General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> SKITTLES

Message started by MnSpring on 09/21/16 at 11:31:19

Post by MnSpring on 09/21/16 at 11:31:19


What a  PERFECT, example of,
TOTALLY, BS  (Bernie Sanders),   Political Correctness.
Ruining this Country.

The Ultra Liberal, One sided  Broadcast Media,
On the news last night.
Slam, a person, for using a name, of a branded product,
to Illustrate a Perfectly good point.
GEE, guess he should-a said:
“Suppose you had a 100 pieces of something you eat frequently,
and their are 3 of those pieces, which are Poison,
and will Kill you.
Would you eat any of those, ’things’.”

The Ultra Liberal, One sided  Broadcast Media,
are not at all concerned about, skittles.
They are ONLY concerned, you keep your brain from THINKING.
After all, they JUST told you, That Comment was to SLAM Skittles,
and was Not at all, about the Policy, of Corrupt Government.
(After All,  They, [i] ’Told You”, what to think)[/i]

And More, Ultra Liberal, One sided  Broadcast Media, (From Last night TV News.)
A Story about a lovely Muslim Family that came here, because their Daughter was sick, and could only get the operation she needed in Minn. Showed Photos, of the family, looking like, and acting like, American Tax Paying Citizens,
(Don’t know, But I don’t, think they are.  The ‘report’ Never Said.).
a clip of Trump saying, “We must Deport all Illegal Muslims…”, was shown.

A- Yep, just can’t get any more,
One sided, Ultra Liberal,   Broadcast, Media.

Post by verslagen1 on 09/21/16 at 14:23:08

Yup, perfect analogy.

But, I'll go further...
You bought a barrel of apples, of which 3 are bad.

What should you do?

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/16 at 15:17:26

Removing bad apples is a bit easier than locating three poisoned Skittles in a bowl of Skittles.

I don't understand why people see the nation so differently from a big house. The dynamics are very similar.
Make it a Big two story house, with more bedrooms than the family needs. Rent the extra rooms out to businesses.

Keep one for doing GoodThings...
Will you invite a family of ten, knowing the odds are, one will rape and murder someone in the house?
Why would you Think that?
You've Seen the results of a charitable effort made to people who are just like the ones you're considering bringing home.

We can play with the analogy of the big bouse / country later.

Maybe someone remembers some of it.

Post by LostArtist on 09/21/16 at 17:00:48

the problem is, it's actually a BAD analogy.

the skittles aren't DYING if you don't take them, refugees ARE

so it's more like you can save 97 skittles from potentially dying but 3 might potentially hurt you  

potentially because the future is a tricky thing

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/16 at 17:07:32

I've seen video of them wrecking things, but not dying..
You have a spare room?

Post by MnSpring on 09/21/16 at 18:10:21

4D6E7275407375687275010 wrote:
" ... the skittles aren't DYING if you don't take them, refugees ARE ..."

That is   EXACTLY, what the Liberal Media, are, TELLING YOU.

Take your mind OFF, the Problem and Focus on, 'Skittles'.
(DO, Exactly what You are TOLD TO DO)

Apples, easy to see if they are good or not,
(It's called, PROFILING,)  So you take out the, 'bad' ones.

Can't, 'Profile', Skittles!
'Skittles', they ALL look the same.

Everyone has a chance of steeping off a curb, and Hit by a Bus.

But maybe, you, want to cross the street, with your eyes CLOSED, 'Hoping', their is no Bus coming.

I Sure Don't.

One, Skittle is red, (a mother)
Two skittles are blue, (child under 12)
One skittle is brown, (Older male, 50+)
and 96 of them are, 'Orange',  (Male, 20-30 )

Probably, the poisoned ones, are the color Orange.
(Don't know for sure, but fairly certain)
So prove me wrong. Go Door to Door, in your community, get people to agree to bring in 100, 'skittles', in Your Back Yard. Then Prove me wrong.

