General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> our grandkids world

Message started by thumperclone on 12/11/16 at 15:14:17

Title: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/11/16 at 15:14:17

from the washington post
our prez elect:
"nobody really knows if climate change is real"

soo he nominates a climate change doubter to run the epa

FACT (look it up)
the  10 warmest years started in 1998 since records have been kept in 1880
the contention is man has not contributed to what may be a natural cycle that we don't comprehend

if you doubt we are having an affect fire up your car in your garage with the doors closed

im relieved the we may have a man @ epa that will protect us FROM the environment

yes we need jobs yes we can compete in the manufacturing sector
and yes we can do it without adding more pollution
okay off my soapbox

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by raydawg on 12/11/16 at 15:55:43

When you can tell me man was responsible for melting the ice age, I will believe supposition as fact.

I am not saying we shouldn't do within our powers to clean up our mess, investigate better energy sources, etc...

But until you can prove it as fact, not theory, your belief is no more valid than that of mine, believing God holds all the answers, and is a away better, sustainable lifestyle, upon how we should ALL live.  ;D

I bet you won't agree, but hey, that's the nature of beliefs....

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 16:21:28

Europe has evidence of orchards North of today's Northern limit.
The world was covered in glaciers. Great lakes were discussed in geography. Whose SUV caused THAT climate change?
The Dire warnings started so long ago.
Why, Florida was gonna just get HAMMERED!
Bigger, meaner, MORE hurricanes.
Florida goes ten years, phhht, nuthin.

Perhaps a study of the SUN would be beneficial.
It seems to be responsible for, well, our climate.
Perpetually wrong and never in doubt.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 16:43:58

I remember being confused when
announced that the weather stations out in the national forests were being shut down, replaced by New stations, on rooftops, by runways, near air conditioning exhausts..
Gee, why did the temperature go up?
The emails from Climate Gate.

How many times do people have to get lied to before they wise up?

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 17:45:17

Lots of inconvenient realities to consider.
Not that I expect anyone to READ anything...

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/11/16 at 18:02:58

382439213C293E2F202322294C0 wrote:
" ... soo he nominates a climate change doubter to run the epa ..."

(Climate  Change, as,  Man is  Responsible)
Started off as,  ‘Global  Warming”
Now, it is,  ‘Climate Change”.
Both are, Correct !

But here, is where  the, ‘al gore’ types, are  jumping in.
on the LACK  of  Knowledge, about the Issue.
And,  Crying, (the equivalent of, racist)
“Well then you are all for   POLLUTION”

First issue;  ‘warming’,  a-Yea, we are  STILL  coming out of the last  ICE Age !
Next, ‘change’;  What part of,  BILLIONS  of  Years, of this  spaceship, changing it’s land masses, and climate, do you not understand.

(I  Remember, 30 + years ago,  the, ’scientists’ screaming that another, “Ice  Age” was coming)
Also  remember, a  Bridge,  (which Fell Down),  which, most, ’scientists and engineers’, said was good.
(Only a  few said,  No, that won’t work long term)
And after it fell.    NOT A  SINGLE ONE, (who said it would work),  COULD BE  FOUND !!!!!!!!!!
NOT A  SINGLE  ONE   !!!!!!!!

Now the third;  ‘Pollution”.
Just  because, someone says, “No, Man, (or his  Cows,  as  Calf), is  NOT, causing  ‘Climate Change’.”
Does  NOT, make  true.
The ‘other’ group,  (and their  parrots), saying,  “Well then, you are FOR   Pollution!”

Gee,  do you remember the EPA,   KILLING  a  River, The Wildlife In, and around that River,
And altering 100’s of thousands, Domestic stock and residents?
Remember !!!!!!!!
But,  NARY a  word about it.  

YES,  do, keep doing, what is good, for everybody on this  Planet.
Which  does,   NOT,  include,  gores  CFL’s, and  ‘Carbon Taxes’.
In fact, the  Mercury in landfills, ‘was’  decreasing.
UNTIL,  gore’s,  ‘pushing’  CFL’s, and because, HE  pushed them,
after they wore out, people just threw them in the garbage.
CFL =  Compact  Florescent Light.   (FULL OF   MERCURY)
Mercury  Content in the last 10 years,   in lakes, rivers, ground water, landfills,
has   Risen !!!!!   (al gore’s CFL’s)

(Hint, buy  LED’s !@)
60  Watt  Incandescent light bulb, 860  Lumens  (Uses  60  Watts)
A  LED,  ,  830  Lumens.  (uses  8  Watts)
20,   60  watt, light bulbs, 1,200  WATTS.
20,  (60 watt equivalent), LED’s,  160  WATTS.
(Which uses  more   Coal  to make  Electric ?)

