General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Hacking,snooping,and playing domino

Message started by raydawg on 12/10/16 at 18:45:58

Title: Hacking,snooping,and playing domino
Post by raydawg on 12/10/16 at 18:45:58

Is the news @ Russia influencing our election something new?

Seems I recall the press launching stories about how concerned, scared, and plain old didn't want Trump elected because of, well, you fill in the negative blank, of these other nations around the world.

Is that fake news?  

Wasn't it Merkel, and others who got mad when they heard that guy, forgot his name now, revealed how the USA was eavesdropping into their country?

Oh yeah, Snowden was his name.

Its ok for us to do, but shame, shame, shame when others do it?

What gives, does the left have no scruples at all?

If this is happening, wouldn't it be better to discreetly investigate, instead of telegraphing it to the world to try and  discredit Trump because you still can't except the results?

Title: Re: Hacking,snooping,and playing domino
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 19:55:13

Now, now,   You KNOW the Russians couldn't have done anything about the election.


Because when it was revealed that Hillary had a private, unsecured server and the Russians may have hacked it, THAT was laughable.. a stupid conspiracy theory,,
But NOW, Trump wins.

Those dastardly Russians!
Fukking pikk a SIDE..
I'm sick of the lying. Okay. Intellectual dishonesty.
Whatever suits the Needs of the Moment.
The truth changes with the wind.

Don't wanna be disrespected?
Behave honorably.

Title: Re: Hacking,snooping,and playing domino
Post by old.indian on 12/11/16 at 09:08:18

Of course WE don't try to influence other nations' election.... ::)
I do seem to remember a recent  vote in the UK where the President of the U.S. stated that if the UK voted to leave the European Union it would have a very negative effect on the trade relations between the UK and the US.    But then threats of an economic nature couldn't be conceived as  attempting to influence an election, or favoring one candidate / side or the other.  ::)      

Title: Re: Hacking,snooping,and playing domino
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 09:55:36

Difference between overt and covert.
Brazen bullying threats, shameful.. but indicative of the support for the globalist agenda.
IF Russia did anything more than subtly suggest that peace would be unlikely if Hillary was elected, I don't know about it but  wouldn't blame them. She's a bomb throwing maniac.

Don't you think it's time America have a Woman for President?
I don't care about gender or race, just the JOB.  I've been watching her performance for decades. I'm not only unimpressed, I'm shocked that she is seen as credible by anyone.

The same people who laughed at the idea that Russia could have hacked Hillary's server,  a stationary, long term, isolated installation, Now want me to believe that Russia was able hack into and not steal but manipulate the data to get Trump elected.
Now, they allegedly Did that on a system that is spread all over the country. The vote counts had to be reasonable. And, they left it to the Electoral College.

Ask yourself the right questions and pretty soon you have a sort of outline for the thought processes.

I'm convinced Putin REALLY wanted Trump. I'm not convinced they took any covert action. I do believe the dems played every game possible to steal it.
They DID steal the nomination for her.
The Fact that they NEEDED to should cause you to ask yourself some questions.

If she couldn't beat Bernie, how exactly do I think about the voting results? She couldn't beat Bernie in a fair fight, but won the popular vote against Trump without illegal immigrants, dead people and buses of transients?
Sure, I believe that.

Title: Re: Hacking,snooping,and playing domino
Post by verslagen1 on 12/12/16 at 10:42:50

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
If she couldn't beat Bernie, how exactly do I think about the voting results? She couldn't beat Bernie in a fair fight, but won the popular vote against Trump without illegal immigrants, dead people and buses of transients?

Yes, I'm waiting on the results for that.  Although they'll figure out some way of verifying the vote w/out verifying the voters. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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