General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Can anybody field this one?

Message started by raydawg on 11/18/16 at 15:44:50

Title: Can anybody field this one?
Post by raydawg on 11/18/16 at 15:44:50

Sander's is talking about the Clinton's in this quote.

“Hillary Clinton was a key player in the centrist Democratic establishment, which had, over the years, been forged by her husband Bill Clinton,” Sanders writes. “The Clinton approach was to try to merge the interests of Wall Street and corporate America with the needs of the middle class — an impossible task.

I can't find his reasoning explained.....
Anybody want to school me why its impossible?

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by LostArtist on 11/18/16 at 16:21:54

because corporate America, as a capitalistic goal to reduce cost, is destroying the middle class. their interests are in reducing cost alone, and the middle class, made up of managers, factory workers, truck drivers, etc..... are taking precious salary dollars from corporate America, and Wall Street rewards corporate America every time they reduce costs with easy money. Capitalism seeks to be the most efficient, lowest cost common denominator. It doesn't care that it's cannibalizing it's customers to do so, since the easy Wall Street money quickly replaces customers as a concern. Corporate America supports globalism, supports low wages, supports cheating on regulations, etc.... Corporate America is not moral, it is amoral. Capitalism is not innately moral, there are no innate check and balances on it's greed, maybe, the only check and balance could be maybe the supply and demand of the Labor Market, but idk, seems much weaker to me. Middle Class America is in the way.

I mean, unless you actually believe that corporations want to share the wealth with their employees...  but that goes against the profit motive

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by raydawg on 11/18/16 at 16:33:24

Yeah, I hear what you are saying..... just not sure if the brush is that wide.
Costco comes to mind.
Maybe this middle class rebellion, that seems to have been a big supporter of Trump, can carry some weight into these markets.
Seems it could address the manufacturing cheaper abroad, then bringing it back in for us to purchase if a tariff or import tax is applied.
Not sure how that will happen tho.
Lots of middle class folks buy the cheaper import stuff, like S40's  ;D  

edit: Oh, I forgot to ask, why is it a bad idea to try, if that was what the Clinton's were trying to do?
I don't see that as a waste, or ?, but a good thing.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by LostArtist on 11/18/16 at 16:48:50

73607865607666010 wrote:
Yeah, I hear what you are saying..... just not sure if the brush is that wide.
Costco comes to mind.
Maybe this middle class rebellion, that seems to have been a big supporter of Trump, can carry some weight into these markets.
Seems it could address the manufacturing cheaper abroad, then bringing it back in for us to purchase if a tariff or import tax is applied.
Not sure how that will happen tho.
Lots of middle class folks buy the cheaper import stuff, like S40's  ;D  

edit: Oh, I forgot to ask, why is it a bad idea to try, if that was what the Clinton's were trying to do?
I don't see that as a waste, or ?, but a good thing.

that's funny.  Trump is going to make this all much worse. he's going to give in to corporate America, because HE IS ONE OF THEM. He suckered the middle class that supported him, so far he has shown NO SIGNS of actually wanting to change anything, he's selecting super right wing ideologues to positions of power.  His tariffs will hurt US all the most, those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back.

Edit:  forgot, yeah, that was a broad brush, but that's why I don't like blanket tax cuts.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by MnSpring on 11/18/16 at 17:20:28

7655494E7B484E53494E3A0 wrote:
" ...  Trump is going to make this all much worse. ..."

If a  wrench, made in China, cost $1.00
and the SAME, wrench, made in the USA, cost  $1.00

Which one  ya  gonna  Buy ????
( I would, buy the  BETTER   QUALITY  One, Where Ever it was Made)

Now the,  China  Wrench, cost  .50
and the USA one cost  $1.00.

Which one are you gonna  Buy ?

Let’s say  I make a  Widget, (in the USA)
Sell it for $1.00  (and make $0.50 on it)
Then, discover, I can  have it made, somewhere else.
And   Sell it for,  $0.90,  
and  Make,   $.60, on it.
Would you buy, or do the same thing.  ?

Now, complete the thought.
 WHO,  Made that   POSSIBLE ?
and   WHEN ?

Let's see, what happens, 100 days,  AFTER,  Jan 21.
Instead of, 'Being a   Puppet', and saying, what your 'told' to say !