See,  All The people, that  KNOW,   GW/CC, is   a  Joke.
(As a  Political talking point)
Are,  NOT, “Pollution is  OK”.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/11/16 at 18:07:22

you all have points BUT

deny my car in the garage

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/11/16 at 18:21:13

6E726F776A7F68797675747F1A0 wrote:
you all have points BUT

But   What  ?????

Because  someone,  KNOWS,  the,  ‘Climate  Change’
Which has been  Happening for  Billions of  Years!

But  they;   “Are in favor of  Pollution” ??????

Because  al gore and his  CFL’s,  say so ???????

" ... deny my car in the garage ..."

OK,  a,  'Cave Man', in a  Cave,  Several  Thousand  Years ago.
Started a  fire in the mouth of the cave.

Gee,  what   Happened,  did the Cave GET warmer ??????

OMG,  It's  the   'CAVE  MANS'  Fault   !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/11/16 at 18:24:35

Oh  Yea,  your  gonna  say,  ‘Carbon  Dioxide’.

Did I say,  in the,  ‘FRONT’, of the Cave???????

Because,  EVEN,  the  CAVE  man knew, it he built a  fire,
in the BACK  of the Cave, he would not wake up.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by raydawg on 12/11/16 at 19:16:52

796578607D687F6E616263680D0 wrote:
you all have points BUT

deny my car in the garage

Buy a battery power car then and run it in your garage....
If that is your fancy, HOWEVER, now, that you can breath, how will you rid yourself of a spent battery?
You going to trade earth, over air?

BTW, God is the only power source that is self generating, he needs no other input, the real perpetual motion being  ;D

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 23:08:01

667A677F627760717E7D7C77120 wrote:
you all have points BUT

deny my car in the garage

2]you all have points BUT

You mean like the little details lik

The world was covered in ice, glaciers scooped out the Great Lakes, and, ALL that ice disappeared without a Frisbee factory or a Suburban spewing crap.

The Sun isn't a light bulb. Its output changes.

Those Martians better curtail their pollution.

Mars is Melting | Science Mission Directorate
NASA (.gov) › science › science-at-nasa
Aug 7, 2003 - The south polar ice cap of Mars is receding, revealing frosty mountains, rifts and curious dark spots.

Who we gonna blame that on?

I'm so tired of laughing at the

The sea is rising!
Uhhh, really?

Deny your car.
What are you saying?

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/16 at 04:44:44

thumper, the proportion of your car to the garage makes your analuseless.

look, of course no one denies greenhouse effect is real, that's why we have greenhouses of course. the question is are humans putting enough gases into the atmosphere to SIGNIFICANTLY change the climate? that's not a slam dunk answer. a very short 15,000 years ago, you could not take a boat on the great lakes because they weren't there yet, they were still a glacier.

point is, of course every year is warmer than the year before, it has to be. now, are we speeding that up too much and can we do anything about it? as technology moves forward, we'll naturally evolve to differ, cleaner energy sources. my problem is, climate change has been politicized and turn into a giant business. honestly has long ago left that barn...

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/12/16 at 05:39:35

if  a politician can benefit from IT
IT gets politicized

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/16 at 07:24:42

No worries,... we can trash the planet all we want, and God will fix it...
Like he does everything else... :-/

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by raydawg on 12/12/16 at 13:42:13

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
No worries,... we can trash the planet all we want, and God will fix it...
Like he does everything else... :-/

Hey, I think you stumbled on to sumtin.....
Politicians must think they are God and can fix everything by implementing the right policies and promoting the right beliefs.
Golly, they should teach that in school!

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/16 at 20:19:58

485449514C594E5F505352593C0 wrote:
if  a politician can benefit from IT
IT gets politicized

Wow, you really stepped right up and made your point.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/16/16 at 12:03:00

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
No worries,... we can trash the planet all we want, and God will fix it...
Like he does everything else... :-/

a meteor would work

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/16/16 at 12:03:47

607F797E63645565556D7F73380A0 wrote:
[quote author=485449514C594E5F505352593C0 link=1481498057/0#12 date=1481549975]if  a politician can benefit from IT
IT gets politicized

Wow, you really stepped right up and made your point. [/quote]

tyvm ;)

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/16 at 20:44:45

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
No worries,... we can trash the planet all we want, and God will fix it...
Like he does everything else... :-/

Hyperbole aside, going to the Point, CO2, and the assertion that the increased CO2 is dooming the planet, let's think about that just a minute.

What happens when plants get a bunch of CO2?

