General Category >> The Cafe >> One more winter.....

Message started by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 09:26:02

Title: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 09:26:02

Looks like this will be my last winter biking....
I will retire a year from this January, and wife wants the bike gone.
I will heed her asking, as it causes her concern.
Our winter really doesn't get bitter cold, if ever, until January and February, where ice is more than an nuance.
I ride in the car tire tracks, and that works pretty good for traction.

This coming summer, I will relish the little savage, as I put back on my fly screen, and enjoy the summer rush through the trees and sunshine.

Yes, I'll miss that, but I will focus on having had the chance to dance, and not the fact the dance is over.
Sorta like life itself.
Enjoy the good, accept the hardship and disappointments, and stay in the moment with thankfulness that you are still experiencing it.    :)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Papa Bear on 11/04/16 at 09:35:39

I am the opposite.

I rode in the 1960's and 70's and quit in 1980.

I started again at 70 yrs old in 2014 my S40 is my second bike now.
I got the S40 as my little Wolf 150 was too small for the wife to ride on with me. She has been on the S40 a few times and likes it.

That being said, I quit in '80 as I was deep in my alcoholism and was going to die if I kept riding/drinking.

I joined AA in 1989 and retired in 2009. I ride to every meeting I can.  ;)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 11/04/16 at 09:40:13

While I still have a good 13 years until retirement, I see it as an opportunity to ride more, not less. But until I'm actually looking 67 in the face, I wont know for sure.

Since the day I left college I've been on a very intense exercise routine that includes weight training, running and participation in contact sports. I've run marathons and raced motocross...I don't see this ending anytime soon. So when I retire I expect to have (or continue to have) an active life.

I guess there is a day in my future when my wife will say "hey, time to slow down" but I hope I'm well into my 80's or 90's when that day comes.

'dawg, I hope it's not a medical condition that's knocking you off the saddle. If it is I wish you all the best.

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by badwolf on 11/04/16 at 09:55:55

If the wife is giving you the choice of your bike or her, look her in the eye and ask if she is SURE she wants you to make a choice....
Says the guy who has never been able to maintain a long term relationship!

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 09:57:56

WTG Papa Bear....
I have only 14 years of sobriety, but what a wonderful 14 years they are!

No Gary, I believe riding keeps me in the game, as you MUST use all your senses to succeed in it, or DIE  ;D

But it worries my wife.
We can justify it all we want, but we can't deny it is a assumed risk.

Like i told Papa Bear, maybe since I am sober now, after being a selfish SOB for all the years prior, maybe I should look at this request to validation that she wants to KEEP ME!
Instead of kicking my sorry arse out like she shoulda done years ago  ;D

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 10:01:35

3E3C2F312F2D353C342F5D0 wrote:
If the wife is giving you the choice of your bike or her, look her in the eye and ask if she is SURE she wants you to make a choice....
Says the guy who has never been able to maintain a long term relationship!

If years have taught me one thing wolf, is that I owe this woman more than I can ever pay her.

I wouldn't hesitate to satisfy her request, nor would I ever hold it against her.

Maybe you are just a solo spirit....
I know a few, it works for them, and they don't try to answer to the expectations of society or others  ;)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by old.indian on 11/04/16 at 11:16:06

The Thumper concerns my wife also. But she also feels that it is a relaxing form of recreation for me... (Also, it's the only "bad habit" I have.) :-[

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by badwolf on 11/04/16 at 12:07:49

Maybe you are just a solo spirit....

Thank you, that is a very diplomatic way of saying a**hole.
I am usually called much worse.

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by verslagen1 on 11/04/16 at 12:38:17

ray, up to you what you do.
But let me put a few pro's to weight the decision with.

As you get older, anything you do is a benefit to you, give it up and it's soon gone.
Riding develops the core muscles.
Riding develops mental abilities.

If you give up the m/c, pick up a scooter.
If that's still too fast for her, get a bike.

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 12:49:07

445740415E5355575C03320 wrote:
ray, up to you what you do.
But let me put a few pro's to weight the decision with.

As you get older, anything you do is a benefit to you, give it up and it's soon gone.
Riding develops the core muscles.
Riding develops mental abilities.

If you give up the m/c, pick up a scooter.
If that's still too fast for her, get a bike.

Yes, I get that..... I believe it too.

Maybe she will see it too, when I have a choice to ride, not that I have to ride, darkness, weather, etc, regardless.

