General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Loud pipes? I dunno

Message started by Bubba on 10/14/16 at 13:22:35

Title: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/14/16 at 13:22:35

Been riding my suzi for probably 5 years...put about 15000 miles on it during that time and one of the first mods I did was to replace my muffler with one of a pair I bought on e-bay.

I'm never seen them since but they were called "DynoPower" pipes...kind of a Dyna knock off but definitely different (when you look down the pipe it has a big section of the inner pipe bent up for back pressure and then a whole buncha can opener like openings like a normal aftermarket baffle) anyway the exhaust note is pretty aggressive and quite loud...

I got really used to that pipe and it gave good performance but sometimes I longed for something with a more pleasant tone so I bought a nice dyna off a member here last week and installed it just like my old one (no adapter, just slid it on with some gasket material to make it snug and clamped her down).
WOW what a difference! Way quieter than I was expecting but still a nice low rumble.

I always kinda liked the way my old pipe sounded and the fact that anyone within a block could hear me coming (made me feel pretty secure that cagers knew I was there!)
So today I ride to work with the new pipe and I'm actually enjoying the fact that my head isn't resonating with the thunder of the old pipe.
I'm thinking... "I could get used to this"

At lunch I went for my usual ride up the canyon near my work to just try her I'm approaching an intersection with a green light I notice an oncoming car in the left turn lane (something I'm always aware of) and another car in the intersection to my right...

Well, the car to the right just starts pulling out right into my lane. It happened really fast (going about 40) but I pull the clutch, hit the brakes and for the first time my rear tire starts sliding sideways. I countersteer to keep it upright and going somewhat straight as I slide through the intersection approaching the gals front quarter panel...
Thankfully the tire squealed as it was locked and she looked over like
"where did you come from?"
I gave her an astonished look like "what the hell are you doing?" (maybe 2 feet from her window at this point) and steered around her front end...

At the next intersection she was over one lane from me turning left and BOTH the gals in the car were on their cell phones!

Now I'm wondering if I might just go ahead and put the loud pipe back on...I have never had any problems with people not knowing I was there with that pipe...

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/14/16 at 13:39:14

Good question.
Here's my take:
The vast majority of bikers die in my state going straight through an intersection, with the approaching car turning left into them.
In that case, the bikes pipes are aimed away from the oncoming car. And the car prob has the windows rolled up. And the radio on. And the person is talking or texting.
So, loud does nothing.
I learned how to ride in 'Heaven's Waiting Room', AKA Florida. Average age was dead. Most couldn't hear, see, or have any reaction time at all.
Learned REAL fast that you never count on others hearing or seeing you. Just ride like they are trying to kill you.
Rode for decades with no ear plugs (no one wore them), shot lots of guns with no hearing protection (no one wore them), operated lots of loud machinery in shops with no hearing protection (n one else did).
The hearing aids I bought 15 years ago were about $3K for the pair.
Not great
Stopped wearing them. When it got to be almost impossible to function, I went back for new ones last year.
This pair retail for almost $8K. And they work pretty well. Wish I didn't have to wear them.
At the place I used to teach Motorcycle Maintenance, a guy had an older Triumph with basically no mufflers. I had to stop talking until he was a block away the bike was so loud. Last year a car ran him over and crushed him dead. Guess the car didn't know that "Loud pipes save lives".
NYC has almost passed a night time ban on bikes because of the morons with straight pipes.
Short answer:
My bikes are quiet. I just assume people are assholes and trying to kill me. I'm rarely disappointed. Lately it seems that a huge percentage of folks are texting while driving. Doubtful they'd hear a loud pipe.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/14/16 at 13:47:55

Thanks Armen,
I ride as though I'm invisible because for the most part I am...I just thought it was weird that the first ride I go on with my quiet pipe is the first time I've had this happen...

I'm going to keep the pipe on for now but I do notice that when I have my loud pipe on (it's not a straight pipe) I often see the drivers looking for where the noise is coming from...

