General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More riddles......

Message started by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 08:55:58

Title: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 08:55:58

Ok, lets see if I have this right.

A Gay couple wants a straight person, company, to help with their wedding.
They abstained based on their beliefs.

A person goes to see a Broadway show, he gets denied what he set out to do because the cast decides to lecture, scold him, for HIS BELIEFS ( or what they hold to be his beliefs).

Gee, seems the right says the cake baker has a right to deny them, the left screams intolerance.

The left thinks its their right to treat a person anyway they desire because they think that person deserves it, and the right has issues with that.

Golly, who is right, I mean, left, or gee, why are people so intolerant, I hate that!

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/16 at 09:04:48

Okay, let's see if I have this right.

A bigot wants to deny someone a cake.
A racist wants to attend a a production with a central theme against racism.
...and they expect tolerance and acceptance?...

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by thumperclone on 11/19/16 at 09:10:52

the crowd booed mike
the cast welcomed him...

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 09:33:05

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
Okay, let's see if I have this right.

A bigot wants to deny someone a cake.
A racist wants to attend a a production with a central theme against racism.
...and they expect tolerance and acceptance?...

Your understating is so deep....

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 09:33:26

2E322F372A3F28393635343F5A0 wrote:
the crowd booed mike
the cast welcomed him...

Look a little deeper amigo

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by thumperclone on 11/19/16 at 09:59:46

51425A47425444230 wrote:
[quote author=2E322F372A3F28393635343F5A0 link=1479574558/0#2 date=1479575452]the crowd booed mike
the cast welcomed him...

Look a little deeper amigo
read the article from two different sources what did I miss??

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/19/16 at 10:15:52

Nobody wanted to
Deny someone a cake.
They didn't want to PARTICIPATE in a Ceremony that was against their religious beliefs.
That lefties don't get it is no shock.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 10:27:48

3529342C312433222D2E2F24410 wrote:
[quote author=51425A47425444230 link=1479574558/0#4 date=1479576806][quote author=2E322F372A3F28393635343F5A0 link=1479574558/0#2 date=1479575452]the crowd booed mike
the cast welcomed him...

Look a little deeper amigo
read the article from two different sources what did I miss??[/quote]

Define intolerance.
Is it limited in scope, or an absolute?
Is assigning, to others, negativity, based upon what others say, not by our own firsthand experience, wise, or just an extension of our own beliefs?
What is that drives those folks to surrender their own peace, at trying to disrupt another?

If nothing, this election has shown a lot of nekked people, who thought their garments were sublime   ;D

Its sorta like saying pretty ugly, or sweet and sour, its funny, yet sad  :-[

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by thumperclone on 11/19/16 at 10:39:32

booing by the crowd was an expression of displeasure(freedom of speech)
im intolerant of eating  liver :D

its time to move on

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 11:17:28

3529342C312433222D2E2F24410 wrote:
booing by the crowd was an expression of displeasure(freedom of speech)
im intolerant of eating  liver :D

its time to move on

Oh my, liver and onions, I miss it so. My wife can't even look at it, much less smell it.
That was our "meat" growing up  ;D

So spitting on Vets, is expression too.
Calling a woman who models in bathing suits a puzzy, is expression too.
Etc, etc, etc....

The bridge failed, with one small crack.

I repair damage metal on aircraft.
A crack of 3 thousand deep has to be attended to.
It has the capacity to cause air frame failure.
It won't happen on the first flight, takes thousands of them.
Each cycle puts more stress on that imperfection in the metal, causing the surrounding metal to fatigue over time.
Undetected, or treated, it will cause failure, its just a matter of time.
If it happens to damage flight controls when it fails, it will be catastrophic, not just a hole in the fuselage.
What caused the defect may have long been forgotten.

Disrespect, lingers......... until?

Seems superficial and of no consequence now, I get that, but you want to be on that plane, or your kids, grand kids, I failed to repair properly?    

Can we finish this discussion over liver and grilled onions?  ;D

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/16 at 16:57:26

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
"Okay, let's see if I have this right.  A bigot wants to deny someone a cake. ..."

