General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Lost is lost

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/29/16 at 06:16:17

Title: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 11/29/16 at 06:16:17

what's with the Ex Member stuff?.....

There use to be someone at the table by the name Starlifer. He was so far left, he made Sew look like George Wallace....
Anyway, he got pissed and left. The classic case of "can dish it out, but can't take it". One or two months later, he 'returned' but tried to hide his identity under a new name and claimed to be a woman. It was ridiculous.

Point is; all of us get pissed on here from time to time. I know I have. You ask yourself the question, why bother investing a second of energy with these a$$holes who'll I'll never meet and if I died tomorrow, they'd never know it? And it's a fair question. In the big picture, this forum accomplishes nothing. In the little picture however, it accomplishes a lot.
Humans are suppose to connect with other humans, even on a level as abstract as this.

So do what I did. Man up, pull up your chair and speak your mind. Or push away from the table and go sit with the girls. Up to you, but your voice (wrong as it is 99% of the time....) should be heard.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by bobert_FSO on 11/29/16 at 08:55:11

I don't mind people stating their mind. I like to hear opposing views. I do mind people calling others nasty names and making nasty personal comments to others. It has been getting worse here in past couple of months. You guys know who you are. Are you running out of arguments and resorting to insults?

I don't know why people can't discuss something without throwing insults around. That's whats already wrong with society today, and you're just making it worse. I don't blame lost_artist for leaving. I've thought of doing the same at times, and I philosophically agree with most people that frequent this forum.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/16 at 10:06:25

Hovis seems to have given up too....

I have tired of the TT as well...
It has taken the Trump road to 5th grade schoolyard insults.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by thumperclone on 11/29/16 at 10:49:56

its time to let the loons fight amongst themselfs

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 11/29/16 at 11:28:30

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
Hovis seems to have given up too....

I have tired of the TT as well...
It has taken the Trump road to 5th grade schoolyard insults.

Yea but you couldn't resist tossing out a particular schoolyard insult yourself by referencing Trump could you?! You're as much a part of this as I am Sew.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Fact is, I was attacked on here a long time ago. I didn't lay into anyone first. Far as I know, it was probably you who started in on me, but I'm okay with that.

All I'm saying is, Lost and yourself for that matter, shouldn't go find another table. Sure, everyone could ease up a little. I've agreed to a 'truce' in the past that didn't last and I'm sure I wasn't the one to break it.

If everyone wants to try a truce again, fine, I'll sign on the dotted line. I'll be like Marlon Brando in the Godfather. I won't be the one to break the truce.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by verslagen1 on 11/29/16 at 12:27:28

If you find a savage headlight on your bed in the morning... it wasn't me.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 12:41:39

Look it, not to prove how much wiser I am than you all, no, but I only inject this simple idea to help those, who can't help themselves....
Sorta like a leaf in the wind, at the mercy of wherever it blows it.

We just need a new board on the forum, we can call it: THE SAFE PLACE

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 12:55:20

If by
you mean being asked to answer questions that By answering the very foundation of your wrongheaded positions will crumble and you'll Accidentally fall out of the majority of the population of ignorant, misinformed Dumbmasses, then I am guilty of tossing insults.
Care to offer an explanation for How countries were labeled as
Soon to need military intervention shortly after 9/11, yet, the REASONS used to Justify the military action that came, in some cases, MORE than Ten YEARS later?
You will Not even listen to interviews with Charlotte Iserbyt who explains how the schools were sabotaged, even though the obvious truth is
Our schools are not producing the quality of education they did up to the mid sixties. I was in school, I saw the change, I watched the news, I heard the pronouncement that the schools were failing and needed fixed. I saw the lobbying for money and authority to make changes. I saw the results of the change . Everything they did brought a disappointing result. Always a lesser performance. AND THEY NEVER UNDID ANY OF THOSE THINGS THAT DIDN'T DELIVER.
If I call people who have watched everything I've watched and see what happened yet aren't willing to see it Dumbmasses and they are smart enough to see that as an insult, why can't they SEE what I have so explicitly pointed out?

Get butthurt, stay butthurt, or get over it. Wake up. The world isn't what you think it is.
Nobody ever answers the questions that would force them to inspect the base of their positions.

