General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What happens Nov. 9th?...

Message started by Serowbot on 10/14/16 at 08:44:35

Title: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by Serowbot on 10/14/16 at 08:44:35

The most likely scenario has Hillary winning...
I'm sure there will be protests... some may get violent...
Riots?... deaths?...

Trump's dire rhetoric, and near apocalyptic chanting is adding spark to a powder keg...
I think he wants to see it...  (he will be far away from the danger though, I assure you)...
Can we expect a calming, uniting concession speech from the Donald?...
...or, will he give the loose cannons among his flock his blessing to act?...
It could be very dangerous and ugly...

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by HovisPresley on 10/14/16 at 08:56:57

...get out and vote on November Trump said in Florida  :)

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by oldNslow on 10/14/16 at 08:59:55

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
The most likely scenario has Hillary winning...
I'm sure there will be protests... some may get violent...
Riots?... deaths?...

Trump's dire rhetoric, and near apocalyptic chanting is adding spark to a powder keg...
I think he wants to see it...  (he will be far away from the danger though, I assure you)...
Can we expect a calming, uniting concession speech from the Donald?...
...or, will he give the loose cannons among his flock his blessing to act?...
It could be very dangerous and ugly...

f Hillary wins I don't think we will see anything of the sort. If Trump wins though, I think the SWJs, BLMs etc. are likely to go batsh*t crazy. Of course they are mostly going to just burn their own sh*t down, as usual, and since I don't live there, I don't really give a crap.

I'll probably be too busy shoveling snow to worry about it anyway.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/14/16 at 10:02:20

You are too funny amigo....

The left has played useful fools scenario for decades.
They built this up.
They enjoyed watching people spit on returning vets.
They enjoyed watch occupy Wall Street, BLM, etc.
They lovei it when a business owner refuses service based on their faith and people protest.
They love it when a white cop kills a black person.
They live calling anybody who doesn't agree with them names of indignation, etc....
Political correctness is censorship, just as religious zealots stymie and extend their own twisted beliefs into the lives of others....

You built Trump bro, it will burn, as you preach tolerance, and exhibit none of it, just like the evangelical preach morals, and practice sin....

Enjoy it, deny it, at this point, the slim chance that she can pull us out rest SOLELY on her engaging this folks who feel betrayed and angry.
It was coming way before Trump was on the scene.

Let's see tolerance, or match, it's on you....

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by Serowbot on 10/14/16 at 10:13:41

You're nuts... :-?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/14/16 at 10:17:22

55726B746E4D6F786E7178641D0 wrote:
...get out and vote on November Trump said in Florida  :)

Ah...... still sore over losing the states s few centuries ago, eh mate.
Ya know, you'd be talking German right now if it wasn't for the yanks.
Churchill couldn't put down his bottle, and Lady Di couldn't get out of the crown, soon enough....
And you think you have the answers.....  ;D

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/16 at 10:41:42

And all of that makes Obama not look idiotic how?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by HovisPresley on 10/14/16 at 11:04:58

"And you think you have the answers.....   ;D "

Not at all, but I know when the election is......

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/14/16 at 13:17:40

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
You're nuts... :-?


Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/16 at 17:55:40

Ray, the bubs built Trump, also. Who is more responsible?
I DK, but D.C., NOT LISTENING, dragging Americans down, is what created the anger that said No to all those alleged Republicans, and nominated trump.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/14/16 at 18:31:03

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
Ray, the bubs built Trump, also. Who is more responsible?
I DK, but D.C., NOT LISTENING, dragging Americans down, is what created the anger that said No to all those alleged Republicans, and nominated trump.

Jog, I get that, however, as I have posted elsewhere, this anger of neglect, is not new.
We talk about media, etc, how one sided it is.
They promote their own beliefs accordingly, this is what sprung FOX NEWS, into the  forefront, as the media did not care to listen to these folks that felt their beliefs, views, etc, didn't get equal coverage.

Even today they say FOX is partisan, assigning them no relevance.

They can see it in others, but not in themselves.

This is where the disconnect exists, and it is getting more divisive, as stories get more bias, etc...
Objectivity, has long since abandoned journalism.

All of this is coming to a head, I believe.
What you are witnessing, will be of historical significance.


Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/16 at 18:55:20

Objectivity, has long since abandoned journalism.

Hmmm, boyy,
It's too important to let journalists be journalists. They Must Shape the Future... And destroy trump.

And yeah, this is The important election of our lives.
History is being made.
Will the same destructive forces capture the Whitehouse that have held it since they Murdered JFK?
Yeah, Reagan was the president, but Bush was running things.
You can grasp the nuances..

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by LostArtist on 10/14/16 at 19:10:28

4A59415C594F5F380 wrote:
[quote author=5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 link=1476459875/0#4 date=1476465221]You're nuts... :-?


jeesh Serow.  Can't you be a little more sensitive to rawdawg...   how un-PC of you, oh, wait, rawdawg, you should like him being so un PC, don't you usually find that refreshing?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/15/16 at 15:31:02

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
The most likely scenario has Hillary winning...
I'm sure there will be protests... some may get violent...
Riots?... deaths?...

Trump's dire rhetoric, and near apocalyptic chanting is adding spark to a powder keg...
I think he wants to see it...  (he will be far away from the danger though, I assure you)...
Can we expect a calming, uniting concession speech from the Donald?...
...or, will he give the loose cannons among his flock his blessing to act?...
It could be very dangerous and ugly...

Once again, you're wrong about everything Sew. That will never happen.

OWS, BLM, Democratic convention, Iraq war marches thru NY burning the President in effigy,  etc, etc, and etc. Lefties are always the violent ones.

If Hilary wins, nothing happens. Trump wins, especially a close election, and you leftists scums will burn $hit down.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by MnSpring on 10/15/16 at 16:59:12

6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 wrote:
" ... If Hilary wins, nothing happens. Trump wins, especially a close election, and you leftists scums will burn $hit down."

Yep, Yep, Yep !

Bot, keep your gun loaded, and close at hand.
 (Well unless you have already given it to the Government, because it is such a  BAD  thing)

Remember the  HUDGE,   Riots,  when OJ Was Acquitted?

Oh, thats right, their weren’t any.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/15/16 at 17:47:34

exactly..... remember the fires that were set when Palin was called a cxxt? Remember how the Mormons burned Salt Lake when Romney lost? Those Republicans sure do hate their country.....

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/15/16 at 19:51:02

Headline:  Vandals spray-paint at least 20 vehicles outside Trump rally in Bangor

leftist scum.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/16 at 21:04:26

You don't know a lot about tolerance yet...
Sorry,, JK,,

Long ago I pointed out the intolerant nature of those demanding tolerance.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by MnSpring on 10/16/16 at 17:12:48

How about all the Protests, Riots, Looting.
When a Black Person shot a  Black person,
(for no apparent reason)

Or when a black Police officer,
Shot a white person.

Or a group, of, ‘Immigrants’, beat/raped//beheaded ?
A Citizen of the USA ?

How ‘bout all them riots/protests/looting/setting fires/overturning cars/blocking traffic ????

OH, (Again), their weren’t any.

"Tolerances",   =   "Only when you believe/do/become, what I am"

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/16 at 07:45:14

NC GOP office firebombed. This will be a common occurrence if Trump wins.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by MnSpring on 10/17/16 at 15:57:33

"We talk about media, etc, how one sided it is.
They promote their own beliefs accordingly”  (Was Said)

Read a book,  A  News  Reporter, in a fake  Minn TV Station.
Enjoyed it.   Picked up more, because the places she writes about, I know them.
(Fast,  Fluffy, entering reads)

The One, statement, which is repeated over and over again in ALL the books, is:
“Reporting is  NO  Longer  Reporting the Facts,
it is saying, what the Station Manager says”.

Art intimidating, Life.
Life intimidating, Art ?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by LostArtist on 10/17/16 at 16:34:26

11320F2C2E35323B5C0 wrote:
"We talk about media, etc, how one sided it is.
They promote their own beliefs accordingly”  (Was Said)

Read a book,  A  News  Reporter, in a fake  Minn TV Station.
Enjoyed it.   Picked up more, because the places she writes about, I know them.
(Fast,  Fluffy, entering reads)

The One, statement, which is repeated over and over again in ALL the books, is:
“Reporting is  NO  Longer  Reporting the Facts,
it is saying, what the Station Manager says”.

