General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Godspeed John Glenn

Message started by WebsterMark on 12/10/16 at 12:01:49

Title: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/16 at 12:01:49

"John Glenn must surely have wondered, as all the astronauts weathered into geezers, how a great nation grew so impoverished in spirit.

Our heroes are old and stooped and wizened, but they are the only giants we have. Today, when we talk about Americans boldly going where no man has gone before, we mean the ladies' bathroom. Progress."

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 12:17:51

He stopped being a hero to me when he lost the ability to understand that the People have rights.

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 12/10/16 at 12:56:24

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
He stopped being a hero to me when he lost the ability to understand that the People have rights.

I grew up and lived my whole life in Ohio (Canton) and we, of course, loved John Glenn because he was also from Ohio.

But, after hearing him make several advertisements for Obama back in the 2012 election made me throw up.  He tried to portray Obama like he was an old fashioned mid-American guy who grew up on baseball and apple pie.  We all know now, and I knew then, that Obama was the farthest from that portrayal as anyone could be.

No, I have almost zero respect for John Glenn!

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by raydawg on 12/10/16 at 13:08:22

Was John Glenn a hero......
However, that worship was directed to little boys.
It wasn't malicious of intent, or sexist, it was simply the way things were viewed then.
What sets democracy above all the other systems of governing is that our foundational documents are not a manifest of maintaining a ridgid alliance to historical compliance.....
In other words it allows for its citizenry, through all levels of social class, race, gender, beliefs, to extend, ammend, and encompass all with the pursuit of happiness.
Restricting anyone from that pursuit, based on any of the freedoms granted by those documents, will invite objection.

It seems this is a crossroad to where we are now, as a nation, if this last election proved anything.
The challenge to a electoral which has stood all this time, might be under assault.
Impinging on the rights of one group, to grant another group, their pursuit, will result in neither.
When a free press becomes corrupted, and truth, subjective....
We have left that high road of honesty before wants.

We can elect others to decide of what we should already know, keeping the divisions sepearated and liquid, with resolution never being realized, or......

Well, I am done preaching  ;D

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 16:36:50

However, that worship was directed to little boys.
It wasn't malicious of intent, or sexist, it was simply the way things were viewed then.

The news of his exploits was not Aimed at anyone. If it was more exciting to males than females would be attributable to a couple of things.
He was a guy. Once upon a time, he had been a boy. So, boys could easily relate. That doesn't mean No girls saw it and dreamt of one day being an astronaut nor does it mean every boy gave it more than a passing thought. I didn't. I thought
Cool! Look at what machines they can build! He didn't DO anything that the equipment couldn't do. He was just the First.
Someone else would have if he had never been born.

Studies have been done, people who were determined that Their boy wouldn't act like a violent hooligan gave him Barbie dolls and anything and everything But cap pistols and electric trains, and boys rip Barbie dolls to pieces and use the parts for pretend hand grenades.

Children behave the way they do Not because the toy manufacturers create things to inspire that behavior, rather, they manufacture what they manufacture because of demand.
Not Every boy wants a GI Joe. I never wanted one. Cap pistols were cool for about five minutes. A water gun was much more realistic. It SHOT something.  
My sister was four years older, and couldn't even begin to shoot my bow and arrow I had at age five.
I know a boy, seven years old, nicest kid, very intuitive with people, and has about zero desire to build, operate, ride anything..  I know a girl who is seven and will climb and take chances, Behaviors and gender can GENERALLY be seen as
Boys do this
Girls do that
And there are exceptions to that normally, generally true statement. Some real Tom boys grow into spectacular women...  And some very successful husbands and fathers grow up out of those cautious, introverted boys.

Glenn was never a HERO to me. He was the guy who proved the engineers had it going on. I held him in high regard until he showed me he couldn't read the Constitution that he swore to uphold.

Ohhh how exciting! Look, they're flying over the NASCAR track! Ohh, lookie! It's the
Missing Man formation...

Now, that crap is aimed at young men. Propaganda, pure and simple.

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by pg on 12/10/16 at 17:15:08

I held him in high regard until he showed me he couldn't read the Constitution that he swore to uphold.

Why, what did he do?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 17:18:47

He became a gun grabbing liberal.

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by pg on 12/10/16 at 17:47:40

That is disheartening, I'm sorry I asked.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by MnSpring on 12/10/16 at 18:20:44

I also,  believed, John Glenn was  a  HERO.

A  Brave,  Courageous, Up Standing   American.
Who,  Truly,  believed in, 'Truth,  Justice, the  American Way',
     Until he, believed that, The    Country,  the  Constitution, meant  nothing !

5D4244435E5968586850424E05370 wrote:
He became a gun grabbing liberal.

Title: Re: Godspeed John Glenn
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 19:33:49

A cliche', come to life.
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