Why won't anyone challenge the historical figures who I have posted the quotes from?
What about Ikes farewell address?
Don't these loose ends bother you?
And this isn't just aimed at Bot. Ohh, no, far from it..
If you don't have a problem with the federal reserve, if you don't understand what role America is playing in causing the destabilization of the M.E., if you don't remember what we did in South America and understand the correlation between that, drugs, and the prison system, I am talking to you.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 13:33:50

The left can use extremely descriptive and negative names on people of differing beliefs and opines, and they act as it's as right as rain because they think it's TRUE....

They pretend of tolerance, open mind ness, etc, and gauge others by the ugliness of their own hearts.....

That is why all this stuff, words, sting.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by verslagen1 on 11/29/16 at 13:45:13

by that definition... JOG is a left wing constitutionist.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 13:47:54

756671706F6264666D32030 wrote:
by that definition... JOG is a left wing constitutionist.

No, however he should change his name to Reynolds.....

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 11/29/16 at 14:11:50

5A495E5F404D4B49421D2C0 wrote:
If you find a savage headlight on your bed in the morning... it wasn't me.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 14:17:51

Somehow I suspect my very involved post will be perfectly ignored.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 11/29/16 at 14:49:08

I like you post Jog but sometimes they get too long. can you work on cutting them down to shorter, more manageable sizes?

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 11/29/16 at 16:39:58

32213924213727400 wrote:
"   ...  THE SAFE PLACE..."



Perfect spot for  Bot & Clone, and may  bring back  Lost  &  Hovis

No  Discussion on: “If this, than that”
No Discussion on: ‘Why This or that”.
No Discussion on:
“This will work, that will not, because”.
No Discussion on: “Check this out”.
No Discussion on: "Look at  History”.

Yep, a  ’Safe  Space', Where ONLY,  
‘Parroting’ , is   allowed.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 11/29/16 at 16:42:08

5147504D55404D56220 wrote:
" ... It has taken the Trump road to 5th grade schoolyard insults."


“ … the Trump road to 5th grade schoolyard insults. …”

One  Liners,   vs,   Explanations, on a situation.

Yep    Got it !

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 16:47:24

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
I like you post Jog but sometimes they get too long. can you work on cutting them down to shorter, more manageable sizes?

I understand why you say that. I've thought about what I can do.
Right now, until I figure something out, I'd hit them in sections.
Read some, walk away,  I didn't listen to Charlotte Iserbyt in one pass. A one hour interview? Not happening

I'm trying to get people to start questioning the things they


I've shown adequate evidence to get anyone who is even generally honest to realize that there are too many unanswered questions and loose ends to just accept the stories of
How things are.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 17:10:07

Well hey, can I be butthurt too????

I got post removed, even after others chimed in, the whole thing, PPFFfffttt....

The whole thread, GONE.

Bot said I was full of BS, and he was tired of my crap.

Thats nice tho  ::)

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 17:11:13

5E4147405D5A6B5B6B53414D06340 wrote:
[quote author=1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 link=1480428977/0#13 date=1480459748]I like you post Jog but sometimes they get too long. can you work on cutting them down to shorter, more manageable sizes?

I understand why you say that. I've thought about what I can do.
Right now, until I figure something out, I'd hit them in sections.
Read some, walk away,  I didn't listen to Charlotte Iserbyt in one pass. A one hour interview? Not happening

I'm trying to get people to start questioning the things they


I've shown adequate evidence to get anyone who is even generally honest to realize that there are too many unanswered questions and loose ends to just accept the stories of
How things are.[/quote]

And you do it so well, too  ;D

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 17:21:09

Some people just won't let go of their safety net.
You,let's see if I can get this right, have opinions, believe they are based on solid information, but when challenged, retreat behind the
I'm a Christian, it doesn't matter what the truth is, i know how it ends for me.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 11/29/16 at 17:37:13

Ya know,  Lost  would be  Proud of this thread,
with his  name  attached !

(And even though he is not  a  member, he is, (I Believe), Still watching.

SO,  I  OWN, 4  Licensed  MV’s.  
a  97, 99, 06, (S-40), and a  07.

