General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> NYPD Chief is Pissed

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/16 at 19:06:08

Title: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/16 at 19:06:08

What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

“People are going to prison,” he said.

Ohhhh, hang them High..

More Scrutiny is needed.
Hillary for prison, 2016.

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 19:30:09

rumors and hearsay, you must love all the fodder for your guilty until proven innocent mindset


praying for you to get over your anger and fear

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 19:57:16

6F4C50576251574A5057230 wrote:
" ... you must love all the fodder ..."  

Well, If one is, 'Lost',  than they are, 'Lost'!

" ... get over your anger and fear ..."

Anger:  Yes  I am  Angry  that someone want's to  STEAL  from me.  Would you not be also?

Fear:   Yes,  I 'fear' things.  Like Poisonous  Snakes.  Like very tall things, where I do not have a secure hold.  Like a fire in the house, when I am sleeping. Like my chain saw, suddenly lifting up to my face. Like some  DFI, texting in a cage, and not at all, aware of me, on a  M.C..  
Etc. Etc. Etc.

But:   I am  SMART   Enough, to  AVOID.
 Avoid Snakes. Make sure I am secure in tall places.  Have a  fire extinguishers/smoke detectors in the house.  Make sure my C.S. is  working Properly.  Drive, (cage or M.C.)  with my EYES OPEN.

This is the part I do not understand about you:   'Eyes  OPEN' !!!!!!!

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 20:59:38

4E6D5073716A6D64030 wrote:
[quote author=6F4C50576251574A5057230 link=1478138768/0#1 date=1478140209]" ... you must love all the fodder ..."  

Well, If one is, 'Lost',  than they are, 'Lost'!

" ... get over your anger and fear ..."

Anger:  Yes  I am  Angry  that someone want's to  STEAL  from me.  Would you not be also?

Fear:   Yes,  I 'fear' things.  Like Poisonous  Snakes.  Like very tall things, where I do not have a secure hold.  Like a fire in the house, when I am sleeping. Like my chain saw, suddenly lifting up to my face. Like some  DFI, texting in a cage, and not at all, aware of me, on a  M.C..  
Etc. Etc. Etc.

But:   I am  SMART   Enough, to  AVOID.
 Avoid Snakes. Make sure I am secure in tall places.  Have a  fire extinguishers/smoke detectors in the house.  Make sure my C.S. is  working Properly.  Drive, (cage or M.C.)  with my EYES OPEN.

This is the part I do not understand about you:   'Eyes  OPEN' !!!!!!!


I'm smart enough to figure out the issue, with a calm, steady demeanor. when I am lost I am NEVER afraid that I won't find my way again

no worries, I understand if that's over your head, when you are stupid, it's only too easy to embrace your fear, it's one of the base emotions ALL animals have, so, if you want to embrace your humanity, part of that is striving to reduce your fear, so when you all try to spread your fear, you are trying to reduce my humanity, and I won't have that, if  you want to speak to me rationally about issues with acting a fool about personalities, I'm cool with that, you start calling people names, seemingly unable to actually be civil about a subject or person, I'm going to complete dismiss all that noise

being lost is the ONLY way to discover new unexpected things, to have your eyes OPENED instead of just judging based on your previous expectations, being lost has nothing to do with closed eyes, quite the opposite

maybe the word paranoid is better than the word fear, you all think everything is out to get you, it's all about your ego, you, you, you, you

also, all the emotions can be justifiable, sure, but when you can only use your negative emotions to sell  your political agenda  nah, I'll pass, the other way MUST be better, your way is based in negativity, oh, and by the way YES I AM DOING BETTER NOW THAN I WAS 8 YEARS AGO, so your life and my life AREN'T the same, quit assuming that everyone agrees with you, you simply AREN'T that important

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/16 at 21:12:40

Sounds like it's all about You.
YOU'RE doing better.
BFD, the numbers of people who aren't are HIGH. The economy is generally Worse than eight years ago.

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 21:27:20

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
Sounds like it's all about You.
YOU'RE doing better.
BFD, the numbers of people who aren't are HIGH. The economy is generally Worse than eight years ago.

no, it's not, I know you have your super special sites that say that it is worse of, but it's not, your problem is, you want to go back to an economy that doesn't and CAN'T exist anymore, and you're so afraid you believe that it can... must be nice to live in Trump's fantasy land

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 21:29:15

55766A6D586B6D706A6D190 wrote:
" I'm smart enough to figure out the issue,


Here is another ‘case in point’  for ya.

Had a couple of teenagers out to help, couple of weeks ago.
Two things:   Backing a truck with a trailer, and stacking wood, with a, “Square end’, so it does not fall down.
BOTH, said:  ‘Oh Yea  I Know how to do that’.
Guess what, they did Not  have a  CLUE !!!!!!

After the truck and trailer was haplessly, jackknifed,
I Hoped in the truck, and said, ‘Pay Attention”.
Then backed it up.
  Next, ranking the wood, with a, ‘end’.
Theirs fell down !!!!!!

So patiently told them,  how, and why to do.
Guess what, they were Better.
At the end of the day, THEY  were Better still.
They,  Learned.  They, Understood.  They could  SEE, the difference!

Why is that?
Perhaps,   “Been their, Done That’, may have something to do with it ?

Their is  a very old quote: “Those that do NOT  learn from History, are Doomed to Repeat the Mistakes”.

Title: Re: NYPD Chief is Pissed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/16 at 22:14:45

4665797E4B787E63797E0A0 wrote:
[quote author=4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 link=1478138768/0#4 date=1478146360]Sounds like it's all about You.
YOU'RE doing better.
BFD, the numbers of people who aren't are HIGH. The economy is generally Worse than eight years ago.

no, it's not, I know you have your super special sites that say that it is worse of, but it's not, your problem is, you want to go back to an economy that doesn't and CAN'T exist anymore, and you're so afraid you believe that it can... must be nice to live in Trump's fantasy land[/quote]

Right.. the number of people on foodstamps is down.
The number of children in poverty, down. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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