General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Voting Pisses Me OFF

Message started by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 12:30:42

Title: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 12:30:42

I HATE VOTER REGISTRATION. always have. I didn't vote for the first 10 years I was eligible to because I didn't want to register to vote. I should just be able to show up, prove I'm a citizen, of age, in the area, and vote. that's it, no paperwork registering who I am with who knows what private/government collusion agency f that is.

Voter ID, F-U!  when I first started voting I always used my ID, could never keep track of that stupid voter registration card that was sent to me, and I hated that even existed. Now that voter ID is an issue, today I early voted, I tried just using the registration card, oh no, that's not enough, if I did that, I'd be SINGLED OUT and accused of perjury. Made me feel like a second class citizen.

I hate voting, the choices all suck and the process is BS.

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by oldNslow on 10/27/16 at 13:33:41

0A2935320734322F3532460 wrote:
I HATE VOTER REGISTRATION. always have. I didn't vote for the first 10 years I was eligible to because I didn't want to register to vote. I should just be able to show up, prove I'm a citizen, of age, in the area, and vote. that's it, no paperwork registering who I am with who knows what private/government collusion agency f that is.

Voter ID, F-U!  when I first started voting I always used my ID, could never keep track of that stupid voter registration card that was sent to me, and I hated that even existed. Now that voter ID is an issue, today I early voted, I tried just using the registration card, oh no, that's not enough, if I did that, I'd be SINGLED OUT and accused of perjury. Made me feel like a second class citizen.

I hate voting, the choices all suck and the process is BS.

Well, the Hillary folks ARE pretty worried about low turn out.  Be funny if Trump won 'cause the democrats were too pissed off to bother voting.  ::)

It's interesting how different the polling systems are in different places. When I vote here in NY I don't have to show anything. I tell the lady - it's almost always a lady - my name and address, she finds it on her list, I sign on the line next to my name on her list and I vote. Done. I've been voting here for over thirty years and the system has always been the same. Only thing that's changed were the machines.

I live in a county of about 3/4 of a million people. I've have never had to stand in a line that was more than four or five people long, and never spent more than 15 or twenty minutes in the polling place.

When I see the news reports after every major election about people standing in lines around the block and waiting for hours I just shake my head. I mean, this is New York, a state noted for having a pretty dysfunctional government. I guess the board of elections in at least my county has their sh*t together better than a lot of places.

Anyway, I'm glad you did get to vote. And yeah, I'm not real impressed with the POTUS choices this year either.

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by raydawg on 10/27/16 at 14:22:32

It don't count no how  ;D

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/16 at 16:12:44

5B7864635665637E6463170 wrote:

‘I didn’t vote for the first 10 years'
Ah,  a   Clue !.   21 + 10 = 31 ???
Their is a  reason, their is the phrase:
  “Youth is Wasted on the Young”

I Have voted for 43 years, and in several times,   Twice in the year.
Voting is  NOT,   ONCE,   every 4 years.
It is  EVERY YEAR.  
So have Voted probably about 64 times.

Never ONCE, was their EVER,  ANY   Problem  

Now if you live in a  area, which you PAY  RE  TAXES in,
It would be like, oldNslow said: ‘I tell the lady  my name and address, she finds it on her list, I sign on the line next to my name on her list and I vote.’

‘the choices all suck’
I Agree, but STILL  Vote for the one which represents me the ‘most’.

’the process is BS'
Voting is as hard as you make it.
In fact, I have had a  Harder time, buying beer, cashing a check, renting a car, getting a hotel room, going to a Doctor, or The Eye Clinic, buying land, transferring a MV  title, getting a  CC,  Getting a cell phone, Getting a  MV  License, getting a Job,  (On and On and On)

‘ I should just be able to show up, prove I’m a citizen, of age, in the area, and vote.'
 Yes agree.  The part about: ‘citizen, of age,  -   in the area’.
(Living in that District), Is where the system is at fault.   In  Minn, in some places, you just show up, with a cable tv bill, which the address is ‘within’ the District, You get to vote.  (Get on the buss, then get off at the next District, and someone hands you another ‘bill’ with a address inside the District. etc. etc. etc. But then of course, going ‘home’, someone wants beer, they have to show a  ID  to get  it)

And a, ‘Citizen’.  ???????  That is a  JOKE!