Plants Grow, use the co2, create oxygen,

Gee, a system...

arbon Dioxide In Greenhouses › crops › facts
Growers should regard CO2 as a nutrient. ... In greenhouse production the aim of all growers is to increase dry-matter ...
Hydrofarm - Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Methods › articles › c...
Horticulturists and greenhouse growers have used CO generators to enhance growth rates on plants for many years .... Let's select an injection time interval ( CO2 enrichment time) of every two hours.
Elevating Carbon Dioxide in a Commercial Greenhouse ... › GPRG › Elev...
by JM Frantz - [ch8206]Cited by 4 - [ch8206]Related articles
While growers can add supplemental CO2, it is unknown how ... insulated greenhouse without supplemental CO2 at a commercial facility. Simula- ... This also ensured that all injected CO2 would.
How to Use CO2 to Increase Cannabis Yields! | Grow Weed Easy › co2
Learn everything you need to know about CO2 injection... ... After years of research and study by commercial greenhouse growers, we've learned exactly what's needed to get the benefits of ex

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 00:00:24

what about carbon dioxide over load??
seen any photos of bejing??

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 01:25:42


Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a colorless and odorless gas that is vital to life on Earth. This naturally occurring chemical compound is made up of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms.
Carbon dioxide - Wikipedia


You should look at pictures of some of the California cities before smog pumps  catalytic converters.

What you're seeing in Bejing is pollution. Pollution caused by industy. Industry that ONCE upon a time was here.
But, WHEN it was here, it was regulated and forced to incorporate scrubbers.

Interesting project.
Go to the auto parts house. Look  at a heater core.
Look at, feel of a brake disk. Consider mining the raw materials, creating the parts, machining, freight To the docks, across the ocean, freight from the port, to the store.
I bought a heater core for $40.00, and an AC evaporator core for $100.00.  
They aren't making enough money to manufacture and do it responsibly.
I'd rather pay more, get a better product and NOT crap on the world.

CO2 overload,  that's rich.

How many times do you have to just get clobbered before you start listening?

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 01:29:42

my bad I ment carbon monoxide
what comes outta the tail pipe
no need to get nasty...

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 01:31:32

if as you say gw is bs why are the glaciers and ice caps melting???
cold doesn't make ice melt heat does

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 06:44:15

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air. It is toxic to hemoglobic animals when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm, although it is ...

FYI, hemoglobic animals have hemoglobin in their blood.
That's the part Of the blood that carries oxygen to the cells.

Once again, nobody,other than the honest scientists and the satellites, say we aren't warming.
Try looking at the data and not the propaganda.
The first page I post a link. Go read it.

You ARE aware that more than one
Scientific expedition to go gather evidence that the ice in the North Atlantic was melting has had to be rescued because they got Stuck in the Ice, right?
The hurricanes didn't get bigger and more frequent.
The ice didn't disappear.
The variations have gone on for as long as we've kept records.
And GOD I'm sick of typing this crap, BUT,
In the seventies, toward the end of
There's a mini ice age coming!
The people in power decided to stop using weather stations in key rural areas and replaced them with idiotically located ones.
On rooftops, near AC exhaust, near runways, which skewed data.

If you WANT to be correct more than you Want to feel all superior and more caring about the Earth , YOU'LL go hunt for information that would conflict with what the people who have been caught lying for decades are trying to get you to believe.

I've posted proof of the weather stations being manipulated.
The link I posted on the first page will get you started.
The left SCREAMS about CO2. A reasonably scientific mind unseats that fear. It's Fertilizer for plants.. which make oxygen, which balances the system.
Go study the CO2 output of volcanoes in one day.

If the left want a cause , get rid of GMO,

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 14:07:27

co  not co2...

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 15:07:18

canoes emit around 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. This is about

They were more active and had thousands of years to produce CO2.

Why do you continue to argue without even looking anything up?
Why don't you ever change your position once it's been proven to be, less than correct?
Has ANYONE bothered to even look up
Emergency war powers?
That's why Congress hasn't declared war in decades..
They are not in charge.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 16:32:33

CO jog   look it up!!!

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 17:06:48

From where?
is about CO2.
Now, if you want to change the topic,
You drag references in.
Some differences between telling people
Look up
Emergency war powers
After talking about the constitution and congress
And telling me
Look up CO.
In reference to what?
Now it's the GW problem?
Type out a thought,man.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 17:11:27

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:

Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a colorless and odorless gas that is vital to life on Earth. This naturally occurring chemical compound is made up of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms.
Carbon dioxide - Wikipedia


You should look at pictures of some of the California cities before smog pumps  catalytic converters.

What you're seeing in Bejing is pollution. Pollution caused by industy. Industry that ONCE upon a time was here.
But, WHEN it was here, it was regulated and forced to incorporate scrubbers.

Interesting project.
Go to the auto parts house. Look  at a heater core.
Look at, feel of a brake disk. Consider mining the raw materials, creating the parts, machining, freight To the docks, across the ocean, freight from the port, to the store.
I bought a heater core for $40.00, and an AC evaporator core for $100.00.  
They aren't making enough money to manufacture and do it responsibly.
I'd rather pay more, get a better product and NOT crap on the world.