The Amish, (a select religion, with Very Close ties). Call Everyone Else, that is NOT  Amish, 'English'.
If a, 'English' does harm to a Amish, they will NEVER,  NEVER, report it, to the 'English'.
If a, Amish, does harm to another Amish, THEY  Deal with it, Themselves, in ways, (depending on the crime), the English simply do Not understand.  
No, None, Nada, has their Ever been a Amish, doing harm to a  English.
If you are Born Amish,  (Amish ONLY, Baptize, at 18 years old), and decide to NOT, be  Amish. You just leave.  If you are Amish and a homosexual, you just leave. If you are a, 'English' and do not nor become, Amish. So be it, they don't care.
The Amish's central belief is, 'Forgive'.

Quite Different, than the, 'skittles'.

Post by LostArtist on 09/21/16 at 18:22:35

41625F7C7E65626B0C0 wrote:
[quote author=4D6E7275407375687275010 link=1474482679/0#3 date=1474502448]" ... the skittles aren't DYING if you don't take them, refugees ARE ..."

That is   EXACTLY, what the Liberal Media, are, TELLING YOU.

Take your mind OFF, the Problem and Focus on, 'Skittles'.
(DO, Exactly what You are TOLD TO DO)

Apples, easy to see if they are good or not,
(It's called, PROFILING,)  So you take out the, 'bad' ones.

Can't, 'Profile', Skittles!
'Skittles', they ALL look the same.

Everyone has a chance of steeping off a curb, and Hit by a Bus.

But maybe, you, want to cross the street, with your eyes CLOSED, 'Hoping', their is no Bus coming.

I Sure Don't.

One, Skittle is red, (a mother)
Two skittles are blue, (child under 12)
One skittle is brown, (Older male, 50+)
and 96 of them are, 'Orange',  (Male, 20-30 )

Probably, the poisoned ones, are the color Orange.
(Don't know for sure, but fairly certain)
So prove me wrong. Go Door to Door, in your community, get people to agree to bring in 100, 'skittles', in Your Back Yard. Then Prove me wrong.

The Amish, (a select religion, with Very Close ties). Call Everyone Else, that is NOT  Amish, 'English'.
If a, 'English' does harm to a Amish, they will NEVER,  NEVER, report it, to the 'English'.
If a, Amish, does harm to another Amish, THEY  Deal with it, Themselves, in ways, (depending on the crime), the English simply do Not understand.  
No, None, Nada, has their Ever been a Amish, doing harm to a  English.
If you are Born Amish,  (Amish ONLY, Baptize, at 18 years old), and decide to NOT, be  Amish. You just leave.  If you are Amish and a homosexual, you just leave. If you are a, 'English' and do not nor become, Amish. So be it, they don't care.
The Amish's central belief is, 'Forgive'.

Quite Different, than the, 'skittles'.


you didn't address ONE DANG point I made, you deflected into the characteristics of skittles vs apples and dismissed the idea that PEOPLE are in trouble as being a "liberal biased media" lie or something, so refugees aren't in trouble then? they aren't in danger of dying?  just all a lie?

I'm NOT focused on the Skittles, I'm focused on the PEOPLE who AREN'T skittles

dear god, you could teach politicians how to deflect and deceive.

Post by LostArtist on 09/21/16 at 18:35:06

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
I've seen video of them wrecking things, but not dying..
You have a spare room?

so your idea is just let someone else deal with them. what? we're too good for them?  

now I agree that our ALLY, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc... should do something more for them, but I think the refugees might be in just as much danger there as they are in Syria

Post by MnSpring on 09/21/16 at 18:53:09

0D2E3235003335283235410 wrote:
" ...  you didn't address ONE DANG point I made, ..."
" ... so refugees aren't in trouble then? ..."
" ... they aren't in danger of dying? ..."

" ... you didn't address ONE DANG point ..."
Yea I did, you just don't understand it.

" ... so refugees aren't in trouble then? ..."

