up finding a plan that isn't ACA compliant but it was something like $800 a month with a lower deductible and you just pay the tax penalty for not having compliant coverage. It still ended up less than the "standard" plan.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 12/19/16 at 06:42:53

My premiums haven't changed much since obamacare - but my family plan deductible and co-pay has gone from about $500 a year to $5,000.

Now that's a fundamental transformation and an all too real change.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/19/16 at 15:29:52

$1700 a month with a $13k deductible

1700 X 12 = $20,400.00 add the deductible you're at
Obviously Affordable Care
This game was started when THEY decided to create HMOs.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Boofer on 12/19/16 at 18:48:01

My family went into a cave when ACA passed, so not sure what ya'll mean. We just came out for a couple of 100 watt bulbs. Anybody seen any around?

My wife retired last month at age 62. We both knew she was worn out and wouldn't make 65. I am happy she feels so much better now. We will make it in spite of govt. Her COBRA was to be @$400/mo we would pay till she turned 65. "Got a letter" saying it would be over $700/mo. She called a friend who retired 6 months before for advice. Switched to a company that has already paid for friend's bills. $258/mo. The catch is we may have to pay a penalty, because it does not have maternity and is therefore not Obama approved. We are planning on NOT paying the fine and letting them take it out of our checks.

Don't give up. Insurance is out there. It is right to pay your medical bills. That is what I will do. I can not go along with any form of Socialism. As the saying goes, "Socialists will soon run out of MY money." Not trying to argue or be Tall Table. Just offering an alternative to help Americans. Sincerely,

:) Boofer

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by LANCER on 12/19/16 at 20:40:11

We should see improvement next year.
We don't know yet the timeframe of the changes back to sanity in the medical insurance world, but hopefully it will not take very long.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by BSTON on 12/20/16 at 08:45:09

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
$1700 a month with a $13k deductible

1700 X 12 = $20,400.00 add the deductible you're at
Obviously Affordable Care
This game was started when THEY decided to create HMOs.

Keep in mind that he's a 1%er. I'm not saying that it's fair that he pays that much. At the same time, a good chink of that money is basically going to help people with pre-existing conditions that never would have had coverage in the past.

Did everyone really think that adding coverage for a couple million people that were most likely the highest risk was going to be free?

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by MMRanch on 12/20/16 at 09:40:48

Gary :  My premiums haven't changed much since obamacare - but my family plan deductible and co-pay has gone from about $500 a year to $5,000.

Now that's a fundamental transformation and an all too real change.

Amen  Gary

And they wonder why they lost !  It couldn't be their fault ... it must have been the Russians ... or something ???


Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/20/16 at 09:56:49

6677706B6A240 wrote:
[quote author=76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 link=1482027663/15#15 date=1482190192] $1700 a month with a $13k deductible

1700 X 12 = $20,400.00 add the deductible you're at
Obviously Affordable Care
This game was started when THEY decided to create HMOs.

Keep in mind that he's a 1%er. I'm not saying that it's fair that he pays that much. At the same time, a good chink of that money is basically going to help people with pre-existing conditions that never would have had coverage in the past.

Did everyone really think that adding coverage for a couple million people that were most likely the highest risk was going to be free?[/quote]

IOW, everyone was Supposed to know Obama was lying about the DECREASED co s ts Everyone would see?

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Steve H on 12/22/16 at 04:47:11

If he could have gotten his dream of 250 million Americans paying into Obamacare, the costs might have come down.  

The last quote I had on Obamacare was almost 3/4 of my annual salary and that's the cheapest policy they had available. You'll never sign up everybody with rates like that.

I'd like to see medical insurance deregulated, people allowed to buy from anywhere that suits them, watch prices drop in a free and open market.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by LANCER on 12/22/16 at 04:57:51

Trump has said he will deregulate the insurance market, and at the rate he is going I believe it will happen.  I expect that within the first year.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by BSTON on 12/22/16 at 06:08:28

647F26252423212E170 wrote:
I'd like to see medical insurance deregulated, people allowed to buy from anywhere that suits them, watch prices drop in a free and open market.

Unfortunately I have little faith that we'll get back to a truly deregulated market any time soon. There are way too many lobbyist with trucks of cash to let that happen. I'm not saying that it's impossible, I just don't think it's a quick fix.

Also, it's not like prices were dropping pre-ACA. That was one of the main points of the try to keep them from going up even more.

Title: Re: Oh well, I was going to retire ......
Post by Trippah on 12/22/16 at 20:23:16

Not to rain on everyone's anti-obamacare  parade but; no one has actually sat down to itemize the real costs..which pre AFHCA  would include the major subsidies to all the emergency rooms to cover the uninsured.  That money came out of your state income tax,  not your own premiums (think shell game)..there are several main flaws in obamacare..we now have two enormous groups dining at the table..the government and the insurance agencies.  The average dr office used to be a dr, a nurse and a receptionist.  Now you need coders, billing departments  etc.  We also have the VA health system (so poorly run for decades they probably killed more vets than our "enemies" did BUT much improved of late., we have Medicare and Medicaid, as well.  Do you know any family that doesn't have at least 1 health care worker?  I don't.  Part of the issue, which no one wants to address, is the aging population and at 70, I am one.  We suck up more medical resources every year.  Perhaps we will have to have a culling of seniors..sort of wheel chair hunger games, or simply decimate the nursing home population every year (kill 1 in 10).
The growing black and brown populations , with their skewed poverty levels, means they have crappy eating habits which lead to diabetes and other long term very expensive diseases (think also tobacco and drug abuse, STD's etc.  Nutritious food would help, but no one is willing to find a food distribution model as agri business is happy the way things are.  These are real issues, and neither party is willing to look at it without their blinders on.  
 I grew up in the good old days, when my fellow suburbanites went to Europe and Mexico for vacations when a teenager got pregnant while the folks on the wrong side of the tracks use pills and coat hangers and occasionally died. We went to our local GP when we felt crappy and he would give us a script, or on rare occasion send us to the hospital.
One of the improvements (I think) has been the sprouting of urgent care centers which save thousands per patient visit over emergency rooms.  This is a result of bamacare I suspect since they have come along in the past 4-5 years.
The real truth is, we can sink into a third world country status as Trump et al wants (where a few own everything and everyone else sucks hind teat) or try to invent a functional nation supporting life, liberty and the pursuit of beautiful girls. (You can guess which side I am on) ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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