General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Electoral  Votes

Message started by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 18:55:24

Title: Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 18:55:24

Electoral  Votes.
The way it is now,  (Except Maine & Neb)
A  State, (48 of them,) depending on it’s  ‘total’ votes
Gives  ALL  of that  States, Electoral votes TO, the highest State Vote.

Take,  Calf,  55, Electoral votes.
A,  Safe  State for  the Democrats.
(Like Minn, where they have 10 Electoral votes)

In Calf, counties like LA, and SF,  Hugely Overwhelmed the % of votes.
(Surprising  S. Diego. was very close), of the State.

Out of the 58 Counties,  (this is stats from the 2012 election)
26  Counties, voted  R, and 32 voted  D.
(Don’t know where the District Lines are),

But think of this:
What If,  Calf was like Maine or  Neb.
(Where the, popular vote, carries the  Electoral vote, by how, THAT, District, votes.
And two Electoral Votes, are how the  State Votes)

So, 2 for the D, (By the State)
and say 2/3’s of  districts are D.  (=35  E.C. Votes)
But, 18, E.C. Votes, are  R.
(Yes  Lost, and the Troll, their is a  1/2,  Just rounded it off for example.)

So the final tally would have been,  D = 37  R = 18 /  Not,   D. = 55  &  R. =  0
( In Minn, (their 10 EC Votes), it would have been, a  5 - 5  split.)

Take JUST, those two States.  JUST those two, it would be:
D = 42.    R. = 23.   Rather  Significant difference between, 65-D / 0- R.

Now a  Lot of talk, about, doing Only the  Popular  Vote,
and a lota talk about staying the same.

Guess what,  Is  up to the  STATE,  to decide.
Yep the  STATE  !!!!!!!!
(Remember that little thing, about,  ’States  Rights”?)

The Electoral Collage  system, is,  IN  the Constitution.
So to take it out, would require a 2/3’s vote, and many years.
But  NOTHING, said of  HOW,  the  STATE,  decides how the E.C. Votes are decided.

So, you in N. Calf, get to work on it.
I will start in Minn.

Any Other people, gonna  put down the Pizza, turn off the T.V. and work on their State ?

ME/NE,  allocate two Electoral Votes to the popular vote winner in the  State, and then one each to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district in their State.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 19:41:04

of course, rig the system, that's how you conservatives/republicans play
you jerry rig house representation districts

well all know you are too chicken to go popular vote  ::)

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 19:58:53

Did some research on this, and you may or may not like the results

You'd have to get the Democratic states to switch and leave the Republican states as they are if you really want to rig the election into Republican favor.

If all the states do this, you actually end up with a more or less, popular vote outcome.  

from the link:
"Award electoral votes proportionally by state popular vote?

The other way to change how we vote for president would be for each state to change the way it instructs its electors vote. Forty-eight states require that all electors in their state vote for the candidate who received the largest popular vote in their state. The other two states, Maine and Nebraska, use a somewhat different system, which at most can only change one electoral vote for the entire state. However, if each of the states agreed to allot their electors proportionally to the popular vote in the state, we would have a completely different outcome from what normally happens in presidential elections. It would be very close to the outcome of a popular vote election:

2012 Electoral Vote: Obama 62%; Romney 38%

2012 Popular Vote: Obama 50%, Romney 49%

2012 Proportional Electoral Vote by State: Obama 51%, Romney 49%

Beneath these numbers is the reality that with proportional electoral voting by state, the outcome would be just one percent different from the popular vote. It would be much closer to the will of the people than the present Electoral College. It would clearly be a much more democratic process. However, this method would only work if all fifty states agreed to allocate their electors proportionally. The likelihood of that would be less than that of passing a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with the popular vote."

dig around some more and see what you think

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 20:11:22

0C2F3334013234293334400 wrote:
"  ... well all know you are too chicken to go popular vote  ::)

 Look again. A  Pure Popular  vote.
Would be the same at it is now.

As your  research, (if you have done it),
Will Show, some are for, some against.

Why,  NOT, let the  PEOPLE,  Decide,
The  People that  VOTE,
The  People, That,  PAY.
Why not let the  STATE Decide ????

Heck, you live in TX,  so the  STATE,   Now,
Gives ALL  it's E.V. to one person.
If the  STATE,  adopted, the  MA/NE, way.
  YOU,  'could' get a  district, you live in, to vote the other way.
 'Could', That is, if people, in you district,
all vote,  
with their EYES CLOSED.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 20:17:45

2E0D11162310160B1116620 wrote:
" ...  want to rig the election into Republican favor.

OH,  and if  you, 'have'  done, research.
Republicans, as a whole, are  NOT, in favor of the, 'Popular Vote', only.

But that's OK,  You are, 'Lost' !

