General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 09NOV16

Message started by raydawg on 11/05/16 at 12:58:22

Title: 09NOV16
Post by raydawg on 11/05/16 at 12:58:22

Wednesday, the sun will rise, as always.
It was made that way.

Disasters, wars, poverty, hate, and death..... can not keep it from rising, it was made that way.

It brings with it, a new day.
Darkness has fled.
Light always overcomes darkness.
It was made that way.

A chance to right, your wrongs.
Opportunities to learn, listen, embrace, that of which the day before, was denied you, by choice.

A chance to heal, feed, support, those in physical, and emotional hunger.
A chance to give, instead of take, to offer, instead of demand.

A chance to be different,
to dance, to music that gladdens the heart.
welcoming others to be merry within the symphony of joy, happiness, and love.....  
Will you dance?

Or will you let the wheels of deceit steal away that, which is free?

It's really that simple.
It was made that way. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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