Let’s  try this.
 A Person, says: “Because of the religion I believe in…”.
You Think that person is a  bigot, Right?
   (The  Cake)

Say another person says:  “Because of the religion I believe in, I don’t eat or touch a certain kind of meat”.
Is  That person,  also a  Bigot ?
Or should they be,  Forced, to eat that meat ?

Their are Other, 'Cake  Bakers'.
Just as  their are other  stores, that sell, and not sell, a certain kind of meat.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/16 at 17:02:48

3B28302D283E2E490 wrote:
 "  Oh my, liver and onions, I miss it so..."

A-Yep, A  BIG, Plate of Liver &  Fried  Onions,  Mashed Potatoes, and Corn. !!!!!!!!

Stop it,  your  making my Mouth Water   !!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 17:15:46

2F0C3112100B0C05620 wrote:
[quote author=3F293E233B2E23384C0 link=1479574558/0#1 date=1479575088]"Okay, let's see if I have this right.  A bigot wants to deny someone a cake. ..."

Let’s  try this.
 A Person, says: “Because of the religion I believe in…”.
You Think that person is a  bigot, Right?
   (The  Cake)

Say another person says:  “Because of the religion I believe in, I don’t eat or touch a certain kind of meat”.
Is  That person,  also a  Bigot ?
Or should they be,  Forced, to eat that meat ?

Their are Other, 'Cake  Bakers'.
Just as  their are other  stores, that sell, and not sell, a certain kind of meat.

I would call the cake baker STUPID......
Don't know enuff bout them to label them otherwise.
But again, to go into a business and turn away business based on a personal held belief is STUPID.

I really don't need to dig any deeper into it, to find an excuse.
Ain't no God I know that will hold anybody to the "perceived" sin of another....
I think God has the ability to see through this one  ;D

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/16 at 17:40:18

5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 wrote:
" I would call the cake baker STUPID......"

Could be,  
to forgo a  profit, on a personal belief?
Could be,  OR ?

I would ask, is it not, ‘that persons’,  Choice,
to Choose,  Belief, over Profit ?

Number of years ago,
a  Person walked into a  a  Gun Shop I was in.
He had a  Big,  ‘Kerry’, Button on.
The owner of the shop, said:
“If you are so Stupid, to Wear a  Kerry Button,
you are to Stupid to Own a  Firearm”.

Did he loose a sale?   Sure !
Was it his,  ‘Choice’ ?      Yep !

A,  ‘Choice’, will have, ‘repercussions’,
(In that case/s).  Profit or no  profit.

And it is  the, ‘Choice’, of a person to make.

Just as it is a, 'Choice', to tear down a building,
and throw the bricks in the street.

Only, some people', do NOT   think,
their are  ANY, repercussions, on their, Choice.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/19/16 at 18:01:36

Is it a chicken or an egg first puzzle?

The baker should have known, dealing with the public, that they could very well be put into a alkward position.
My wife is a perfect example.
She manages an optical practice.
She oversees the doctors schedules, staff, and the public.
While folks often strike up conversations while having exams, fitting, buying of optics, etc, you listen to them, but never venture into conversations of the nature where "feelings" can get bruised....
You don't, that is bad business and has absolutely no relationship of forfeiting ones belief in order to profit.
You knew that profiting was the goal when you agreed to take the task, or job....
I would say if you don't believe in abortion, don't work for planned parenthood, etc.

You think they ever bake a cake for a  persons birthday that was shacking up instead of being married?
I mean really, how far do you want to extend this reasoning?

Look at Chic A Filet, do they deny serving anyone, no.

Now folks have tried to deny them doing business because of their beliefs, which is just a flip and extension of the bakers excuse.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/19/16 at 18:05:51

Yes, announcing displeasure in peaceful ways is protected First Amendment speech. Tolerance is not doing it.
Adult behavior doesn't include
Safe Spaces
Cuddle puppies
Cookies and milk
Crying and therapists/ grief counselor..
Trump won.
You'll be thrilled later.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/16 at 18:44:22

5A49514C495F4F280 wrote:
" ...  dealing with the public, that they could very well be put into a alkward position..."

