General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Blue  Pill / Red  Pill

Message started by MnSpring on 12/13/16 at 18:36:49

Title: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by MnSpring on 12/13/16 at 18:36:49

(Matrix  Movie)
“ … You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth….”
  (He takes  the RED  Pill),  Than,  “Remember I am offering the  TRUTH…”

Hmmmmm,    Who   decided,  D = blue,   and  Red = R.   (In  the 2016  election) ?

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/16 at 19:48:55

Both sides sukk. They both operate outside the Constitution, neither repeals the others bad legislation.
So far, Trump is looking like a lot better president than any other of my adult life.

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by Trippah on 12/13/16 at 20:46:41

JOG I hope you don't mean that.  So far, as he is yet to be President, he has insulted China so as to take attention away from his fondness for Putin and Russia, has selected for his Secretary Of State and Oil man who will argue to lift the embargo so that Exon can make billions more, perhaps sink a few more ships and pollute more that the Gulf of Mexico (perhaps that is the real reason they want a wall.)  He has selected retired Generals so that the militarization of the police can continue since there are more browns and blacks to keep the heel pressed down on.  The deficit spending on silly wars will increase and then a reduction in medical and retirement benefits to the average working man will be put in place to cut the defecit (certainly will not tax billionaires or corporations).  They want to go back to the few mighty rich with all the power, the rest of us economic slaves.  If you do not see this, you got them rose colored glasses on.  As I'm 70, I don't give a hoot what you fools bring down upon yourselves..I'll be gone before it really hits.

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/16 at 22:12:12

Well, he stepped up and kept jobs home, put the finishing touches on a 500BILLION dollar deal, told Boeing No , we don't NEED airplanes that cost that much, is focusing on the F35 fiasco,
Your take on it may be correct, I'm not impressed by some of his selections, some others I'm pretty pleased with.

I've said both sides suck. Pointing out the things that demonstrate it. If that's rose colored glasses,, I'm guilty.

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by Paraquat on 12/14/16 at 09:24:14

I've learned not to take pills from strangers.


Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by Trippah on 12/14/16 at 11:34:11

JOG. His VP made the deal, and it going to cost the taxpayers of Illionois (or wherever) millions to keep those jobs..and for how long.? :D

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/16 at 13:05:13

When the government changes their policy on how much money they steal from the person who earned it, it WOULD seem reasonable to believe that Someone is gonna hafta replace that money. But, we've seen income taxes reduced and federal revenue increased, counterintuitive, but true.
Accuse me of wearing rose colored glasses,, I don't care.
I don't know how it is going to work out, but it looks better than watching the jobs leave. I've been watching that action for decades.
My lenses are clear. I'm watching. I stated Several times that I don't trust Trump to be a good president. So far, he's looking better than I expected. He's certainly ahead of what the bipedal pustule would have delivered.
And, of course, you failed to grasp that He doesn't feel so self important as to require a Multi BILLION dollar airplane.
Lay off the brown tinted goggles, give him a chance.

Title: Re: Blue  Pill / Red  Pill
Post by MnSpring on 12/15/16 at 16:35:26

6352415242465247330 wrote:
I've learned not to take pills from strangers.

Yep  Agree.
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