General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I will be watching her.....

Message started by raydawg on 12/03/16 at 08:21:23

Title: I will be watching her.....
Post by raydawg on 12/03/16 at 08:21:23

Reading up on Betsy DeVos, and frankly I think Trump missed this one by a country mile.

I do not have all the facts, and as in this story/link:

They do some decades old digging to get a story to direct their claim in today article/climate as viable.

Gee, the Clinton's and Obama's said a marriage was between a man and woman back then too  ;D

As a believer, I worry a lot about man/woman directing any INVOLUNTARY referencing (God), through their government position, as a reason for policy....

I am firm in believing this the precise reasons our founders gave us separation.    

And as a believer I share this not because I think God would fail in sustaining us, no.....

But because I believe MAN will fail us, when he plays God!

On its face, any religion that is forced upon another, unwillingly, is not a religion of of a God that is love.
It is a man made requirement, of their own personal interpretation, of "their" understanding of "a" God.

I do not know this woman, nor will I say what I wrote is true of her, but so often the person promoted to do good welfare becomes the story, consuming the energy that would better serve the program that they were elected to oversee....

We can discuss the merit of such, how right or wrong that is, but I believe a president seating his cabinet has to know that, and would consider this paramount in deciding the best candidate to achieve the best results for the program itself....  

Title: Re: I will be watching her.....
Post by MnSpring on 12/03/16 at 19:20:36

" ...“We could give every single penny we have, everybody in this room could give every single penny they had, and it wouldn’t begin to touch what is currently spent on education every year in this country and what is in many cases … not well spent." ..."

(From the  Link)
" … not well spent."

Yep,  and their is  a  'group',  who want to  KEEP,   KEEPING,   Students,   DUMB. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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