General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Failure.......

Message started by raydawg on 11/01/16 at 04:07:38

Title: Failure.......
Post by raydawg on 11/01/16 at 04:07:38

Strife has ruined so much of what it touches....
This is where our nation stands.
Regardless of outcome, its effect will continue to erode its foundation that supports all of us.
I do know this, we will fall as one, unless we stop what we can, individually.
It's really not rocket science. Its civility.

Tough times are ahead, I go ready myself, and will do what I can to correct this mess.

You guys take care, I am done with talking, as only actions can save us now.

Dawg out  ;D

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by oldNslow on 11/01/16 at 07:35:39


You might find this interesting:

Pretty much the same conclusion you've reached. Pay attention to the last few sentences. Parallels what you said here.

" we will fall as one, unless we stop what we can, individually."

and here:

"Tough times are ahead, I go ready myself, and will do what I can to correct this mess."

Ever since I retired six years ago, and haven't had to drag my a*s out of bed every morning at 5:30 in order to get to work, I've started taking long walks in my neighborhood almost every morning. A couple of miles at least, sometimes more. I wave to everyone I see, say "good morning" stop and talk to anyone who seems so inclined. Let people know who I am and where I live.   I try to remember names. Pet the dogs.  Without being nosy, I take an interest in what's going on.  Occasionally I offer my help with things. Getting a lawnmower running, fixing a tire. I've cleaned out a few folks driveways the past couple of winters when I've had my snowblower out to do mine anyway. Little things.

Think about it. Aside from family, and your closest friends, the people that live  right around you are the ones that are, or are not, going to have your back, if things ever do go sideways. Either temporarily, or for good.

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/16 at 08:17:51

tough times are ahead, I go ready myself, and will do what I can to correct this mess.

You guys take care, I am done with talking, as only actions can save us now.

First off Dawg, you are not done talking. You post more than anyone and I don't see you stopping cold turkey.

secondly, neither Trump or Hilary needs to have major impact on you. what you do, or don't do in this country can still up to you. Sure, Hilary will be a disaster much in the way obama has been, but i can still live my life the way i want. if i had been one of those who lost their health insurance due to obamacare, i would have figured a way on my own. That is the point behind my often quoted phrase about emasculated liberal men. figure out what you want and dont let elected crooks keep you from it.

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/16 at 11:18:47

The gentle and kind hearted are not immune to tyranny or the economic effects of crony capitalism, theft by fraud, and the damage done to their society by foolish and wrong headed policy makers.
Unless SOMEONE other Than a Status Quo criminal politician wins and changes the Course of the Nation, THIS TIME, America is done.
I've tried to get people to see what the federal reserve IS. I think there is exactly one here who gets it. The rest are unwilling to accept that they have been duped.
The list of countries that We have to invade?
Nobody, not one, has even tried to explain Why it's not OBVIOUSLY lies,since the List was public shortly after 9/11, YET, the Reasons for the military action came AFTER, Years after in some cases, the List was public.
Ecce Signum.
The Proof of Fraud is RIGHT THERE to see.

Anyone who can see such OBVIOUS fact and not GET IT just blows my mind.

It does lend credence to the video of the former KGB agent who said that the people who bought into the lies early and lived their lives believing the propaganda wouldn't be able to see the truth when it was laid out for them.

Bot said that the highly educated are lefties.. Well,, DUHH, when the objective is to pollute the minds of the People, you start in the colleges where they teach the teachers.
Now, LOOK at what we are seeing Now on college campuses.
Adults, in need of Safe Spaces. Such DIVERSITY is required by the wimpy jasshonkeys that they can't be around a different idea without breaking out in a cold sweat...

Thankfully I saw the contradictions between what they were Telling me and what I was seeing as a preteen.
And, strange as it sounds, I was too sick to work and had time to read.