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 20:20:15

Here's the 538 take:

"An Electoral College based on Congressional districts would be decidedly more friendly to Republican presidential candidates than the current system. Democratic-leaning voters tend to live in more densely populated areas, making for a less efficient distribution of votes. And Republicans were in charge in many states when districts were redrawn after the 2010 census."

so you need some kinda weird hodpodge of these ideas to make it work for Republicans, which just means that you are a "the ends justify the means" kind of person...   you know, like almsot ALL current politicians

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 20:23:45

5E7D4063617A7D74130 wrote:
[quote author=2E0D11162310160B1116620 link=1478138124/0#2 date=1478141933]" ...  want to rig the election into Republican favor.

OH,  and if  you, 'have'  done, research.
Republicans, as a whole, are  NOT, in favor of the, 'Popular Vote', only.

But that's OK,  You are, 'Lost' !

I never said they were, indeed I said you all were too chicken to let that happen, because you'd LOSE

we all know that republicans hate losers, their fearless leader tells them so

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 20:25:41

6A497457554E4940270 wrote:
[quote author=0C2F3334013234293334400 link=1478138124/0#1 date=1478140864]"  ... well all know you are too chicken to go popular vote  ::)

 Look again. A  Pure Popular  vote.
Would be the same at it is now.

As your  research, (if you have done it),
Will Show, some are for, some against.

Why,  NOT, let the  PEOPLE,  Decide,
The  People that  VOTE,
The  People, That,  PAY.
Why not let the  STATE Decide ????

Heck, you live in TX,  so the  STATE,   Now,
Gives ALL  it's E.V. to one person.
If the  STATE,  adopted, the  MA/NE, way.
  YOU,  'could' get a  district, you live in, to vote the other way.
 'Could', That is, if people, in you district,
all vote,  
with their EYES CLOSED.


and if Texas adopted your proportional idea,  Obama would have gotten 11 votes from Texas, With Trump's anti immigration talk, it'd be interesting to see how This election would be

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 20:57:08

0F2C30370231372A3037430 wrote:
"and if Texas adopted your proportional idea,  Obama would have gotten 11 votes from Texas,

And Calf, 'would' have been 35,  NOT   55.
Open your  EYES !

So Sorry, can't,  'Open your Eyes', for ya.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/02/16 at 21:20:05

01221F3C3E25222B4C0 wrote:
[quote author=0F2C30370231372A3037430 link=1478138124/0#7 date=1478143541]"and if Texas adopted your proportional idea,  Obama would have gotten 11 votes from Texas,

And Calf, 'would' have been 35,  NOT   55.
Open your  EYES !

So Sorry, can't,  'Open your Eyes', for ya.


you need to stop squinting and see the WHOLE picture, but like most conservatives, you can't handle complicated things, even AFTER I explained it to you

if you make ALL the states do proportional electoral votes, because you BELIEVE that that is a more fair way to distribute the votes, FINE WITH ME, because that makes it MORE LIKE a POPULAR vote (surprising me that you want this, cause like you said, Republicans DON'T like the idea of a popular vote, wonder why?)  

but what you want is a rigged system, cause otherwise YOU DON"T WIN

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/16 at 21:54:36

02213D3A0F3C3A273D3A4E0 wrote:
but what you want is a rigged system,

What ever you say.

Guess the  school system you went to, does NOT  teach,   "Comprehension".

Keep  digging that hole.


Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 04:32:58

Project Veritas shows dems admitting rigging.
Voters in Texas are reporting the vote switching from bub to dem.
The open borders policy isn't about cheap labor, it's about importing an army of voters.
Hillary hired goons to disrupt Trump rallies,

The dems are crooked.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 05:24:05

? What will the electors do if Hilary wins the general election but gets indicted before they cast their vote in mid-December? It's a possibility like we've not seen before.

Everyone knows the Clinton Foundation is a shakedown organization, but what if Huma rolls over (or someone else) and hands over what we all know is out there but hidden? Would enough of the electors not vote for her knowing impeachment proceedings would begin the day she took office?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 05:29:06

Would they vote Trump just to keep their jobs?
The People just Might be unhappy with them.
Or, are they part of the cancer on the world that Hillary is?
They can always get a high paying, gravy job in the corrupt system they would be protecting by lifting the Pustule into office.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 05:41:19

i'm not sure. If I recall, and I could be wrong, if the electorial college cannot give 270 votes to a candidate, the the House of Representatives selectes the President. Same for the Vice President.

So imagine justice is served and Hilary is dragged away in cuffs. I can't see 270 votes for that sack of potatoes Tim Kane. Would they hand it to Bernie? Can't see that. Would they enlist Biden? That I can imagine, he gets the office without the hassle of a campaign. But what if he really doesn't want it or they can't get 270? I can't see enough of the electors switching to Trump.