(Joke)   Do you know the difference between  DEAD  people voting, and a  Illegal Alien Voting?
The, Dead people, go  BACK.   The   Illegals’, Stay !

‘could never keep track of that stupid voter registration card that was sent to me, and I hated that even existed.’
Can’t help that.  Guessing you have the same problem, keeping track, of your  Drivers License,  MV Insurance card, SS Card, and your Credit Cards?

Voting is the, Supreme  Privilege, of living in a,  FREE   County !!!!!
It is what people, over many, MANY, years, have  DIED for.
But:   “that stupid voter registration card”.
IT Is  So,   Bothersome, to keep track of !

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 16:48:40

6E50515D4F53523C0 wrote:
[quote author=0A2935320734322F3532460 link=1477596642/0#0 date=1477596642]I HATE VOTER REGISTRATION. always have. I didn't vote for the first 10 years I was eligible to because I didn't want to register to vote. I should just be able to show up, prove I'm a citizen, of age, in the area, and vote. that's it, no paperwork registering who I am with who knows what private/government collusion agency f that is.

Voter ID, F-U!  when I first started voting I always used my ID, could never keep track of that stupid voter registration card that was sent to me, and I hated that even existed. Now that voter ID is an issue, today I early voted, I tried just using the registration card, oh no, that's not enough, if I did that, I'd be SINGLED OUT and accused of perjury. Made me feel like a second class citizen.

I hate voting, the choices all suck and the process is BS.

Well, the Hillary folks ARE pretty worried about low turn out.  Be funny if Trump won 'cause the democrats were too pissed off to bother voting.  ::)

It's interesting how different the polling systems are in different places. When I vote here in NY I don't have to show anything. I tell the lady - it's almost always a lady - my name and address, she finds it on her list, I sign on the line next to my name on her list and I vote. Done. I've been voting here for over thirty years and the system has always been the same. Only thing that's changed were the machines.

I live in a county of about 3/4 of a million people. I've have never had to stand in a line that was more than four or five people long, and never spent more than 15 or twenty minutes in the polling place.

When I see the news reports after every major election about people standing in lines around the block and waiting for hours I just shake my head. I mean, this is New York, a state noted for having a pretty dysfunctional government. I guess the board of elections in at least my county has their sh*t together better than a lot of places.

Anyway, I'm glad you did get to vote. And yeah, I'm not real impressed with the POTUS choices this year either.[/quote]

in Texas, they tried to pass a Voter ID law, making you show a PHOTO ID to vote, that was struck down, but somehow a compromise was reached that if you don't show a Photo ID, you have to fill out paper work and sign an affidavit saying that you aren't perjuring yourself, so now voting is a big hoopla, before I'd show my ID and they'd be like, nah, we don't need that, and they'd just ask me my name and I'd sign and move on. also when you register, you sign an affidavit saying that you are who you are and that you are a citizen then, so now I'm signing that I'm who I am and I'm a citizen twice, because the Republicans are cowering wimps who can't win without disenfranchising poor and minority voters, (of which I am neither, I'm not rich, but I'm white & barely middle class)  

Also, yeah there are almost no lines when I vote either, I made a bit of a scene at the voting place, cause I really did kinda feel put down , I even tore up my voter registration card, cause, what's the point of that now?

