General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 6.08 %

Message started by raydawg on 12/09/16 at 17:33:29

Title: 6.08 %
Post by raydawg on 12/09/16 at 17:33:29

Gee, who'd ever thought I'd finish my investments there for the year ( I know, lots can still happen )

Not a shattering return, by any means, but remember, I am about to retire and have minimized my risk/exposure accordingly, so in all honesty,  a good return.

Thanks Obama, not sure what you did to finish on such a high note, but I must ask, why didn't you do it sooner?   ;D

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/16 at 18:34:27

Everyone is hollering
Trump is elected. Stock market is climbing. Interest rates will climb.
Anyone smart enough to remember the question
How do interest rates affect the debt?
He will be challenged by a debt that increases EVEN IF SPENDING DOESN'T INCREASE. Spending could Drop and Debt STILL increase.

Do YOU understand?
A concept beyond the grasp of most on the right and all on the left..

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by raydawg on 12/09/16 at 19:25:30

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
Everyone is hollering
Trump is elected. Stock market is climbing. Interest rates will climb.
Anyone smart enough to remember the question
How do interest rates affect the debt?
He will be challenged by a debt that increases EVEN IF SPENDING DOESN'T INCREASE. Spending could Drop and Debt STILL increase.

Do YOU understand?
A concept beyond the grasp of most on the right and all on the left..

Yeah I get it punkin.....

That is why I am debt free, or zero, or next to it,  interest loans  (my wife's car 2016 honda is under 1%)

I, for the last 5 plus years, have deferred my maximum withholding, pretax, into all my investments, which reduces my yearly taxable gross liability, and live off a much reduced "paycheck".

That is key to getting ahead in any market, stay UNDER your means.
Carry no debt, and have money stashed away to pay cash for big ticket expenses and have even more money ( a years wage minimum ) in savings in case you can't work, etc...

In other words, DON'T BARROW MONEY to buy something you CAN'T AFFORD!  ;D

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/16 at 22:16:41

Well, your reply wouldn't indicate that you even read what I said, so, only you know if you have a clue about what I said.

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by Paraquat on 12/13/16 at 06:13:32

I saw 9% over the last 5 years on my 401k.
I just moved some money into energy, bonds, and a large cap fund. Still have fairly conservative pair of 401k's.

I have rolled debt from a lone CC to a 0% annual for a year. Hopefully I'll eliminate it within a year. If not, I'll roll the remainder over to another brand. I also just refinanced my house. Nice, low fixed rate; switched to a 15 year also. I'm burrowing in like a tick and bracing for impact.


Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by raydawg on 12/13/16 at 08:01:04

1E2F3C2F3F3B2F3A4E0 wrote:
I saw 9% over the last 5 years on my 401k.
I just moved some money into energy, bonds, and a large cap fund. Still have fairly conservative pair of 401k's.

I have rolled debt from a lone CC to a 0% annual for a year. Hopefully I'll eliminate it within a year. If not, I'll roll the remainder over to another brand. I also just refinanced my house. Nice, low fixed rate; switched to a 15 year also. I'm burrowing in like a tick and bracing for impact.


9 is good, but I am just a year out so I had a fair amount in low yield bonds, which brought my other investments down.

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by Paraquat on 12/13/16 at 09:33:09

I suspect bonds will be on the rise in 2017.
We'll have to see what happens to the fed rates though.


Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by MnSpring on 12/13/16 at 17:20:05

6D5C4F5C4C485C493D0 wrote:
" ... I also just refinanced my house."

Their are 12 months in a  year.
Their are 52 weeks in a  Year.

You pay your loan, once each month. (Which 99.98% of them ask)

(Just using Numbers here)
1,000.00  a  Month is due,  (that’s 500,00 every two weeks)

(lets say), You get  Paid, every two weeks.  
52 of them, (Not  48, as your, loan, says)

So, you deposit, 500.00,  Every Two Weeks,
and at the end of the month, take out your  Payment.
Do that for a  YEAR.  (EACH YEAR)
And at the end of the year, you make,  
TWO  Payments.
One, (required) at 1,000.00, and one, of, 1,000.00
The, first 1,000.00 that is required, is your intrust and loan  payment.
The, Next, 1,000.00  is,  ALL,   Loan  Payment  !!!!!!!

(That is on a  ‘Amortized’, Loan,  (which 99.89% are.)
If you don’t know want a, ‘’Amortized’, Loan, is,
You borrow, 100,000.00, you payments are 1,000.00
You pay, 1,000.00 each month.
Of that, 1,000.00, (first payment)
990.00  is   INTRUST  !!!!  and 10.00 is,  re-Payment, of the loan. !!!!!!

At the end of a  Year,   (ABOUT),
you have  paid  ONLY 180.00 on the amount you have to pay back.  
(You  STILL  OWE,  $99.820.00
But have   PAID,  $12,000.00)
A  WHOLE  LOT  of  Intrust, for the money you borrowed!
If you put, 1/2 your payment away, each time you get paid,
(*every Two Weeks),At the end of the year,
you paid that, 1,000.00 ‘extra’.
YOU, REDUCE, your  Loan, by 1,000.00, MORE !!!!