I Own a  piece of property, on which I Live.   (10 @).   And another in the North woods, (camping), with about 2,000.00
I have a Boat/motor trailer,  (Worth about 2,000.00)
Have 2 (ice)  Fish houses, and all sorts of summer/winter gear.
Lots of, ’tools’, and, ’toys’, I play with.
I have a couple of bucks in a  S.A..

I  Pay my  expenses each Month,
Elect, Gas, LP Gas, Phone, Food.  

I CC I charge, car gas, beer, and once and a while a  gun/ammo supplies.
I Pay, the FULL  amount every Month.,
(get 2% back on what I charge)

ALL IS   PAID  FOR   !!!!!!!!

Yet I, am   RICH  !!!!!!!
(According to  Obama)

Un Like:
Someone who has a  2016  Cadillac Escalade
AND 2015 a  Lexis,
and   a 2015   PU  4wd,
And a 20,000.00 MC,
And a $ 20,000.00  Boat.
And had's a  $500.000.00, house and land,
(Where their  equity,  ‘may be’, $20,000.00
and In up to their  EARS  in  DEBT.
And had's to,  ‘rob Peter to pay  Paul’, each month!

Yet,  I am ‘Rich’ and the others who,
are,  DEEPLY  in DEBT,
(But are  Living the  High Life)
Are, In in  DEBT !

Can you even  Start, to  GUESS,
 WHO,  gets  the  FREE   MONEY,  FROM
the  GOVERNMENT  ?????????????

Now, we,  Each  Pay,   ’TAXES’.
But one difference,
  MY    TAXES,    PAY,  for the person, who is  living, OUTSIDE, his/her means.

So when someone says, (in the like),
 ‘Gimmie,  Gimmie’,  ‘I Want’, ‘You Own Me’, etc, etc, etc,

I do, get a  little,  Irate’ !

But, I am not posting in a,   ‘’SAFE   SPACE”    

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 11/29/16 at 17:48:31

7B68706D687E6E090 wrote:
"  ... I got post removed, even after others chimed in, the whole thing, PPFFfffttt.... The whole thread, GONE. ..."

Don't feel ALONE !!!!!!!

I, called someone a, 'Troll' once,
and the  WORLD  Fell DOWN !!!!!

But of course,  never mind, it was after that person said:
 " I Taught People To  KILL"

  'What Does  IT  Matter"

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 11/29/16 at 17:49:53

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
Some people just won't let go of their safety net.
You,let's see if I can get this right, have opinions, believe they are based on solid information, but when challenged, retreat behind the
I'm a Christian, it doesn't matter what the truth is, i know how it ends for me.

thats your perspective, welcome to it.
mine works for me, safety net or not.
why does it rub you raw......
you want every one to be a jogger  ;D

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 18:08:32

Why do people believe that there is nothing to Know? Why, when such overwhelming evidence exists that things are not as we are told, must so many work so hard to ignore the glaring and obvious points I've been making? What IS IS. IT isn't
Opinion that America stomped through south America.
It's not OPINION that every dollar spent is BORROWED.
It's not OPINION that Henry Ford saw the Fed reserve for what it is.
Yet, you're without the curiosity to search for the truth.
I'm amazed at how easily satisfied people are, willing to accept a fairy tale that leaves so many questions unanswered.

That's why I literally laugh every time I hear someone say
How Stupid do they think we are?
Referring to D.C., of course.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/16 at 22:47:28

6A79617C796F7F180 wrote:
Well hey, can I be butthurt too????

I got post removed, even after others chimed in, the whole thing, PPFFfffttt....

The whole thread, GONE.

Bot said I was full of BS, and he was tired of my crap.

Thats nice tho  ::)

That's cute ... yer' butthurt at me, because Lost left... ;D

Way to share... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 11/30/16 at 05:10:40

Lost didnt have 1/2 the crap directed at him as others did. This is just his way of making a point. It's the internet forum version of a selfish suicide trying to deliver the ultimate hurt on those who he feels hurt him. If we were all in a San Berdino classroom, he'd come in with guns blazing and after our brains are all over the wall, he'd eat the last bullet knowing someone will read the long winded manifesto he left back in his one room apartment.

But, on that note, my God we need new points of views at this table.....  There's got to be a few more thickskined Savage riders out there ready to belly up to the table...

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 05:31:29

I didn't even miss him... I didn't know he was gone. Did he say
G'bye and slam the door on his way out?

