General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> They Just Don’t GET IT !

Message started by MnSpring on 10/21/16 at 17:54:07

Title: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by MnSpring on 10/21/16 at 17:54:07

They Just Don’t GET IT !!!!
My Mother 94 years old, born in 1922.
  (When Was The, ‘Great  Depression” ???????)

She is now in a, ’Senior Care Facility’,  (A  Nice One, not a, ‘Waiting for God’, one).

Almost every WEEK, I am accosted by the, 20+/- year old, workers there.
  “Your Mother has several oranges/apples/candy bars in the refrigerator”.

I Respond:
“She  LIVED through the, ‘Great  Depression’,  When she sees a, ‘ orange/apple/candy bar’, for the taking,  she Takes it, because she, remembers, the Great  Depression, when you NEVER KNEW, WHEN  or  WHERE, the Next Food was coming  From”.

The 20 +/- Year Olds, just  DO  NOT UNDERSTAND !!!!!!!!!
They DON’T  Understand, Nor do they WANT TO !!!!!
Or, expending  ANY  EFFORT TO  Understand !!!!!!!!

‘GEE’,  is that Kinna like the,  Clinton, supporters ?

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by raydawg on 10/21/16 at 18:41:46

So, you are trying to teach them by telling them about the depression, and how food was not just a drive thru away, nice.

And how are they to relate to that?

Tell them about the controls on a B-1 bomber, and how to use them.
What are the odds they will grasp that?

Extend your answer/understanding to the "liberal".

I think the first thing a teacher needs to teach, is patience.
The first student should be themselves.

Not trying to slam you Mspring, no.
Just trying to shine the light of understanding, upon your darkness  ;)

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by MnSpring on 10/21/16 at 19:08:49

2A39213C392F3F580 wrote:
"  ... Tell them about the controls on a B-1 bomber, and how to use them.  What are the odds they will grasp that?

Understand that.  However the Controls on a  B-1.
are  QUITE  Different that,  of information on the, 'Great Depression".

And One is   Easily  Grasped by, modern Internet, (Or, 'TEACHING  HISTORY' in schools),  the other is not.

Also, if ones, 'job', is to administer to aging  seniors,  would it NOT be, a  requirement,  to  UNDERSTAND, the PEOPLE,  who your, JOB, REQUIRES, you to  Understand.  ????

Those that, 'hire' people, do you continue to PAY, them, when they have shown  NO  KNOWLEDGE, of their  JOB,  (Which they are PAID  FOR), or   ANY, Inclination to  LEARN  about  it ?????

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by MnSpring on 10/21/16 at 19:23:30

If Someone, want’s a ‘JOB’, and they have shown, they are willing to ‘Learn’.   “Great“.

“I think the first thing a teacher needs to teach, is patience.”
All the patience in the world, when they SHOW, they are, LEARNING.

NO Patience, when they  SHOW, they are, ‘Un Willing to Learn’, and SHOW  NO, ‘effort to  LEARN', about the Job.

They are are  GONE, Done, Fired !!!!!!!!    
(Go Flip Burgers)  And vote for, Hillary.

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by raydawg on 10/21/16 at 19:31:27

Buddy, we seem to be pounding our noggins against one another today  ;D

I'll go ice my knots, but let me just share one last observation/tidbit.

You think, or believe ( that is a key ) other should grasp what you do.

I get that, I think we all do, or why would we even engage others....

But remember this, they don't know, what they don't know.
Yes, it is simplistic and conceptually crude, however, true.

This is why the media has long since abandoned constructive journalism, opting instead to try to teach with indoctrination, so they can assure their current power, and revenue, standings.

News is readily available elsewhere, 24/7, so they have changed, integrity meaningless, titillation, paramount.
Just look at the Trump coverage, saturation.

Could you imagine if they put forth that type of effort into problems, and solutions......
And in the process people began to think.....


Beam me up Scotty        ;D

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by MnSpring on 10/21/16 at 19:47:36

[quote author=44574F52574151360 link=1477097647/0#4 date=1477103487]  " ... Beam me up Scotty  ..."/quote]

 "Beam Me Up ..."
It is what I have on my 'Screen Saver' ,
Although,  'Kirk', Never said that, (It was 'Beam Us Up...")
And their is no longer a reason for a 'screen safer'.

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by thumperclone on 10/21/16 at 21:41:52

at least she isn't in hospice..............
that is .. you'll see

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by verslagen1 on 10/24/16 at 07:28:30

Mn... Dawgy is trying to teach you (by example) how hardheaded people can be.
I can relate to the depression story, I got the same one from my parents and grandparents.  How they turned in their school assignments on newspaper with the work written on the borders with broken bits of lead stuck under their fingernails cause that's all they had.

Title: Re: They Just Don’t GET IT !
Post by MnSpring on 10/24/16 at 19:35:42

3F2C3B3A25282E2C2778490 wrote:
" ...   How they turned in their school assignments on newspaper with the work written on the borders with broken bits of lead stuck under their fingernails ..."

Well never heard of, ‘Bits of lead, under the fingernails”
 Have heard:   “Walked 2 miles to school, in the snow, up-hill both ways".

I Think the above go with the:
 “It was so hot, saw a Log Cain crawl in to the Shade”
 “It was so cold, had to use, ’Starting Fluid’ in the Outhouse”
 “It is To Windy to haul Rocks”

But, Go in to her, apartment, and their are,  
Envelopes, from cards and letters.
That she has Cut, so the backs are a clean sheet of nice paper. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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