I feel like they should just tattoo a barcode on the back of your hand when you register to vote, freaking fascists

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 16:49:31

6C7F677A7F69791E0 wrote:
It don't count no how  ;D

I'm in Texas, you have no idea how little my vote counts here, but that just makes me want to vote even more

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by raydawg on 10/27/16 at 16:52:14

71524E497C4F49544E493D0 wrote:
[quote author=6C7F677A7F69791E0 link=1477596642/0#2 date=1477603352]It don't count no how  ;D

I'm in Texas, you have no idea how little my vote counts here, but that just makes me want to vote even more [/quote]

Ja, I think the Rio Grande has elected more politicians than what/who actually ran for office   ;D

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/16 at 17:05:38

54776B6C596A6C716B6C180 wrote:
" ... that if you don't show a Photo ID, you have to fill out paper work and sign an affidavit saying that you aren't perjuring yourself, so now voting is a big hoopla,   -   ... when you register to vote, freaking fascists


So  MUCH,  a   Problem.
To have the ULTIMATE,   FREEDOM,  to Vote.

So Much a  Problem.

Gee,  Why not make a  'app', for a  i-Phone,
so while your are playing, 'pokey-man' you can vote  !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 17:05:56

1F3C0122203B3C35520 wrote:
[quote author=5B7864635665637E6463170 link=1477596642/0#0 date=1477596642]I HATE VOTER REGISTRATION. always have.

‘I didn’t vote for the first 10 years'
Ah,  a   Clue !.   21 + 10 = 31 ???
Their is a  reason, their is the phrase:
  “Youth is Wasted on the Young”

I Have voted for 43 years, and in several times,   Twice in the year.
Voting is  NOT,   ONCE,   every 4 years.
It is  EVERY YEAR.  
So have Voted probably about 64 times.

Never ONCE, was their EVER,  ANY   Problem  

Now if you live in a  area, which you PAY  RE  TAXES in,
It would be like, oldNslow said: ‘I tell the lady  my name and address, she finds it on her list, I sign on the line next to my name on her list and I vote.’

‘the choices all suck’
I Agree, but STILL  Vote for the one which represents me the ‘most’.

’the process is BS'
Voting is as hard as you make it.
In fact, I have had a  Harder time, buying beer, cashing a check, renting a car, getting a hotel room, going to a Doctor, or The Eye Clinic, buying land, transferring a MV  title, getting a  CC,  Getting a cell phone, Getting a  MV  License, getting a Job,  (On and On and On)

‘ I should just be able to show up, prove I’m a citizen, of age, in the area, and vote.'
 Yes agree.  The part about: ‘citizen, of age,  -   in the area’.
(Living in that District), Is where the system is at fault.   In  Minn, in some places, you just show up, with a cable tv bill, which the address is ‘within’ the District, You get to vote.  (Get on the buss, then get off at the next District, and someone hands you another ‘bill’ with a address inside the District. etc. etc. etc. But then of course, going ‘home’, someone wants beer, they have to show a  ID  to get  it)

And a, ‘Citizen’.  ???????  That is a  JOKE!

(Joke)   Do you know the difference between  DEAD  people voting, and a  Illegal Alien Voting?
The, Dead people, go  BACK.   The   Illegals’, Stay !

‘could never keep track of that stupid voter registration card that was sent to me, and I hated that even existed.’
Can’t help that.  Guessing you have the same problem, keeping track, of your  Drivers License,  MV Insurance card, SS Card, and your Credit Cards?

Voting is the, Supreme  Privilege, of living in a,  FREE   County !!!!!
It is what people, over many, MANY, years, have  DIED for.
But:   “that stupid voter registration card”.
IT Is  So,   Bothersome, to keep track of !

well ain't you special

and no, keeping track of my driver's license is easy, I USE IT EVERY DAY, not just once a year. credit cards are at least a once a month thing

and you are paranoid/special

Also I never needed ID to vote before, I used it, because it was easy, I was so happy that I actually had a voter registration card that I hadn't lost I wanted to actually use it, but no, now they have to make it difficult

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by LostArtist on 10/27/16 at 17:07:24

4665587B7962656C0B0 wrote:
[quote author=54776B6C596A6C716B6C180 link=1477596642/0#4 date=1477612120]" ... that if you don't show a Photo ID, you have to fill out paper work and sign an affidavit saying that you aren't perjuring yourself, so now voting is a big hoopla,   -   ... when you register to vote, freaking fascists


So  MUCH,  a   Problem.
To have the ULTIMATE,   FREEDOM,  to Vote.