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by raydawg on 11/18/16 at 17:24:14

4D6E7275407375687275010 wrote:
[quote author=73607865607666010 link=1479512690/0#2 date=1479515604]Yeah, I hear what you are saying..... just not sure if the brush is that wide.
Costco comes to mind.
Maybe this middle class rebellion, that seems to have been a big supporter of Trump, can carry some weight into these markets.
Seems it could address the manufacturing cheaper abroad, then bringing it back in for us to purchase if a tariff or import tax is applied.
Not sure how that will happen tho.
Lots of middle class folks buy the cheaper import stuff, like S40's  ;D  

edit: Oh, I forgot to ask, why is it a bad idea to try, if that was what the Clinton's were trying to do?
I don't see that as a waste, or ?, but a good thing.

that's funny.  Trump is going to make this all much worse. he's going to give in to corporate America, because HE IS ONE OF THEM. He suckered the middle class that supported him, so far he has shown NO SIGNS of actually wanting to change anything, he's selecting super right wing ideologues to positions of power.  His tariffs will hurt US all the most, those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back.

Edit:  forgot, yeah, that was a broad brush, but that's why I don't like blanket tax cuts. [/quote]

Ok, I'll put you down as a naysayer. You are on the record now. Me, I have no idea, but I hope the energy that put him there holds him to producing results, if not, they dump trump.....
And keep looking for solutions instead of backing the party regardless, which has gotten us here.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/16 at 06:57:36

that's funny.  Trump is going to make this all much worse. he's going to give in to corporate America, because HE IS ONE OF THEM. He suckered the middle class that supported him, so far he has shown NO SIGNS of actually wanting to change anything, he's selecting super right wing ideologues to positions of power.  

What's funny is if you exchange Hilary with Trump, left for right and she for he, you've described Hilary to a tee. As displayed by her campaign strategy, she ignored middle class for Hollywood and dimwitted college students. She was rhe corporate candidate.

Here's what's puzzling about you liberals, you were lied to for last year and a half into believing Katy Perry and Bruce Springsteen knew the country. You thought a crooked wife of an impeached president had broad appeal. You were told that was true and you believed it. Fools. And what's twice as foolish is you apparently have not learned.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/19/16 at 18:35:43

mean, unless you actually believe that corporations want to share the wealth with their employees...  but that goes against the profit motive

A small grasp...
Study Henry Ford. Paid employees so they could afford what they built.
Turnover costs, pay better, save money,
Yeah, some creepy people own businesses.
Government has created an environment that makes employers HAVE to be cheap.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by LostArtist on 11/19/16 at 19:42:16

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:
mean, unless you actually believe that corporations want to share the wealth with their employees...  but that goes against the profit motive

A small grasp...
Study Henry Ford. Paid employees so they could afford what they built.
Turnover costs, pay better, save money,
Yeah, some creepy people own businesses.
Government has created an environment that makes employers HAVE to be cheap.

Government didn't create that environment by itself, it had lobbyists help, all slick talking salesmen like Trump.  

I don't think Trump is in the same category as Ford. Trump is all about the easy money, the fame.

oh and this myth that employers don't have a choice but to be cheap, that's another side effect of the free market and competition you libertarians always brag about as the ultimate fix for everything

Ford was around at the same time there were companies using child labor to keep there competitive edge, under the SAME government Ford was under.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/16 at 04:25:59

and this myth that employers don't have a choice but to be cheap, that's another side effect of the free market and competition you libertarians always brag about as the ultimate fix for everything

Free market, not crony capitalism, has not been bested.
You have an example?

And you have never, not in your life, SEEN actual free market capitalism on any large scale.
You despise Trump. It's in your words. Yet, Hillary has not been a provider of jobs. She's a warmongering thief, but you prefer her. And what WOULD Trump be, if he was free from the criminals who demand bribes, and the mob who demands certain people be employed?
America is better off because of trump, worse off because of Hillary.

You're BASICALLY a lefty. Understand the word.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by LostArtist on 11/21/16 at 13:19:25

the idea that free market capitalism without cronyism is even possible is a fairytale

and you still insist that bribes were demanded from Trump, when IN HIS OWN WORDS, he offered them to get what he wanted, not the other way around. He liked the POWER that bribing people got him

I understand Hillary is no hero, but you somehow missunderstand Trump, even though he has admitted to underhanded dealings before, and yet you see him as some kind of savior...   :-?

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by raydawg on 11/21/16 at 13:42:16

7E5D41467340465B4146320 wrote:
the idea that free market capitalism without cronyism is even possible is a fairytale

and you still insist that bribes were demanded from Trump, when IN HIS OWN WORDS, he offered them to get what he wanted, not the other way around. He liked the POWER that bribing people got him

I understand Hillary is no hero, but you somehow missunderstand Trump, even though he has admitted to underhanded dealings before, and yet you see him as some kind of savior...   :-?

I think you answered it....

Trump admitted it, Hillary and others, don't.

His electing was not because he is so wonderful, no, it's because people are sick of career politicians.
He will be dumped in a New York  minute if he screws up, and it the left tries to screw it up, they will pay for it again in 2 years....

