General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Does this story count anymore?

Message started by raydawg on 11/26/16 at 08:28:22

Title: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/16 at 08:28:22

Seems it was stupid to claim such could happen, what a loser.....



The left is now claiming it.........NO?

So, is this story a hit piece on Trump, then, but now it is viable?

So was Trump smarter than the press then, or?

So funny watching these libs......but hey, she won the popular vote.  
Well maybe not, we need to count and assign each vote to a real person, all those that registered the day of the election fer sure.
I am sure there are bags and bags of lost and uncounted votes....
They didn't think they needed them   ;D

Here is a excerpt from a hit piece from lefty Salon.....
Now remove Trump's name, and instill Jill Stein and the lefties...

Even if he doesn’t win, Donald Trump has still done untold damage to our country. His sexist rhetoric, xenophobic appeals to white nationalists and all-out embrace of the far-right fringe have mainstreamed a kind of hateful politics that will take a long time to get rid of. But one of the most damaging parts of the Trump campaign, at least in the long run, could end up being what he’s doing right now.

As his presidential prospects continue to fade, Donald Trump has resorted to spreading conspiracies theories about voter fraud. He now says at his rallies that the election will be “rigged.”

GAWD, this stuff is so ripe......  ;D

C'mon Bot, what say you now?

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by Serowbot on 11/26/16 at 09:18:10

Gonna' be a recount in Michigan,.. prolly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin too... if fraud is found, that may expand further...

Might need to cool yer' jets.  :-?

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/16 at 09:27:06

So if Trump mentioned this possibility he was a what?

That is my question.

Do you not understand that?

I want the right outcome, period.

I understand you desire your outcome, even if you now embrace what you use to call folly.

Sad you don't see the foolishness is the hypocrisy....

However, I am glad you are alive  ;D

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by Serowbot on 11/26/16 at 09:38:36

Trump claiming Dem's would  do it was folly...  ;D

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by oldNslow on 11/26/16 at 09:57:00

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
Gonna' be a recount in Michigan,.. prolly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin too... if fraud is found, that may expand further...

Might need to cool yer' jets.  :-?

If fraud is found Trump is liable to win in those states by even bigger margins. Most of the fraudulent votes will likely have been cast for Hillary. The Dems have always been much better at that stuff than the republicans. :D

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/16 at 11:38:42

Which party opposes voter ID?
Project veritas exposes fraud for decades, proudly.
The only people who don't see it are those whose agenda is threatened by it.

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/16 at 12:27:10

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
Trump claiming Dem's would  do it was folly...  ;D

Nice to see you are back to your irrelevant replies/self  again  ;D

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by Serowbot on 11/26/16 at 15:45:59

Can't discuss without insult, aye Dawg?...

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/16 at 15:57:03

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
Can't discuss without insult, aye Dawg?...

You need a safe zone buddy?

I made a post.
You replied.
You made a statement w/ accusation.
You never acknowledged the hypocrisy.
You deflected and Called out Trump.
Hillary with her emails tried to cheat the system, yet, that be cool with you, whatever it takes.

Here, even Obama gets it. No wrong doing has been uncovered, yet....

Now you want to discuss it, or were you just try to shame me?
You called me out, follow through.

Go ahead, tell me what evidence do they have to suspect tampering?
Using your suspicion maybe we should keep after Hillary and all her sketchy dealings then....
Yea, lets go after her still.

Time to move on, everyone.  

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by MnSpring on 11/26/16 at 17:14:14

I  Believe, the  Democrats,  OWN,  “ Voter  Fraud “
(It’s not,  ‘YET’,  in their Party Plank,
but probably soon)

They have done it for 50+ Years.
It  is  NOW, even easier.
 NO   PAPER   Ballot to re-count!

And would a, ‘re-count’, include the,  NON,   USA   Citizens!
Who  VOTED ?
The  Dead  People,  the  Felons,  the  ‘Absentee ballots” ???

ACORN,  (now disbanded, but three, ‘like’, ordinations have spring up, where they once were)
(ACORN, who took the heat,  ’taught the rest’, then just, ‘disappeared’)

Ya know, average cost, throughout the USA, would be about 25.00,
(some places, free)   to get a   I.D.

Why does not the DNC, spend money on,
           Paying for that,
(proven by need,  etc. etc. etc)
Instead of, spending  8 times  MORE,  money.
Fighting the,  ‘Voter  ID’, movement ???

That, in it’s self,  speaks   Volumes !

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/16 at 17:19:45

When Trump suggested the system is rigged, it was just ridiculous. The rantings of a madman!
Now, since Trump WON,  
Heyyy! It was RIGGED!

