General Category >> The Cafe >> Debt

Message started by Dave on 11/29/16 at 05:13:53

Title: Debt
Post by Dave on 11/29/16 at 05:13:53

This is pretty interesting and shows the current debt in this country - and none of the categories are going down!  If you hover your cursor over the heading, it will give you a listing of what is included in that category.

The part that is scary for me, is the amount of the National Debt per Citizen......and per Taxpayer.  If needed....I could not come up with my share of the debt!

(This might need to be moved to the Tall Table....depends on what kind of conversation it creates).

Title: Re: Debt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 09:19:52

I don't know that
Creature from Jekyll Island
Is perfect in its explanations, but it's a lot closer to reality than the lies provided by the government schools. Dave, you would enjoy the book.
Our Debt is not Just a function of spending, but of interest rates.

America, an allegedly sovereign nation, BORROWS every dollar it spends.

That one statement should make everyone think.

How can that be? How is that possible?

A fiat currency , in and of itself, isn't bad or evil, but a Debt based, fiat currency is . Guess what we have.

Look up
Tally sticks

A form of money, that had no intrinsic value, as gold or silver, until the stick was split and the king gave it value, and that was the currency of the people that they had to use to pay taxes.
It lasted longer than any other fiat currency.

Fiat, by pronouncement.
The way so many people engage in debate.
They simply state
"--------" is evil, "

Pressed for Why that is true,
Meehhh,, it just IS.

And THAT is what supports a Fiat currency.
This is the money that you will use. See!? It's Valuable! It Says so, Right There,,
Good for all debts , public and private.

It USED to say,
Redeemable at any bank for one dollar.

Or something like that..

Again, for the Dumbmasses.

If you don't Know this answer and you believe yourself to be educated and a realistic person, you either need to Get yourself educated about how the monetary system works or admit that you don't know and you aren't as informed and realistic as you've been pretending to be.

Until you understand why Ford said it was good that the People don't know how the system works, else there would be revolution by morning..You're a part of the Dumbmasses.

Educate yourself, step away from the crowd. Know what is happening. Understand that every dollar in a budget gets borrowed. When you buy a T Bill, you're, somehow, loaning the government money, but the REAL debt we create is when the Fed sells huge sums to other countries.

The truly curious will note that some of the countries we recently brought democracy to actually had a sovereign money system and were not fully a part of the same banking system that we are enslaved by.
The geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions that are being reacted to and toyed with are far too complicated for me to fully grasp, even if they weren't ever changing and even if truthful and accurate information was at hand. And even if I could close my eyes and see it all laid out as clearly in my mind as I can see the tools in my wrenches drawer, perfectly organized,
I Still couldn't explain it.
Unless you understand WHY Ford said that, you're ignorant of some truths about the reality that you live in.
And if you find the word ignorant offensive, you're ignorant of its meaning.
The fifth gear girl is ignorant of a lot.

Title: Re: Debt
Post by Kris01 on 11/29/16 at 18:07:52

Can someone loan me the $61K+ that I owe? Wait... irony!

Title: Re: Debt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/16 at 18:16:11

At Least look up
Tally sticks

Title: Re: Debt
Post by Kris01 on 11/29/16 at 18:22:18

Title: Re: Debt
Post by Papa Bear on 11/30/16 at 05:34:45

I owe my soul to the company store -

Title: Re: Debt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/16 at 06:37:27

What would happen if interest rates went back up to where saving money, having long term CDs as investments, made sense?
You DO remember when CDs were a good investment, right?
Well, what if interest rates went up and made them a good idea again?
Income tax,, Where is it spent?

Two questions, come on,guys,  

Title: Re: Debt
Post by sjaskow - FSO on 12/01/16 at 11:06:45

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
What would happen if interest rates went back up to where saving money, having long term CDs as investments, made sense?
You DO remember when CDs were a good investment, right?
Well, what if interest rates went up and made them a good idea again?
Income tax,, Where is it spent?

Two questions, come on,guys,  

First one: To make CDs a good "investment", we'd need the prime rate to be in the 5-6% range. That would make the 30 year mortgage rate have to be close to 8-9%.  And that would make the housing market would tank even harder that it did in 08-09. Remember the teeth gnashing that came when the 30 year mortgage rate broke 4%?

Second one: if you mean US income tax, it's roughly this: 65% goes to "mandatory" spending, that's Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. 30% is discretionary and the rest is to the debt.

Title: Re: Debt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/01/16 at 18:16:23

The debt created when a dollar gets borrowed is subject to interest. Servicing the debt would Eat tax revenues if interest rates rise.
You're able to see the pain of a mortgage holder. Understand that America is in debt, in much the same way. Hmmm, Sovereign Nation, Ehhh?

Anyone ever walk away from a poker game and EVERYONE walked away a loser? Everyone in debt?

Think about it.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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