(A  30 Year  Mortgage,  Just using that simple thing,
you will pay off that loan in 18 years  !!!!!!!)

Next, if you have, Not,   re-finaced yet.
(Crunch those  numbers. !!!!!!)
Now, decide, How, Much, can you afford to pay  every month !

Let’s say, you need, 100,000.00,  (for something)
Let’s say, you can afford a, 1,000.00 a month payment.
And the, ‘bank/etc’, want’s, a 800.00 a  month payment.

EACH  PAYMENT,  YOU   Make, is, 1,000.00 (not 800.00)
Then, 5.00 from the 800.00 goes to the Principal,  (the money you owe)
and the Extra, 200.00 is   ALL,   Principal !!!!!!!!!
(That loan will go down  FAST !)

It is   REQUIRED,  in  ALL   States, to  Provide you with a  Copy of that  schedule, so you can keep track.   Yet   MOST,   ‘banks/etc’,  do  NOT  Give you one !!!!  And it is  the, LAW,  in  ALL   STATES,  that any,  ‘Pre-Payment”, of a  Loan, is,  WITHOUT   Penalty !!!!!
(But of course, this in the ‘very’ fine print, and the, ‘bank/etc’,  will NOT   Tell you !!!!!!!

Let’s say, above is so.
BUT, you ask the  ‘bank/etc’, :
  “How  Much  Money will 900.00  a month buy”:
Let’s say,  they say, 120.000.00
First  Payment,  is,  (900.00   +   20,000.00)
WOW,   Awesome,  reduction in,  ‘Principal’  !

Now, combine, the (2 week thing), even MORE !

And again, before someone get’s their panties in a bunch.
Above are ‘just’ numbers, for a  example.
Each loan, each person/household, has to do a  ’number crunching’,
And it depend, on your Job/income, Loan you need, payment you can make, & Collateral, etc, etc,.

It is  the  Principle of the thing.
And   BANKS    HATE   That.  
Just   HATE   That  !!!!!!

Look up, ‘Amortized’, Loan/schedule,  
Plug,   your,  numbers in, and  SEE !

Do you know why,
the, ‘banker’, is  driving a  NEW   Lexus  every year.
And you, struggle with a 7 year old  Geo Metro ?

YOU,   paid  for,   HIS/HER,  New  Car,
      Every  Year !


Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by MnSpring on 12/13/16 at 17:20:31

You,  have  a  saving account.
It is  paying you,  (today 1%)

You have  a  Loan, you are paying them  4%.

(Keep, enough money in the saving account,
of course, for emergencies)

The Rest,  PAY   Down  the Loan,
You,  NOW,  just  make  3%   !!!!!

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by Paraquat on 12/14/16 at 09:28:06

I make an amortization payment of 150 extra a month, towards principle only.

I did a quit claims with a roommate and was forced to buy out her half of the house at the worst possible time in the market.

My old payment was $X for another 22 years.
I paid 3k (got 900 back for staying with my current mortgage company)
My new loan is $X-$3.00, for 15 years.
I am still making amortization payments.

Rudimentary math breakdown:
I paid 2k to shave 7 years off my mortgage while saving 3 dollars per month. And I'm still making amortization payments.
I'm on schedule to have my house paid off by the time I'm 40.


Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by MnSpring on 12/14/16 at 10:50:15

7B4A594A5A5E4A5F2B0 wrote:
I make an amortization payment of 150 extra a month, towards principle only.

Great !
You are one of the  VERY   few  that do that !

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by raydawg on 12/14/16 at 12:23:04

4E6D5073716A6D64030 wrote:
[quote author=7B4A594A5A5E4A5F2B0 link=1481333609/0#9 date=1481736486]I make an amortization payment of 150 extra a month, towards principle only.

Great !
You are one of the  VERY   few  that do that ![/quote]

Yes, but get rid of all other debt first.....
Do not save any money, or pay off a low interest loan first, always the highest.
Waddle your way down, but too, have access to cash for emergencies, to borrow again will only set you back, it can become a vicious cycle if you rely on only good luck.

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by Paraquat on 12/15/16 at 06:07:32

50435B46435545220 wrote:
it can become a vicious cycle if you rely on only good luck.

I also have my good looks.


Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by raydawg on 12/15/16 at 09:40:03

78495A49595D495C280 wrote:
[quote author=50435B46435545220 link=1481333609/0#11 date=1481746984]it can become a vicious cycle if you rely on only good luck.

I also have my good looks.


I have tools too, one is really big [ch128536]

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by MnSpring on 12/15/16 at 15:56:46

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
" I have tools too, one is really big [ch128536]

WOW,  you have a  4' x 8'  Panel  Saw ?
Or a  6'  Lath, with 4 steady rests ?

Title: Re: 6.08 %
Post by Paraquat on 12/16/16 at 06:00:18

I'm selling a 1929 14x6 Hendey lathe.

Polished my inline 6 cylinder 4.0 Jeep crankshaft on it.

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