Ohh STFU.. I'm sick of the lack of truthfulness.
Hillary should be in jail.
Yes, the election Was rigged. The dems and their globalist friends did everything they could to steal the election, but Trump flat ran away with it. He won in a landslide, so much so that Had the Steal been pulled , it would have been so obvious even Hillary would have been embarrassed.
America is SICK of both lying parties.

Bot, answer the question.
How did Libya and Syria get put on the list more than Ten YEARS before the REASON for military action against them was made public?
Gee, maybe the Reasons are manufactured!!!
Way Cup.

Anyone? If you can't answer that, MAYBE you should think about the things I say..

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by MnSpring on 11/26/16 at 17:45:59

“Get Out The Vote”

Yep, heard it many times.
And, ALL, For it.

But, ‘ VOTING’, by informed  CITIZENS of the USA.
With PROPER,  ID  as to, being a   CITIZEN of THIS   Country !
A,  REAL,  Vote.  by,   REAL  CITIZENS.

NOT,   Millions of  ILLEGAL,  Aliens,
who a, ‘state’,  LETS   VOTE,  with  NO  ID   whatsoever !
Or a state, which, ’suddenly’,  lets  FELONS,  vote.
Or a clerk, turns a blind eye when he/she, hands over stacks and stacks, of absentee ballots.

(Gee Wonder what would happen if I tried to Vote in Canada or Mexico)


Here is a  tidbit.   Minn, average, 90.69%   Voter turnout !
Nighty Percent.  That is  Fantastic !
(BUT, it included, a district, which had  102%, and one with 101 %   ????????????????????????)

Can you guess where those were ?
 Downtown  Mpls.
Can you guess how they voted  ?????

Democrats,  OWN,   ‘Voter  Fraud” !

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/16 at 18:26:30

No link?

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by MnSpring on 11/26/16 at 18:57:24

Well, if a, ‘link,.
Many would just ignore it.

If you want to pursue it,
than dig, and dig, and dig,
through the, hundreds of pages, of the;

The, ‘Ultra’ Liberals, will, NOT do the work.
The, ‘Ultra-Liberal’s”,  will NOT  Believe.
So why bother !
Believe it or not.

the 90% Vote in  Minn, is well documented by the States site.
(They are rather proud of it)
the, ‘Precinct Voting’ is  VERY  WELL   HIDDEN,
But, can be found.  

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/16 at 19:13:13

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
When Trump suggested the system is rigged, it was just ridiculous. The rantings of a madman!
Now, since Trump WON,  
Heyyy! It was RIGGED!

Ohh STFU.. I'm sick of the lack of truthfulness.
Hillary should be in jail.
Yes, the election Was rigged. The dems and their globalist friends did everything they could to steal the election, but Trump flat ran away with it. He won in a landslide, so much so that Had the Steal been pulled , it would have been so obvious even Hillary would have been embarrassed.
America is SICK of both lying parties.

Bot, answer the question.
How did Libya and Syria get put on the list more than Ten YEARS before the REASON for military action against them was made public?
Gee, maybe the Reasons are manufactured!!!
Way Cup.

Anyone? If you can't answer that, MAYBE you should think about the things I say..

Not one of you can begin to explain it,
You don't understand HOW it's possible to KNOW you're going to be involved in
Regime Change
in a country more than Ten YEARS before you start explaining(duping  ) The People..

But, pointing out that simple and obvious truth doesn't make you think.
Pointing out that neither party ever repeals the Other Sides horrible legislation.
Laws passed, trade deals made, no matter how obviously they screw the People who the legislators ARE TO SERVE, they never repeal anything.

But, to suggest that the historical figures who said there is a dark force at work is sheer lunacy.
I laugh when I hear someone say

How Stupid do they Think we are?
Trust me, they don't THINK the Dumbmasses are stupid. They KNOW.

And, while Trump would not PROMISE to accept the election result, Hillary called that a direct threat to our duh mokrucee..

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by MnSpring on 11/26/16 at 19:31:54

2F3036312C2B1A2A1A22303C77450 wrote:
" ... And, while Trump would not PROMISE to accept the election result, Hillary called that a direct threat to our duh mokrucee.. "

Oh  Golly,
What, EXACTLY, are H.R.C.  ‘minions’   saying NOW  ?????

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
Gonna' be a recount

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/16 at 19:37:26

Regardless of it being on video, she either didn't say it or, it's being taken
Out of context.

Absolutely THE most shameless buncha tyrants are the tolerant left.

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/16 at 05:56:00

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Gonna' be a recount in Michigan,.. prolly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin too... if fraud is found, that may expand further...