So Much a  Problem.

Gee,  Why not make a  'app', for a  i-Phone,
so while your are playing, 'pokey-man' you can vote  !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


can you sign here ____________ you know, that way I know you aren't perjuring yourself by making yourself look like such a fool?

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by old.indian on 10/27/16 at 17:11:32

When I lived in Massachusetts in the general elections I would see only ONE (1) name on the ballot for the majority of state offices and ONLY one (1) for the US House of Representatives and the US Senate...    When one political party has that much control the citizens are tax slaves and are treated with total contempt.  :o  

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by raydawg on 10/27/16 at 17:15:58

27242C6621262C212926480 wrote:
When I lived in Massachusetts in the general elections I would see only ONE (1) name on the ballot for the majority of state offices and ONLY one (1) for the US House of Representatives and the US Senate...    When one political party has that much control the citizens are tax slaves and are treated with total contempt.  :o  

Seems the f-ucked tongue, has replaced the forked tongue  ;D

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/16 at 17:31:13

46454D0740474D404847290 wrote:
When I lived in Massachusetts in the general elections I would see only ONE (1) name on the ballot for the majority of state offices and ONLY one (1) for the US House of Representatives and the US Senate...    

That happens. One person running for a  office.
 Now,  WHY?
Could it be, that  NO ONE  ELSE, is  Running?

 Could it be the TV  Re-runs, Pizza, and Beer, are more important ?

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/16 at 17:41:17

6744585F6A595F42585F2B0 wrote:
"...  keeping track of my driver's license is easy, I USE IT EVERY DAY,

You use your  D.L,   EVERY DAY ?

Every  Day ?

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by verslagen1 on 10/28/16 at 07:21:51

13302C2B1E2D2B362C2B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=6C7F677A7F69791E0 link=1477596642/0#2 date=1477603352]It don't count no how  ;D

I'm in Texas, you have no idea how little my vote counts here, but that just makes me want to vote even more [/quote]

Don't feel like you're special, I'm a republican in california, my vote means little too.

But I have to laugh sometimes, they passed a carbon tax on refineries.  
Next year there was a big hoopla about gas prices... why are they a $1 more than anywhere else?... idiots.

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by Trippah on 10/28/16 at 15:07:35

I  have lived most my life in Massachusetts, and as old indian noted, it really is pretty much a one party state.(As a republican, I often felt I was spitting into the wind but did so anyway. Mass is jokingly called the Peoples Republic of...
Now here in central NY, I find I am asked for a id. Used my Driver lic which has a photo. They ask my name and address, check it against their list, and whoosh. I am voting.  

I like voter registration so long as it isn't used to disenfranchise people (unfortunately often the reason it is used.).  I do NOT like the possibility of people voting in several precints, one vote one  person.  And yes, the choices are sad this year. :-X

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by verslagen1 on 10/28/16 at 15:20:54

They are automatically registering for voting when you get a drivers license or renewing online.
When I registered at the DMV (over 30 years ago) they took my finger prints.

Why can't they take a finger print for voter ID?

Or they can die them blue like they do in Iraq.

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by MnSpring on 10/28/16 at 19:39:12

7F5C40477241475A4047330 wrote:

Just can't get over this.

To have the ULTIMATE,   FREEDOM,  to Vote.

WOW.   So   the,  'latest'  Generation,
wants the, "the ULTIMATE,   FREEDOM'

To be  Just Like,  'Pokemon'.

Title: Re: Voting Pisses Me OFF
Post by raydawg on 10/29/16 at 06:10:43

How many folk does Lost A hole pizz off?

Hey, gander, you want a goose, as in whats good for the goose, is good for the gander  ;D

If this gets your gander up, mercy, I would hate to see what it would do if you ever had to pay taxes, or lordy, buy Obamacare  ;D ;D ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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