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Message started by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 15:13:21

Title: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 15:13:21

FBI is opening up Hillary's email scam again based on new evidence


Whats next?

Is Obama staying on?  ;D

FBI reopens investigation into Hillary Clinton's email use
The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of state after discovering new emails – apparently during the probe of former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s sexting – in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election.

FBI Director James Comey informed top members of Congress in a letter Friday that the bureau has “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”

Comey did not detail those emails, saying only that they surfaced “in connection with an unrelated case.”

An FBI source, though, confirmed to Fox News that the new emails were discovered after the bureau seized devices belonging to disgraced ex-Rep. Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide who recently announced she was separating from the former congressman. The New York Times first reported on the Weiner investigation connection, noting the FBI had been probing texts Weiner sent to a 15-year-old girl.

As Donald Trump and congressional Republicans seized on the FBI’s decision, interim Democratic Party leader Donna Brazile simply tweeted, “Good grief,” after the news of the Anthony Weiner connection broke. The Clinton campaign called the decision to revisit the case so close to the election “extraordinary,” and urged Comey to provide more details.

Comey gave only a brief overview in his letter to lawmakers of what prompted their decision. He wrote that the investigative team briefed him on the information a day earlier, “and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”

He said the FBI could not yet assess whether the new material is significant and he could not predict how long it will take to complete “this additional work.”


The move comes after Comey and the Justice Department decided in July not to pursue charges over Clinton's email practices, saying at the time that the investigation was finished.

Comey later came under criticism from Trump, GOP lawmakers and others who claim the investigation downplayed the mishandling of classified information during Clinton's tenure.

Trump, speaking to cheering supporters Friday afternoon in Manchester, N.H., praised the FBI for having the “courage” to “right the horrible mistake that they made” – saying he hopes that is “corrected.”

“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” Trump said. “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.”

In a nod to the significance of the FBI’s announcement, Trump quipped: “The rest of my speech is going to be so boring.”

Other GOP lawmakers also weighed in, urging the bureau to pursue a thorough new probe.

“The FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Secretary Clinton reinforces what the House Judiciary Committee has been saying for months: the more we learn about Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a statement.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the discovery must be “serious” for the bureau to investigate this close to the election.

Clinton did not respond to questions from reporters about the development as she landed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and did not address the matter while speaking to supporters in the same city.

But Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta sharply questioned the FBI's move and said Comey should "immediately provide" more information.

"Upon completing this investigation more than three months ago, FBI Director Comey declared no reasonable prosecutor would move forward with a case like this and added that it was not even a close call. In the months since, Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign,” he said in a statement.

Podesta said “we have no idea what those emails [that have come to light] are and the Director himself notes they may not even be significant.”

According to a source connected to the Clinton campaign who spoke to law enforcement, the FBI has four devices – one belongs to Abedin, and at least one belongs to Weiner. So far, no classified information has been found on the devices, Fox News is told.

The development comes 11 days before the general election, and is the latest shockwave to hit the race. Clinton had been gaining in the polls over Trump in the wake of the release of footage showing Trump talking about groping women and subsequent allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him which he denies.

However, daily revelations from hacked Clinton campaign emails obtained by WikiLeaks have become a headache for the Democrat's campaign. The resumption of the FBI probe poses a potentially bigger problem.

Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI, told Fox News in a telephone interview that retired FBI officials were "livid" at Comey over the fact that charges were not brought against Clinton in round one of the investigation.

"He lit her on fire and then walked away," Hosko said of Comey holding a news conference laying out Clinton's mishandling of classified information but then not pressing criminal charges.

Hosko said he still defends Comey for not pressing charges because the FBI always has to make a decision "based on what they have" at the time. Hosko said he thinks agents found emails that made them say, "Oh my God look at what we have."

House Speaker Paul Ryan called the FBI decision "long overdue."

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 15:22:42

Oh looky here.....

This little scum ball has absolutely no right to demand anybody be forthcoming until this POS does so himself....

The chutzpah of these A-holes!  

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 16:29:03

What a mess......darn, this is just going to taint the election for sure.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/16 at 16:52:25

Apparently,... lots of Weiner talk...

We should get to see RNC e-mails...  ::)

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 16:58:48

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
Apparently,... lots of Weiner talk...

We should get to see RNC e-mails...  ::)

I understand you think it's unfair.
However, you hardcore libs with a D only mentality are responsible for her candidacy.
Just as the rigid conservatives are responsible for Trump.
The extremes got their wishes, and the rest of us get screwed.
Welcome to the world and all your partisan results!  >:(

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 17:32:32

Chelsea must feel like both her parents are screwing her  :o

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by oldNslow on 10/28/16 at 19:47:46

Wow. She spends decades trying to get her own husband to keep his peck*r in his pants, so's to not sink her ship, and then gets torpedoed by her girlfriend's, husband's, out of control trouser trout.