Not sure if I want to keep dodging people but I suppose it could have been a coincidence too  :-/

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/16 at 13:50:51

I have often wanted a horn that was directional. So I could look at the one I wanted to wake up and push the button and it would just knock them over. So far, the only thing I have been able to figure out is a pistol, but that would require a hand and that's not a good time for letting go of the handle bars,,
Glad you survived.
The kill switch can make a backfire..

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/14/16 at 13:53:33

Yeah, my other pipe just requires a quick flick of the wrist to backfire...LOUD!
This new one won't even backfire when I shut down...not even a pop

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by stewmills on 10/14/16 at 14:05:39

Glad you made it out alright, Bubba!

When I first started riding I wanted a loud pipe for being heard, but after I got used to riding I realized it didn't matter. A$$hole drivers are always going to be a$$hole drivers.  Not to mention that I think a really loud pipe on a bike that someone wants on there just for the sake of being noticed makes the rider complacent.  Just because you WANT it to make people hear you doesn't mean they DO hear you. Some people are just oblivious to the world and wouldn't flinch if a truckload of dynamite went off next to them....probably because they are playing with a phone.

I pass every car and every intersection as if I am playing 'frogger' and everything is about to pull out and hit me, and if I make it through the obstacles it's a good day!

Never rely on external forces (aside from the required headlights, stop lights, turn signals, etc.) for people to see and hear you so you can let your guard down and relax.  If you're relaxed when you ride in traffic, you're getting too complacent.

Ride safe!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/14/16 at 14:08:13

The other thing to consider is that your loud pipe drowns out noises that you could be reacting to.
I try to take responsibility for my own existence. I realize that is a very un-American attitude, but it seems to work for me.
I also believe that my right to swing my fists in the air stops at someone else's nose.
I've never met a non-bikie that said they likes the sound of a really loud bike.
The noise standards on new bikes have happened primarily because of the loud bikes that are on the road. At this point the sound levels are so low that the sound of the air passing over the fins of an air-cooled bike is an issue.
In the 70's when the Kustom Signals KR111 radar guns came out and were thousands of dollars, it only took a few court cases to establish that radar guns held up in court. Then every town bought them and turned speeding tickets into a major cash cow.
My guess is that as soon as one town establishes a simple way to noise check bikes, the practice will spread like wildfire. Imagine how many places a cop could sit with a decibel meter (and sound truck, or whatever they need to prove the case).

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/14/16 at 14:10:24

Stewmills said:

Never rely on external forces (aside from the required headlights, stop lights, turn signals, etc.) for people to see and hear you so you can let your guard down and relax.  If you're relaxed when you ride in traffic, you're getting too complacent.

Well put.
Note, this is from guys who are still alive.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by jcstokes on 10/14/16 at 14:24:15

I've said it before here, and I'll say it again. You have three friends in motorcycling, your two mirrors and where possible, the big gap all around you. Everything/one else is your real or potential enemy. Your exhaust system won't make a difference, unless you can fart foully enough to drive other animals/humans away from you.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by stewmills on 10/14/16 at 14:29:27

If only we could ride around in these...

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/14/16 at 14:48:08

Thanks for all the input...I guess I have grown complacent over the years that's probably why the rumble of my old pipe was making me feel secure...
I must say though that even my non biker friends thought the pipe I had on there sounded great!
These are not a buncha thugs and ruffians either...just regular old suburban folks...Believe me I've heard much louder pipes from the Harley crowd than my pipe was.
I do appreciate the input and I'll probably ride it with the new pipe but up my awareness a notch even though that won't change how folks drive...
Rubber side down!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/16 at 15:02:59

this is what we need...

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Mr.T on 10/14/16 at 18:02:09

Could not have said it better than Armen. I just picked up a 2001 Savage with a Supertrapp muffler that had no muffler discs. The PO's wife said she could hear him coming three blocks away. So, kinda a straight pipe with a little packing. Even when I got it going ( spark, carb, etc...), I would not fire it up until I sent for some discs and installed them. I did not want to buy earplugs for myself and all the people on my street . Also, I don't feel like letting the police know I'm coming their way to ticket land. Bad enough around here riders.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/16 at 18:06:29

Human discomfort starts when a sound hits 120dB, well below the LRAD's threshold. Permanent hearing loss begins at 130dB, and if the device is turned up to 140dB, anyone within its path would not only suffer hearing loss, they could potentially lose their balance and be unable to move out of the path of the audio. The device is also entirely operator dependent, which could lead to serious ramifications if the officer in charge doesn't have sufficient training.

