General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> dang it

Message started by thumperclone on 12/10/16 at 00:52:34

Title: dang it
Post by thumperclone on 12/10/16 at 00:52:34

they refunded the govmint
shut it down

Title: Re: dang it
Post by Papa Bear on 12/10/16 at 05:37:51

I wish I could "refund" myself like the government does.....

I just need more credit cards.  :P

Title: Re: dang it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 11:58:56

686966676465626360510 wrote:
I wish I could "refund" myself like the government does.....

I just need more credit cards.  :P

I just need more credit cards that someone else gets the bills for.

And, when they Do deadlock and
Shut the government down,
The only stuff that stops are the access, services and things that the People need. Their spending and idiocy continue.

Title: Re: dang it
Post by Papa Bear on 12/10/16 at 14:03:23

Unbridled spending like that can only (finally) result in 2 things:

1) One hell of a bill to pay when you finally sober up. ...
2)  Bankruptcy

Someone who "racks up a tab" like that is either delusional or crooked.

Being the co-sign for their ineptness is profane.

Title: Re: dang it
Post by raydawg on 12/10/16 at 15:21:39

I think they adopt the reasoning of this analogy of a hundred dollar bill.....

The Madam needed some work done on her bordello.
She hired a craftsman to perform the work.
When he was done he presented her with a invoice for $100.00.
She didn't have it, but she told him she could pay for it tomorrow.
He agreed he would return tomorrow to get paid.
He left and went to his local watering hole.
He ordered his usual daily poison.
The bar keep said, buddy, I need you to get caught up on your tab.
He said, no problem, just serve me again today and I will come by tomorrow and pay you.
The bar keep agreed, served him, and said see you tomorrow when he left.
It wasn't long before the mayor came in.
He told the bar keep that his business liscence is expired and he will have to shut him down if he doesn't pay it.
The bar keep said, no problem, but I need you to come back tomorrow.
The mayor agreed.
Feeling good he decided to go for his weekly servicing at the bordello.
He got off, and the Madam charged him his usual 100 bucks.
He paid in cash.
The next day the craftsman returned to the bordello to collect on his work.
She thanked him and paid him in cash, 100 dollars.
He thanked her, and went to the bar.
He paid his tab of 100 smackers, in cash.
The bar keep thank him, and he left after starting a new tab with a few rounds.
Just about then the mayor walks in.
The bar keep welcomes him and pays 100 dollars for his business liscence.
The mayor thanks him and leaves.
Feeling good he decides to go get some more......

The the moral of the story is......
If the gummermint is involved, we will be fuccked and it's going to cost us!

Title: Re: dang it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 06:24:53

Still no real grasp of the game.

When you watch six players sit down and play poker and everyone walks away a loser, you're on your way to the asking questions.
What nation isnt in debt?
Who is everyone indebted TO?

Remember what Henry Ford said.
Remember what the historical figures said.

Title: Re: dang it
Post by verslagen1 on 12/12/16 at 09:11:30

75667E63667060070 wrote:
The the moral of the story is......
If the gummermint is involved, we will be fuccked and it's going to cost us!

I'd have to disagree entirely.
The madam was serviced.
the carpenter was serviced.
the bartender was serviced.
and although the mayor was serviced twice, he facilitated business.
luckily, no one charged interest or we would've all been screwed. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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