Define, 'trouble'.  
More than people living on the edge of a active Volcano?
More than people living next to a Drug Cartall, in S. America?
More than people that living on Ice, and -20f, 99.9% of the time?
More than people living in the Mountains in New Gena?

Are some, (That is  SOME), being, political persecuted,
But most CERTAINLY,  NOT,  the WAVES, of the Able Bodied Young Men, who are JUST,   Taking Advantage!

"... they aren't in danger of dying?..."

Well, for certain, they are Dying at a LESS, rate from Car/Truck/MC accidents, than any other civilized Country. (Also, Drowning, Drano, Electric, falling off ladders, etc.

Probably, dying at a higher rate from Poison Snakes, Lack of health care.  
But more than 1/2 of the worlds population, are in the same shape.

They are Dying at a  LESS, of a rate,
then U.S. Citizens, who have FOUGHT, for  FREEDOM, of THIS Nation,
and left to, ROT, after they get home, with NO Help.

So, how Many Skittles, do you have in your 'back yard' ?

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/16 at 19:06:01

I just wonder how fast someone's ship has to be sinking before they stop worrying about others and start fixinh holes.
Instead, they seem to need to focus on other things.

Post by MnSpring on 09/21/16 at 19:06:47

4F6C70774271776A7077030 wrote:
" ...  our ALLY, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc... should do something more for them, ... "

Sounds like, the Countries, 'close' to them, don't want them.
Could it be, they know something, the, 'Fairy Dust Sprinklers',  Refuse, to believe?

Post by raydawg on 09/21/16 at 19:52:35

Fact: the world is collectively getting smaller.

With technology, via communications, instant recall, data collecting, sharing, etc, we will be under a scrutiny like we have never experienced, before, ever, and its expanding.
I expect to see myself, out in my back nine, thinking I am alone in one of my strange quirks, I like marking my territory, only to see myself on a real time satellite feed on my Iphone in one hand, mu coc..... uh, you get it, yes  ;D
Presently I can see my house, boats, cars, etc, pretty dang good now.
Spooky, as this is what they are letting me see  :-X

Use to be a day a skipper had to know his shorts, to catch fish, out in the open ocean, no land or any other points of references...
He could find a high spot using dead reckoning and catch lots of fish, but not always.
The fish had a chance to grow back then, as you had to put in time to learn this stuff.
With the advances in GPS, sonar, etc, tying it all together, a half blasted weekend warrior could punch in the coordinates and find a bump 100 miles out, and him and his cohorts could wipe out a reef of its inhabitants to the point it could not recover its viability of a renewable managed resource.... some reef fish can take 20 years to grow to maturity...

Anyway, back to my point.

If not by geography, we will be connected under a bigger picture of world citizenry.
You don't have to take my word for it, just follow the chain of events in how technology advances will dictate, er, almost like dictator, eh????
How we live, maybe even where we live.
Under the sea, on the moon, in Arizona.....

There was a great resistance to the motor car, if you remember.
Folks thought ill of it, until they realized the convenience and possibilities it lent their lives.
They change their minds, and life's changed too.
The TV, goodness, it is still in its waning years, but still holds sway over the older generation.

Break out your buggy whips boys, or.......
Accept change, for that is the only thing that is constant.

Post by verslagen1 on 09/21/16 at 19:58:46

785B47407546405D4740340 wrote:
the problem is, it's actually a BAD analogy.

the skittles aren't DYING if you don't take them, refugees ARE

so it's more like you can save 97 skittles from potentially dying but 3 might potentially hurt you  

potentially because the future is a tricky thing

Do you know what you would have if you had 3 democrats in a bowl?

a vacuum.    ::)

Post by LostArtist on 09/23/16 at 19:37:52

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
I just wonder how fast someone's ship has to be sinking before they stop worrying about others and start fixinh holes.
Instead, they seem to need to focus on other things.

that's the thing we disagree on. I don't think our ship is sinking, but you, my pessimistic, fearful, overthinking, know it all, acquaintance of the interwebs,  you can't see the blue sky, the vast potential and the still growing greatness of America.

that's where YOU and the republicans and the conservatives LOSE.