Considering that they have yet to teach them to NOT push the Tazer button 47 times, or to stop shooting after the only movement is Caused by the bullets,  I don't really trust that..

Bwaaahhhhaahhaahhaa,,  look at em squirm!!!

Hey, look, the ones in the middle are bleeding from the ears!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Kris01 on 10/14/16 at 19:38:47

182B343C37590 wrote:
I just assume people are assholes and trying to kill me. I'm rarely disappointed.

Amen, brotha!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/15/16 at 05:14:17

Your numbers are WAY off. Hearing loss starts at 85 db.
120db is enough for permanent hearing loss.
Remember, db numbers aren't linear, they are logarithmic.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/16 at 05:31:58

It's a C and P, but no, I didn't know.. I totally HATED the DB part of school in the AF..  I was okay until they got to
Negative DB,, then my brain raised an eyebrow and said

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/15/16 at 05:50:51

So, years ago a bud (good kid, crazy as a bedbug, president of the local chapter of Dykes on Bikes) picks up a used Honda with a Kerker 4-1 pipe on it. Always like Kerker stuff. Easy way to drop 10 or 20 lbs off a 70's or 80's Japanese bike. They offered a few different baffles ranging from their DBAE (decibels and emissions-meaning quiet and didn't have to rejet) to their full competition baffle.
She shows up with the bike and it has the full competition baffle in it. I could put my fist in the ass end of the pipe. I tell her it is so bloody loud that I heard her coming from blocks away. She swears it isn't really that loud and that she likes the sound.
At the time I was helping a few friends at the races and had an AMA Roadrace Mechanic's license. Had rolled a fair share of bikes through AMA Tech Inspection.
I drag out my AMA Roadrace Mechanic's license manual and go to the part about sound regs. Set up a decibel meter like they did in tech, and check the bike. It reads 120 db. Over the limit for AMA Superbike. Try to explain to her that she couldn't race the bike at Daytona, much less be riding it on the street.
"It's not that bad!" she kept protesting.
Told her she couldn't come back to visit as long as she had that pipe. Had no reason to piss off my neighbors. Heard her many blocks away as she rode off into the sunset.
Eventually she 'got it' and now rides quiet bikes and rolls her eyes when someone with a really loud bike blasts by ::)

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Dave on 10/15/16 at 06:08:19


Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Armen on 10/15/16 at 06:22:29

That was PERFECT!!
Thanks  ;D

The other day one of the new guys at the garage was asking about changing the pipes on his bike to something a lot louder. I pointed to a few of the bikes parked there with REAL loud pipes and referred to them as 'small thingy specials'.
Waddayamean, he says??
Told him it was an easy way for losers with small dicks who are stuck at the point in early adolescence where you feel you are the center of the universe and crave attention, (and lack the introspection to realize that), to be noticed.
Blank stare....

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Dave on 10/15/16 at 06:31:30

I live 2 miles from a divided highway, and I can hear open pipe bikes (and semi trucks) from that far away.  Kinda' ruins the peace and quiet that exists out in the farm area where I live.

I don't like loud pipes, and the DYNA on the Savage is just about perfect.  I also don't like Sport Bike riders that pull in the clutch and open the throttle and let the engine bounce off the rev limiter......shows a complete dis-respect for the engine and the people around them.

It makes absolutely no sense for factories to keep choking the exhaust/engine sound down - when some owners run open pipes and ruin the motorcycle image for all of us.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/16 at 06:36:39

That was So worth watching. It's not Just funny, it's so accurate in how I see the way some people think.