So then it goes to the Republican controlled House. President Paul Ryan? President Rubio? The Democratic electors could swallow that easier than President Trump.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 06:05:38

I think there are a good number of bubs who are terrified of a trump presidency. I would expect him to assemble teams of investigators and go looking for the unconstitutional, treasonous creeps, the ones who can
Help your business, but You'll hafta help them stay in office..

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/16 at 07:55:17

What if pigs could fly?... :-?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 08:29:06

valuable insight, thanks Sew.

Jog, Trump is basically a 3rd party candidate so no way the house is going to back him.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 08:31:39

He's Anti Status Quo, and only Patriots back him.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/16 at 08:54:23

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
He's Anti Status Quo, and only Patriots back him.

patriots like the KKK?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/16 at 09:14:20

Yeah,.. white patriots and those guys...

Black Church Burned in Mississippi, With ‘Vote Trump’ Scrawled on Side

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 09:34:06

So question; can I link the murder of the 5 Dallas cops to Clinton?
The homeless woman who got kicked over in Hollywood, is that Hilary's doing? The guy who got the $hit beat out of him for wearing a Trump shirt, is that her fault?

Why can't I?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 11:15:53

796578607D687F6E616263680D0 wrote:
[quote author=746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 link=1478138124/15#18 date=1478187099]He's Anti Status Quo, and only Patriots back him.

patriots like the KKK?

Misguided as they may be in some ways, I'd probably prefer their company to yours. I would expect them to understand what is necessary to save America ahead of you.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/16 at 12:03:54

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=796578607D687F6E616263680D0 link=1478138124/15#19 date=1478188463][quote author=746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 link=1478138124/15#18 date=1478187099]He's Anti Status Quo, and only Patriots back him.

patriots like the KKK?

Misguided as they may be in some ways, I'd probably prefer their company to yours. I would expect them to understand what is necessary to save America ahead of you.
it figures
now your true colors are showing

just one question
do you wear your foil hat under your hood?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/03/16 at 12:43:46

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
I think there are a good number of bubs who are terrified of a trump presidency. I would expect him to assemble teams of investigators and go looking for the unconstitutional, treasonous creeps, the ones who can
Help your business, but You'll hafta help them stay in office..

no chance, he'd have to start with himself

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/03/16 at 12:46:05

645651404756417E524158330 wrote:
i'm not sure. If I recall, and I could be wrong, if the electorial college cannot give 270 votes to a candidate, the the House of Representatives selectes the President. Same for the Vice President.

So imagine justice is served and Hilary is dragged away in cuffs. I can't see 270 votes for that sack of potatoes Tim Kane. Would they hand it to Bernie? Can't see that. Would they enlist Biden? That I can imagine, he gets the office without the hassle of a campaign. But what if he really doesn't want it or they can't get 270? I can't see enough of the electors switching to Trump.

So then it goes to the Republican controlled House. President Paul Ryan? President Rubio? The Democratic electors could swallow that easier than President Trump.

y'all have funny fantasy lands

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/03/16 at 12:50:14

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
He's Anti Status Quo, and only Patriots back him.

*sigh, is that all you have? more ego driven hyperbolic nonsense

our flag isn't green and money colored, Trump is NO patriot, I"m sure you got one HECK of a mental work out doing all the mental gymnastics required to come to that conclusion, re-hydrate then maybe you'll think clearer

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 14:29:10

again, valuable insight provided. thanks.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 16:42:27

He's the only one who has promised to
The hundreds of illegal and Unconstitutional executive orders.
He's the only one who says he will do away with the job killing, economy suffocating BAD TRADE DEALS that have sucked America dry.
Why do you think factories are IN other countries that USED TO BE HERE?
Having a finger wagged in my face by a completely ignorant of the facts individual gets OLD.
Have you read Anything I've said to read?
Your information is the same as what the Dumbmasses absorb and walk around thinking They are Up to speed on the Issues.
Your Foundation is propaganda. You're DESPISED by the elite.
You're like cattle, being herded.

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/16 at 18:51:22

And  the ‘other’  people,
are opposed to,  ’The  Contract’
  WHY ?
What  Parts?
And What are the alternatives ?

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by LostArtist on 11/04/16 at 12:51:25

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
again, valuable insight provided. thanks.

that's how I've felt about Trump's WHOLE campaign

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/16 at 16:53:10

If Trump got in, he wouldn't do shite unless it helped Trump...

Title: Re:  Electoral  Votes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/16 at 18:36:33

594F58455D48455E2A0 wrote:
If Trump got in, he wouldn't do shite unless it helped Trump...

Hopefully you will be proven wrong, looks like it's coming out that the
Weren't Reflecting
But Trying to Mold peoples ideas.
The Dumbmasses will Vote for who they Think is gonna win, so they can be a Part of the Winning team. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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