CO2 overload,  that's rich.

How many times do you have to just get clobbered before you start listening?

Try reading that, no, really READ it.

I not only looked up CO,
I pointed out that You, once again, didnt.

Re: our grandkids world
Reply #23 - Yesterday at 14:44:15 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote Modify Remove  Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air. It is toxic to hemoglobic animals when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm, although it is ...


I explained the smog in China. Our factories had scrubbers on the stacks.

I answered all of it.
But you don't read the answer.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 17:15:06

oh baby duck
go back on this post
go to your garage and close all the doors sit in your car and fire it up..

that is co tell me if you surive

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 17:21:02

I ever covered THAT.
Never mind,, I know how to handle you.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/16 at 17:25:32

766A776F726770616E6D6C67020 wrote:
" ...why are the glaciers and ice caps melting???..."

If you look up.  “Glaciers Melting”
You will get   Lots of,  ‘al gore’, (the Sky is falling)  sites.

If you look up:  “Glaciers Not  Melting”
You will get as  MANY sites. Telling the  Truth.

Here  is a  NASA  site:
And here is another one:
One says they are, one says not.
The,  ‘Cherry  Picking”,  of  Data.  Is  Very  Apparent !

Last  Ice  Age was only 15,000  +/- years ago,
and we are  STILL,  coming out of it !.

Their have been 5  major  Ice ages, first one, 2 to 2.5   BILLION   Years ago !
The  Last One, about 15,000 years ago.
Next one expected, in  15 to 30 thousand years from Now.

In ALL,   Ice Ages,   their are warming and cooling times.
And  al gore, has  Nothing to do with it  !
(Except, make money, by  LYING)

Just like the latest,  “If it is over 8, you must replace”
Totally, completely  FALSE !
A  clever, commercial, that,  ‘mattress companies’, say, to Increase their revenue, because they KNOW, the  H.R.C. Voter, will ‘DO as They Say” !

Fact is, if you sleep, ON,  the  Mattress, ONLY, Yea.
Most people don’t, they have a cover, then a pad, then the sheets, etc.
And then they  wash them.  

(Global Warming = Replace over 8)
Learn the  TRUTH,  do not,  ‘Parrot’   what someone  TOLD  you to say !

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/16 at 17:32:33

Wish you would have jumped in a lot sooner.
I had handed him hizzass a long time ago, but rather than change his position he retreated to some bullshit position and pretended I should have been addressing it.
No problem, he's not gonna learn, so, I'll just ignore his replies.
I'll post an answer and be done.
I wonder if he even wonders what melted the ice age.
Don't these people know that the sun varies in output?
It's not constant.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/16 at 18:44:35

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
Wish you would have jumped in a lot sooner.  

LOL,   Little thing here, called,  'snow'.   Needed Cleaning out.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by thumperclone on 12/17/16 at 21:59:54

clueless x2

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by WebsterMark on 12/18/16 at 06:07:45

There are only a few actual facts that matter about global warming.

1) Every IPCC estimate of future temperature has been higher than actual. Higher, not lower. I believe there have been 5 and all 5 were too high.  Ask yourself why. If you've ever written a position paper or lobbied your boss for a project you wanted to pursue, you know the answer. You either sub-consciously or purposely manipulate whatever data is needed to support your cause.

2) The earth is some 4 billion years old. Dinosaurs roamed 65 million years ago. In the grand scheme of things, we've been around for a very short period of time. A very short 15,000 years ago, you could not have stood on the Chicago shores of Lake Michigan because it wasn't there. It was covered under a giant glacier that was in the process of receding. So why is it surprising we are warming today than in the past?

3) Finally, science encourages debate with two notable exceptions: the mystery of the origins of life and global warming. You cannot propose new theories on those two topics without facing the threat of blackballing. You can say gravity is caused by green apples and you'll be fine, but suggest that global warming is not a significant event and you're screwed. Again, ask yourself why. That's a little more complicated answer.

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/16 at 10:08:39

3428352D302532232C2F2E25400 wrote:
clueless x2

Runby, toss your bomb, say nothing, and pretend you won.
So shallow.  

Title: Re: our grandkids world
Post by MnSpring on 12/19/16 at 17:09:39

607C617964716677787B7A71140 wrote:
clueless x2

clueless x2
Please  Explain.
Is:  “clueless x2“

Meant only for JOG, or for me also?
    (Actually a  lot of others have pointed out your fallacy)

Pointed out your,  ‘fallacy’, by  FACTS.
Not  the, ‘al gore, stuff your pockets’, by  LYING ! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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