Art intimidating, Life.
Life intimidating, Art ?

sure, it happens all the time, even with "conservative" media, but I'm sure you don't believe that, it's only the liberals who suck up to their bosses and do what they are told (even before they are actually told what that is)  

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/16 at 16:49:28

So, it's okay to believe lies, just as long as the other side also believes lies?

What IF, because we KNOW how few owners there are of media outlets, what IF the conglomerates and heads of those Very FEW people who are able to control the content, WHAT IF they are using the media to divide, and lie to the people, left and right?

It's all divisive, it's all crap,  you get Just enough stuff that Isn't PURE CRAP, to not completely destroy their credibility in the eyes of the guthooked supporters of whichever Sides lies they are selling. Fox news? Phhhht,, be very careful about what you listen to from there. CNN? If you hear
We are here to lie to you.
Believe That.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by LostArtist on 10/17/16 at 19:36:26

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
So, it's okay to believe lies, just as long as the other side also believes lies?

What IF, because we KNOW how few owners there are of media outlets, what IF the conglomerates and heads of those Very FEW people who are able to control the content, WHAT IF they are using the media to divide, and lie to the people, left and right?

It's all divisive, it's all crap,  you get Just enough stuff that Isn't PURE CRAP, to not completely destroy their credibility in the eyes of the guthooked supporters of whichever Sides lies they are selling. Fox news? Phhhht,, be very careful about what you listen to from there. CNN? If you hear
We are here to lie to you.
Believe That.

the same goes for Alex Jones, and your buddies at Zero Hedge, they just want to scare you enough that you keep coming back for more, they just need to justify just enough to give them an allure of credibility to keep some from just dismissing them as the drama queens they are.

drama sells, news is boring, just because it isn't mainstream, doesn't change that stark reality

everyone is lying to you, if you think otherwise, then that's where they are lying to you the most

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/16 at 21:28:12

You're so convinced that Someone Else told me what to think.
I was asking questions about things, because the dems, who I aligned with when I was young, started pushing things I didn't agree with, so, I figured, okay, if I'm not a democrat, I Must be a republican,,, and I spent some time paying attention to what they did,  and I didn't like that,,, so I took a step back and just decided to think about what I thought was right... and I didn't know anyone else who thought like me. Then something told me about Ron Paul,, and I started paying attention to him. Years before internet.. I tried to sort through the lies, and I followed the
Contract with America. Buncha smoke and mirrors, nothing beneficial to the People ever comes from any of it.

I did what everyone else did, work, live, try to be an informed voter, but nobody ever Didwhat they said, and it was always the other side at fault.
I became aware of conflicts of interest, lies, Vietnam , lies,
And I started seeing Mistakes, unintended consequences, but I Foresaw the consequences, NAFTA was obviously a mistake, yet, nobody will change it.

I was Me politically for years before I discovered Jones. He didn't Change ME, he gave me backup, and because He was saying what I had been trying for years to get my wife to see, she finally, tearfully, let go of the fantasies the dumbmasses live in.

After all the things I've written, you still believe that I don't do my own analysis?
I called benghazi an arms deal, and was laughed at.
I was right. Jones didn't tell me that.
I predicted the Trumped up Trump scandal...
How many people who are waiting for someone to tell them what to believe PREDICT ANYTHING?

No, you NEED to feel disdain for me, and you Will, regardless of how correct I am, because the moment you start to see how right I am, the axis that your entire grasp of reality will tilt, and you'll be faced with asking some very hard questions inside yourself. Being wrong sux,, I know, because I was wrong for years.

Once you see behind the curtain, your entire concept of reality changes. It's unsettling.. I know... and I at least had a suspicion,  but reading creature from Jekyll island left me shaken.

Henry Ford understood the federal reserve and fractional reserve banking.
Anyone who considers themselves a patriot and a good American but doesn't make an effort to understand the working of the fed is living in a state of delusion.

You Need to believe I'm afraid... no, the fearful won't answer questions and LOOK straight at what is inescapably obvious even when someone is pointing to it and explaining it.