Might need to cool yer' jets.  :-?

Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? I wish you'd be right about something now and then. Seriously, if this forum is an exchange of ideas, evernow and then, you gotta come up with something halfway realistic.....

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/27/16 at 07:32:11

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
[quote author=3224332E36232E35410 link=1480177702/0#1 date=1480180690]Gonna' be a recount in Michigan,.. prolly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin too... if fraud is found, that may expand further...

Might need to cool yer' jets.  :-?

Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? I wish you'd be right about something now and then. Seriously, if this forum is an exchange of ideas, evernow and then, you gotta come up with something halfway realistic.....[/quote]

Mark, if we look objectively at the Bots, they laughed at Trump....
I did too.
They had no idea of the mans ability.
Hillary wanted Trump.
They did what they could to get him there.
Now, they predict all our future, based on their astuteness of awareness, of this man, who they minimized and dismissed.

It doesn't add up, or affirm their ability to discern factual life issues and outcomes.
they hold fast to a belief that makes them feel better, that affirms them.
That sets them above the rest, with a haughty attitude they are better.....
And when reality doesn't confirm it, they react angrily, disillusioned, they attack, instead of reflect.

They trap themselves and blame others for the snare..... sad.  

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/16 at 19:58:05

t doesn't add up, or affirm their ability to discern factual life issues and outcomes.
they hold fast to a belief that makes them feel better, that affirms them.
That sets them above the rest, with a haughty attitude they are better.....
And when reality doesn't confirm it, they react angrily, disillusioned, they attack, instead of reflect.

Left and right are guilty of the same. Nobody, nobody on either side, wants to answer my questions.
And Hillary was mortified when Trump would not agree to accept the results of the election.

And we are seeing what? Jill ( the Beer  ) Stein ,who would NOT be declared the winner, CHALLENGING the results.
Anything smell fishy here?
Noooo, not to the brainwashed Dumbmasses who can't see what is going on.

I can't paste it in, go below the video that is down from the top picture.
Ohh, it's whorifying..

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/16 at 09:45:04

Yeah, nothing left to say, is there?
Drop THIS one, move on to another piece of crap attempt to pretend that the dems have some kind of moral high ground and the butthurt is legitimate. That the lefties can't admit they engage in voter fraud and tried to steal the election is no shock.

Here's a question for you.

SINCE it's a known fact that the DNC had to STEAL the nomination for Hillary, what Logic do they base their
Hillary WON the popular vote
claim on?

I wish we could pick a day and time when Everyone is off work and could all go and stand in places marked

Just see how many supporters each has.
Dead people don't stand in a pasture and people only get counted once.
She couldn't draw a crowd, nobody I know likes her,
As Trump said to the black community

They've been promising and you've been voting for them for fifty years. They have not delivered. What have you got to lose? Vote for me. Give me a chance..

I think Hillary got SLAUGHTERED at the polls. Just as the polling numbers during the run up to the election were lies, just the establishment trying to use those numbers to shape support instead of reporting it. It was an attempt to steal the election for her, but the support for Trump was so overwhelming that the establishment saw that just announcing she won would cause trouble they couldn't deal with. So, they SAID she won the popular vote and now are working on overturning the election.
When Trump said he would wait and see if he would accept the election results, HILLARY CALLED IT AN ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY.

But NOW?
Well, that's what lefties do.
Ends justify the means.
Situational ethics.
I didn't say That!
You're taking that out of context!

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by raydawg on 11/28/16 at 18:05:58

Yep Jog, here will be the story after the recount.....

After recounting all the votes, we will have to change the outcome.
We found we shorted Trump 37 votes.
We will adjust the count accordingly.

Here is how the left will interpret it....

Since a mistake was indeed made in tallying up the votes, we can't be sure of any of the results, and request a do-over to the election. It is paramount that every voters vote, counts and is recorded properly.

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by oldNslow on 11/28/16 at 18:32:05

Is the check in the mail yet?

"The Wisconsin Elections Commission agreed Monday to go forward with requests to recount residents’ votes for the 2016 presidential election and said the process will begin as soon the campaign for Green Party candidate Jill Stein or the other petitioner “make full payment” by Tuesday."

I'm  not going to be too surprised if there is a brief press release sometime tomorrow that begins " Uh. never mind ...." :D

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/16 at 18:36:52

The recount donations will be split. Stein, Hillary and Soros.
Soros has spent a fortune on riote,,,  errr, protesters..

Title: Re: Does this story count anymore?
Post by oldNslow on 12/03/16 at 19:22:06

And that, I believe, is the end of that.

According to the story Stein  is supposed to make a "major announcement" on Monday. I can't wait. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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