How does it Run? Well, bottom end and mid range are from gutless to crappy, the top end is pretty good, but BoyHowdee
Izzit LOUD! Just like I wanted..
The Supertrapp with 14disks was pretty loud, but I didn't get ugly looks, it suited me and the riding style at the time.
I'm really digging the Dyna,

Wanna KNOW what drivers hear?
Some cars are like the
Cone of Silence
from Get Smart. Most arent.
Sit in thecar , AC going, radio on, and let a friend ride by.
He won't be running hot, accelerating, because he's watching an imaginary car in the left turn lane and you, driving out of your driveway, instead of sitting at a stop sign,

Being Visible is the First defense.
When I have someone showing me they want to turn left across me, I flip the light high and low and change lane positions, back and forth, anything but being in a straight line.
The horn MIGHT get a buzzard outta the road. I've honked at cars I could've kicked,  and saw no sign it was heard.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by HAPPYDAN on 10/15/16 at 07:32:09

A Motorcycle Safety Foundation instructor put it like this: "Ride like you're naked and afraid." Naked, you have no steel cage to protect you. Afraid, always assume cars are out to get you and be prepared to take evasive action. And, DON'T daydream or get lost in the euphoria (I do sometimes!) and, especially in the summertime, keep eyes on the road and not on the girls (that can be a tough one!). IMHO, all that noisy pipes do is make us look like bums.

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/15/16 at 08:57:18

I really don't mind loud pipes...within reason...I also like electric bikes which basically make no noise
The worst for me in the Wild West out here are the diesels with super loud exhaust and tuned to throw out a cloud of black carbon on demand...
I think they call them coal burners...
I call them losers

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Kris01 on 10/15/16 at 10:24:59

We've got a lot of those down south too. But, then again, we've got a lot of mosquitoes. Sometimes diesel smoke ain't half bad!  ;D

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Ruttly on 10/15/16 at 11:36:37

I don't relate loud pipes with safety , but is does help to be heard !
But too loud is nothing but annoying to everyone in a earshot near you !
When I build a bike I want to feel power and hear the power but not so loud to annoy everyone !!!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by LANCER on 10/15/16 at 13:48:08

715657574F5A230 wrote:
I don't relate loud pipes with safety , but is does help to be heard !
But too loud is nothing but annoying to everyone in a earshot near you !
When I build a bike I want to feel power and hear the power but not so loud to annoy everyone !!!

Are you building yet ?

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Ruttly on 10/16/16 at 08:51:56

Lancer, Still need to finish seat & paint on the tracker when winter sets in. Next project a Honda tlr200 Reflex after that BSA vintage flat tracker. However I am collecting parts for next savage project,just missed one for 600 bucks. I always have something in progress !

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by MnSpring on 10/18/16 at 17:05:48

Don’t really care for Loud Pipes, for everyday driving.
Sometimes, enjoy them on Custom bikes.  Sometimes.

Live next to a tar Co Road, it is, ‘THE’,  road to go between two small towns, which I live about in-between.
So usually on nice Sat’s & Sun’s, I Hear, ‘Music’,  Then  Really  LOUD  Pipes.
As I am 200 +/- yards away, I just stop and watch the eye candy.
As 50 - 150  Harley's, drive past.

But In Town, in a  Residential area. Those who drive with  LOUD, pipes,
are Just like the DFI’s, who shoot at  Signs, in Public Hunting areas.

They make anybody with a Motorcycle, (or gun), look Bad !

Their was one time. The fellow I worked with at a Gun Shop, passed away, (Agent Orange), he drove a full dress Harley, with, ’normal’ pipes.   He was also a member of a local bike club, which is a rather, ‘exclusive’, club.
His wife, didn’t want a, ‘funeral’, so she had a , “party”
Was driving my XT-225 then,  (Can you say Monkey riding a peanut),
Had a 20”,  12g, ’coach’, old style, hammer, shotgun broke down, tucked in the back..
I was one of the first their.

Then The, ‘Exclusive’ bike group came. Don’t think there was One of them, that cost less then $20,000.00  and  MANY at $30,000.00, and Some, ‘Orange County’, ones at  50,000.00 +.  

I Literally Had to put my fingers in my ears, as  70+  Bikes, came,  ‘ROARING”, into the drive.
( A Suburban House on Lake Minnetonka, MN)
BUT  WHAT   EYE   CANDY   !!!!!!!