You have to convince me to be afraid, to think negatively, to be down, nah, I've done that game, that doesn't help anything. I'm not about to go back to thinking down and out about this nation. sure, we have problems, but we CAN fix them, without the fear.  YOU WON'T MAKE me afraid and you have NO POWER to make me.

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/16 at 23:49:58

You're unrealistic. Just pretending things are good and getting better doesn't make it so. The charts tell me I'm right.
Go look at wages over the last forty years.
You believe unemployment is 5%, don't you?

Post by pg on 09/24/16 at 04:36:04

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
You're unrealistic. Just pretending things are good and getting better doesn't make it so. The charts tell me I'm right.
Go look at wages over the last forty years.
You believe unemployment is 5%, don't you?

I am inclined to believe the 95,000,000 million people who are not in the labor force will agree as well.

Best regards,

Post by LostArtist on 09/26/16 at 18:02:40

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
You're unrealistic. Just pretending things are good and getting better doesn't make it so. The charts tell me I'm right.
Go look at wages over the last forty years.
You believe unemployment is 5%, don't you?

yeah, you're "shaddowstats"  so trustworthy....

For ME, things are good and looking better, there are others like me too.

and Unemployment IS 5%, you're made up stats are whatever you want them to be.

Now could things be better, sure, can policy be improved to allow wages to grow, sure, but that won't come from Trump, he's going to be watching out of his kind, and his own, one of the first things he wants to do as President is turn back the financial controls passed by congress, and the ACA hurting even more poor people.

So, if you're having problems, why don't you do what the GOP and conservatives have been telling the rest of us to do when we were struggling, PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS and quitcha whining

Post by MnSpring on 09/26/16 at 18:48:32

597A66615467617C6661150 wrote:
" ... For ME, things are good and looking better, ...

 OK, Those on the, 'government'  tit, are doing better.

and those that are on that tit, say;
To those who WORK, to PAY the Government, for milk to the tit, because they want More.

Got it  !

Vote  Hitlery,   MORE,  for the government  Tit !

"Socialism works, until you run out of other peoples money".
M. Thacher.

Post by MnSpring on 09/26/16 at 19:33:04

Gonna get me  a  guberment  job.

They can't,  Age, discriminate,
Da cant, 'race' desecrate',

Oh Yea, gonna get me a guberment, job !!!!!!!

And wheni a  got a  guberment job, gonna vote for the guberment, that then their gave me a job. Sos I can keep that their guberment job.

(Well until the Government, runs out of the other peoples  MONEY)

Post by Ruttly on 09/26/16 at 19:45:10

Get a new bag of Skittles ! Enjoy !

Post by Ruttly on 09/26/16 at 20:06:58

What color are the poison ones. Just in case !

Post by Serowbot on 09/26/16 at 21:13:30


Post by LostArtist on 09/27/16 at 07:33:02

4F6C5172706B6C65020 wrote:
[quote author=597A66615467617C6661150 link=1474482679/15#16 date=1474938160] " ... For ME, things are good and looking better, ...

 OK, Those on the, 'government'  tit, are doing better.

and those that are on that tit, say;
To those who WORK, to PAY the Government, for milk to the tit, because they want More.

Got it  !

Vote  Hitlery,   MORE,  for the government  Tit !

"Socialism works, until you run out of other peoples money".
M. Thacher.


I am not, and have NEVER been on the Government tit. I've NEVER even had unemployment.

I've never been on ANY government program, no food stamps, no social security, no social security disability, no Medicaid, no Medicare, NOTHING

I don't feel antlpathy towards any who do need those services though. I have no problem PAYING my taxes for others' benefit.