This was started with Ross Perot, just has taken a spell to go against the 2  
Party system

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/16 at 14:50:46

LA, your HATE determines your beliefs. You KNOW NOTHING about Why Trump paid bribes.
On one hand
Trump does nothing  that doesn't benefit him.
Ohhh, LOOKIE! He PAYS BRIBES so he can Feel like a Big Man.
As IF he needs to purchase the RIGHTS a citizen OF AMERICA has from a government stooge in order to feel Big! That's DEMEANING! But you're so twisted by your HATE that you believe that being held at gunpoint and forced to hand over cash in order to proceed with a project somehow inflates the ego.
You should go in the bathroom, face the mirror and SLAP THE nuts out of yourself for being a frikking idiot.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by raydawg on 11/22/16 at 03:21:22

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
LA, your HATE determines your beliefs. You KNOW NOTHING about Why Trump paid bribes.
On one hand
Trump does nothing  that doesn't benefit him.
Ohhh, LOOKIE! He PAYS BRIBES so he can Feel like a Big Man.
As IF he needs to purchase the RIGHTS a citizen OF AMERICA has from a government stooge in order to feel Big! That's DEMEANING! But you're so twisted by your HATE that you believe that being held at gunpoint and forced to hand over cash in order to proceed with a project somehow inflates the ego.
You should go in the bathroom, face the mirror and SLAP THE nuts out of yourself for being a frikking idiot.

I doan think youis allowed to tell someone here to go pound his pud, Bot will surely scold you.....
Well, unless you admit to some kinky sexual gendering anywayz, then it be cool  :-*

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/16 at 05:37:15

785B47407546405D4740340 wrote:
the idea that free market capitalism without cronyism is even possible is a fairytale

and you still insist that bribes were demanded from Trump, when IN HIS OWN WORDS, he offered them to get what he wanted, not the other way around. He liked the POWER that bribing people got him

I understand Hillary is no hero, but you somehow missunderstand Trump, even though he has admitted to underhanded dealings before, and yet you see him as some kind of savior...   :-?

How convenient. You managed to forget all the times I stated so clearly that I don't trust Trump. Stop pretending I'm someone I'm not. I know, you NEED to see me as someone so intellectually flawed that you can maintain your superior self image, but you'd be ahead to step back and be honest about what I have been saying.

Ohh, and gee whiz, Ford was building cars, and how many competitors did he have? Several, yet, through innovation and efficiency, he was able to out produce and sell for less, AND pay his people well enough to be able to buy what they built.
So, what does child labor have to do with it?
And, FWIW, the child labor laws PISSED ME OFF, I wanted a job when I was 12,,

You just ANNOUNCE that crony capitalism is inevitable.
It's a government corruption issue as much as anything.
Have you STUDIED history and the money?
Fractional reserve banking wasn't always the way it was.
Your grasp of reality is created by the information that is pumped into the minds of the masses.
You're smart enough to break free. Try it.

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by MnSpring on 11/22/16 at 16:55:51

55766A6D586B6D706A6D190 wrote:
" ...  it had lobbyists help, all slick talking salesmen  ..."

‘Lobbyists’.  Yea,  I get it.

Now, tell me what part of the, ‘Trumps Contract’,
Deals with that.?

And what part of that, you disagree with ?

1/20/17  is,  ‘Party Day.
1/21/17, is a  ‘Work’ day, (for the POTUS)

Can you wait until AFTER.  ?????
Then  SEE, what is happening   ????

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by LostArtist on 11/23/16 at 05:56:15

7C5F624143585F56310 wrote:
[quote author=55766A6D586B6D706A6D190 link=1479512690/0#8 date=1479613336]" ...  it had lobbyists help, all slick talking salesmen  ..."

‘Lobbyists’.  Yea,  I get it.

Now, tell me what part of the, ‘Trumps Contract’,
Deals with that.?

And what part of that, you disagree with ?

1/20/17  is,  ‘Party Day.
1/21/17, is a  ‘Work’ day, (for the POTUS)

Can you wait until AFTER.  ?????
Then  SEE, what is happening   ????

your side didn't wait when it was Obama, why should I wait?

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/16 at 07:37:19

How sad. Play to the least common denominator. How tolerant.
Because you saw some assholes act like assholes, you're free to mirror that behavior... I am starting to understand you better. How mature.  

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/16 at 08:15:37

careful Jog or Lost will refuse to talk to your dark heart forever and ever!

Title: Re: Can anybody field this one?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/16 at 17:18:45

0A2935320734322F3532460 wrote:
"your side didn't wait when it was Obama, why should I wait?"

Lucy, holding the Football,
while, Linus  runs to Kick it.

What does she do?
Just as you !!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

 JOG  said: "I am starting to understand you better. How mature.  "

Only I would  remove the words,  'Starting',  'to', and 'better'.
and add a, 'ing', to 'understand'. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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