Yep, you're One of those.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/18/16 at 03:20:02

everyone is lying to you, if you think otherwise, then that's where they are lying to you the most

So, you are a lying sack o' chit........ gotcha  

You put your sack with Hillary, you gather more Bots, ah, I see it, er, I smell the truth, in that one stinker  ;D

This statement is as ripe as saying their ain't no absolutes....
How do you folk come up with such wisdom?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by LostArtist on 10/18/16 at 17:31:36

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
You're so convinced that Someone Else told me what to think.
I was asking questions about things, because the dems, who I aligned with when I was young, started pushing things I didn't agree with, so, I figured, okay, if I'm not a democrat, I Must be a republican,,, and I spent some time paying attention to what they did,  and I didn't like that,,, so I took a step back and just decided to think about what I thought was right... and I didn't know anyone else who thought like me. Then something told me about Ron Paul,, and I started paying attention to him. Years before internet.. I tried to sort through the lies, and I followed the
Contract with America. Buncha smoke and mirrors, nothing beneficial to the People ever comes from any of it.

I did what everyone else did, work, live, try to be an informed voter, but nobody ever Didwhat they said, and it was always the other side at fault.
I became aware of conflicts of interest, lies, Vietnam , lies,
And I started seeing Mistakes, unintended consequences, but I Foresaw the consequences, NAFTA was obviously a mistake, yet, nobody will change it.

I was Me politically for years before I discovered Jones. He didn't Change ME, he gave me backup, and because He was saying what I had been trying for years to get my wife to see, she finally, tearfully, let go of the fantasies the dumbmasses live in.

After all the things I've written, you still believe that I don't do my own analysis?
I called benghazi an arms deal, and was laughed at.
I was right. Jones didn't tell me that.
I predicted the Trumped up Trump scandal...
How many people who are waiting for someone to tell them what to believe PREDICT ANYTHING?

No, you NEED to feel disdain for me, and you Will, regardless of how correct I am, because the moment you start to see how right I am, the axis that your entire grasp of reality will tilt, and you'll be faced with asking some very hard questions inside yourself. Being wrong sux,, I know, because I was wrong for years.

Once you see behind the curtain, your entire concept of reality changes. It's unsettling.. I know... and I at least had a suspicion,  but reading creature from Jekyll island left me shaken.

Henry Ford understood the federal reserve and fractional reserve banking.
Anyone who considers themselves a patriot and a good American but doesn't make an effort to understand the working of the fed is living in a state of delusion.

You Need to believe I'm afraid... no, the fearful won't answer questions and LOOK straight at what is inescapably obvious even when someone is pointing to it and explaining it.

Yep, you're One of those.

Wait, and you don't think it's obvious YOU hold disdain for me?    you consistently insult and berate anyone who disagrees with you. in this very post you are using turn of phrases like "dumbmasses" instead of "dumbasses" and you come from this holier than though perspective of being able to be so knowledgeable that you can Predict all the bad things.  

the problem you have is, you think you're doing something by coming on here and complaining all the time, you don't think that makes you look like a whiny lil dog? yelp, yelp, yelp all you want JOG, you aren't actually doing ANYTHING to change ANYTHING, neither am I, but I'm not raging against a system I have no control over, you are.

what's sad is that I actually agree with you about a lot of the bad things you believe in, I don't like the federal reserve banking system either, can't do crap about it though so, no point in insistently complaining about it. it's cool that Henry Fold saw it coming, he was a POWERFUL man, he couldn't stop it, what are YOU going to do about it? whine, whine, whine, whine...  blah, I got better crap to do

I don't need to believe you are afraid, not when you come on here in fearfully rant about this and that every freaking day.  you can't actually support Donald Trump if you aren't a whiney little fearful dog

Alex Jones with his audience, which is MUCH MUCH bigger than yours here. and he has done NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to stop the FED or the current banking system or anything for that matter, you want to go along his impotent path, Go with God, I wish you the best but you are really really wasting your time.

