General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Band memo

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/29/16 at 06:17:48

Title: Band memo
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/16 at 06:17:48

Read the Band memo and tell me you still want to vote for Hilary

Title: Re: Band memo
Post by raydawg on 10/29/16 at 06:55:47

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote:
Read the Band memo and tell me you still want to vote for Hilary

From yesterday, in Iowa, this is how Clinton views the smurfs:

After her press secretary shouted "thank you all," Clinton was ushered out, laughing at the suggestion that the controversy could sink her campaign.

Could we wipe that smirk off her face with like a .....rag, you mean?

Evil disconnected woman and her band of thieves.....  >:(

Title: Re: Band memo
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/16 at 07:31:20

I wouldn't download that file...
Although the Wikileaks files are all over the place,.. it is actually a crime to view or have them on your 'puter...

Technically,.. a fairly serious crime...
If it's been on your 'puter, it traceable to you...

Title: Re: Band memo
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/16 at 08:38:28

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
I wouldn't download that file...
Although the Wikileaks files are all over the place,.. it is actually a crime to view or have them on your 'puter...
Technically,.. "a fairly serious crime"
If it's been on your 'puter, it traceable to you...


To everyone:  "a fairly serious crime".

But to Clinton:  "Na,  You can Do it, and WORSE,  and it's just OK".

Title: Re: Band memo
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/16 at 09:56:18

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
I wouldn't download that file...
Although the Wikileaks files are all over the place,.. it is actually a crime to view or have them on your 'puter...

Technically,.. a fairly serious crime...
If it's been on your 'puter, it traceable to you...

Oh my God I'm laughing.....

I'm sure if I mentioned I was on my way to a black lives matter "shut this $hit down"  protest , you'd caution me against it so I wouldn't face criminal charges for blocking traffic!

Maybe we should retroactively throw Woodward and Bernstein in jail!

We can't deport illegal aliens but we can track down the 50 million who've read wikileaks!

I swear Hilary must be your long lost mother or something!

Title: Re: Band memo
Post by WebsterMark on 10/30/16 at 04:06:30

I'll circle back to this, read it, understand it and tell me you want the Clintons back again. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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