The irony is breathtaking.

I wonder what odds the Vegas bookies are giving on Comey living long enough to see the last game of the World Series.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/28/16 at 20:05:31

013F3E32203C3D530 wrote:
Wow. She spends decades trying to get her own husband to keep his peck*r in his pants, so's to not sink her ship, and then gets torpedoed by her girlfriend's, husband's, out of control trouser trout.

The irony is breathtaking.

I wonder what odds the Vegas bookies are giving on Comey living long enough to see the last game of the World Series.

You can't make this stuff up, goodness.

So it's Huma's using the home computer to log into the private server the Clinton's had in the basement that the perv used to solicit what Trump only talked about....hahahahah!

They forgot all about that computer I guess, eh?

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/16 at 23:15:18

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
Apparently,... lots of Weiner talk...

We should get to see RNC e-mails...  ::)

Of COURSE you're gonna pretend that.
Explain why.
Show probable cause.

You DO understand that the fact that she is in a political race and while she was at her Prior Job, she did things that culmenated in an investigation.
If that investigation, an investigation into behavior PRIOR TO and completely Unrelated to the RNC, had required a search warrant for her bathroom, should everyone in the RNC get their bathrooms searched?

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/16 at 05:22:18

My guess is Comey was stung over and over by legitimate attacks on his reputation and realized his desire to 'not be the one to decide the election' was the wrong approach a few months back. Whatever is in those emails must be incredibly damming against Hilary because I can't believe he takes this step over something minor. They must have seen something that if true, and to take this step he must feel it's highly likely to be true, it would be an indictable offense.

If elected, she will be impeached shortly thereafter. There's just too much smelly stuff following her around. When you start cutting deals in the millions of dollars with all the various entities sending money to the Clinton Foundation (aka Bill and Hilary's slush fund) there's just no way to avoid be dragged into the muck. Or in their case, dragging others into their muck.

To all you liberals who work so tirelessly to defend her, you should have fought against your parties super delegate system and/or encouraged others like Webb to stick in the race. You put all you eggs into a crooked basket and now, even if you win, you'll lose.

You might want to brush up on saying "President Trump".

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by raydawg on 10/29/16 at 06:03:51

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
My guess is Comey was stung over and over by legitimate attacks on his reputation and realized his desire to 'not be the one to decide the election' was the wrong approach a few months back. Whatever is in those emails must be incredibly damming against Hilary because I can't believe he takes this step over something minor. They must have seen something that if true, and to take this step he must feel it's highly likely to be true, it would be an indictable offense.

If elected, she will be impeached shortly thereafter. There's just too much smelly stuff following her around. When you start cutting deals in the millions of dollars with all the various entities sending money to the Clinton Foundation (aka Bill and Hilary's slush fund) there's just no way to avoid be dragged into the muck. Or in their case, dragging others into their muck.

To all you liberals who work so tirelessly to defend her, you should have fought against your parties super delegate system and/or encouraged others like Webb to stick in the race. You put all you eggs into a crooked basket and now, even if you win, you'll lose.

You might want to brush up on saying "President Trump".

President Trump, arg, that makes my head swim.....
Yet, how can we as those who stand in front of the world, claiming our legal system with a superiority, looking down and faulting, often intervening, in rulers and governments that rule by power and deceit?


You overlook your own faults, yet hold others to the "standard".....


How can we even expect our system to work, if its not applied equally,, as our founding fathers declared, how?

Funny, how Comey started out above reproach from all sides, and now reviled by those same folk....

Is that not telling in itself?

I have no idea what they found, only they do.
I too think it has to be pretty substantial for him to toss the wrench into the election.....
HOWEVER, its Clinton's own doing, period!

I have heard a great number of those agents who worked on the original investigating would pull a mutiny, if this new information wasn't made public.....

As ugly as this current decision is, to an already crazy election, a mutiny of our FBI would have even far greater implications I feel.

Maybe folks can pull together and get us over this sad episode in our nation, I hope so, either way I think it will one for the history books akin to the book, Two Worlds Collide, except this one should be titled, EGOS

What a cluster fruck!  :-[  

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by Paraquat on 10/31/16 at 06:00:54

I heard a great theory that this is all a false flag investigation.

If there are no findings a second time around, there will be no conclusive reason to pursue it a third time.


Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/16 at 08:05:47

650,000 e-mails?...

Am I the only one that finds that suspect?...

Anyway,.. at just 3 minutes per,... that's 4 years, 24 hours a day...
Expect results in 2037... unless they find another zillion... ;D

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by oldNslow on 10/31/16 at 08:40:48

5543544951444952260 wrote:
650,000 e-mails?...