I'm cool with intellectually discussing some of the evils of the Fed or centralized banking. but that's about it, if you can stop being such a prick that is, also, you do understand that we all don't have the background you do and haven't spent all our waking hours "investigating" the Fed that you have, so you might actually need to explain things to us without treating us like idiots.   I'm pretty sure you can't do that, you're ego is way too precious to you for you actually have empathy like that.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by LostArtist on 10/18/16 at 17:32:54

74677F62677161060 wrote:
everyone is lying to you, if you think otherwise, then that's where they are lying to you the most

So, you are a lying sack o' chit........ gotcha  

You put your sack with Hillary, you gather more Bots, ah, I see it, er, I smell the truth, in that one stinker  ;D

This statement is as ripe as saying their ain't no absolutes....
How do you folk come up with such wisdom?

awwww, *sigh*  

so, tell me an absolute then?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/18/16 at 17:37:35

43607C7B4E7D7B667C7B0F0 wrote:
[quote author=74677F62677161060 link=1476459875/15#25 date=1476786002]everyone is lying to you, if you think otherwise, then that's where they are lying to you the most

So, you are a lying sack o' chit........ gotcha  

You put your sack with Hillary, you gather more Bots, ah, I see it, er, I smell the truth, in that one stinker  ;D

This statement is as ripe as saying their ain't no absolutes....
How do you folk come up with such wisdom?

awwww, *sigh*  

so, tell me an absolute then? [/quote]

Sure sweetie....

We all die.
We take with us, absolutely, what we were born with.
Not more, nor less.

I can go on, but I don't want you overload....
So, I'll just do one more.

Hillary can absolutely tell the truth.
However, she just doesn't like to  ;D

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/16 at 02:53:09

The reason I am accomplishing nothing is
No matter what I say, no matter what I drag in here and prove it with, the dumb masses, the brainwashed by the system, WILL NOT BE SWAYED.
And that former KGB agent explained the psychology of that.
And EVERYTHING is in place
And when they stick that bipedal pustule into office, you're gonna cry.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by Serowbot on 10/21/16 at 07:58:28

24372F32372131560 wrote:
Sure sweetie....

We all die.

What about eternally worshipping at Jesus' feet?..
That'll be fun...  forever.....................:-?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by oldNslow on 10/21/16 at 08:04:45

What about eternally worshipping at Jesus' feet?..
That'll be fun...  forever.....................Huh

Nope. Just a worm farm. Don't matter who ya were before the lights went out.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by verslagen1 on 10/21/16 at 08:39:11

What happens Nov. 9th?... the recount.

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by Serowbot on 10/21/16 at 09:45:03


Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by HovisPresley on 10/21/16 at 20:31:19

"Sure sweetie....

We all die.
We take with us, absolutely, what we were born with.
Not more, nor less.

I can go on, but I don't want you overload....
So, I'll just do one more."

Not really an absolute.....5 billion people are alive ( and all may prove to be immortal).
I was born with a mother, she won't be there when I die....
Also, was I born with a beard?

Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/22/16 at 05:55:47

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
[quote author=24372F32372131560 link=1476459875/15#28 date=1476837455]Sure sweetie....

We all die.

What about eternally worshipping at Jesus' feet?..
That'll be fun...  forever.....................:-?[/quote]

If you are not careful Bot, you might find the answers to your riddles, if you keep asking questions of God  ;D

Or did you post this with passive/aggressive intentions......
Wanting to ridicule believers of this fantasy of God?

I hope not, as wouldn't that conflict in who you believe you are, as a tolerant liberal?

I'll default to no, on that being your intentions, as I've no way to prove it, nor does it matter.

The referencing of redeemed believers worshiping at His feet in heaven is not some kinky thing Don or Willie like to do nekked  ;D

It is referencing us redeemed, sitting as students, while he teaches us great and powerful truths to peace and joy forevermore.

You just posted about how educated folk are mostly democrats.
I will assume you did so in order to cast your beliefs with them, to validate yourself, and better yourself over your opposition.
In doing this it must make you feel better, happier, more at peace with yourself.

To us believers, Jesus is the greatest teacher of eternity, and it is a gift, not a burden, to sit at his feet  ;D

I am sure there is so much more to this, however, a mortal mind is limited to its understandings, in things greater than its scope.

Hope that helped  :)


Title: Re: What happens Nov. 9th?...
Post by raydawg on 10/22/16 at 05:58:31

6F51505C4E52533D0 wrote:

What about eternally worshipping at Jesus' feet?..
That'll be fun...  forever.....................Huh

Nope. Just a worm farm. Don't matter who ya were before the lights went out.

Next time I go fishing bream, I'll swing by for bait, O&S  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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