Totally Agree.
  Rule Number 1.   If  you are a  Salesman, you  NEVER,  EVER, have  ANY, political  Bumper  Stickers on you car.
    NEVER   !!!!!!
  (If  profit is your  Goal)
If  you are a  ‘Employee’,  (See  Number 1  Rule)

If you are a  ‘Owner’,   It is your,  Choice !

Their is a  Indoor Range in FL,
which advertised,  “  NO   XXXXXXX   Allowed”
They made a choice,  (Their Business went through the roof)

Their  is a indoor  range in Mpls, where, 95%, of the people their, shoot, with their firearm sideways, and their cap in on sideways, and their pants are well below their waist.    They do a good  Business.  
Would they do better, if they took a  ‘Political stance’,  ?   Or  worse?    
Just don’t know.

But it is both, of those places, to make,  THEIR  Choice, on what to do.
NOT, a, ‘political’, party,  ’TELLING’ them, what to do !

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/20/16 at 05:34:32

But it is both, of those places, to make,  THEIR  Choice, on what to do.
NOT, a, ‘political’, party,  ’TELLING’ them, what to do !

Yes, this is part of why Trump won.
The left will never see it.
The Crusaders never saw it.

BTW, baking and shooting are way different businesses.
It would sorta be like me going to a gynecologist and getting turned down for a pap smear  ;D

Oh geez, I hope I just didn't give Bot a new reason to complain about discrimination.......  

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/16 at 05:41:11

Really, people, it's not that hard.
If you own a machine shop and don't like guns, would you do gunsmith work?
That's just a PREFERENCE.

As a Christian, marriage is between man and woman, and, contracting to provide material support for a perverse union is not okay with a true Christian.
The faggots had options. But wanted to force someone to do their bidding.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by WebsterMark on 11/20/16 at 06:03:16

The question is, if the militant lesbos had gone to a conservative Muslim bakery and were told no, what would the court's reaction be? What would the reaction of the "free media" be?

They didn't go to a Muslim bakery because they weren't really looking for a cake, they searched and searched for a baker who denied them. This was an attack on Christianity, nothing more.

Could a group rent a facility owed by devout Muslims and serve alcohol and pork? If denied, could they sue and what would the press coverage be of the  outcome?

We rent our Church out for weddings from time to time but have the stipulation no alcohol allowed. What's the difference between that and the bakers? Could my church be sued for discrimination?

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/20/16 at 06:20:09

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
The question is, if the militant lesbos had gone to a conservative Muslim bakery and were told no, what would the court's reaction be? What would the reaction of the "free media" be?

They didn't go to a Muslim bakery because they weren't really looking for a cake, they searched and searched for a baker who denied them. This was an attack on Christianity, nothing more.

Could a group rent a facility owed by devout Muslims and serve alcohol and pork? If denied, could they sue and what would the press coverage be of the  outcome?

We rent our Church out for weddings from time to time but have the stipulation no alcohol allowed. What's the difference between that and the bakers? Could my church be sued for discrimination?

To answer your question Web, is liability.

Again, what you guys fail to see about yourselves is, if you want to be intolerant, based on whatever reasons you deem justifying, then you must accept that same applied toward other words you forfeited your right to complain, or accept the label hypocrite.

Jog, why the names?
Does it bolster your argument?
A true christian eh...... it has to be ran by Jog, before Saint Peter will accept you, and let you pass,  at the pearly gates, eh?

I always wonder what kind of job you had  ;D

Mercy bro, literally.....

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/16 at 15:59:25

You changed?

Don't people understand what being FORCED to Contract means?
Zero grasp of legality.
You do understand that had they walked in holding hands and asked for the strawberry shortcake in the display case, the sale would have been done immediately.
It's DIFFERENT when someone forces someone to Contract to Create an ELEMENT of a celebration that IS a perversion of nature.
Now, cry crocodile tears over the honest and accurate words.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by MnSpring on 11/22/16 at 18:23:11

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
" ... They didn't go to a Muslim bakery because they weren't really looking for a cake, they searched and searched for a baker who denied them. This was an attack on Christianity, nothing more."