I should just take a few of my
Base Point posts and paste them into email, put them in a folder.. so I don't hafta type it all, over and over..

Lost would be lost if he were here,
Gee, I hope he didn't leave before he saw the leftiest leaning lefties comment,, as Independents go, he sure carried the lefty moonbat banner high..

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 11/30/16 at 18:00:24

4A555354494E7F4F7F47555912200 wrote:
I didn't even miss him...

I  Do,
He always said: ‘My  Personal  Experience’,
(with a  matter discussed,)
was NOT,   Relevant,
Because he believed something else,
which was, stated on CNN. !!!!!

To  LOST.   I  Know you are  Watching.
Come Back.   Their, 'may,' be a point you make that is,
'real'.   Not,  'Puppet'.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 19:58:29

The thread title is an accidental play on words.
Lost, even when his location is known, is LOST.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 03:11:46

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
The thread title is an accidental play on words.
Lost, even when his location is known, is LOST.

Well yeah duh....

Lost, is lost, because he lost........
He told us, but what, that he was, before, he was, had even lost.
I'm not lost, are you?

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 12/01/16 at 05:23:14

Lost will be back under a different name.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by Paraquat on 12/01/16 at 06:14:35

4A59415C594F5F380 wrote:
Lost, is lost, because he lost........
He told us, but what, that he was, before, he was, had even lost.
I'm not lost, are you?

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going.


Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 07:07:53

You can't Go broke if you're penniless.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by Serowbot on 12/01/16 at 07:43:48

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Lost will be back under a different name.

I hope he does... he's been here a good while.
I just suggested that to him in an e-mail.

Partly my fault... I think.
During this election cycle,.. I have just given up trying to enforce the civility in the TT...
It's up to you guys to decide the TT you want...
I'm tired of it.

Peace, Serow

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 08:12:50

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
[quote author=477572636475625D71627B100 link=1480428977/30#30 date=1480598594]Lost will be back under a different name.

I hope he does... he's been here a good while.
I just suggested that to him in an e-mail.

Partly my fault... I think.
During this election cycle,.. I have just given up trying to enforce the civility in the TT...
It's up to you guys to decide the TT you want...
I'm tired of it.

Peace, Serow[/quote]

A wise man once said be the change you wish to see in others...

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 12/01/16 at 09:54:14

Let's be fair, you've contribute your share as well.

I offered a truce. And I'll stick with it. I won't be the one to break it. If lost wants to return fine. He doesn't even have to hide under a new name. I won't even mention it. When Starlifter  resurrected himself, you specifically asked me to drop it, and I did. I didn't say anything after you asked.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by verslagen1 on 12/01/16 at 10:22:19

I think he went too far left and fell off.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 13:11:52

Civility is in the eye of the butthurted. Butthurtedness creates sensitivity. The content of the topics we discuss is controversial.
Positions not reasonably presented and supported either by obvious logic or documented fact Will be challenged. Just stomping a foot and declaring something IS when observed reality says otherwise will get slapped down.
Nobody has answered my questions. When they do, they will have no alternative but to start to understand what I have been saying.

Henry Ford..

And the delusional and paranoid George Washington

Too gutless to go look?

Ikes farewell address is not enough to cause curiosity?

For the truly curious

America operating under emergency war powers act

Ssearch that

I'm not sure yet,, though the book I'm reading makes a convincing case, but, I've seen two mistakes so far.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 13:31:32

Well here my lil jogette, this should delight your fancy.....

After recounts resulting in Trump losing some votes, but Hillary not gaining enough to win, will now be decided, who the next president will be, by congress.
They by unanimous consent have decided to not honor either candidate with the office.
Instead, with the powers invested with congress have decided to seat Jeb Bush as president, and Joe Biden as his vice.....

Ah, we should guessed eh  ;D

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 14:38:06


Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 15:24:06

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:

I was talking to Henry Ford last night, met him at an all-night laundromat....
He told me this himself  ;D

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 15:28:52

An attempt at humor?
Or dodging the reality that the Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise that is sucking our economy down?
You believe yourself to be so above the lefties,, while you avoid information that would make it true.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 16:42:03

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
An attempt at humor?
Or dodging the reality that the Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise that is sucking our economy down?
You believe yourself to be so above the lefties,, while you avoid information that would make it true.