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 12:52:33

5E5C4F514F4D555C544F3D0 wrote:
Maybe you are just a solo spirit....

Thank you, that is a very diplomatic way of saying a**hole.
I am usually called much worse.

Rebels are easy to label, if you ain't like us, you must be F'd up  ;D

You don't have to defend, to those that are deaf.....
If you get my drift.
Spend that energy on yourself instead !

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by verslagen1 on 11/04/16 at 12:59:16

Are you going to be the guy...

that comes home in the middle of the night and she's sitting there with a glare and you proceed to apologize about not calling her as you were having a good time over at the pool hall, drinking and dancing with some old friends.  And she yells at you "liar, you were at the garage again weren't you?! working on that dam bike"

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Papa Bear on 11/04/16 at 14:54:18

Congrats on 14 yrs !!

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 18:19:32

495A4D4C535E585A510E3F0 wrote:
Are you going to be the guy...

that comes home in the middle of the night and she's sitting there with a glare and you proceed to apologize about not calling her as you were having a good time over at the pool hall, drinking and dancing with some old friends.  And she yells at you "liar, you were at the garage again weren't you?! working on that dam bike"


Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/16 at 18:19:48

74757A7B78797E7F7C4D0 wrote:
Congrats on 14 yrs !!

Thank you  :D

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by MMRanch on 11/04/16 at 21:18:22


What makes your Wife think she could live with ya if you don't have a bike ?  ;D

You do invite her to go ridding ?  :-?     If not : There's your problem !  ;)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/05/16 at 11:34:07

Ya know what, I just might say sumtin like that...
That she must go with me on my last ride.
To date she has refused to go.

Maybe, with a perfect weather day, etc, it might hook her  ;D

OK guys, when we get closer I'll post up asking for prayers to the savage god in my behalf, or I mean, her half  ;D

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by MMRanch on 11/05/16 at 18:03:54

We praying for ya already Ray  8-)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Dave on 11/06/16 at 04:00:49

Since the bike is paid for will cost you very little to keep it.  My wife is not a huge fan of riding - but she does know how much I like it and she allows me that activity.  When the weather is right we ride double for our Friday night date....and we have taken one vacation with the motorcycle on a trailer.  We went up to Michigan and trailered the bike up, and then took day rides to see the sights.  We are planning similar trips to Gettysburg and other locations.  The Savage was not a comfortable bike for us to ride double however.......we did buy a larger bike for riding double.

I do use one of the bikes for running errands, and it makes them a lot more fun to do.

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by old_rider on 11/06/16 at 05:37:09

Perhaps maybe a trike? like a can-am spider? would make her feel a little better about her concerns.
My wife wasn't a big fan of me riding either, until I took her up to the dragon on my road glide, was an awesome trip, beautiful weather and lots of "nature".
She now rides her own savage (if I get time to fix it for next season), learned to ride solo at age 50, and she does well at it.
Now i'm concerned! :)  
She mentioned can-am, as she probably will get a three wheeled scooter or bike when she "can't handle the weight".... she is hooked :)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/16 at 07:46:43

You guys are an inspiration, I thank you for applying your boot to my butt, however, the energy from that extreme seems to dissipate before it has chance to influence my last remaining brain cell...

Yes. its true, I still have one that fires  ;D

My wife is a real outdoor person.
We went from tent camping, to tent trailer, etc, as the kids grew.
They all love that experience, and repeating it with our grand kids.
I know the love is there, I just have to figger out how to fan it.

You guys have honestly given me hope, and focus, and I really like the little bike, all she gives me, from tinkering with Versy's mods, to keeping my reflexes current, it has value in my life.

I will not go into the abyss of caging, willingly, but offer one more stance, before it can stand, no mores  ;)  


Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Papa Bear on 11/06/16 at 08:30:11


 I have a good old AA buddy with 42 yrs in the program.

He doesn't always see eye-to-eye with his wife.