As the group was milling around having a beer and brats,  Loud Music, Loud talking,  I went to the front yard, Fired a Shot over the lake, broke the firearm, (Side x Side,  12g,  3 “,  Black Powder), turned, and addressed the crowd.   (You could have heard a Pin Drop in a  Plowed Field),  “Butches Ashes,  Yada Yada Yada.”.  Then turned and fired the other,  (VERY LOUD and SMOKEY) Shot.   Everyone Cheered and ‘Whooped’…  

About a hour later the group, of, MC’s that came, all fired up and Left.

It was a  SUPREME,   Tribute,   Supreme  !!!!

However, the people living a  mile + Away, as they had to go 3 miles before they hit a  ‘major’ road.
Had me wondering.

As in This part of town,  ANY   ‘LOUD’,  group,  and  ANY,  ’Shots Fired’,  would,  IMMEDIATELY have been a call to the Police
  None EVER  showed up.   (They  KNEW).    The ‘Police’  never came their.    

But what of the other, 100 +  People,
Who did NOT know of this, ’Tribute’,   What did they think,?

((“Oh Ya,  a Bunch  of  MC  People,  why are all,  A.H.’s”))

As a side note,  While the people that came, Most knew me, and I knew most of them,
NEVER ONCE, they EVER, ‘comment on the, XT-225, I was driving’.
CLASS   ACT !!!!!!

Loud  Pipes.  their is,  a time and Place,
And that, ‘place’ is not Everyday driving.
 (My Opinion)

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Kris01 on 10/18/16 at 18:01:13

6744795A5843444D2A0 wrote:
NEVER ONCE, they EVER, ‘comment on the, XT-225, I was driving’.
CLASS   ACT !!!!!!

Real riders couldn't care less! 2 wheels are 2 wheels!

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Ruttly on 10/18/16 at 21:00:08

You are correct , you could have been riding a moped Kris

We are all of the two wheeled breed

Bet one of those H/D boys owns a XT too

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by oldNslow on 10/19/16 at 05:13:51

I never liked loud pipes on other peoples bikes. Strange thing happened though. I recently bought an 04 Sportster with the stage 1 screaming eagle junk and a set of Cycle Shack slip-on mufflers on it. The pipes do have baffles, and they aren't like drag pipes but they are definitely a lot louder louder than stock. I originally intended to find a pair of oem take offs to replace them with, but the bike runs so well the way it is now that I'm reluctant to change anything. The noise is kind of growing on me.

Next thing ya know I'll be getting a tattoo. a get-back- whip, and a bunch of chrome skull thingeys to screw onto the bike.

I'm still gonna wave at everybody though, whatever they happen to be riding. Except for the BMW guys maybe. Those guys almost never wave back. :(

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Dave on 10/19/16 at 05:26:33

5B6564687A6667090 wrote:
I'm still gonna wave at everybody though, whatever they happen to be riding. Except for the BMW guys maybe. Those guys almost never wave back. :(

It is the inner city teenagers on their Chinese scooters that won't wave back at me. :-?  (And some of them have taken the baffles out of their mufflers).

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Bubba on 10/19/16 at 09:50:26

for the record...this is the sound of the old "loud" pipe and a pic of the inside of it... (

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by HAPPYDAN on 10/19/16 at 11:09:37

5E7D4063617A7D74130 wrote:
Don’t really care for Loud Pipes, for everyday driving.
Sometimes, enjoy them on Custom bikes.  Sometimes.

NEVER ONCE, they EVER, ‘comment on the, XT-225, I was driving’.
CLASS   ACT !!!!!!

I had an XT225, basicly just a dirt bike with turn signals. The Big Bike riders don't seem to mind, because the Big Bike makers don't make dirt bikes! There was one time, while going to work, I passed Destination Harley in Fife and just waved. Moments later, a chugger catches up to me at a stop light, and says "Get a effin motorcycle!" ;D

Title: Re: Loud pipes? I dunno
Post by Kris01 on 10/19/16 at 19:07:12

7A414C5B4A465D5B4048455A290 wrote:
It is the inner city teenagers on their Chinese scooters that won't wave back at me.

I waved at a sport biker once. He waved back in a very annoyed way.  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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