Am I the only one that finds that suspect?...

Anyway,.. at just 3 minutes per,... that's 4 years, 24 hours a day...
Expect results in 2037... unless they find another zillion... ;D

640,000 were just unsolicited advertisements for cialis and viagra from some online pharmacy in Canada. This was Carlos Danger's computer remember. The other ten thousand were in a folder  belonging to Huma labeled "Life Insurance" with a hidden trigger to release them in case she suddenly disappeared.

I still think Ripley had the right  idea:

" I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by verslagen1 on 10/31/16 at 13:22:58

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
Apparently,... lots of Weiner talk...

We should get to see RNC e-mails...  ::)

All to Hellery asking how to torpedo trump.
But you won't find that on her server.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/16 at 13:34:34

7B4544485A4647290 wrote:
The other ten thousand were in a folder  belonging to Huma labeled "Life Insurance" with a hidden trigger to release them in case she suddenly disappeared.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

JOG's foil hat is too tight for you... :-?

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by MnSpring on 10/31/16 at 18:31:15

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
" ... Am I the only one that finds that suspect?...

OK   Bot,
  Apparently, you don’t get   ANY,  SPAM?
So the, ‘little Pill’  ads, (As  oldNSlow said)
 (Which I am guessing considering the recipient, were a  LOT)
Which would take about 1/2 a  SEC, to dismiss.
Have  NO  Bearing whatever ?

Then you passed out the chore, to say, 10 people,
to, ‘vet’, the e-mails?

Your,  ’theory’  of years,
is  pure,  (Bernie Sanders).

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by LostArtist on 11/01/16 at 16:03:00

All of my Gmail, since I've had, it, I've only very very rarely deleted anything, since 2006, I have 63,171 emails.  

oh, and spam is usually systematically deleted automatically, so it'd be really weird for most of that to be spam

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/16 at 17:12:57

UhHuhh, THIS is what people Do when they don't want to burden someone with sifting through immaterial material.

They hire people and use expensive processes to make emails about yoga classes and birthday parties go away.

Can you say
Destroy the Evidence, boys and girls?
BREAKING: Employee Who Used BleachBit to Wipe Clinton's Server ... › katiepavlich › 2016/09/13
Sep 13, 2016 - Platte River Networks employee Paul Combetta, the person who wiped Hillary Clinton's private server ...
FBI report: Platte River Network employee used BleachBit to ...
The Denver Post › 2016/09/03 › fbi-repo...
Sep 3, 2016 - After a March 2, 2015, New York Times story “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State ...
Clinton Claims Ignorance of Bleachbit Being Used to Wipe ...
Washington Free Beacon › politics › clint...
Sep 5, 2016 - Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton claimed ignorance on Monday about Bleachbit, which was used to ...
What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email ... › money › technology › hillar...
Aug 26, 2016 - The latest focus point in Hillary Clinton's long email controversy ... server by saying her team used a software tool called BleachBit to ... "You don't use BleachBit for yoga emails or for ...
Gowdy: Clinton used special tool to wipe email server - POLITICO
Politico › story › 2016/08 › hillary-clinto...
Aug 25, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's lawyers used a special tool to delete emails from her personal server so that ... C.) said the use of BleachBit, computer software whose website advertises that it can ...
Hillary Clinton's 'Oh Sh*t' Moment: After Media Revealed Secret ...
Breitbart › big-government › 2016/09/02
Sep 2, 2016 - ... Gowdy observed, is not the sort of utility one uses to blow up “yoga emails or bridesmaid's emails,” ... Another convenient feature of BleachBit, as expounded by its creator: it's a free, ...
BleachBit Creator: 'Hard to Imagine' Clinton Used Program For ...
Breitbart › video › 2016/08/29 › bleachb...
Aug 29, 2016 - ... State Hillary Clinton used BleachBit on her server for “anything else other than trying to permanently ...
Justice Dept. Granted Immunity To Technician Who Used BleachBit ...
The Daily Caller › 2016/09/09 › justice-d...
Sep 9, 2016 - Hillary Clinton was billed by the computer firm that used BleachBit to delete her emails.
FBI Admits Hillary Used BleachBit Software Designed to 'Hide ... › 2016/08
Aug 25, 2016 - Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told America's Newsroom on Thursday that Hillary Clinton used BleachBit software ...
Hillary Clinton's Emails: She Used Bleachbit And Other Extreme ... › hillary-clintons-ema...
Sep 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's emails from her private server were scrubbed away from existence in a few different ...