Yes, I've read things that contradict the crap continually and perpetually pouring out of the faces of the Awthoritees and
The Newspeople,,, Gag,,  

The neat thing is, what I've Read ALIGNS with
Observed Reality.

You people who have been so busy trying to pretend that I am wrong had better get a clue. Because the day is not far off when WE, We the People, will all be paying for YOUR unwillingness to see what has been clearly explained, by me and one or two others.
Find out what Charlotte Iserbyt said.
Get familiar with
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
Look at what was done to Libya.
Go looking for information about what that society was like.
Those people had good lives. Gadaffi TOLD the U.N.,
You take Libya down and the floodgates will come down and refugees will pour  into Europe. I am what is protecting You...

Gee, it's ALMOST as If the problem is what someone Wanted.
Order out of chaos.

And spend time trying to understand what
Cloward and Piven were about.
That took a while to soak in.. It's not easy to understand how people can go looking for ways to destroy a society.

If you're smart enough to breathe, you should be able to see this stuff. It's right in front of you., and someone is shining a light on it and explaining it.

How is it reasonable to believe that Hillary will be fairly elected when they had to STEAL the nomination for her?

If she's so POPULAR, where are her adoring fans?

If Trump couldn't get crowds and she COULD, well, I'll bet Bot would be crowing about it. But, since she has almost no visible support while His events are packed, it's MEANINGLESS.


Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/16 at 14:03:45

Trump's crowds are bigger because he only goes to places that will draw a big crowd...
He's campaigning in Michigan today,.. a state he has no chance of winning... but he has some ardent supporters there.  A crowd of a few thousand in a state of 10 million...
Michigan is a solid blue state, with Hillary ahead by 5 to 9 points. 538 says she has an 80% likelihood of winning that state.
Trump just wants an audience, not a win... :-?

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/16 at 15:32:21

So, her PR Squad is Choosing places where she can't draw a crowd? She's ONLY going where she can't draw a crowd?
If she's So Fukking POPULAR, why doesn't she draw crowds EVERYWHERE? Trump is. If he's so UNPOPULAR, why can He find Crowds ANYWHERE?
They Stole the nomination for her, because she is so despised by the People that she couldn't beat Bernie.

And, typically, you minda missed the points that you have been avoiding for months.

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/16 at 16:32:38

Sew you have no idea what you're talking about. (you're the one who thinks most businesses make 50% profit)

and Jog's right, how can she not generate crowds? No ones dying to see her, but people are fighting through leftist scum to see Trump.

and I just read Hilary's dumping millions into TV ads in your safe state of Michigan.

if your crooked girl wins, it will be a squeaker and she'll be damaged goods, on her way to an impeachment.

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/16 at 17:32:56

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
" ...  just read Hilary's dumping millions into TV ads in your safe state of Michigan. ..."

Yea,  WHY   ?????
If it is a  Lock,  like CA.
Then  WHY  ???????

Title: Re: Failure.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/16 at 17:42:29

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
So, her PR Squad is Choosing places where she can't draw a crowd? She's ONLY going where she can't draw a crowd?
If she's So Fukking POPULAR, why doesn't she draw crowds EVERYWHERE? Trump is. If he's so UNPOPULAR, why can He find Crowds ANYWHERE?
They Stole the nomination for her, because she is so despised by the People that she couldn't beat Bernie.

And, typically, you minda missed the points that you have been avoiding for months.

Your first response was
Well, rallies aren't elections,uh, and, crazed Trump supporters go hop around, but, it's Not a big deal. It doesn't mean anything.
How sad. How pitifully sad.
If she was dragging in thousands and Trump going begging for a few hundred, you'd be crowing about how it PROVES she's more popular...
Instead, the claims that you lefties outnumber the sane isn't looking that good.
The sane may not take another stolen election with a shrug and
Ohh, well, we can get it fixed next time.
Just as I said this last economic downturn wouldn't Have a recovery, and I was right, another Status Quo president and America is Done,,
Re-read my long post,  and actually address the points.
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