Post by Serowbot on 09/27/16 at 07:50:15

A reality that has to be faced...
The baby boom generation is reaching retirement age... They don't want to work till they die... The workforce will decrease...
That ain't unemployment... it's a shift in the workforce.

It's not entirely negative... Retired people still spend.  Spending creates demand, which creates employment, and wages...

Post by verslagen1 on 09/27/16 at 07:55:13

Too much dog food is made in china.

Post by MnSpring on 09/27/16 at 08:09:35

63405C5B6E5D5B465C5B2F0 wrote:
" ... I've never been on ANY government program,  ... no social security,  ...  no Medicare ..."

Social Security, & Medicare
Is, YOUR  Money.
Money  PAID, through payroll taxes paid by employers, employees and the self-employed.

It is  FORCED.

It is  NOT, a 'benefit', or a 'entitlement'.

It is  FORCED  !!!!!!!!

Now, many people, are good with that, because they don't know how to save.   BUT, for those that do, it should be a, Option.  NOT  FORCED on EVERBODY.

Now here is the real kicker.  Suppose someone, ate hot dogs and beans for many years, (instead of Steak & Lobster).   And saved in another way, then you now sell something, for more than you paid for it, 40 years ago. It's, 'Income'. and if it is over a certain amount, you DO NOT GET, the Money  YOU PAID !!!

The Guberment,  STEELS IT,  to GIVE  it to someone who has NEVER  worked a DAY in their life,  Not a Citizen of the US,  or  EVER  Paid ANY  Tax in the US.

But the 'king', keeps telling people, that, SS, and Medicare, are,  'Entitlements'.
And some, actually  Believe that !

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/16 at 08:18:12

6E4D51566350564B5156220 wrote:
[quote author=77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 link=1474482679/0#14 date=1474699798]You're unrealistic. Just pretending things are good and getting better doesn't make it so. The charts tell me I'm right.
Go look at wages over the last forty years.
You believe unemployment is 5%, don't you?

yeah, you're "shaddowstats"  so trustworthy....

For ME, things are good and looking better, there are others like me too.

and Unemployment IS 5%, you're made up stats are whatever you want them to be.

Now could things be better, sure, can policy be improved to allow wages to grow, sure, but that won't come from Trump, he's going to be watching out of his kind, and his own, one of the first things he wants to do as President is turn back the financial controls passed by congress, and the ACA hurting even more poor people.

So, if you're having problems, why don't you do what the GOP and conservatives have been telling the rest of us to do when we were struggling, PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS and quitcha whining [/quote]

How can you say five percent unemployment? Because the government says it?
You Are aware that once benefits are gone, that person is not counted as unemployed, right?
You can have your own opinions, but the fact s, well, you need to get real with the facts.

Post by LostArtist on 09/27/16 at 08:52:04

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
[quote author=6E4D51566350564B5156220 link=1474482679/15#16 date=1474938160][quote author=77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 link=1474482679/0#14 date=1474699798]You're unrealistic. Just pretending things are good and getting better doesn't make it so. The charts tell me I'm right.
Go look at wages over the last forty years.
You believe unemployment is 5%, don't you?

yeah, you're "shaddowstats"  so trustworthy....

For ME, things are good and looking better, there are others like me too.

and Unemployment IS 5%, you're made up stats are whatever you want them to be.

Now could things be better, sure, can policy be improved to allow wages to grow, sure, but that won't come from Trump, he's going to be watching out of his kind, and his own, one of the first things he wants to do as President is turn back the financial controls passed by congress, and the ACA hurting even more poor people.

So, if you're having problems, why don't you do what the GOP and conservatives have been telling the rest of us to do when we were struggling, PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS and quitcha whining [/quote]

How can you say five percent unemployment? Because the government says it?
You Are aware that once benefits are gone, that person is not counted as unemployed, right?
You can have your own opinions, but the fact s, well, you need to get real with the facts. [/quote]

you're changing the yardstick, or 17 inches, not me, I'm using the number that was used under REAGAN, BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH and should be used under OBAMA, but you want to suddenly change from the U3 to the U6 and add some kinda inflationary number via shaddowstats.