Her a55 should be in Jail.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/16 at 17:47:55

0E2D31360330362B3136420 wrote:
All of my Gmail, since I've had, it, I've only very very rarely deleted anything, since 2006, I have 63,171 emails.  oh, and spam is usually systematically deleted automatically, so it'd be really weird for most of that to be spam

So Glad you have your SPAM, Filter set so High.

You know,  not  Everyone,  does the  Same  thing as you.
  (I know you 'think', their are, 'suppose to',  but they don't)

Just a  little thing called,  'Freedom' !

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/16 at 22:10:55

7B586546445F5851360 wrote:
[quote author=4B5D4A574F5A574C380 link=1477692801/0#12 date=1477926347]" ... Am I the only one that finds that suspect?...

OK   Bot,
  Apparently, you don’t get   ANY,  SPAM?
So the, ‘little Pill’  ads, (As  oldNSlow said)
 (Which I am guessing considering the recipient, were a  LOT)
Which would take about 1/2 a  SEC, to dismiss.
Have  NO  Bearing whatever ?

Okay,.. I'm not super internet savy,.. but... my e-mails are stored at,... not on my computer.

...and,.. if Comey found out that Huma had accessed her e-mail from one of Weiner's computers... how would that access show any different e-mails than her computer?... they would be accessing the same server ...
Severs store e-mails, not private individual computers...

And finally,... if Huma had a "life insurance" folder,... surely she didn't have 600,000 Viagra ads in it...  It would be  a couple, or maybe a dozen,.. or even a couple dozen incriminating messages...

No matter what you may think... Huma is not stupid...
This sounds stupid.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 03:49:02

A cache of information that would be a
Life insurance policy
Can't be very effective
If the other person doesn't know about it.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by verslagen1 on 11/03/16 at 08:46:27

This is what I gleam from the NYPD expose...
Hellery is not computer savy and doesn't have one in her office.
Basically forcing Huma to do it for her.
The state department computer won't let you print classified docs, but she needs to so Hellery can read it.
So she forwards it to her private account and accesses it on outlook email client.
Outlook archives locally.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/16 at 09:42:55

7462756870656873070 wrote:
[quote author=7B586546445F5851360 link=1477692801/15#16 date=1477963875][quote author=4B5D4A574F5A574C380 link=1477692801/0#12 date=1477926347]" ... Am I the only one that finds that suspect?...

OK   Bot,
  Apparently, you don’t get   ANY,  SPAM?
So the, ‘little Pill’  ads, (As  oldNSlow said)
 (Which I am guessing considering the recipient, were a  LOT)
Which would take about 1/2 a  SEC, to dismiss.
Have  NO  Bearing whatever ?

Okay,.. I'm not super internet savy,.. but... my e-mails are stored at,... not on my computer.

...and,.. if Comey found out that Huma had accessed her e-mail from one of Weiner's computers... how would that access show any different e-mails than her computer?... they would be accessing the same server ...
Severs store e-mails, not private individual computers...

And finally,... if Huma had a "life insurance" folder,... surely she didn't have 600,000 Viagra ads in it...  It would be  a couple, or maybe a dozen,.. or even a couple dozen incriminating messages...

No matter what you may think... Huma is not stupid...
This sounds stupid.


You're finally right about something, you're not internet savy.....

You can store emails on your hard drive for use offline. I do. If I don't have Internet connection, I can type replies to emails, "send" them and they are held until connection is available. i currently have 67,000 emails in various folders on my hard drive. I have 38,000 in my deleted folder alone. 600,000 emails for a Congressman is easily possible.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/16 at 10:58:52

43504746595452505B04350 wrote:
This is what I gleam from the NYPD expose...
Hellery is not computer savy and doesn't have one in her office.
Basically forcing Huma to do it for her.
The state department computer won't let you print classified docs, but she needs to so Hellery can read it.
So she forwards it to her private account and accesses it on outlook email client.
Outlook archives locally.

I'm surprised that
Forward to
activity wasn't found and investigated.
I'm also more than a little surprised that the Smartest Woman in the Whirled and THE Most Qualified Person for President, EVER, is so unable to Know what sensitive information looks like and is so completely indifferent to the
Protocols relating to its safekeeping.
She is either incompetent, read stupid, or, simply a scofflaw.
Either is enough to say
No way,, I'm not voting for her.

Title: Re: No FRIGGIN WAY.....Emails is open again
Post by oldNslow on 11/03/16 at 12:00:07

The state department computer won't let you print classified docs,

Seems like a good idea to me.

Ya don't want the nighttime cleaning ladies printin' sh*t out and takin' it home in their lunch bags. Especially  with the background check system for even low level federal employees workin' so good and all.

but she needs to so Hellery can read it.

Huma "Wait, what ! You mean I wasn't supposed to do that!"

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