General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Flag burning......

Message started by raydawg on 11/30/16 at 03:24:53

Title: Flag burning......
Post by raydawg on 11/30/16 at 03:24:53

I get it, I think its expression, but I think it doesn't work.
I question the support.....and why.
Its offensive, and disrespects the lives of those who fought and died for our liberty to express ourselves.

If this expression extends past a common good, then why can't it extend to cross burning too?
Or pictures of aborted fetuses on campus and at PP sites?
Why can't Christmas be celebrated with decorations that honor its belief publicly?
Why can't a teacher in school share their own personal beliefs with anybody who is interested in hearing it?

I can go on and list all sorts of expression, like flying a confederate flag, etc, but I think you get the "picture", yes?

Why is old glory ok, yet other expressions are deemed wrong?

Please, lets try for a civilized debate free of scorn and rancor.

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 06:12:38

First, yes, it's Free Speech. Now, what IS Free Speech?
Who is protected? Individuals. Personally, I disagree with the recent move to hide all vestiges of the Civil War Period. Flags and statues , etc.

Let's say you're a member of a private club. When you joined you were given your
Official hat
Official bumper sticker
Official vest
Official copy of the bylaws
An official flag

Now, time passes,
The club's leadership has changed several times. They are drifting from the original bylaws, some, officially, by amending the bylaws, some, just by ignoring when certain people don't follow the rules, and you get enough..
You've told your fellow club members why you're pissed.
Nobody cares,,

You build a firepit in the FRONT yard, you call the president and every office holder and tell them to be at your house.
They arrive, you tell them why you're pissed, and light that fire..
In it

Official hat
Official scraped off pieces of bumper sticker
Official vest
Official copy of the bylaws
An official flag

They are powerless to take action against you. It's your RIGHT to express your dissatisfaction.

BUT, did you just cease to be a member Of that club?
Or were you just saying
I'm very disturbed by the direction the club is going?
At what point does behavior state
I am no longer a member!!??

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by WebsterMark on 11/30/16 at 06:41:10

Flag burners are shallow minded, Colin Kapernick type people, unable to articulate their complains if their life depended on it, which of course it doesn't. If they faced real repercussions, they'd never do it. That's why I tend to think protestors should be jailed, fined... etc...  

Like many of our problems, the media puts any liberal protest on a pedestal and bestows some type of sainthood on them. whatever....

Ignore them. They don't mean anything in the big picture.

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 07:55:01

Protesters, ?  Fined, jailed?  Really?

Pretty broad brush, shallow minded, unable to articulate,,
What happens when the dissatisfied assemble and create a well crafted and extremely articulate list of complaints with reasons WHY the behaviors they are unhappy with and send it to the people who are misbehaving And the right and reasonable complaints are not addressed?
I'm in a near constant state of protest, and I don't really think I can be accurately described as shallow minded or inarticulate. I don't take my dissatisfaction to the streets. I try to explain to others what is happening.  

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by MnSpring on 11/30/16 at 17:08:31

6A79617C796F7F180 wrote:
" ... all sorts of expression, like flying a confederate flag, etc, ...".

‘Protesting’, something,
by, Burning/stomping on/etc, a  American  Flag.
Is, ‘protected by,  ‘Free  Speech’.
Many don’t like it, but that is the way it is.

But why, is a  flag, with a  snake on it it, saying, ‘Don’t Tread On Me”,
or a Civil War Battle Flag, or a  G/L,  multi collared Flag,  Etc, etc, etc.
They, are also,  protected by the 1st Amendment.
(Your  Opinion)

Yet, ’some’  flags are, ‘banned’,
(Or  ‘wanna be’),
by certain groups of people.

If the  Zoning  ordnance, where you live,  Specifically  Says,
(Such and Such) a  Flag should not be flown.
Or, their is a  ordnance stating, a  Flag, (any flag), must/or not, be flown at a, certain height, size pole, etc.  Then you are SOL.

BUT,  if have flown your, (that)  flag,   BEFORE, a  ‘ordnance’ was passed.
Stand up on your hind feet, and say: ‘Ya  CAN’T  DO That!”

Next resort,  ( Some, very few, H.O. Codicils, state a certain, ‘color scheme’, to a house).
If yours does  NOT.

PAINT, that flag on your garage door, or window.
Not a  Darn thing, a neighbor can say about it!

(What is that saying,   about,   'Tolerance' ?)

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 21:42:25

Good post Spring. Challenging the idiocy..

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by Kris01 on 12/02/16 at 19:35:43

7D6E766B6E78680F0 wrote:
I get it, I think its expression, but I think it doesn't work.
I question the support.....and why.
Its offensive, and disrespects the lives of those who fought and died for our liberty to express ourselves

Yes. I'm very picky about flag etiquette. It's not what the flag is but rather what it symbolizes. Flag burning is VERY disrespectful to any American citizen, not just veterans. It's a slap in the face to us all.

Title: Re: Flag burning......
Post by MnSpring on 12/03/16 at 18:32:00

28110A105352630 wrote:
[quote author=7D6E766B6E78680F0 link=1480505093/0#0 date=1480505093]" ... Its offensive, and disrespects the lives of those who fought and died for our liberty ..."

YES,  I   Totaly   Agree   !!!!

But, by the,  law,   the,  'protesters', can do it.

Solution: 'Change  the  Law'   !
The USA has  no, 'official',  language,
yet, most of the other,   'Civilized, Nations",
  DO  have a  law,
stating a,  'Official',   Language !!!!

Minn, sends out notices, in 20 +   Languages.
"How to get   FREE    Benefits".

What?    One can not learn, A,  Language, on how to get,
FREE   BENEFITS ? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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