He often says to her "I'd agree with you, honey, but then we'd both be wrong."  8-)

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by Art Webb on 11/06/16 at 08:31:41

I would say to her
Do you want me to 'live' a life of denial, while I die a little each time I see another bike? Or actually live, untill I don't, anymore? (of course you may not feel that strongly about bikes)
I knew a guy who quit riding at his wife's behest, and lived a miserable life
Until a collision with a cable dump took his life, 4 months or so down the road, while commuting home on the freeway
On his bike, he never took the freeway

It was mean, it was horrible, it was nasty, but I couldn't help myself, as I said "good thing he was in that nice safe car on the freeway, instead of on that 'dangerous' bike on an empty back road"

Everyone here knows how i feel about this by now, you marry a person, it shouldn't make you their slave (IMO you shouldn't marry, period) It's SUPPOSED to be a partner ship of Mutual Benefit

I'm not riding much right now, but that's my choice, not someone else's
Your contribution to her life is every bit as beneficial as hers to yours, at least for the past 14 years, possibly more so, if you are the 'provider' in the relationship, but you somehow 'owe her' the surrender of something you love 'because wife'

Your call, brother, and no judgement, regardless how prickly my diatribe may sound, it's your choice, not mine, but I just can't see letting someone else control me

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/16 at 08:56:42

090807060504030201300 wrote:

 I have a good old AA buddy with 42 yrs in the program.

He doesn't always see eye-to-eye with his wife.

He often says to her "I'd agree with you, honey, but then we'd both be wrong."  8-)

That is so a keeper!  ;D

Humor is the best medicine, make no argument against it.
It can turn a frown to a smile in less time than it does to have a negative thought.

As evidenced in this savage forum, I am a man with deep wisdom, and wide knowledge.......  ::)
But humor has always paved over the rough spots.
I have played it with much success against my wife, well, who frankly often times reasons like a woman, you can't win that argument  ;D
I let her bask a few, then when she turns away in her glory of winning, I fire off a round that causes her to succumb to my charming wit  :-*

She has said that asset, and ability, was what kept her from walking out when she had many doubts about our relationship.
Not only that, I use it when I am not the target of her scorn, and it helps her to dismiss that which is bugging her.

I swear, one day I will grow a set, not waiting till she turns her back on me, and fire off a retort right between her eyes, I swear.

Whadda ya mean, yeah, when pigs fly?

You think Rosie O'Donnel walks from coast to coast?   ;D

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/16 at 09:15:20

3C2F292A383F3F5D0 wrote:
I would say to her
Do you want me to 'live' a life of denial, while I die a little each time I see another bike? Or actually live, untill I don't, anymore? (of course you may not feel that strongly about bikes)
I knew a guy who quit riding at his wife's behest, and lived a miserable life
Until a collision with a cable dump took his life, 4 months or so down the road, while commuting home on the freeway
On his bike, he never took the freeway

It was mean, it was horrible, it was nasty, but I couldn't help myself, as I said "good thing he was in that nice safe car on the freeway, instead of on that 'dangerous' bike on an empty back road"

Everyone here knows how i feel about this by now, you marry a person, it shouldn't make you their slave (IMO you shouldn't marry, period) It's SUPPOSED to be a partner ship of Mutual Benefit

I'm not riding much right now, but that's my choice, not someone else's
Your contribution to her life is every bit as beneficial as hers to yours, at least for the past 14 years, possibly more so, if you are the 'provider' in the relationship, but you somehow 'owe her' the surrender of something you love 'because wife'

Your call, brother, and no judgement, regardless how prickly my diatribe may sound, it's your choice, not mine, but I just can't see letting someone else control me

Thanks Art....
I know how hard it is to dialogue in this domain, we lack visual and audio input, which can be as important as the words spoken, in defining the meaning and intent, of any given subject.

I understand your gist, and appreciate it buddy!

We are all unique, and that it what is so wonderful about accepting life, on its terms.
We can try and bend it to our liking, our comfort zone, or to justify us, but that so steals away that which makes each one as different as our thumb print.

I am like a pioneer, who ventured west to the gold fields, looking for placer deposits....
I gather supplies, game plan, but I will need to wade into the water of a chilling creek, to dip my pan.
My body may shiver, my back ache, my hands turn blue, but its a price I must pay in order to succeed.
I work the pan, till all that is left, is the remnants of what I started with.  Its up to me to decide that which has value, and that that doesn't, before I plunge it back in again.... or move on.

You guys, by your sharing, have loaded my pan with all sorts of keepers, its up to me now to discern.......  :)

Thank you    

Title: Re: One more winter.....
Post by springman on 11/06/16 at 12:46:48

Raydawg, I don't have any words of wisdom for you even though I wish I did. I wish you the best in whatever you decide. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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