Thanks for sharing that, I'll take it into consideration.

Also, Henry said, "Obama was never meant to be.
He was the result of identity politics coming back to cut Hillary.
She was suppose to do two terms, then Jeb, etc....
Keeping the Fed and cartels in business until no chance to ever overthrow them.
However, Bo screwed things up for them.
He took the race card and ran with it, winning, and instilling his OWN ideologue, which led to Trump....."

He said I could call him Henry.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 17:39:48

Ahhh, you've seen enough to challenge the beliefs, and rather than actually Investigate, you're pretending it's all funny.
How about you go post in the Humor thread instead of derail the genuine thought processes. You should delete your last posts.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/01/16 at 17:56:20

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Ahhh, you've seen enough to challenge the beliefs, and rather than actually Investigate, you're pretending it's all funny.
How about you go post in the Humor thread instead of derail the genuine thought processes. You should delete your last posts.

No, I would rather you label me.
Its how I learn.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 21:30:50

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
Civility is in the eye of the butthurted. Butthurtedness creates sensitivity. The content of the topics we discuss is controversial.
Positions not reasonably presented and supported either by obvious logic or documented fact Will be challenged. Just stomping a foot and declaring something IS when observed reality says otherwise will get slapped down.
Nobody has answered my questions. When they do, they will have no alternative but to start to understand what I have been saying.

Henry Ford..

And the delusional and paranoid George Washington

Too gutless to go look?

Ikes farewell address is not enough to cause curiosity?

For the truly curious

America operating under emergency war powers act

Ssearch that

I'm not sure yet,, though the book I'm reading makes a convincing case, but, I've seen two mistakes so far.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/16 at 07:43:09

You know what's funny?

Lost has disappeared (or more likey joined under a new signin name), Sew had run off again, but offending post still mysteriously get deleted....

The tolerant left is on full display again. Had Hilary managed to win, no one who supported Trump would have run off that I can think of. This again is another example why leftists talk radio never succeed for example.  When confronted with reality, lefties run.

Are any lefties out there who can both dish it out and take it? Or does it just take you longer to lick your wounds?

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/10/16 at 11:19:34

Well, so far so good with Trump. He hasn't mucked anything up and has accomplished a couple of things,
Unless he gets us Back to the Constitution and Ends the perpetual, LEGAL condition of operating under the Emergency War Powers act, we are still just as screwed.
We NEED to do to the bankers what Iceland did.
Lots needs done to put the world back right.
Sadly, Gadaffi is gone, and finding another to Be that kind of man will probably never happen.
Putting the displaced back where they came from SURELY won't.

The game.


The Solution is already waiting, but before the Dumbmasses will accept it, they must First have a problem that they Demand the government solve.

And, order out of chaos.

You can NOT get a People to allow societal change until you stir up trouble.

I think it's funny when people say
Trumps just one man. He can't change things.
But, he can write Executive Orders that countermand existing ones.
When Obama declared that he would make
Fundamental Changes
in America, the left cheered. Sadly, he accomplished it.

Here's the question.

IF you ARE  Number One, and you want to make Fundamental Change, what is the goal?

Never answered question.

He's gonna negotiate a better deal. Uh, how's he gonna do that?
He  Got a magicwand or something?

And, the subtle suggestions that Trump is some impotent, gutless, stupid, incapable bumpkin thrills the left.
WHY? Are people So enamored by party politics that they would Rather live in a country going backwards than see benefit and economic progress that is born from The Wrong Party?
I'd rather lose the game with my buddy as quarterback than win with that jerk.
How tolerant.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/10/16 at 13:18:24

Jog, you believe you are right, yes?
It's not out of gloat you share this with us, right?
You believe sincerely it's a better way, right?
Some might not see it as you do, right?
You would say they are therefore wrong, right?
You wish sincerely they would grasp what you are sharing, right?
If you could, and you had, a magic wand, you would wave it, right?

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by MnSpring on 12/10/16 at 18:40:10

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
" ...Are any lefties out there who can both dish it out and take it? Or does it just take you longer to lick your wounds?

Doubt it !

Like a  FB  Page I am on,  (about certain Dogs)
Before the election,   On and On and On and ON  about  H.R.C.