Exactly.   A,  Muslim   ‘BAKERY’, who bakes,  cakes.
Would have done the  SAME  THING !!!!!!!
(Denying a  cake biased on their religious  belief)

So  please  explain, why it is,  ‘OK’, for  the Goose, not  the Gander’ ????

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/24/16 at 23:39:59

Oooops, shined a light on the totality of the hypocrisy.
Christian principles are EEEEVIL.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by WebsterMark on 11/25/16 at 06:11:36

Again, what you guys fail to see about yourselves is, if you want to be intolerant, based on whatever reasons you deem justifying, then you must accept that same applied toward other words you forfeited your right to complain, or accept the label hypocrite.

I have to disagree dawg. I take particular offense when certain foolish people on here throw out the terms Nazi and racist. Those terms represent very specific beliefs and behavior every reasonable person should object to. A genuine racist deserves the scorn directed his way and whatever his retort is, should be ignored.

In other words, there are universal truths. Everything is not grey, somethings are black and white.

When my local paper for examples ask the hypothetical question what's the difference between a conservative Catholic parish and Isis, that's ridiculous. You would think people could not be so foolish as to believe that, yet they do. Today in my little suburb, there's an anti-Trump march and there will be signs saying racist, Nazi etc....

All that does is water down real evil. It makes it easier to gain a foothold. As I mentioned before, when everyone's Hitler, no one is.

Title: Re: More riddles......
Post by raydawg on 11/25/16 at 08:32:34

Web, I think you guys are missing what I am saying....

You give extreme examples of people tossing out extreme references by intellectually lazy people.
Seems a lot of people have lately too, as I relayed how all of a sudden they know Trump will do all these horrendous things, calling him ugly names as racist, homophobic, etc.
Based on them, I guess, being able to tell the future, YET.... failed to see his election, and WHY, it was that drove this vote....

I was raised with the retort, " Sticks and stones might break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
When I die, you will cry, for all the names you called me"

It is a very simplistic jingle, but its meaning goes to the very depth of mans nature.
We have seen the PC censorship of the left. The reasoning why they surrender free speech, enforcing it upon others, because they say words hurt them....
Yet, they freely hurl accusations of ugliness at any opposing views and beliefs.
That is their own conflict.
Agreeing with them will not solve that conflict, tho bundled together in "safe zones" they think they have found a solution.
They will indeed die unhappy and miserable, as this mindset and attitude can never be settled by empowering and enforcing its doctrine.

True story.

I have shared before about my friend who has a political science degree from Berkeley.
All his clothes must reference the Grateful Dead  ;D
Anyway, a while back before the finalist were even decided in the primary, he asked what I thought was the most important issues facing us.
I said economy, education, with a healthy inspection of  our banking and healthcare industries.
He said it was global warming.

I asked him why?
He went on to list much.
When it came to the seas rising and flooding out all this landmass, etc, I asked him to give me proof.
Of course he couldn't.
He admitted it was just a belief, a very strong belief.

I said, cool, I have a very strong belief in God, yet you are an atheist, and think polices should not be made upon a belief (of him).

He was sorta cornered, and deflected his answer to this: "You know what really bothers me about Christians?' he asked.
I said, what?

"That they tell me I am going to hell!" he shared.

When talking later about the outcome of the election, and why Trump won, he blamed it on the usual talking points....
With the highlight being she won the popular vote  ::)

I said, "Oh yeah, that electorate vote that you all said she had in the bag and no way could Trump ever overcome that obstacle, means nothing now, eh?"  ;D

Anyway, I said, "No Rob, that is not why he won.

"I said they, like you, for why you don't believe in God, because some Christians tell you that you are going to hell, and you don't like the accusation......
Folks who don't like being called a Racist, Bigot, Sexist, Homophobic, etc, don't like the party or its representative, that calls them names, either....."

He didn't say anything back. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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