So, once you get consistent, then we can talk

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/16 at 09:12:28

First, lies are lies, you want to be able to lie today because someone lied yesterday?
And You PRETEND that I have been support of lies because they were from bubs. Man, you're unwilling to admit I would HELP arrest bush and Clinton.
I AM consistent,

Post by LostArtist on 09/27/16 at 09:18:39

5A794467657E7970170 wrote:
[quote author=63405C5B6E5D5B465C5B2F0 link=1474482679/15#22 date=1474986782] " ... I've never been on ANY government program,  ... no social security,  ...  no Medicare ..."

Social Security, & Medicare
Is, YOUR  Money.
Money  PAID, through payroll taxes paid by employers, employees and the self-employed.

It is  FORCED.

It is  NOT, a 'benefit', or a 'entitlement'.

It is  FORCED  !!!!!!!!

Now, many people, are good with that, because they don't know how to save.   BUT, for those that do, it should be a, Option.  NOT  FORCED on EVERBODY.

Now here is the real kicker.  Suppose someone, ate hot dogs and beans for many years, (instead of Steak & Lobster).   And saved in another way, then you now sell something, for more than you paid for it, 40 years ago. It's, 'Income'. and if it is over a certain amount, you DO NOT GET, the Money  YOU PAID !!!

The Guberment,  STEELS IT,  to GIVE  it to someone who has NEVER  worked a DAY in their life,  Not a Citizen of the US,  or  EVER  Paid ANY  Tax in the US.

But the 'king', keeps telling people, that, SS, and Medicare, are,  'Entitlements'.
And some, actually  Believe that !


no, SS and Medicare IS NOT YOUR MONEY, IT'S MINE. It's taxpayer money being redistributed. Social Security doesn't operate like a savings account. Today's workers' taxes are funding the monthly checks being sent to today's retirees.

Post by LostArtist on 09/27/16 at 10:06:32

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
First, lies are lies, you want to be able to lie today because someone lied yesterday?
And You PRETEND that I have been support of lies because they were from bubs. Man, you're unwilling to admit I would HELP arrest bush and Clinton.
I AM consistent,

The U3 isn't a lie, it's the standard unemployment statistic used when discussing the economy, you want to change the standard to the U6, fine, then you have to re-evaluate the past economies USING THAT NEW to you staandard.

there are actual REASONS why the U3 is used INSTEAD of the U6, because the U6 is effected by a lot more things than the U3 is

I'll give it to you that the U6 is more accurately recording the number of people who aren't working, but it has NEVER been widely used as a measure of our economy before, and NOW you are making a big deal of it

Post by MnSpring on 09/27/16 at 11:47:54

684B57506556504D5750240 wrote:
no, SS and Medicare IS NOT YOUR MONEY, IT'S MINE. ..."

So You think, It is  YOUR,  Money ?

It's NOT, my, and  EVERYONE  Else's, that were  Forced to Pay in?

  (Yes, you, are paying, but you are simply paying back, what the government squandered. Think of a,  'legal',  ponzi scheme.)

So all those 'smucks', that were, FORCED to pay,
All those 'smucks', that paid in before you were born.
All that money, is now,  YOURS?

WOW,  that is  PURE   "Socialism"  at it's  Very Best.

Let me guess,  you are one of those that calls, a FORCED, payment,
(when a person that was FORCED to Pay In, for the last 40-50 years collects),
 a, 'entitlement'.   LOOOLOLOLLOL

"Little Red Hen",   Read It  !!!!!!

Post by Ruttly on 09/27/16 at 20:35:30

American dog food tastes much better than Chinese stuff,who knows what they put in it !