After.   Just  a  Few  posts from the same people.
(Very   FEW)    And when their is, it is,  crying.
(Oh But,  The  Russians,
or, it was, ’their  fault’,  or it was  ‘fixed’, etc. etc. etc.)

No  Dialog, (But it is a  dog site, not a  political site)

Doubt,  the Democrats, even see, or are willing to see,
the  PEOPLE, want a  ‘Better’  Life,  than,
‘Pocket  Stuffing’, by the Clinton's,
at the expense of the Tax  Payer !

And are truly un willing, to enter a  discussion/dialog.
They do NOT  want to be part of.
They do NOT, want to support.
They just want to,  ‘CRY’ !

And do everything the DNC , ’SAYS”,  they should do.
To   HINDER, a  forward  Progression !

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 07:10:06

72617964617767000 wrote:
Jog, you believe you are right, yes?
It's not out of gloat you share this with us, right?
You believe sincerely it's a better way, right?
Some might not see it as you do, right?
You would say they are therefore wrong, right?
You wish sincerely they would grasp what you are sharing, right?
If you could, and you had, a magic wand, you would wave it, right?

Ray, I've posted questions. The Answers to those questions form a logical line of reasonable clues.

I've posted descriptions of behaviors. Studying those behaviors and the psychology that supports those behaviors reveals the lack of honesty that I complain about.

I've referenced books and YouTube interviews that anyone who would have the intellectual desire for understanding what is Really going on could spend time on and come away with a much clearer and more complete picture of what is going on.

I called Bengazi an arms deal not long after it went down.
I predicted the nasty claims against Trump.

I'm currently reading a book called
Constitution:Fact or Fiction

I heard about the Emergency War Powers act years ago,didn't delve into it, forgot all about it... and now, I'm reading a book that has a lot about it in it.

Things were done in WWII that were supposed to be undone afterward, but, through legal technicalities, the powers gathered to the Executive were never released back to the People.

Look at the Constitution. See what land the federal government CAN own. Look at Reality.
See a conflict? What questions should we ask ourselves when we see the federal government operating in conflict with The Law of the Land?

I don't KNOW everything, but I know things are not
As Advertised.

Our Republic has been subverted.

Charlotte Iserbyt will explain that, Yes, our schools were indeed sabotaged. She didn't Teach me that. She confirmed my suspicion.
Creature from Jekyll Island will explain Why Henry Ford said what he said. Once you read it, you'll never be the same.

Trump is not gonna save us, unless he is willing to take corrective action and go back to the usurpation of the Constitution and undo it.
Nobody survives that.

Trump won't be the horror Hillary would have been, and America may bounce back up a little, but IF the fed raises interest rates, our debt increases immediately and servicing the debt becomes unmanageable. They can destroy his administration.

I'm still grappling with the
Strong currency/weak currency/currency manipulation
understanding, but that is a topic all to itself.

Yeah, Ray, I Do believe that I have a better and more complete grasp of what is going on than most people.
Why shouldn't I?
I became aware of things at age 12. I have been studying while others were at work, because I was too sick to get out.

Explain this

Our goal in Iraq was to
Free the People from a dictator and make it easier for them.

We spent billions on smart bombs, and can choose what to destroy and what Not to destroy.

And, in Freeing the People we managed to destroy the WORLD'S LARGEST IRRIGATION SYSTEM. The system had made farmland for them. Why did we do that IF our goal was to improve their lives?

Look out, start contemplating that and gears may jump a cog and realign. The entire thinking process might be affected.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by raydawg on 12/11/16 at 11:00:28

You didn't even field my question.....

You are like a neighbor who invites all the surrounding neighbors over to his house under the invitation to a barbque.

While everyone gathers, after a few rounds, he breaks out his vacation photos and expects everyone to sit through his presentation.
As if anyone cared.

I don't think you will ever answer the riddles to your own questions Jog, I don't.

Like Lost, and others, you really believe one size fits all, and golly, that glass slipper fits your foot exactly.
So you must be the the bride of truth.....

In your world, you are.
Enjoy it.
Or not.

Title: Re: Lost is lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/16 at 11:09:27

Well, tell me where I failed. I certainly tried.
You asked several questions. I thought I addressed them all. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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