Post by LostArtist on 09/28/16 at 10:35:51

52714C6F6D7671781F0 wrote:
[quote author=684B57506556504D5750240 link=1474482679/15#29 date=1474993119]no, SS and Medicare IS NOT YOUR MONEY, IT'S MINE. ..."

So You think, It is  YOUR,  Money ?

It's NOT, my, and  EVERYONE  Else's, that were  Forced to Pay in?

  (Yes, you, are paying, but you are simply paying back, what the government squandered. Think of a,  'legal',  ponzi scheme.)

So all those 'smucks', that were, FORCED to pay,
All those 'smucks', that paid in before you were born.
All that money, is now,  YOURS?

WOW,  that is  PURE   "Socialism"  at it's  Very Best.

Let me guess,  you are one of those that calls, a FORCED, payment,
(when a person that was FORCED to Pay In, for the last 40-50 years collects),
 a, 'entitlement'.   LOOOLOLOLLOL

"Little Red Hen",   Read It  !!!!!![/quote]

I am the current smuck, unlike YOU, I have no delusion of some government lock box BS made up to make you think you're money is safe. The money I pay in right NOW, is being spent RIGHT NOW

SS isn't a retirement account, it's not a savings account for you. IT'S a pay it forward system, ponzi scheme might be a good description of it indeed.

oh and we are talking about SOCIAL security, so yeah, it's one of our more socialist programs, but if it makes you feel better to think that you paid yours so you get yours back, think that, I assume then that you'll quit taking after you've run out of the money you put in then.  Cause up until a few years ago, MOST PEOPLE TOOK OUT MORE THAN THEY PUT IN, who's money was that??????  oh yeah, MINE

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/16 at 16:41:47

082B37300536302D3730440 wrote:
[quote author=584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 link=1474482679/15#28 date=1474992748]First, lies are lies, you want to be able to lie today because someone lied yesterday?
And You PRETEND that I have been support of lies because they were from bubs. Man, you're unwilling to admit I would HELP arrest bush and Clinton.
I AM consistent,

The U3 isn't a lie, it's the standard unemployment statistic used when discussing the economy, you want to change the standard to the U6, fine, then you have to re-evaluate the past economies USING THAT NEW to you staandard.

there are actual REASONS why the U3 is used INSTEAD of the U6, because the U6 is effected by a lot more things than the U3 is

I'll give it to you that the U6 is more accurately recording the number of people who aren't working, but it has NEVER been widely used as a measure of our economy before, and NOW you are making a big deal of it[/quote]

U3, u whatever, I don't know, BUT, I was in the workforce when they decided to stop counting as unemployed those whose benefits had run out.
The People are being told a lower number than is factual.
And, if I just became aware of misleading statistics that have been being used for a thousand years, I would call it what it is. Misleading, intentionally misleading, or, as we call bullshitt in Texas, lies.

Post by MnSpring on 09/28/16 at 17:10:31

75564A4D784B4D504A4D390 wrote:
" ... SS isn't a retirement account, it's not a savings account for you.   ...  MOST PEOPLE TOOK OUT MORE THAN THEY PUT IN, who's money was that??????  oh yeah, MINE

Will try this one more time.

S.S.   IS, a, FORCED,  Requirement Account,  which, as a Employee & Employer, was   FORCED  to pay into.
Understand,   FORCED  ?????

NO OPTION, to put that SAME  amount of money in a Other system.
NON,  NADA, ZIP,  I was  FORCED   !!!!!
Understand,  FORCED  ????

Now, if I take it out, I am  PENALIZED, if I make To Much Money !!!!!


Oh Yea,  MOST of them,   NEVER   PAID a  DIME  Into It !!!!!!!

I was   FORCED,  to pay in.
And you better believe,
 I Want it back !!!!!!!

Now when it comes to, YOUR, turn, to get back, what you were,  FORCED, to pay in.  (If their  is anything left, after the guberment squanders the rest of it)

THEN and ONLY  Then, can you say:
" ...  oh yeah, MINE ..."

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